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  1. So ive been working on a mun base recently. ive designed the modules and did the maths. but i still have a problem: resupply missions. i have usi life support installed and crew cant just stay there forever (ive made it self suffiecent using planetary base systems, but usi ls also includes hab and home, so u need to change the crew every now and then). thing is, that im not the best with accuracy landings. i also know that mechjeb can do it for u but im a type of guy that enjoys lko station resupply missions. so, how do i transport kerbals and supplies from lander to base? are there any tools to show you more accurate landing predictions? should i move that to another thread? tnx for reading and (hopefully) responding.
  2. Mission Slot 704: The history of Kerbal missions. May 17 1957 (our time: May 14, 1381) The kerbal was bored...he had nothing to do and he had destroyed the bottle rocket store...with the store's bottle rockets. He was going to buy a book to read when he saw something in the sky. "What is that...?" he thought. The thing was getting closer and closer to the ground. It had something that looked like blue-purple fire coming out of it. He realized it was going to crash, stepped back as it hit the ground with a small explosion. The kerbal walked over to it. There was writing on the three parts of the ship "LV-T4 Model 3" "FL-T50 Model 1" and "Manned Command Pod Mk1v2" He checked there was noone dead in the pod. There was noone there. There was also a small piston in the pod "Backup Fuel" He then realized something. This five-meter-tall thing wasn't alien technology...it was a space rocket! This rocket, the XJ-T3000, was made by the Galactic Empire in 4222 BC (our time: 16888 BC), which had collapsed after a rebellion 1,500 years ago. He realized it could be repaired. He took it to his house and started working on it. May 28 1957 (our time: May 18, 1381). The ship was ready to launch. He had learned how to make fuel, if in small amounts, and fix the damaged parts. Through this he had also experimented and made his own ship, the J1, which was a small unmanned ship using a replica LV-T4 and his own special fuel tank. He was going to present this to the Kerbal Science Commission. May 29 1957 (our time: May 18, 1381 (later)) "Hello, Alec" the manager said. "What have you got to present?" "This. It crashed a couple of weeks ago and I fixed it and made a small unmanned variant, for safety." "Why not manned?" "I am working on a parachute; if there is no parachute, the ship is unsafe in the event of an emergency." "Ok." "This is the J1." "J1?" The manager looked surprised. "It's a space rocket, in theory. I have tested it, it has reached 6,000 meters and landed safely." "So with further development, the ship could reach, say, Jool, theoretically?" "Yes." "I'm sold. Give me a demo..." Alec explained the tech of the ship and how to make parts and fuel. "Here it is." He lifted the small, two-metre-high J1 onto it's pad. "It launches off this pad and lands roughly near it, about a 20 m accuracy." "How does it launch and fly?" "You send the command to launch with this little control panel here. You type "launch-rocket" and the rocket will initate pre-launch proceedings. Type "launch-rocket-actual" and it will launch. You tell it to change direction, etc. I'm working on a autopilot setting." "Great, can I see it fly?" "Totally." He typed in the commands and the rocket flew off. "How do you know where it is?" "You see this map and those numbers? The map is where the rocket is. The numbers are the altitude. You can lower or raise the rocket controls..." Kerbals started appearing in their hundreds and news reporters started to arrive after people heard the rocket take off. "Here, have the manual..." He handed him one of the two copies of the manual. There were thousands of Kerbals around now. "OK...7,000 meters, lets land..." He expertly piloted the controls until the ship was landed a couple of meters away from it's pad. "Semi-reusable, you get the engine and the pod back. The fuel tank can't be reused." "Oh. I need a couple of seconds to think about the proposal..." The manager exclaimed a couple of seconds later "Your proposal is accepted! Let the Space Age begin!" Tens of thousands of Kerbals were here now. , "I've made 8 J1s. Here's technical information and info to make your own rocket." Alec and the manager moved the three J1s into the office, the one that had already flew first. The manager then put a ring around the J1s. "Don't want them to get damaged by the crowd." Alec replied "Yep." Alec cut the rope and thousands streamed in. News cameras were everywhere taking pictures of the J1s. Some news programmes were airing to television early. Jun 7 1957 (our time: May 30, 1381) By June 7th, news of the J1s reached the Maxina Central Government, and were met with excitement. On June 15, the Kerbal Space Development Association was created with a K$5 million (U$$ 7.5 million, UK£ 6.5 million) per year budget. Oct 31 1957 (our time: July 11, 1381) By now, the formatory years of the Space Age had started. Alec in partnership with the KSA created the J2 rocket, which had an autopilot option and could fly up to 21,000 meters. The KSDA had created the X-1 rocket, which wasn't quite as successful as the J2, reaching only 14,000 meters, but still went higher than the highest J1 flight (8,500 meters). J2s were selling in the hundreds to eager Kerbals who wanted to create their own rocket and launch it. These J2s, being piloted by inexperienced pilots, had a setting that could only be turned off once you had done 3 successful landings: autoland. If the J2 was going to crash, it would take away from user control and land itself. Only 2 J2s crashed because of this. The J2 had a more powerful LV-T7 engine, and the rocket community created the J2-3, J2.5 and J2X, more powerful variants of the J2. May 4 1958 (our time: September 6, 1381) By now, Alec and the KSA had perfected their J2 design, creating the J3 and the manned J3-M. The KSDA had created the X-2, with a prototype solid-fuel booster, the T30. J3s were sold as kits, as J2s, but also as fully assembled rockets. The highest J3 flight was a modified J3, the J3-T, reaching 48,341 meters. The normal J3 reached 41,214 meters. May 18 1958 (our time: September 11, 1381) von Neumann at the KSDA was talking with some of his other colleagues when he had a idea. "Why don't we, for Project XS-1, use pulse engines?" "What's a pulse engine?", Yoko, one of the colleagues, replied. "A engine that is like our current liquid engines, but it can be turned off during flight, instead of having a minimum thrust of 20, 30, 40%. And it can use more than one tank." Another colleague, Ishihara, replied. "And, why don't we develop a smaller engine, and then stack the small engine on top of the larger ones, so we can activate the small engine in space, and then get more longevity out of the rocket?" "Yeah...Would management agree though?" "Make them watch the first launch." So the eight colleagues developed in secret the XS-1, which they also surmised could be sold in kit form to compete with the then-under development J4, which only reached space after four months of release. Mar 31 1959 (our time: Feb 22, 1382) The XS1 prototype was complete. Ishihara looked at it "So much work...finally complete..." "Let's ring the upper management." They invited their upper management to a party and announced their project. Management were angry, then surprised, then excited. "Today...you will see XS1 launched. We plan to develop a orbit-capable XS1 in the very near future." The XS1 had a LV-703 engine and FL-T100 as its first stage and a LV-Z10 engine (a derivative of the LV-T10) and 2x prototype FL-T200s as its second stage. It could be manned or unmanned. The XS1 had so much power when it lifted off that it caused a few dozen civilan Kerbals to arrive, despite the distance being over 800 m from the nearest street. One of the upper management exclaimed "We need to build a space centre..." Within about five minutes, hundreds of kerbals had arrived from the neighbouring city. Alec arrived, the J1-4 creator, and walked in. Yoko said "Hey Alec, what are you doing here?" Alec said "To congratulate you guys on reaching space before us." "What...?" Yoko checked the altimeter. "72,194m. Second stage on 81% fuel. First stage disconnected at 58,444m. Estimated distance: 214,813m. " Yoko shouted. The crowd went insane, screaming and shouting. Alec said "Is that reusable completely?" Yoko replied "Only the top stage. The bottom stage, everything apart from the fuel tanks and decouplers." Alec said "You could get that thing into orbit..." Yoko replied "We are going to do that next launch." Alec replied "Oh..." The crowd was bigger than the J1 one. Near the front, three teenage Kerbals stood, with their huge bottle rocket that failed a lot. "Damn." one of them went. "I know what job I'm getting." Their names? Jebediah, Bill and Bob.
  3. First of all,if this has already been mentioned/proposed in another thread, then I apologise. Had a quick look through recent posts and couldn't find anything like this. My idea for an expansion is basically a coming-together of various mods in one smooth experience. I would like to see the option to purchase pre-defined plots of land on Kerbin, and beyond, These plots can then be expanded (with cash or contract completions to there) to create other Space Centres/Aerodromes, in the same way as the KSC is now. These bases also unlock the CommNet for that part of the planet (on higher difficulty). Contracts are generated that go between them. Examples:- Fly x units of liquid fuel to the Arctic Base Fly a Secret Agent from point A to B, but stay below x metres altitude. Take 2 Kerbals to SW Crater Mun Base, then change them for 2 more, and return them. I feel that this will give aircraft more of a purpose than waiting for the dual-purpose engines and gunning it skywards, or those 'take a reading' contracts I've only just started properly learning how to create planes in KSP (after 150 hours), and feel that this is an opportunity to bring in another style of gameplay. Feel free to expand on this, or tear it apart!
  4. Hi again guys =) Is there a way to keep bases on the Mun and Minmus not jump up and down? I thought I finally got a stable general design until I drove a rover within 500 meters from them and heard explosions. =( Regards
  5. 【Kerbal Protection Association,you say? We have alraedy blew it up just now!】 Venus has a excting atmosphere, airship is pretty perfect for base,We plan to have 2 main ship,several littie ship,1 mining ship, (infect if your kerbal EVA at noon……it's too hot……)
  6. In your opinion, which planet is the best for a base? For me it would probably Minmus because it has really flat places.
  7. Hi there! First post of my account yet I'm full on ideas ready to challenge the community. So, I propose the following: Create a base similar to the ones of SOMA And, as always, there are requirements: -Make at least 3 bases -Such bases must be separated at minimum of 500 m from eachother -They must be relatively big bases -Mods are "allowed" but will most likely be shunned -Extra points for lights, names and other Well, let's see who can beat this challenge first!
  8. Hello all! I am working on reverse-engineering a mod and I have run into an issue with my understanding of C#. The mod has this method: public class CivilianPopulationRegulator : BaseConverter { public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { base.OnStart(state); return; } if (this.vessel == null) { base.OnStart(state); return; } //do some stuff later base.OnStart(state);//Not sure what this does at the moment. } } Looking at the "base" keyword, it is used to call a method in the base class that is being overriden or it is used to call a constructor. Unless OnStart is a constructor, isn't this going into the extended class (BaseConverter, which extends PartModule) and run OnStart again? At the end of which, OnStart will be called yet again. And so on infinitely? So since the code is not infinitely recursive, I must be mistaken in either my understanding of OnStart or the "base" keyword. Would any of you guys know why this works and/or where I could learn more about this?
  9. Is there a planetary base mod (or something similar) that is working with the current patch? I think it's 1.1.2. Preferably one that works with TAC Life Support. If so, please link below and thanks!
  10. Hello everybody! Many months ago I was trying to put together a base in KSP 1.0.x and it was a nightmare. So I've decided to wait for 1.1 and do it again. So here it goes: Better viewed directly on imgur : http://imgur.com/a/ZEhFb
  11. I have a contract for an Eve surface base. The (relatively) new hydrodynamic model got me thinking of putting it in the oceans. Has anyone ever landed a floating base in the oceans of Eve? I'm wondering if the surface of the ocean counts as the surface. Some thoughts: How would one go about assembly without rovers, maybe with RCS? Lining up the docking ports would be easier. Would ISRU work there? Do the oceans contain ore? I know there was a rumor going around for a while that the oceans were made of rocket fuel... Feel free to take this as a challenge and post pictures of your own floating Eve base! (Or Laythe if you're into that)
  12. Hello, I created a spreadsheet to assist on defining which parts are necessary for my base, so it can sustain itself (for instance, how many drills I need?). For that I´ve added the inputs/outputs of the parts, calculate the inputs, outputs and do the balance. I took stats from the USI mods (USI-LS/UKS/etc) and Extraplanetary Launch Pads but it can be easily expanded to include other mods. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kpJ2wKh1rmgHtjJX3y1fCYSvOCpNF1VxqId1YlaIDTo/edit?usp=sharing Not sure if this is the proper sub-forum, but since it´s mod related, why not? Let me know if you have any suggestions.
  13. First I was messing, now I'm mucking. But anyways, back to the Mun we go! Part I- Déjà Vu A week after Jeb, Bob and Val returned from their Mun trip, the next crew's lander lifted off from the Kerbal Space Center. A bit too familiar. The launch went perfectly, and with Scatterer now installed again, it wasn't boring like the last one. The lander pulled into a 150x155 Kilometer Equatorial Orbit, exactly what was needed for this mission. This is Version 8b. Version 8a, we don't talk about it past this. Let's just say that Darmstadtium will never be the same (The element and the town outside the KSC)... Version 8b has two KIS containers capable of carrying cargo along with the lander down to the surface. The difference is it basically sacrifices the "hopping" feature of version 6/7. Back on the ground, a few days later, Val, Bill and Donton stepped into their capsule. Time to go to the Mun! The last version had proved to be, well, Terrible. This new version was better at everything! More efficient, more boosters, more coolness, the list goes on! They pitched over and began speeding up to get to the lander. Once again at the point where it was not needed, the escape tower fired off to meet its doom in Kerbin's atmosphere. You did good, LES. You did good. The capsule ended up with a rendezvous in less than an orbit. The launch was completely successful. A bit of orbital maneuvering later, and the crew were set for a 100 meter intercept. The docking was like any other, except this one didn't take place in the night. Yes! Within minutes, they extended the panels and antenna of the command capsule and shot off towards the Mun. Target: Farside Crater. Donton was a bit upset he was being third wheeled, but hey, at least he gets a nice vie... Eh. Soon, the ejection burn was complete, and the stack was on its way to the Mun, leaving the safety of Kerbin Behind. It only took a few hours, and they were upon the Mun. The insertion burn cost them very little, and soon they put themselves in a 35 by 35 Km orbit. After that, the Farside Crater was coming up, so Val and Bill said their farewells and closed the hatch. Donton had asked for a rock but they ignored him. Poor guy. He sighed and pulled out of the lander's way. The lander began its descent. Would they make it with the added KIS weight? Luckily, still heavily loaded with fuel, the lander had a TWR of over 1, so the crew knew that they (theoretically) could land this thing. They cut relative velocity over the crater, but they were still going far too fast. Donton shut radio contact. He didn't want to hear the static that was too come. 30 m/s. 20 m/s. Val then screamed: "Bill, Jump!" By jump she meant jump out of the capsule, which Bill did. Impact. Nobody knows how it happened. Maybe SQUAD was watching over those two Kerbals descending too the Mun. But even though it impacted past safe speed, the landing legs took the force and the lander just toppled into the Munar soil. Phew! What happens next, only time (and I) will tell...
  14. So I decided to send a base to Minimus. The design worked really well. Hope you guys enjoy!
  15. Hey, i have a core module of a Minmus base but i am never offered a contract to add a new module to it. I'm pretty sure that in 1.0 or 1.0.5 the contract system was overhauled, so that you would receive a contract to add a new module to your station or outpost. Should i just be patient or there is something wrong?
  16. Just curious to see where everyone else establishes their interplanetary bases. Mun or Minimus are in the Kerbin system and don't count.
  17. Landed the core module of my new Minmus Base, sent Valentina outside, destroyed 3 of the 4 solar panels and realised i didn't bring a ladder. Kill me.
  18. Hi. I'm building a new surface outpost on Duna and I've decided to document. For fun and stuff. I've developed a pretty nice look for my contract bases this game that I think is worth showing off a little bit. The new models with 1.0.5 have opened up a bunch of new design possibilities that I've been very happy with. Also Ike, but I haven't started working on that one yet. Sadly, I have no compelling or engaging back-story for my current space program. It's a normal career game. Stock. I have no particular goals or constraints; I've just been goofing about until 1.1 rolls around. The tech tree has been filled out for some time now, all facilities are fully upgraded, and I have 5 or 6 million funds on hand to throw at something fancy. Winter Owl Aircraft Emporium offered the contract to bankroll a Duna outpost and I felt like taking them up on it. I figured it would be handy and fun. That was over 12 years ago. It's funny how easy it is to get distracted by other stuff. Gene and Mort have been very patient with me, but it's about time to get it done. Also Ike. Probodyne Inc approached me 5 years ago with that contract, and I've been slacking on it, too. I don't really have a plan (aside from checking off the boxes on the contract to keep my sponsors happy), but I figure the modular components I need to develop for Duna should allow me to throw something suitable together without too much trouble. So that's where things stand. It's year 14, day 30. The next transfer window to Duna is around day 125. Let's get to work. Part 1 -- Initial Planing and Prior Works This is what I have in mind so far. It's sort of a rough sketch to serve as my guide for building the individual components. Winter Owl wants housing for 8 kerbals, a science lab, cupola, and 6,000 units of liquid fuel reserves on-site. I don't want to haul that much fuel down to the surface and having a strong refueling capacity would be nice anyway, so I'm adding in an ISRU assembly. A solar array and some refueling docks are going in too, and that's about all I've decided on so far. It's general style is one I used earlier in this game for contract outposts on the Mun and Minmus, so a few of the components are already pretty polished. Earlier Projects: Lutha Crater on the Mun, initially built for the Experimental Engineering Group, with a housing expansion commissioned by STAEDLER Engineering Corps. Sanena Basin on Minmus, initially built for FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs, with a lab and housing expansion for the C7 Aerospace Division: Come to think of it, both of those facilities could use some freshening up at this point. I've been kind of neglecting them since, well, forever. In the next installment, I'll be looking at the first round of finished launch packages and start throwing stuff into orbit to wait for the transfer window while I figure out the rest. In the meantime, here are some archive images from the launches of the Mun and Minmus outposts shown above: Thanks for reading!
  19. launch a base with 4+ kerbals, and a space station, lander, rover, and satellite in ONE LAUCNH scoring system: +1 for each kerbal +2 for each satellite +10 for TAC life support -1 for planetary base systems -1 for each dead kerbal -1 for near future propulsion +1 per escape pod +0 for a mun base +1 for a minmus base +2 for a duna base +5 for a joolian moon base +5 for an eelo base -1 for a mod planet base +1 for a gilly base -50 for BD armoury +100 for only SRBs and no parachutes someone make a badge for this, and take a screenshot of your rocket.
  20. A contract mission came up, and one that involved something I was actually using for a change. I was tasked with expanding 'Minmus Base One', adding a second research lab and increasing its capacity from five to fourteen. I decided to make the new base module on wheels, so it could drive up to the existing tower and connect to the low-level docking ports. I also installed uprated solar arrays, as the base was a bit lacking in power generation. (images appear to be in the wrong order here, correct on Imgur itself...) http://imgur.com/a/1XjRW
  21. What are the best mods for base/station building? What mods do you consider to be integral in base/station construction? Mods should preferably be stock-alike. Your opinions are very much appreciated..... Many thanks..... -Atlas2342
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