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  1. My newest videos of a Moho transit and a simultaneous Eve and Mun transit. Used Tarsier Space Tech.
  2. I finally managed to build a reasonable craft for Eve Space Program that can get to Eve orbit with about 1300-1400 m/s dV left. In career mode, with only Tier 3 and 4 parts. Craft file here, uses OhioBob's Eve Optimized Engines. After several attempts, my best effort is in this video here. The biggest challenges of the current incarnation of the Eve Space Program mod are the lack of biomes outside of the KSC, and the distance of most survey contracts; the KSC is a quarter of a world away from where the game puts those surveys. This leaves part tests, science grinding around KSC, and a full fundraising campaign strategy (25% of reputation going to funds) to pay for building upgrades. Otherwise I'd be using a lot better parts for this craft. As it stands, the only remaining source of decent science is Gilly, and I can't reach that and get back on 1400 m/s. I didn't do any dV math really; just tried plotting to Gilly's orbit needing 1425 or so m/s, and came up short just by 20+ m/s. That being said, I remember someone saying that ascending from Eve's surface to orbit needs a launch profile that goes straight up for a large part of the ascent, then starts the gravity turn very high up. With this craft I find I can start my turn just around 20 km, and also before staging away the last of the Adam engines and going to my first non-EoE; the Swivel, close to 35-40 km. Then some careful throttling and I can get to about 1400 m/s orbit speed before staging away the Swivel and going to my Terrier, finally closing my orbit with maybe 2/5th of my fuel. What would be a better ascent profile for launching into Eve orbit? Where to start turning away from vertical? At what altitude and at what speed should I have a pitch of 45 degrees? If you try this craft, note that Eve Space Program's launch pad is only at 450 m altitude, and I'm using tank priorities and decoupler fuel crossfeed to use a hybrid of onion staging and asparagus staging, so watch the tank levels on ascent. [Update 15 APR] There's so much good advice here I can't mark any one answer as correct. I upvoted all of the good answers and gave out likes.
  3. I might be getting a new graphics card soon, so in the mean time, or if I don't get it, are there any tips to have a higher FPS when you're using EVE and scatterer?
  4. Does anyone remember a really old Scott Manley video explaining why specific impulse is measured in seconds? Or remember a follow-up making fun of YouTube's caption generator? Seeing as it's now April First UTC, I can now publish the story of the Purple Space Program. Inspired by YouTube's caption creator and raised by @GregroxMun's Alien Space Programs, the brave purples of Eve take their first faltering steps into space. Barely. I'm Not Manley.1 Fly Safe! [1] No matter how you interpret that, I think it's funny!
  5. So I've just downloaded my first Graphic mods - EVE + Scatterer. They work but.. look a bit glitchy. http://imgur.com/a/u9D1E Is it just me and it looks absolutely normal or..?
  6. I know the exact composition of Eve's atmosphere or its oceans is a mystery, but I like to think of it as some sort of organic chemistry, something that would burn If added Oxidizer. How about jet engines would work there, but in reverse: Burning oxidizer in a fuel-rich environment instead of fuel in an oxidizer-rich environment. I now this would change gameplay drastically. I'm curious about your opinions.
  7. At this time, i'm almost ready to succeed the reddit w30*2017 challenge in hard mode - launch a ship from Kerbin, land on Eve, mine Ore, take off and bring 300 Ore to Gilly. Still struggling to bring the ship from Kerbin orbit to Eve orbit (in one launch)
  8. Hello, guys! On the older versions of Kerbal Space Program it always worked to install Environmental Visual Enhancements. Now it somehow doesn't work. I see no clouds showing up or anything related to that and I did the same thing like you always do. Please help!
  9. Hello! I'm designing a mission to eve, and it'd be great if I have a SSTO for this. I know that there were several SSTOs, but I want one which doesn't need any precision manuever and fuel mining time. It'd be better to have long range for science purpose. Is there ANY way to do that? EDIT: I mean, completely stock SSTO without debug-cheating in flight. Other than that anything is okay.
  10. It would be really cool if when doing science in EVE, there were situational outcomes. For example, if you do a materials study on Duna during a dust storm, you could get the report, "Flying Dust coats all of the materials within the bay," or something like that. The could also be situational damage. Again, with the Duna dust storm example, if you leave solar panels out for too long, "Dust coats the solar panels and clogs their servos, rendering them inoperable!" I just think that this would be a cool added challenge to stock KSP.
  11. Series of videos in which I try to land and take off with 3 kerbals from Eve.
  12. If this is already a topic then my bad. I've done kerbin to duna and back with a realtively large lander and 2 kerbals. It required several stages and an orbit stage to fly around Duna while I land, do experiments then take off and redock with it. After completing this mission, I'm now eager to go to eve but everyone says it's really difficult because of its thick atmosphere like the real Venus. How might one go about landing AND returning with a Kerbals and a lot of science experiments (I use a lot of mods too to make it more realistic e.g mechjeb,scatterer and universal storage)
  13. *"Orbit" means the lateral movement of your craft across Eve in a clock-wise direction, similar to what it would be on Venus in real life. See Rule #4. **Use of Hyperedit is prohibited for everything except tests of your design. ²I don't need pictures of your tests, however, you are welcome to provide your development process. †See modlist. ††Not compatible with anything of similar fashion. E.g. having ten Kerbals is not compatible with twenty Kerbals. You only get points for the twenty Kerbals, not twenty and ten. Applies to more than two terms also. The Eve Luxury Floatation Aerostat Habitat (ELFAH) challenge is one of the hardest, most captivating, and most difficult ones in the history of Eve challenges. As some of you might've known, the HAVOC project has been developed by NASA. The plan consists of five steps: Robotic exploration into the Venusian atmosphere Crewed mission to orbit Venus for 30 days Crewed mission to Venusian atmosphere for 30 days Crewed mission to Venusian atmosphere for 1 year Long-term human presence in a floating balloon. This, as-well as my own fantasies, has challenged me to get back into KSP and try this out. However, this summer I am moving to California, and my YouTube channel is taking a very serious turn now, so uploading a silly KSP video will be..well..silly. Therefore, I challenge you, the KSP forum community, to complete this challenge! I did do something very similar about a year ago, and it worked alright until I lost control of the ship and crashed into this mountain over here: http://i.imgur.com/ThEbQGO.png Now, for the challenge rules and similar, less intriguing things: ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘RULES˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘ Please no cheaty methods like Kerbal ladder propulsion or similar. Come on lads, I have faith in you! Version 1.0 or later, please. Old versions are subject to approved exceptions. Maintain a manageable part count. No more than 800 parts please. You must "orbit" around the Equator, or somewhere close to that. Polar orbit is fine as-well. No diagonal or weird-shaped orbits.* Altitude requirement is to be no less 12,500m and 60,000m. 12,500m is not very survivable, and 60,000m is.. well.. it's just cheating at that point. The in-betweens are up to you. Your craft must be able to haul at least four Kerbals. It's a shame that there is no wind on Eve at this time, so you will need to use propulsion. It needs to be 100% sustainable, Eve doesn't need any more carbon than what it already has! The speed of movement must be no less than 10 m/s and no more than 40 m/s. Ion engines (good luck with those), KAX propellers, and other, electric-powered engines / props are allowed.† The way you get here matters! Provide plenty of documentation (pix) of your trip to Eve. I don't need more than five. Use of HyperEdit is highly prohibited.** The craft must be stable (altitude-wise). I know it's hard, but it's more than possible. I've accomplished it myself, before I did something wrong and crashed. Do note that my attempt was in version 0.25, and that was a while ago, so a lot of things changed from then, but I have to assume that it's still possible. Documentation: Papers, Please! Please provide ample documentation (pix) of your entire mission.**² ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘MODLIST˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘ (^I think this one includes an electric propeller? Correct me if I'm wrong please.^) (^Seems to work with 1.1.2, but official update not out yet. You can use it anyway.) Any designing assist mods. Any visual mods. No aerodynamic mods, must use stock physics only. Solar panel and battery mods and mods I've never heard of before are subject to approval. ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘COURT˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘ Badge: your craft meets all the rules (criteria). Good job! + 50 points: your craft is very neat-looking. Very subjective and up to me. + 75 points: your craft carries ten Kerbals.†† + 75 points: your craft is under 600 parts.†† + 100 points: your craft travels at 30 m/s. + 100 points: your craft carries fourteen Kerbals.†† + 200 points: your craft is under 400 parts.†† + 300 points: your craft carries twenty Kerbals.†† + 500 points: your craft is under 200 parts.†† + 500 points: your craft underwent no testing whatsoever, and it is your first attempt. In this case, please provide the documentation for your developmental process in its entirety. + 2,000 points: your craft carries 100 Kerbals.†† + 2,000 points: your craft is under 100 parts.†† + 5,000 points: your craft is primarily propelled by ion engines. Eve atmosphere. + 5,000 points: your craft carries more than 100 Kerbals.†† + 7,500 points: your craft gets to Eve primarily using electric propulsion of some sort. + 10,000 points: your craft consists of a main module, several transportation vehicles for transport around Eve or from base to base, and has many great things that an on-ground base would have. + 20,000 points: your craft is reusable. + 100,000 points: your craft is 100% stock. P.S. Let me know if you find any rule / judgement unfair or confusing. I will fix it promptly. ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘LEADERBOARD˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘ TheOptimist: +50 appearance, +100 speed higher than 30 m/s, +300 more than twenty Kerbals: 450 points. ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘BADGE˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘ P.S.S. Thanks to NASA for the original picture!
  14. Hi guys! I'm trying to land on Eve and refueling there with ore from de surface. But I don't know why, while entering atmosphere (at 80k meters aprox) my two 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator overheat and explode, making the rocket unable to refuel. Here's a picture of the rocket, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! http://imgur.com/IocxELw
  15. I decided to try an Eve Elcano because I usually avoid Eve, besides putting a simple science probe on the surface. I am doing this in a career save I began about 2 weeks ago and I am running ScanSat and Kerbal Engineer as the only mods. Mission Profile: The interplanetary vessel "EVE" will launch from Kerbin and make a polar orbit around Eve. A Scan/Comms relay sat will be deployed into approx. 499x499km orbit (Sub optimal orbit for both scanners on-board however maximising monoprop for final orbit after scanning is complete). The "Eve" will move to approx. 150x150km orbit to deploy the "victim rover". The "Victim Rover" will de-orbit itself as close to the north pole as possible with Neldo Kerman and begin the Elcano. The Eve will attempt a polar transfer to Gilly in order to deploy a second Scan/Coms bird and then return to Kerbin for refuelling and docking a return module for Neldon (if I can be bothered). Launch and Delivery The Elcano Begins
  16. "Complete the Ultimate Mun 6 Expedition" 6 words that meant pain and suffering for the last 2 days. I didn't read properly before I accepted so I missed a little 3 letter word in the mission description. "We need you to land on the Mun, Laythe, Eve, Ike and Minmus and finish on the surface of Kerbin using a single vessel." Basically for these "tour"-missions I use one of my spaceplanes and refuel it at every planet system, I have mining stations and/or space stations at Minmus, Ike, Gilly, Laythe, Bop and Pol so I usually really don't need multipart vessels. This time KSP got me. I didn't finish the mission yet since I will have to do it in between my other missions but I finished building and testing my vessel in sandbox mode (Thank god for Hyperedit). Since Eve is on the list I thought maybe I could build an Eve lander around one of my modified spaceplanes. I spare you the details of hours and hours of building, optimizing, tearing it apart, rebuild, optimize.... Here is what I came up with: Part count: 966 Weight: 6015.7 tons Price: 2,563,633 (Mission Reward is 4,122,260 + 618,030 Advance) Craft file: EVE-LanderJet.craft The Images are from 2 flights but I did it in one, the Jebediah flight landed in an Eve ocean though. This is the spaceplane I wanted to bring to Eve and back up: And this is what I needed to get it done: Since I cannot embed Imgur albums anymore here is the link for more images: http://imgur.com/a/bEkEs It looks like I'm stranded in Eve orbit now but in career mode i have a tanker stationed at Gilly that makes it there easily. This was pure Sandbox-proof of concept. Morale of the story: Never just click accept on missions.
  17. So last night, I went to Eve and back for my first time ever. I brought a 42 ton sea level lander and with the re-entry and landing gear, 53 tons. I also took a small-ish return vehicle so that Jeb could come home afterwards. The mission went very well. Take a look at the pictures here. Anyway, I ran into two major issues with this mission. The first one was that I really need to work on my ladder skills. Jeb hit the ground two hard as well as falling off again and taking one of the solar panels with him. Luckily he survived that one though. The second issue is that I have six external tanks that drop off in pairs of twos First two have aerospikes but after that, vector FTW! Anyways the last two kept smashing into my engine even though I was pointed prograde the whole time. then after at least five tries, I got lucky and they just missed the engine. It also turned out that while testing this lander, I ascended from 1.8km and got into LEO with 822m/s left. I ascended from 432m this time and had the exact same amount of DV when I got to orbit. Man that must of been a good ascent! But anyway, now I can say I have landed on and returned from every body in the game. I have also done a close to sea level return with a lander that is under 50 tons. What is left to do? Start Colonizing planets? Explore OPM? Yeah. KSP never gets boring. But that's it for now. Fire
  18. So I have done round trips to all of the planets in the Kerbol system. Jool V, Moho, Eeloo, all of them. Except Eve. A while back, I did a career mode save and landed a small base on Eve to complete a contract. Now I am taking on a round trip. Now I have built many landers before. I've tested them all and only one or two of them made it to orbit. The best engine to use when ascending from Eve is the Aerospike. It has the best ISP and has a relatively high thrust. However it has no gimbal. If I were to make all of my engines Aerospikes and be able to control myself during ascent. I'd have no problem designing a small enough lander to push to Eve. But... Everytime I build one like this, it flips over 5 seconds after launch. I need a less efficient engine like the vector in the middle to help control going up. Less efficient means less DV means more fuel which means more mass which means it will be much harder to get the lander to Eve in the first place. Now is there a way to make it controllable on the way up? E.G winglets, torque? Secondly, Hyperedit got implemented into the debug menu in the latest update. Sort of. With this revamped debug menu, is there a way for me to land my lander on Eve without having to edit into orbit and land manually? Thanks in advance. Fire
  19. (To tell the truth, I don't know if doing a gravity turn manually on Eve is possible. Maybe it is with winglets, maybe not. Feel free to correct me.) So most of us know that to get to orbit efficiently, you need to do a gravity turn and have an AoA of roughly 45 degrees at 10km on Kerbin. This is done by tipping over gradually while you are ascending. Getting to orbit this way is the most efficient and will get you into orbit using the least amount of DV. However on Eve, such a maneuver is very difficult and most people just go straight up and turn after they have gotten up high enough not to flip over when they turn it the slightest. Doing a gravity turn on Eve like Kerbin is hard and makes getting to orbit not as efficient as on Kerbin. In fact some might say it is impossible to do. Until... now. Before 1.2, using the SAS to point in a certain direction, such as prograde, retrograde, radial and so on could cause an engine to gimbal uncontrollably and force you to keep the ship focused on a certain direction manually. This bug was fixed in 1.2 and now, if you get it right, you can have that... do the gravity turn for you. All you have to do is move slightly to one side while you are firing the engines and the prograde vector will move forward in that direction. Then just hold prograde and you will follow it and keep it moving. Now yesterday, I built an Eve lander, dropped it through Eve's atmosphere and landed it. This was a test run to land and fly to orbit so I used the debug menu to edit it into low Eve orbit. It took me a few tries to get the optimal launch, (i.e make it go straight up and not flip over. ) but I did it and on this one attempt, I was tilted slightly down the navball on the 90 line. My prograde vector was slowly moving down at the same time so I clicked on hold prograde. I then watched it slowly tip over until at 10 km, it was at 45 degrees AoA. Now I know since Eve's atmosphere ends at 90 km and Kerbin's ends at 70 km that this is a less optimal gravity turn maneuver since you are going to want to be going up more and not going sideways as much But I got into orbit with tons of DV to spare and also did what I call an optimal flight to orbit. Sure the nose got hot at one point and almost blew up and as I said previously, this wasn't an optimal gravity turn but it worked. So... what I am wondering is, if you use this trajectory to orbit, how small can you make your landers? Also what are your thoughts on this discovery? And have any of you encountered this yet? Thanks. Fire
  20. KSP: 1.2 Windows 64bit Problem: crash on runway Mods installed: Chatterer 0.9.91 KER EVE 1.2.2 Graphotron0.4.1 Precise Node 1.2.4 Reproduction steps: Hello, I had crashes with Precise Node, Chatterer, KER, Graphotron, Scatterer, SVE and EVE mods. I got rid of all, and perform a complet clean install. Resume play with Precise Node, Chatterer, KER, Graphotron => no problem for 5 days. add EVE => crah on runway. But I did also press F12 and now read that may cause problem (even if it's for large vessels ?). can you tell for the crah folder <= http://dl.free.fr/kMWbDVMhb were the crah came from? Log:
  21. It's time to fulfill my contract for a space station in orbit of Eve. 5000 units of ore, ISRU, 11 kerbals, antenna, docking port, generate power. On the minus side, the launch window is way off, so no help from Kerbin. On the plus side, the Gilly base has its OSE workshop running at full capacity, filled up on PartKits and Ore, I got one of 5-meter containers empty, and obviously launching *anything* from Gilly into Eve orbit is easy. Obvious problems: only 8 kerbals in base, so 8 tons per part max, preferably less because coordinating kerbals like that is hell. All tanks are manufactured empty, need to be filled afterwards. If a part uses exhaustible resource that can't be refilled, it can't be refilled (so, I can manufacture only useless empty SRBs). Only stock attachment modes (node/surface), no part offset, although arbitrary rotation. No clipping - things REALLY like to explode during KIS assembly when clipped. Really big, unwieldy parts can be moved through RCS and attached through docking ports if I can only fit them in the 5m container and remove them from it (the deciding factor is part volume... roughly 2 orange tanks will fit). I could trivially make a station that JUST fulfills the requirements, dump it into Eve orbit and be done with it, either terminating it or landing it and recycling back into PartKits. But I think I *could* do better... I just need an idea, *how*. My ultimate goal is conquest of Eve. Land kerbals, return from the surface, possibly building an outpost/base in between. An orbital station could be helpful in that, but I guess by the time I find out *how* it could be helpful by myself, it will be long in orbit. So... any good ideas, how I could make that station more than a stupid contract-filler?
  22. Okay so I know there have been some Lightweight Eve lander challenges before but I haven't seen one in a long time so here goes. Rules that apply for both categories: Only allowed mods are informative and visual mods. (And pilot assistant mods for "Anything goes" -category) No altering physics! No cheating otherwise also! No kraken drives or and of that nonsense. Use of hyperedit is allowed for transfering your craft to Eve and moving the craft to a launching location of your choice. (You can land anywhere you want on Eve's surface and then hyperedit the same ship to a location that you want to launch from.) You must provide screenshots that show your crafts decent and ascent as well. Must be manned. (Kerbal doesn't have to plant a flag or visit the surface so no need for ladders though). You will start from an unstable Eve orbit so that your starting Ap is >90km and your starting Pe is >0km. You can use any means you want to get the craft there and then whatever mass you have left is your entry score. (I for example used hyperedit to get to 100x100km eve orbit and a small extra stage for deorbit burn that I then decoupled.) You must reach stable orbit. (Pe >90km). There will be 2 categories with different rules: A) "Robust and actually usable lander" B) "Anything goes" Category A) rules: 1. A proper crew pod must be used. So NO lawn chairs. 2. You must take off from <1000m elevation from sea level. 3. No using kerbal's EVA pack for the final circularization. Kerbal must get back to orbit in the pod. Category B) rules: 1. Land anywhere on Eve and take-off from anywhere on Eve. 2. Other than that do whatever. Use lawn chairs and EVA's and whatever you want. And here is my entry for the A) category to kick things off: Sub 30t Eve lander EDIT: Sorry the pics are in a weird order and imgur shuffles them again even if I rearrange them. I dunno why. But you can still see what is going on by reading the descriptions
  23. I have made a video in which i have constructed ground base. And have puted it on the Eve's surface. Take a look! https://youtu.be/Jx8cyo1Bu9E
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