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  1. This is a collection of some of the 1.1.2 SPH craft that I have built. Some of these are incredibly stupid(the Coconut), others(such as the CB-9001) work very well. All of the ships have the CB prefix. Also note that I use the following addons/plugins/mods B9 Aerospace, B9 Aerospace HX, B9 Aerospace Legacy, Mk4/Mark IV, and the whole Near Future Suite. You will need to have these installed to have the designs work.My GitHub download for the ships and other things.
  2. Hello, I just registered to this board as a new addicted player of KSP for one week now. I had my troubles with mods etc. and had to get used to how everything works. But now I have a browser-related problem: Just for posting this - my first post - I had to use Internet Explorer and log in there. Normally I use the Pale Moon browser (26.2.1 64-bit). I added exclusions for AdBlock Plus, NoScript etc. but it's impossible to reply to a thread or open a new one. It looks like this then: And the tabs "Content" and "Poll" are unclickable etc. I tried changing the user agent to a Firefox alike but that didn't help. btw typing this I also recognized that this board software does not give the possibility to show a preview of a posting - never seen this feature missing on any other board before... And also no img tag button, only Imgur album... btw btw and I don't know how to turn off the damned auto correction inside Internet Explorer to avoid capital letters (I didn't type them)... ah it's the main Windows Settings (crank).
  3. Another space agency documentation. Major Goal: Unlock all Technologies and create meanwhile an solar exploiting Society. Always in thought of financial/possible aspects and secure travelling. Starts from the beginning, is well structured and documented (not every tiny Mission is posted here). Standard boundary conditions & mods (list available) to play realistically. Agency Structure: Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration - KASA division tag description Kerbal Exploration and Operations Directorate - KEO Space Launch Systems SLS lifter development Advanced Spacecraft Systems ASS spacecraft prototype developing & demonstrating Space Communication and Navigation SCaN communication systems Space Life and Physical Sciences Research SLPSR scientific research in support of manned space flight Launch Services LS support for other directorates & commercial sector Science Mission Directorate - SMD Research Technology RT technology development Kerbin Science KSCI research-observation related to Kerbin Planetary Science PSCI planets exploration Astrophysics ASTRO discover the universe Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate - ARMD Advanced Air Transport Technology AATT aircraft development Leading Edge Aero Research LEAR aircraft-concepts development - VTOL's - UAV's Airspace Technology Demonstrations ATD technology developing & demonstration Flight Demonstrations and Capabilities FDC support for other directorates & commercial sector Each Division supports Programs to receive an allocation of income and expenses. Programs consist of several Missions to achieve their goals. Programs and Missions will be partially skipped (apart major goals). As long as up to a status, as the current progress is achieved. ... to be continued (multiple mods are not updated so far)
  4. I'm running a fairly modded version of KSP 1.1. All mods are the respective latest KSP 1.1 compatible versions. What works ok: - VAB/SPH (I can load, modify, create new ships, see all modded components that were added, all mod functionality is nominal...) - Tracking Station (I can see all ships ok, new planets from ESO are good, I can go to and fly all ships, new KSP functionality is nominal...) - I can access all buildings at the KSC without any issues - I can load any saved files ok This is the problem I am encountering. Once I load a ship to go to the launch pad, the initial loading screen is as its always been. But once the ship gets loaded onto the launch pad at KSC, the screen goes dark and I only have very limited functionality. The game then proceeds to hard crash to desktop if I try to do anything from returning to launch, to VAB or to KSC. Screenshot of the issue: http://imgur.com/Z0usdh2 http://imgur.com/vW7ygH1 Here is the complete list of mods I was running (minus TAC Life Support for 1.1, Axial Aerospace and FASA. Those were NOT there when the issue occurred): http://imgur.com/b6RC884 http://imgur.com/w558a3S The game is launching from its 64 bit version, so I know that is not the issue. I'm using Windows 10 64bit OS. The really weird thing that I did notice when trying to debunk this is that the ship seems to get instawarped into a solar orbit into deep space or something weird like that. I was able to (somehow) recover one ship and I got science for having retrieved a ship from solar orbit, or something like that... Here's the screenshot for it (this happens when I reload the game and try to launch another ship, at which point I have to clear the launch pad, and it gives me this): http://imgur.com/CyWSTe3 Really unsure what is causing this but, as you can imagine, this is a pretty bad issue. I cant launch anything at the moment. I can only play with what has already been launched. Thanks for any help! I really need it! CM
  5. NOTE: This is in 1.1 While building in the VAB, I realized I couldn't alt+click to place parts, shift+click to move the whole vessel, and eventually I couldn't actually even move parts by clicking on them. I literally ended up rage-quitting because I physically couldn't build. I have no conceivable idea why this is so broken, can anyone help? I have the following mods installed: Capcom Community Resource Pack Community Tech Tree Connected Living Space Contract Configurator Contract Parser Contract Reward Modifier Contracts WIndow + Custom Barn Kit DeepFreeze Continued DMagic Orbital Science EVAManager Firespitter Core Graphic Memory Monitor Interstellar Fuel Switch Core Kerbal Inventory System Lithobrake Exploration Technologies MakeItSmall Modular Rocket Systems Module Manager NavBalls To You Precise Node Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Gamma Textures | Essential Textures And Flag | Historic Textures Procedural Parts - Saturn/Nova Texture Pack Procedural Parts - Ven's Revamp Style Textures Progress Parser RCS Sounds RemoteTech REPOSoft Tech-Agencies RLA Stockalike SCANsat Ship Manifest Show FPS SpaceY Extended | Heavy Lifters Strategia Toadicus Tools Toolbar Tweakable Everything TweakScale Universal Storage USI Core | Exploration Pack | Kolonization Core | Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) | Life Support | Survival Pack | Tools
  6. Alright I am looking for two to three players to go to war with in ksp. Essentially with the mod kerbal side we would divide up the bases and territory of Kerbol, then Using BDArmory we will build defensive or attacking units. There are rules of course. Rules: Your reinforcements are based on the amount of bases you have, divided by five rounded up to the nearest 1. (no more than 10 reinforcements) 1-5=1 reinforcement, 6-10=2 reinforcements, 11-15=3 reinforcements, 16-20=4 reinforcements, 21-25=5 reinforcements, 26-30=6 reinforcements, 31-35=7 reinforcements, 36-40= 8 reinforcements, 41-45=9 reinforcements. You may not attack the first round, the first round everyone places down one unit at each base, there are about 45 bases, so if 4 people join everyone will have 11 bases and 1 person will have 12, so everyone gets 3 reinforcements on there turn unless they loss more territories and fall into another category above. First round you can put down only one defensive unit at a base, and you may launch one of two things into space, a com sat, to communicate with others, or a spy sat, which allows you to look at enemy troops, that it passes over. (note: you can combine both into one unit and launch it.) A com sat will have either a Communotron 88-88 or a coms DTS-MT, a spy sat will have a M700 Survey Scanner and a coms device, a communotron 16 is a spy sat com only, if other comms are used the spy sat is also a com sat. You can shoot day a spy sat, but not a coms sat, if a sat is both it cannot be shot down, a spy sat will be able to be shot down after and on the agreed turn, a coms sat will be able to be shot on the same turn we decide to use nuclear devices. War councils are convened to decide on new rules of war. The first one will take place on after turn five, and can be brought up in case of emergencies, other wise will take place after every other turn. Ex after turn 5, then after turn 7, then after turn 9 and so on. On round two you can attack for the first time, to take a base you must destroy the defensive units, or disable them, you may not take a base if the defensive unit still works. Then you take down the flag and out down your own. Defensive unit cannot be made out of indestructible parts, since I cannot remember them all, any indestructible parts found being used will be deleted, the person who owns it notified, and they will get a chance to put a new one down, and replace any others using that part. This is only replace old ones with new ones, after they do this the attacker will resume at the start of his/her turn, after he/she got his/her reinforcements, so he/she will not get more reinforcements. You can take two bases, one enemy and one base you had at the beginning of the war. You fire upon a total of 4 bases. If you get shot down you cannot retry your attack by reverting the flight, that is used for going back from glitches, or in other special cases to be decide by war council. You can retry with another vehicle. War council will decide the turn when this number can increase. Quick saving and loading is allowed, to get around glitches, any other uses are forbidden, special cases can be taken to the war council. Note you may only take part in the war council if you have a coms sat, you can only make treaties or contact people who have coms sats as well. Spy sat can only see unit that they pass over, so a non polar orbit will not see everything. This is one example where you can quick save, fast forward to see what unit your spy sat passes over, then quick load back. The units your spy sat passes, over are the only ones you can look at besides your own. There is no part limit or cost limit, however nothing to big or extravagant, it must be able to be destroyed, it can be really hard to be destroyed, as long as it can be. Note you may create another world save separate from the war save to test your vehicles and defensives. You have up to one week to make your turn. Additional time may be granted by the war council in special cases. Note that reinforcements are addition units you can launch on your turn, if you still have units out after your previous turn you may restock them with ammo and missiles without using up reinforcements, you may also reuse vehicles you have left by refueling them, without using up your reinforcements, and you can attack with them and keep using your reinforcements for defensive purposes. You can carry up to four probes or turrets with you at one time. The turrents make only have two PAC-3 Intercept missiles, and two Vulcan Turret guns attached to it. All these rules can be subjected to change by the war council, additional rules can be added by the war council. There are only two ways to win, one is to take all the bases and control Kerbin, or all the governments left in the war must have a diplomatic treaty of non-aggression. That last for 10 or more turns. Example being there are four governments blue, red, green and yellow. Yellow is taken out, blue and green sign a non-aggression pact till red is gone, red is defeated. This is not winning cause blue and green's non-aggression no longer stands as valid, they must make a new one. The war council can also change the turn limit on this as well. You can record this series on your channel, as long as your willing to list others that do this as well. One person can be decided on by the war council that can make a playlist of all videos in order of turn order. Turn order and bases and territory will be decided by a pre-war council before the first turn, everyone must have the same mods with some exceptions made by the pre-war council, and the same version of KSP. If anyone want to join and willing to play fair and by the rules can reply, please respond with what your government name is and if you get selected you will asked to provide a unique flag or pick a stock flag from the game to use.
  7. See title. I think it's the part loading that consumes time, but hey there are always one or more rooms or tricks to speed up!
  8. Ello! This thread is dedicated to Military replica vehicles of any country. Here I will be posting craft that I have built, and want to share with the community. Please feel free to show off any craft that you have forged Rules ( nothing too demanding, just need some order, that's all) 1. Vehicle must be a replica of some sort of military machine that has existed in real life. (Blueprint vehicles are highly encouraged) 2. All craft must be compatible with the latest version of BDArmory (exceptions will be made for unarmed military creations such as the SR-71) 3. State any mods if used.
  9. Hey everyone, just reinstalled FASA using CKAN after a few different new games without it. Im using RP0, RSS and RO. Specifically the loader (module manager) right after booting the game hangs on FASA/apollo/apolloCSM/FASA_Apollo_LES. Anyone know a cause or solution to this and or what relevant files I could post here to help?
  10. A small jet but incredibly fast jet made using parts from the MK2 Essentials Mod. I named it the Mola-Mola because it resembles the real-life Mola-Mola AKA Ocean Sunfish when seen from the top-down. Here are some pictures of it at half of its highest recorded speed:
  11. Permanent Worlds Challenge Permanent Worlds is a mod Challenge created by me, GalacticVoyager. this challenge has 1 simple goal, construct anew civilization from far, far away from kerbin. Different challenges will be present on worlds like the mun and minmus, while others to eve and duna, and even harder missions to jool and other (modded*) solar systems. This challenge is continuous, meaning its constantly updated. the challenge has no speed records ect. The idea is to make the largest colony possible in the time period given, so you must be quick before each disaster strikes... Offical Badge [Credit to Anex for this incredible badge] To The Munnes! "One day while doing their work, scientists peaking through the `really long telescope` found a spot somewhere in space, after 3 desperate attempts to wipe the speck off the glass of the telescope the scientists realized it was a asteroid. further studies showed the asteroid was on a collision course with kerbin, and the asteroid was as large as a mountain. in a desperate attempt to survive the upcoming disaster, the scientists decided to send the population into space to kollonize the nearby mun system around kerbin. and so begins the mun kollonize challenge... " Time limit = 6 kerbal months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to the mun. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to minmus. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Mun. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points challenge No.5: Construct a Orbital city above Minmus. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 40 points Additional Challenge No. 6: Land your colony near one of the Mun Easter eggs. - 20 Challenge No. 7: Land your colony near the Minmus Easter egg. - 20 Challenge No.8: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around kerbin. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.9: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Minmus. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.10: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around the Mun. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.11: Launch a rover from your colony onto mun -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.12: Launch a rover from your colony onto minmus -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 125 points Forgotten Twin "A large dwarf planet from the outskirts of the kerbol system has been knocked of course, sending it onto a nearby pass with kerbin, due to this, it will send all of kerbin`s munnes, and a extreme amount of asteroids, spiraling across the kerbin system, destroyed both kerbin and its 2 munnes. due to this, the kerbals need to launch their rockets to eve, the sister planet of kerbin, to kollonize it and survive the apocalypse." Time limit = 3 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eve. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Gilly. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 35 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Eve. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 50 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eve. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Gilly. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.7: Launch a rover from your colony onto eve -Surface: 5, Orbit: 25, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Gilly -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 points The Hugger "A rouge gas giant from the outer reaches of space has swept into the kerbol system, disrupting jools orbit, causing it to enter the inner solar system. Due to this, most of the planets in the inner solar system will be disrupted from their orbits, however, 1 world will remain the same, Moho. Its distance from kerbol allows it to stay in a highly dominant gravitational pull, even jool`s gravity wont disrupt it, and so the kerbals had set their eyes on it..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Moho. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above Moho. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Moho -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15, x the amount of rovers Completion - 75 points The Red World "Moho`s orbit has became unstable, and due to this, caused it to collide with Eve, destroying both worlds. this event sent trillions of asteroids across the kerbol system, and due to this, kerbin has 6 months till the expanding asteroid sphere reaches it, subsequently destroying it. luckily, Data shows the asteroid sphere wont reach duna`s orbit, allowing the kerbals to find a new home close to their cradle." Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Duna. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Ike. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 20 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Duna. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Ike. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Ike. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Duna -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.9: Launch a rover from your colony onto Ike -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 10: Land your colony near one of the duna Easter eggs. - 20 points Completion -175 points The Lonesome Drawf "Kerbol, which had provided light and warmth, is becoming chaotic. its just a matter of time before its radiation levels increase to levels so high that even duna would be roasted. However, kerbals set their eyes to a small drawf planet on the outskirt of the kerbol inner solar system, a world forgotten by the community and scientists alike, Dres" Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Dres. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Dres. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Dres -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 100 Green Giant "A small, brown dwarf is approaching the kerbol system, and will pass through its inner solar system, disrupting practically every planet in orbit around kerbol. However, calculations show that Jool would not be affected by this event. allowing a small door of survival to the giant of the system for the kerbals..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Laythe. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Vall. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.3: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Tylo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 70 points Challenge No.4: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Bop. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.5: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Pol. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.6: Construct a Orbital City above the Jool. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.7: Construct a Orbital City above the Laythe. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.8: Construct a Orbital City above the Vall. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.9: Construct a Orbital City above the Tylo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points Challenge No.10: Construct a Orbital City above the Bop. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Challenge No.11: Construct a Orbital City above the Pol. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Additional Challenge No.12: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Jool. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.13: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around laythe. -Surface: 20, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.14: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Vall. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.15: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Tylo. -Surface: 25, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.16: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Bop. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.17: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Pol. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.18: Launch a rover from your colony onto Laythe -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.19: Launch a rover from your colony onto Vall -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.20: Launch a rover from your colony onto Tylo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 35 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.21: Launch a rover from your colony onto Bop -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Pol -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 23: Land your colony near one of the Easter eggs that exist within the Jool system - 30 points Completion - 500 The Empire on Hel "Kerbol, a bright star in the middle of its life, has suddenly went supernova, due to this, kerbin has 3 months till the explosion reaches it, destroying it. From there, kerbals calculated what worlds would survive, but all the planets would be affected one way or the other, however, 1 kerbal remembered of another world, far, far away, eeloo. Soon calculations showed that eeloo would not be affected, and so the kerbals set their gaze on it..." Time limit = 3 months weeks Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eeloo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 100 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Eeloo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 75 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eeloo. - Surface: 15, Orbit: 5 , x the amount of satellites Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Eeloo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 time limits are the amount of time it is given for you to construct rockets, once the time limit is surpassed, you cant build anymore rockets UNLESS you have set up extraplanetary launchpads.. Completed is when you do all the main missions, additional missions don`t count More Challenges coming soon! Required Mods: Mechjeb - you want to launch multiple rockets at the same time to make large space stations in a fast pace. TAC - This is the main mod, use this to give life support to ships! Better Time Warp - to speed up journeys to other worlds. would be boring to wait 20 minutes JUST for your orbital city to eve to reach moho to get a orbital assist. 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine - Adds faster propulsion systems, another way to stop boring trips to other planets. Extraplanetary Launchpads - To built cities easier, and expand colonies at ease. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Self-explanatory, actually helps make a proper base. --- Any mods required for the mods above stated to work --- Optional Mods: --- Interstellar revisited mod, New horizons or any other mod that adds another star system --- --- Any planet packs that don`t change the stock system (orbits, planet textures etc.) --- --- Any Calculation mods --- Suggestions on mods are allowed! Prohibited Mods: --- Any mods not listed on the required mods or optional mods --- Stock Version: Due to some demand, i have implemented a separate gamemode for the challenge, the stock Version! In the stock version of this challenge, instead of modded food, civilians ect. you must use everything as stock. Food and water is replaced by ore, 1 kerbal needs 50 ore to survive for a year, the more kerbals you have, the higher the demand is (2 = 100, 4 = 200 etc.) this gamemode is for those who like challenges to be stock, no mods. so this part is a way to counter-act the demand of no mods. Rules: 1. You must show video or picture evidence that you DID NOT CHEAT 2. Docking is allowed, heck, i would be impressed actually. as long as you prove you have done it 3. Be kind to other contestants etc 4. Any mods used that are not allowed means you get DISQUALIFIED! 5. no limits, no time limits. go crazy. Just don`t go TOO crazy... Leaderboard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mod Leaderboard: (If you used optional mods for the challenge, you will be put here) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  12. So i made a 747 with many mods installed(don't ask how many,there are a lot,ill list em as soon as I can).It flies good but has some landing issues(very small).Vmu speed is 110m/s https://www.mediafire.com/?frn85ejyikdtbxd https://www.mediafire.com/?frn85ejyikdtbxd https://www.mediafire.com/?frn85ejyikdtbxd https://www.mediafire.com/?qzcr7ih5dfb9f4q https://www.mediafire.com/?frn85ejyikdtbxd https://www.mediafire.com/?ja8xwlb3wwwwghl custom action group 1-engine 1 and 3 2-engine 2 and 4 3-flaps increase 4-flaps decrease 5-thrust reverse 6-enable motor for landing gears(adjustable landing gear mod) 7-spoilers
  13. Back in the heady days of version 24.2 I finally decided to get serious and mount a manned mission to Duna. Earlier today, whilst looking through old files, I found all of the screenshots. So, I present to you, KSPers, a nostalgic look back at what I achieved in 2014... Duna or Bust, Part 1 First off, we took my version of the Delta IV Heavy to the pad to send off a probe or two to the red planet. This is some weeks before the true launch window opens, so the delta-V requirement is large! setting up our interplanetary transit... (thank you Precise Node mod!) ... delta-V is in the 2200m/s ball park, more than double what we would need when the manned launch is carried out 50 days later light the blue touch paper, and stand well back... meanwhile, on-orbit assembly of the manned element of the mission was taking place...in the foreground the nuclear propulsion block, and in the background the habitat block with its launch booster still attached and our ship is almost ready to go... from right to left we have the "bridge", life support areas, docking node with Skylab style telescope mount, living quarters and lab, and then past the big KW rocketry docking adapters to the fuel and engines. All we are waiting for is the "tug" at the far left to detach, and be replaced with a large aerobraking shield Part 2 will see the crew transferred and the epic journey get underway. Stay tuned!
  14. I have built a life-like Soyuz rocket using the Procedural Parts, FASA, KW Rocketry, and Tweak Scale mods. I recommend using Mech Jeb's Ascent Guidance with a 100 degree climb. I haven't personally manually flown it. it can achieve an Orbit of 200 KM from my testing. I have created a Manned and autonomous version of it. The manned version 2 has a regular docking port. V1 has Jr docking port. Folder with Pictures and .CRAFT files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/djiflha7821nn5d/AABWvYwpSXpW77DeNu2--5NVa?dl=0 I will update it more soon!
  15. I have installed mods that generate new groups of parts but they don't show up in game but they are definitely installed because I see them load on the title screen. How do I fix it because the modding community is great for this game and some mods are really cool. Can anyone help?
  16. A new STS system that can be used as a SSTO when not launching the Shuttle. Manual on KerbalX craft's page. Download: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/9830
  17. By Their Bootstraps A Tale of Rockets and Cosmonauts (and some other stuff too) About This Story This is a career mode playthrough of a 6.4x rescaled, heavily modded game, done in the style of an after action report. In some respects, it can be considered a sort of spiritual successor to my previous AAR, Because It's There. Unlike Because It's There, this AAR will be told in a more traditional style, with a mixture of in-universe dialogue and out-of-universe commentary. Updates will happen on weekends, and I'll try to have at least one launch per update post. In-Universe Background By Their Bootstraps takes place shortly after a major, decade-long war which saw the end of many longstanding nations and empires. The dominant powers in the aftermath of this conflict are the Greater Kerbal Empire, formed from the remnants of several former imperialist nations, and the Coalition of Free Republics, a loose alliance/confederation of former colonies of said former imperialist nations. The two powers are in state of cold war, with neither side willing or capable of starting another protracted conflict. Our story focuses on the Empire's space program, which is split between the military Imperial Rocketry Corps and the civilian Ministry of Aerospace Studies. Chapter List Chapter 1: Sparks Fly Chapter 2: Flare Ups Intermezzo 1: Sparks 6 Design Leak Chapter 3: Spark Gap Chapter 4: Flash Lights and Test Flights Chapter 5: Cold Embers Chapter 6: A Flash of Lightning Chapter 7: Gumdrops Chapter 8: Probes and Preparations Chapter 9: Plum Full of Problems Modlist Yes, that is 130 installed mods. Amazingly, I can load into the main menu with just under 3 GB of memory usage. If anyone wants, I can give you a .ckan file to save you time installing them all. Data Tables Career Stats Funds: 3700278 Science: 65 Reputation: 74% Building Upgrades Vehicle Assembly Building: 2 Launchpad: 3 Spaceplane Hangar: 2 Runway: 2 Tracking Station: 2 Astronaut Complex: 3 Research and Development: 2 Administration Building: 2 Mission Control: 3 Tech Nodes Unlocked Missions Rosters
  18. Foreword: This mission report will be a little different. For the purposes of the story there will be 2 (to start) different space programs. The actual Save file will be in Sandbox mode so all comments about Reputation, Funds, and Science are for flavor. The competing programs will be KASE (Kerbin Academy of Scientific Exploration) which will serve as a NASA analog to start with and KOSMO (Kerbin's Orbital Science and Mechanics Organization) which will serve as the USSR's space program analog. At the start KASE is working on making the theory of Kerball'ed sub-orbital flight a reality (Mercury) while KOSMO is working on orbital satellites (Sputnik). History wise for this S.A.V.E. (See @Parkaboy comic for that acronym) Wherner's Z-2 is the only object to have ever gone suborbital. While KASE spends its time training its Nauts and trying to build a capsule that can survive splash down without sinking, KOSMO is working on Stayputnik. The plan is to Kerbalize the space race including recreations of parts of Vostok, Mercury, Gemini, Soyuz, Apollo, and allow things to diverge as the story develops its own life. I've brainstormed out as far as a Duna trip but we'll see how things actually go as I give the characters life and allow them to define their programs.. KOSMO is the space program of the New Kerbin Order and uses the Kraken's Belly launch site at the start. The NKO was founded on the ideal that an egaltarian utopia would end the need for war, poverty, hunger, and conflict. They Kerbrads - or Kerbal Radicals - were a small and poorly developed faction during the last war but an influx of captured science and technology has turned them into a power the whole world recognizes. KASE is the space program of the United Kerbdom and uses Hanbert's Cape at the start. United Kerbdom is a large and powerful nation with a strong foundation of traditions. Its colonies attempted a rebellion roughly 200 years ago but lost due to having poorly rationed their snacks. United Kerbdom claims to stand for freedom, tradition, and "simply what's right." During the last war United Kerbdom lead the Council of Kerbin Allied Nations (CKAN) to victory and signed the global peace accords with the NKO. So far United Kerbdom considers KASE a publicity arm of the government more than a serious space program. Both agencies will be exploring the idea of more bases. The Cast: KASE's staff will have a lot of familiar names. Wherner Von Kermon: Head of research and development. Wherner was liberated from a think tank belonging to KRAUT (Kerbin's Really Atrocious Ubervillain Technocracy) during the last war. He had been instrumental in the development of KRAUT's Zoom MkII (Z-2) rocket. Wherner has seen enough death and destruction to be wary of the military's control of KASE but is too focused on rockets and discovery to care overly much. Jebidiah Kerman: Jeb was dubbed "Kaptain Kerman" by the news reels "A real Okayhoma farmboy turned war hero!" His actual rank is Lt. Kernel. Jeb was thrilled to get accepted into the KASE pilot training program. His time in the war left him ready to live on the edge but never crossing it. Bill Kerman: Ex-military Engineer core, Bill is somewhat resentful about working under an Ex-KRAUT scientist. Bill is a perfectionist at heart which is why Wherner recruited him specifically. Bill will be the head engineer on the Mk1 manned capsule. Bob Kerman: youngest of the three, Bob is a recently graduated academic who is eager to learn more about the solar system. He's got no experience working with the military or for anyone who lacks a sense of humor. Gene Kermz: A retired Military commander who is glad to be home from the front. Gene runs a tight ship but has never, never, left a Kerbal behind. He's a demanding boss but knows the value of a good soldier. How he'll deal with scientists is anyone's guess. Mortimer Kermberg: Mort's job is to keep the lights on and keep parliment happy with the program. While the bean-counter is generally disliked by just about everyone on site he knows that they've got one chance to make things work because what's going on is expensive and no sane Kerb is going to keep writing them checks if they aren't producing results. Walter Kermsey: Walt's job is Public Relations which means he's the one who keeps trying to interrupt pilot training for Press conferences, interviews, and other things. He'd be very happy to turn KASE into reality TV if only the TV cameras were lighter and more portable. He's submitted requests to the R&D team many times but they never get approved. Linus Kermlich: Linus is another ex-KRAUT genius. He's refused to work on any part of the program which is combustible saying that he wants no part in making anything which could be a weapon. He's got interesting ideas about capturing solar power in photovolic cells but his research has yielded nothing yet. Valentina Kermov: One of the few female pilots during the last war, she'd been regulated to flying CAP for medical convoys and rarely saw action. When the war was over she was able to arrange a posting at KOSMO though she still doesn't know what her ultimate assignment will be. Konstantin Kermovsky - KOSMO's lead scientist, a reclusive and strange man whose understanding of rockets rivals or even exceeds Wherner's. Konstantin had been playing with the idea of SRB boosted planes when KOSMO recruited him. Valeri Kermasov - A gifted engineer with a preference for automation over redundancy. Valeri has worked hard to get to stand in Konstantin's shadows and work on his R7 orbital project. Valeri believes that Kerballed flight is a mistake and that the pilots are needed only to help the engineers design better flight programs. She's not always on good terms with the other, better known, Val. Yelena Kermdakova - A gifted scientist with a knack of politics - she focuses on satellite designs and works closely with Valeri. Unlike Valeri she desperately wants to switch KOSMO's design over to Kerballed flight mostly because she wants to go to space. Yelena dreams of seeing the day when Kerbals can walk on the Mun - an idea that KOSMO directors call a pipe dream: "there aren't enough struts on Kerbin to build a rocket big enough for that". Ivan - Is a "Political" or an officer that reports directly to the government. This character is one that no one tries to befriend and no one dares make an enemy of. Serge- an aging engineer who tries to keep his program running despite Ivan's interference. Mods: I realize not all of these matter in a Sandbox game... Antenae Range, Asteroid Day, Chatterer, Coherent Contracts, Community Resource Pack, Community Tech Tree, Contract Configurer, Various Contract Packs, Contract Windo +, Crowd Sourced Flags, Crowd Sourced Science, Dang It!, Distant Object Enhancement, Diverse Kerbal Heads, DMagic Orbital Science, EVE, Final Frontier, Firespitter, Kerbal Alarm Clock, KAS, KIS, Kerbal Konstructs, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, Kerbin Side, Kronal Vessel Viewer, Lore Friendly Serious Parody Flags, MagiCore, MKS Lite, Module Manager, OSE workshop, Planet Shine, ScanSat, Scatterer, Sensible Screenshot, Stage Recovery, Star Trek TOS suit and IVA textures, Texture Replacer, Toadicus Tools, Umbra Space Industries Tools, USI Core, USI Life Support, Ven's Stock Revamp, Waypoint Manager. KOSMO chapter 1: Getting with the program. Valentina took a deep lungful of the mountain air. She almost hadn't believed it when she'd flown up to Kraken's Belly, but there was a compound secluded in the mountains. This was it. This was KOSMO. From just the other side of the mountains it would be impossible to tell that there was a compound here, let alone one as big and important as the NKO's advanced rocket science division. Quietly she killed the engines on her old IG-6 and coasted into a landing at a nearby village. Officially she'd been assigned to crop-dusting duty at the Kerbal's Industrial Farmlands in a nearbye town. There were few who knew what KOSMO was, let alone that it existed. Unlike KASE. Valentina sighed thinking of Jeb. Jebidiah Kerman would be with KASE now, she knew it in a way she couldn't describe. They'd met briefly a few times furring the war. She'd been envious of his plane, he'd complimented her on her flying, and they'd shared many drinks together. It never went beyond comradeship, neither of them had wanted it to. Now the war was over and they were suppose to be enemies. The Council of Kerbin Allied Nations (CKAN) had declared global peace and urged every nation towards peaceful endeavors. Still there were two ideologies boiling to a conflict over the future of Kerbin. The New Kerbin Order had decided that the old orders were inherently flawed. It had been born of dreamers seeking utopia. The old guard over in United Kerbdom would eventually need to be converted to the NKO's more egalitarian system. Valentina shook the thoughts from her head. This was KOSMO. From here history would be written. She got out of her plane and headed to report in. As she pushed open the new door of the "general store" she was surprised to see an aging field marshal sitting at a desk looking through many files. The desk was in complete disarray from her point of view, though the old Kerb had no trouble finding her file the moment she walked in. "Lt. Valentina Kermov. On Schedule I see. Good, good. Ivan does not appreciate late arrivals. You will report for medical exam and evaluation in the morning. Barracks are out back, grab a bunk. Transport leaves at 0400, so sleep early." All of this was said without more than a passing glance. "Thank you sir." Val said trying to be chipper. "Anywhere to get..." "Canteen is next to Barracks." The old soldier said curtly before going back to his papers. Val whipped off a salute and left in the direction she'd been pointed. secretly she hoped that KOSMO itself would be friendlier. It hadn't been easy getting a transfer from the air-service to this organization and she was hoping that the effort was worth it. The next morning she stood in the dark stomping her feet to shake off the pre-dawn cold. An old truck, more of an engine with a flad bed on the back pulled up to the stop and asked to see her transfer papers. Some mumbling later she was on the truck headed into the mountains. The ride was cold but uneventful. The sun was already high in the sky when she finally made it to the site. There were large buildings, taller than any hanger she'd worked in before though not as wide and a landing strip far too short for a plane to fly from. "You will wait here until you receive an assignment." The driver said curtly before turning around. The New Kerbal Order insignia on the truck caught the sun impressively as he sit the door. "Do not speak until then." Valentina nodded and looked out at the cold mountain base, shut away from outside eyes by the mountains. It was nearly half an hour later when she was approached by a young woman in a white coat. "Lt. Valentina Kermov?" She said looking Valentina over twice. "Yes." Valentina said snapping off a salute. "Actually you outrank me Lt. Yelena Kermdakova, you'll working with me on the navigation program." "Me? I'll be designing a training curriculum for the pilots?" "Pilots?" Yelena asked surprised. "Kraken no. The program for the computer. Valeri and Konstatin have no plans to put pilots in anything." "Oh." Valentina said casting her eyes down. This wasn't what she gave up her plane for. "Cheer up." Yelena said pulling Valentina closer. "United Kerbdom announce that they're starting a program too, when Kommand gets nervousness about their pilots we'll get ours. Just keep your head down and watch out for Ivan." "Whose Ivan?" Valentina asked. "We're not sure. Officially he's a bean-counter in charge of janitorial issues but even Konstantin keeps controls his temper with Ivan. The last kerb to spout off at Ivan was gone the next day. There are rumors he's Kommand's eyes on the project." "Should you be telling me this?" Valentina asked somewhat worried. "Probably not, but I need a friend and took a chance." Yelena said with a shrug. "I know that kerballed space-flight is the future but no one listens to me. I thought I might as well try to make friends with one of our pilots." "I'd certainly like a friend too." Val said with a smile. Together the two set off into Kraken's Belly. ------------------------------------------------- Next time... KOSMO's engineering team is beginning final tests on the R7 rocket while Val and Yelena struggle to get a computer program that can run effectively in a small enough system to fit on the rocket.
  19. I have a new (highly modded) install and I'm planning to colonize every celestial body (except for the Sun, the gas giants, asteroids, and Kerbin), and I have OPM, so even moar places to colonize! It's in Sandbox, because getting enough Funds/Science to do this would take forever.
  20. So full disclosure: never even been to Duna but I've put quite a few hours into this game and love messing around with mods for it. Haven't played in while - since before the game hit 1.0 - and I'm looking to satisfy that KSP itch yet again. This time I'm looking forward to not only streaming my progress but putting together this handy dandy mission journal together. I've been inspired by some of the other threads here as well as some youtube series like HatBat's and MaceyDean's wonderful work. As a result, I'll be putting the journal posts together from the perspective of a Kerbal working in the organization and try to keep things in-character as much as possible. First though, I've got to explain a few things. Like many modders however, I have trouble restraining myself from absolutely bloating the game with a ton of mods. To combat this, I've come up with a system that forces me to make some choices and earn points to "purchase" mods. I call it meta-modding. Here's how it works: KSP Meta-Modding This will involve me playing Career mode in Kerbal Space Program and using a Kredits system to "purchase" mods I want to use in my playthrough. Credits will be earned from views/follows/subscribers/donations I get to my various channels and groups online. The breakdown of which follows: Twitch: 1 view = 1000 credits 1 follow = 10000 credits YouTube: 1 view = 1000 Kredits 1 subscriber = 10000 Kredits KSP Forum: 1 view = 1000 Kredits 1 reply = 10000 Kredits Steam Group: 1 new member = 10000 Kredits Donations: 1 USD = 50000 Kredits The cost of mods will be determined by their current viewcount of their thread in the KSP modding forum. Most mods range from a few hundred thousand views to a couple million for more of the popular ones. This will hopefully result in a fun playthrough and help me limit my modding obsession while creating a fun, interactive experience for all of you. Stay tuned!
  21. Hey, for any reason I'm not able to dock. I use many different mods, but since I had a similar issue before I think it rather is an issue with the save. The latest one can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1njeve8141savmh/AAC6JPntlmxxIM4bktwdD3Lba?dl=0 It's about the Vessel Station M1 II, which should dock at Station M1. Please note, that there are two docking ports at the M1 II, from which one has more parts on it which are not needed after the docking. Thx for the help. If you still need more data, I'll put it in the dropbox
  22. Hello Guys! Today I wanted to show you my latest design. It's an SSTO that can transport crew or cargo across the kerbin system. It uses the famous B9 Aerospace mod. If flown properly, it reaches orbit with 2.8K Delta-V~ left, and returns home without any explosion (if you aerobrake carefully). The Crew version can carry 6 Kerbals to orbit and beyond, while the Cargo version carries two kerbals and a small payload, most likely a satellite. (MAKE YOUR OWN ION PROBE WITH A COMMAND CHAIR AND GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT!!) It also includes a docking port and RCS (Though still kinda unbalanced) ALL FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! here are the download links: Crew Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25ct89acol8k2jp/Jax%20CR0%20Crew.craft?dl=0 Cargo Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7htu60py1j55jft/Jax%20CR0%20Cargo.craft?dl=0 I forgot to mention. The name is a reference to Sons Of Anarchy.
  23. CC @Crzyrndm - Didn't want to clog up your release thread with this. KSP: 1.0.5. - 1028 OS: Ubuntu 14.04 64bit - Proprietry NVidia Drivers I have a very heavily modded 64bit Linux Install that loads up perfectly fine and is playable, but a soon as I add FilterExtensions to the mix (almost required due to the number of parts I have) it crashes about 10 seconds into the load. I've tried with both a CKAN install and manual install and it seems to failing loading the icons according to the logs. It works perfectly fine with just Stock 1.0.5 + FilterExtensions so there is obviously some conflict somewhere with one of the other many mods I have. It may be a problem with FilterExternsions, or something else I'm not sure, but it only occurs with FE installed. I've attached the log files and below is my modlist. Now I know this is much to go on yet, what I was hoping was if you could point me in the direction of some mods to try removing from the list of 100+ below that are likely to be conflicting, so I can try to bisect the conflict. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dorz0nx2z4vesej/FIltExtBugLogs.zip?dl=0 Modlist: Thanks in advance for any help anyone gives. Edit: I've started doing some bisecting anyway and found that FE + Chatterer cause the problem. Removing Chatterer allows it to load to the start, but Stock + FE + Chatterer seems to work fine, so maybe there is third party involved. Will keep bisecting down! Edit 2: So now I'm confused after some more bisecting, I thought Hullcam VDS might be involved for a little while as uninstalling it allowed Chatterer + FE to work happily together, but I don't think so as reinstalling it and they still all work happily together. So now it might have been one of the 30 or so Mods I removed 1 by 1 before that. :/ I'm just gonna put this down to KSP going a bit weird when you pile it high with mods. I can live without Chatterer in favour of FE. If anyone has any particular insight feel free to let me know, but otherwise consider this resolved.
  24. Jebediah Kerman First KERBONAUT By Walter Kerman – The Daily Planet – Eelops 1, 720 The first day of the new year sees an exciting new breed of Kerbal. At the Kerbal Space Center, Jebediah “Jeb’ Kerman becomes the first Kerbal to become a kerbonaut. The new title refers to crew members of the Kerbal Space Center's (KSC) fledgling space program. Jeb, as he prefers to be called, has been a test pilot before joining the KSC in the role of kerbonaut pilot. He was tasked with being the first kerbbed crew on a rocket propelled vehicle. The new vehicle, titled Kerbin I, was launched into the sky on a plume of smoke and fire in the early afternoon. The rocket travelled 10km into the sky before slowing down and returning to Kerbin’s surface. The return was aided by a parachute on the top of the “command pod”, a gum drop shaped capsule on top of the rocket. The kerbonaut and his vessel broke height and speed records on this historic first journey. Gene Kerman, Flight Director for the KSC said that this mission was an important first step for future space exploration. Gene said, “Kerbin I, while only going up 10,000 meters, proves that we can use rockets for powered launches. This one small step is actually a giant leap for all kerbals.” Gene also stated that this launch will be only the first of many with the goal being an actual Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin. After his return, Jeb Kerman described his historic flight. “The lift off couldn’t have been more perfect. I was slammed to my seat and felt some gee’s [Gravitational Force] like I haven’t since my test flying days.” Jeb also talked about the sheer joy of knowing that his experience would allow kerbals to explore the space around Kerbin and in time, the other planets as well. When asked if the program could really reach other worlds, Jeb said, “certainly. Getting into orbit is half way to anywhere you want to go. We could get to Mun before the end of the year.” Whether the claims of kerbals on Mun are the stuff of science fantasy or within the grasp of the Kerbal Space Program, one thing is sure this day. The new year promises to be an exciting ride. Profile of a Kerbonaut Jeb Kerman is a decorated test pilot. Flying everything from prop-powered crop dusters to turbine propelled jets, it was once said that “if we could get a tin can to lift off, Jeb could fly it.” He joined the Kerbin Space Center (KSC) as a consultant on aerodynamics and flight controls. He eventually spent more time in simulators than designing them and the decision was made to make him part of the “First Four” flight crew. Gene Kerman said that Jeb’s natural bravery, coolness under pressure, and willingness to “push the envelope” made him a perfect fit for the “First Four”. “Jeb was a Dev send. When he came on, we were mostly scientists and engineers. His flight experience and degrees in Aerodynamic Theory and Avionics have been crucial in both kerbbed and remote piloted endeavors,” Gene said. He also stated that Jeb’s skills helped the KSC solve problems they didn’t realize they had. During his off time between design and piloting, Jeb gives tours around the fledgling KSC to school groups. His ability to explain the complex concepts of Thrust to Weight Ratios and Orbital Mechanics to primary school students is incredible. Often, young kerblits are seen leaving the KSC campus looking up. Jebediah “Jeb” Kerman. First Kerbonaut. The Kerbin I An unassuming craft. The Kerbin I, named after its home planet, is a simple looking piece of hardware. A Mk1 Command Pod sits atop a RT-5 solid rocket booster. On the top of the Mk1 pod is an industrial grade parachute. Along the bottom of the RT-5 is a set of four control fins. Gus Kerman, head of Operations, said that the Kerbin I is the last leg of a long line of smaller rockets and the first step in a new breed of larger rockets. “We have been testing with sounding rockets for some time,” Gus said. “But this beauty puts them to shame.” He explained that the capsule is state of the art with guidance data licensed from KER, vacuum rated hull, and life support systems provided by Umbra Space Industries. The RT-5 has a maximum thrust of 162.9 kN of force on the launch pad. Gus Kerman was quick to point out that the RT-5 was not set up to maximum thrust for the Kerbin I launch. “With SRB’s [Solid Rocket Boosters] like the Flea [nickname for RT-5], we have no throttle. No control on the gas except for how much it can push”, Gus said. He explained that tests at maximum caused “poor results” from test bags of potatoes. As work is completed on Kerbin II, the next vessel in the program line, the RT-5 and Mk1 Pod will continue to be a stable of KSC exploration. Mod List
  25. This is my mothership, Alpha station, on it's maiden voyage to Duna. After being constructed literally in orbit, courtesy of extraplanetary launchpads, it's ready for the grand tour. Unfortunately, on the way to mars, I found out it that it's unbalanced, and laggy. So now I want advice as to improve how it looks, reduce part count and reduce rcs usage. Since I have all these mods, anything is possible for me. I can reassemble part by part, or (once I get my mono refueled) move whole modules around. My only limitation is all my crew is tied up, especially engineers. My first step is to refuel, and I have a seed ship ready to land on Ike to build a refueling tanker + refinery. I think I want to convert everything I can into either rocket parts, or shoved inside KIS storage containers. That allows me to have the cleanest ship but with maximal potential since I can just build anything I need out of rocket parts and spare modules inside KIS containers. Is it easier on my computer if it's inside KIS storage? Or will the game still take it into consideration?
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