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  1. I pressed space bar when jebediah was going out the spaceship... Discord server: https://discord.gg/4d7PSyG
  2. Sorry everybody, but this project is lost (My computer's harddrive broke, and I didn't store this on cloud ) Hello everybody. GGKSPMC here. Have you ever been annoyed by CurseForge, or just can't find the right place to upload all of your mods? Well, I am developing a AWESOME alternative to all of those modding websites. This modding website is going to be called GameModHub. Here is a GIF of GameModHub: or at http://i.imgur.com/EsFg5w6.gifv [fileSize is 2mb, so sometimes the browser will say 404 . You guys may be worried that GameModHub will end up like kerbalspaceprogram.com. Well, I will have high paying advertisements and premium accounts kind of like reddit or Curse, except that I will not go overboard on the ads because everyone hates ads! The maximum mod file size will be 500MB without a premium account, and 1gb with a premium account. I hope everyone is excited for GameModHub, because I AM! Please do not comment on things like hosting and bandwith because I have already dealt with all of that :D. Below is my development checklist BOLD: Not worked on yet, most will be worked on when the website is online [IM USING MAMP] Italic: Being worked on, beta feature Strikethrough: Finished Underlined: Never gonna happen until the website gets 2000000 users. HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT Most images Server side code PHP AJAX Uploading mods Virus detecting (Will need moderators to test the mods for viruses) ADS (not a bloody ton of ads. just one ad per page, what other way will I get close to enough money to run a modding website?) Usernames Premium Comments Forums Blogs Wikis Server list Please suggest more features for this website! Please also do not troll anyone on this post, and please be motivational! UPDATE LOGS: ALPHA 1: Nice design/style ALL CSS/HTML worked on Currently Working On: Html/Css [because I need to make it even better] MORE RESPONSIVE JAVASCRIPT!!! Reducing file size SOON I WILL BE DONE WITH BLODDY PHP GameModHub Badges for badgers [PLEASE PUT INTO YOUR FORUM SIGNATURES!!! THANKS!]: User:
  3. Pc gamer came out. Started reading, and saw that they mentioned intergalactic travel and i theorised: ' in that context, a spelling mistake is likely to occur. ' But then, near the end, i get very confused by the following statement: There are multiple solar systems, then, and tech and science advancements that continue well into the intergalactic phase of the game. I do not understand. Can someone clarify this for me?
  4. Wondering, as the summer sale is going on, I was gonna buy making history and breaking ground, but I play on 1.7.3, if I buy the dlc, will it work with 1.7.3 and if not, is there a workaround that means it will?
  5. Hello, I have a question about the containers where you can put things in the inventory. If I drag it into the inventory of the Kerbal I need tools to attach it. Which tool do I need to e.g. to attach to my space station? And how do I do that? Many thanks for the help
  6. Hello, I lost Jebediah Kerman on a mission. (K.I.A.) Now I wanted to ask if I can somehow revive Jebediah via a cheat/ command? Would it be possible. Or is there another option? thank you Greetings MarKu
  7. Commissioning Solar Orbiter instruments from home amid COVID-19 lockdown
  8. Not part of @Ultimate Steve’s Voyage! Prologue The plan was in trouble. There was a game that practically their test, it was called Kerbal Space Program. There were more than 5,000 players on Kerbal Space Program each day, and those were the numbers they could find. And it didn’t help that there were constant challenges to one-up each other. They almost decided to keep all of the KSP players frozen on Earth, when one intern who just joined suggested making a separate challenge for those KSP players. There were two requirements to be considered a KSP player, you had to have played the game for at least 100 hours, and you must be able to create and send your own space plane to orbit. So it was decided. There would be two groups, one with the common people, and the other with the KSP players. So it was said, so it was decided, so it was done.
  9. Hey, I am grade 12 student currently working on my Extended Essay. The topic of my essay involves Oberth Effect. I understand that data can be collected for Oberth Effect on KSP. My essay is due in 2 weeks. I have never used KSP before. Would anyone be able to help me collect data for my Extended Essay. I can share more details if someone can help me out. Thanks alot Pranav
  10. okay, i've kinda made quite a reputation for myself [snip] and i admit, i was just not rational but i did lose a space station that took me weeks to build [snip], but that's not the point here, i want to put people's crafts in orbit, when your rocket gets too big or too heavy, you can ask me if i want to put the craft in orbit for struggling players since i've been playing since 1.2 i have pretty much mastered KSP, i have a good reputation but everyone around me always has a excellent reputation so i want to get there, i want to help struggling players put thier crafts into orbit or maybe, take it anywhere they want me to take it, i don't know how this site works since i rarely visit the ksp forums but i feel like i need to visit this site more often since it has alot of amazing people there and i want to be just like them, so send me your craft files and lets see what i can do. Also btw im using restock, restock+ space station expansion parts redux and planetary base systems, im also on 1.9.1 the latest version and your ''craft'' can be no more than 700 parts since i don't have the best pc, i can just turn the graphics all the way down so i can extend the max parts to 1000 but only on rare occasions because my cpu hits 90 degrees celcius when im running crafts like this. Anyway, if you meet the requirement send in your save file and i can get your craft in orbit. oh and one more thing i live in the UK so the time as of writing this is nearly 6:00 AM so i had no sleep so im gonna be at least 10 hours late to dm's
  11. Just updated my Mac to OS Sierra. Never had issues before, but now KSP freezes upon starting at the "Loading Asset Bundle Definitions". The loading comments keep changing but no matter how long I let it sit, the loading bar never moves past "Loading Asset Bundle Definitions". I know there has been some issues with PC's and other programs or networks, but not much feedback for Mac users present. Please help, not being able to play is killing me! KSP 1.1.3 Mac OS Sierra Running 32 bit Game stays on Loading Asset Bundle Definitions indefinitely while still scrolling through loading comments... player.log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4no3juavs1r2sxa/Player.log?dl=0
  12. PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR JUST ONE SECOND, i feel like this needs to be said and i just needed to get it off my chest, i don't trust take two with making ksp 2 because they have a history of screwing over thier fanbase and thier modders, when GTAV first came out, take two (rockstars parent company) decided to and DMCA all the people who made mods for it and only because of the IMMENSE backlash they they received, take two decided to back off and let the modders do thier thing, but something has recently came to surface and when i mean recently, i mean i just found this unheard controversy that take two managed to get themselves into, a modder was making a graphical enhancement for read dead redemption 1 and it looked pretty good, but take two decided to do the worst thing possible, they managed to get the modders personal details and keep in mind that he is 25 years old, he had calls from take two harassing him with lawsuits and DMCA takedowns, not only that, take two harassed his mother and his by blowing up her phone threatening her with the exact same thing, copyright, DMCA lawsuits ect, the modder took it down and he said in an interveiw that take two was not willing to budge on a negotiation they just want the mod taken down period. source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvKT4eCj_Sg There was another incident where a youtuber discussed the leaked borderlands 3 trailer, now keep in mind that he didnt use any footage from the trailer, he just talked about how the borderlands 3 trailer was leaked and that he is exited to play it, well take two decided to send a false DMCA takedown on his channel giving him a copyright strike, not only that take two sent a false DMCA takedown on his channel which keep in mind its ILLEGAL, they send private investigators to his house to harass and intimidate him to keep quiet, source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip2nm503Tm0 do i even have to mention how take two killed star theory and stole most of its employees? now i may be nitpicking here but honestly i just dont trust take two at all but hey, im willing to take L's when take two releases KSP2 and if its a good game then ill delete thepost but for now my opinion still stands and i dont trust take two with making ksp2
  13. Who Else believes Kerbal Space Program should add in comets. You would find them the same way as asteroids but they would have there elliptical orbit and would have jets of gas going into space and if you landed on these comets you could see the jets of gas, and like real comets there tails would only be there if they were close to the sun. I would also like to thank the mod "Kerbal Komets" where these pictures were taken for ideas, to show for the ideas These are some images in mind of what comets could look like and how to find them, and get to them, and the naming system, and tracking system.
  14. Now is your time to help SpaceX. We've been waiting for this mission for years and it's finally here. Your task is: 1a) Launch Crew Dragon Demo-1 1b) *Optional* Land first stage booster 3) Rendezvous & Dock with the ISS (International Space Station) 4) Land on Kerbin, alive. Sounds easy? Good, no pressure. Required Mod: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbal-reusability-expansion DOWNLOAD MISSION HERE
  15. I like to make puns. KSP has some objects/names that lend themselves well to puns. So why not make a thread about it? Here's one to start: How do kerbals measure energy?
  16. I am always wondering how aerodynamics is being calculated in KSP? For example, I want to know how does the game calculate the force produced by the wing(s) while flying in a specific speed. Any equations (as detailed as can be) will be appreciated.
  17. Salut à tous, petit topic pour vous dire que je lance un serveur discord KSP ouvert à tous le monde (de préférence francophone). Le Serveur vous permettra de rencontrer d'autres joueurs KSP, d'échanger des vaisseaux, de jouer en ligne (mods), mais aussi de partager sa liste de mods.... Bref j'espere vous revoir de l'autre coté ^^ Le lien : https://discord.gg/E7GMFVF
  18. So you know how KSP was first compiled in 2010, with the Kerbal name being inspired from tin figurines in modified fireworks? I feel like the design of the little green men are also inspired by those same figurines...
  19. After playing this game for such a long time, I always feel lonely playing alone. I want to get in touch with you. If you agree, you can send an email to the following address: [removed for your protection} Thank you so match!!!
  20. First I have to give credit to Nexter's Lab. I got the idea for this challenge while watching one of his videos. This is a challenge to make a paper airplane and see how far you can glide. Post your attempts here or on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JollyRogerAe... Distance will be measured from the Launch clamps. No Mods. Planes must be stock. Parts allowed for the plane: flat wing sections, Elevons/control surfaces(no winglets or shuttle parts), cubic struts or I-beams, struts(spacetape), 1- RTG or 2- small solar panels, 1- small battery(100 electric), 1- small SAS unit, 2- radial decouplers, up to 16 seperatrons(no other boosters or engines), minimum 1 command seat. Rules: 1- No more than 70 parts for the plane itself. 2- Seperatrons can only be attached to the 2 decouplers. 3- I'm looking at the distance from the launch clamps. 4- No infin-glide(if still possible) 5- Launch from runway using launch clamps. 6- Land in the water intact. 7- F3 to show craft status and have the launch clamp marker visible. 8- Must have at least 1 Kerbal on board. 9- Thrust on the seperatrons must be above 75%. You may use anything you need to get the Kerbal onto the plane but no capsules or cockpits on the plane itself. Current Leader Board: Foamyesque - 46.1 Km Honorable mention: Herbal Space Program 44.5 Km(Thrust below 75%) Moarmau5 - 38.2 Km sebi9960 - 38.2 Km The Optimist - 38.2 Km Xenro66 - 24.6 KmJolly Roger Aerospace - 20.8 KmBilly Winn - 12.9 Km Category Entertainment
  21. Hey guys, could you please give me a hand, i was just playing kerbal space program career mode and i rescued some kerbals i put on the mun in a rover (not a contract) and when i started the mission i had 1MIL funds, and when i ended the mission and recovered all the kerbals (including the ones that were on the mun) i had 1.8mil funds and it said i gained 400 funds. So basically, do you gain funds from gaining reputation? I just rescued kerbals i put on the mun and gained 800 thousand when i recovered it. Thanks!
  22. so ive been playing this game for about a year now and i now just got a glitch that ive never seen before btw im using a mod pack if that helps with the answers the glitch is that when i have thrust going and i hit x it doesnt stop all the way it lowers the thrust but goes for a few seconds before stopping im wondering how can i fix this that would be cool to know Thanks!
  23. Here's the error I got inside the KSP.log: [EXC 15:16:51.022] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object RUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraphUCFinder.IsEntryPointRequest (.Part part, .Callback`1 requestCallback) RUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraphUCFinder.IsEntryPoint (.Part part, .Callback`1 deliveryCallback, .Callback`1 requestCallback) RUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraphUCFinder.IsEntryPoint (.Part part) UIPartActionWindow.CanActivateFuelFlowOverlay (.Part p) UIPartActionWindow.CreatePartList (Boolean clearFirst) UIPartActionWindow.UpdateWindow () UIPartActionController.UpdateActiveWindows () UIPartActionController.UpdateEditor () UIPartActionController.Update ()
  24. Hey so I am wanting to take a main rocket and have a small sub Satellite detach off and do it’s satellite stuff. I am new on ps4 and to the game in general just wondering what to do
  25. Helll all - Have tried numerous online searches to no avail - so here goes: Working through the science progress tree in career mode - recently started mining ore - and had a “return 1100 units of ore from Mun mission... Fly to Mun - mined ore w/ no issues - topped up all fuel - and added “just enough” ore + small reserve....Flew back to Kerbin - reentry and landed - but no mission credit?!? The ore amount had dropped by @ 300 units in flight?!? Luckily I do plenty of game saves - so able to return to Mun - “overmined” - and then monitored ore reserves in flight (time warp) - and sure enough: ore gets slowly depleted while in flight?!? Would like like to know how to rectify - as am planning upcoming first trip to Eve - and have accepted a bunch of missions (aware of high delta V to relaunch from Eve) - including an ore return....but if there is still this small “ore leak” - I doubt I will have any left at all by the time I return to Kerbin Any suggestions? KSP 1.9 / Mechjeb / EngineerRedux / Docking Alignment Indicator and maybe ForScience or Automated Science Scanner Thanks in advance! Dan
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