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  1. Here's my idea for a challenge: Use as many distinct parts as possible, and do not use a part twice, and score points by traveling to different locations. RULES: You must have only one instance of parts. That is, your rocket cannot have two of the same part No modded parts (exceptions: Asteroid day) No cheating with hyperedit, alt-f12, etc. Launch clamps or other structures that stay on the ground do not count, either for the points or for duplicate parts. (This is so you can use more than one launch clamp on your unwieldy rocket.) SCORING: Points are calculated for each milestone, plus the part count of the vessel at the time of the milestone completion. Does not explode on launchpad: 10 pts. Lifts off successfully: 15 pts. Suborbital trajectory: 30 pts. Orbit: 50 pts. Return one Kerbal to Kerbin safely: 50 pts. Return all command pods (including the command chair, not including any probe core.)(They don't have to be crewed) to Kerbin safely: 70 pts. Mun fly-by: 100 pts. Mun orbit: 125 pts. Mun landing: 175 pts. Minmus landing: 150 pts. Solar orbit: 100 pts. Duna fly-by: 150 pts. Duna orbit: 175 pts. Duna landing: 225 pts. Ike landing 200 pts. Return from Duna system to safe Kerbin landing: 75 pts. Craft is a spaceplane: 100 pts. Jool orbit: 200 pts. Vall fly-by: 100 pts. Laythe fly-by: 100 pts. Eeloo fly-by: 175 pts. If any of you get farther, than that, we'll work something out. SCOREBOARD: @NightshineRecorralis, adding four new scoring objectives, and getting 2316 points! @purpleivan, with 2026 points! @5thHorseman, doing a livestream and getting 1444 points! @Racescort666, with a spaceplane and 1114 points! @Mad Rocket Scientist, With 264 points My attempt: One with everything, with 95 parts. Creative thrust limiter tweaking allowed me to fly an almost straight trajectory, to ~7000 m. Creative timewarping broke the ship in half, allowing for crew recovery. 10 + 94 + 15 + 94 + 50 + 1 = 264
  2. Kraken themed parachutes with flapping tentacles action! Stack and Radial. no dependencies... at least until Squad changes stock parachute code. grab them, and other fun bits and bobs, at Dr. Kermanssus' Parts Emporium!
  3. Does anyone knows how to hide a part completely? I used category = -1 in the cfg file but it hides only from the main categories, but the part still visible in the advanced categories. How to hide it from there. with a plugin?
  4. I want to spend a moment talking about command pods. There are currently two in the game... and that's it. The most popular and reliable method of getting into and leaving space for the past 50 years and the forseeable future, and it's represented in KSP by a mere 2 parts. There are 3 cockpits for crying out loud, and this is Kerbal SPACE Program. This needs to change (at least on my install) So I thought,"Ok, no problem. I'll just go over to the forums and find the mod pack of only Command Pods that surely exists!" ...and now I'm here. My request is simple: More Command Pods! Preferably stockalike with IVAs at some point. I'm not looking for suggestion for currently existing mods as I've seen "most" of them already, though I won't turn any down. Some Ideas Bellow: "Advanced" mk1 pod. It always seemed odd to me that when I building a vessel destined for Eeloo, the breadbox with the tiny window and mis-matched paint job is still one of the better options. This pod would be essentially a mk1 pod with a white paint job and better (more Gemini?) window. Simple mk 1-2 redesign. Put the door in a nice place, clean up the textures, etc. Long 2 crew pod. This would be a 1.25 meter capsule that's extra long so it can seat 2 kerbals in a row, F-4/F-14 style. Wide 2 crew pod. This would be a 2.5 meter part with 2 kerbals sitting in it side by side, like in the top seats of the mk 1-2. There's already a mod that does this well, so that's not really a priority. 4 crew Pod 5 crew Pod Many crew pod Round pods Uniquely shaped pods etc.
  5. Hi all ! After playing KSP for a while and using a couple of mods, i decided to try and create my own. I would like to create a Stuka-like-siren part, which make an increasingly higher sound depending of the speed, when activated. I don't want the sound to be played when my custom part is not attached to the vessel, and i don't want all parts to play the sound. I have a basic undersanding in object oriented programming, and i'm fairly new to c#. My problem is, i didn't find the way to get the vessel info "srfSpeed" (see: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:Vessel#Fields). public class ModuleStukaSiren : PartModule { double vspeed = vessel.srfspeed; } I get this error : A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field, method, or property... As far as i know/understood, i can't set that class as static, and at this point i don't even know if i can access the class "vessel" through PartModule (whereas Documentation for the KSP API let me think i should), or even if the class "vessel" needs to be used. I spent the afternoon on c#, KSP API, KSP plugins related forums, without conclusive result. So, is it possible to access the vessel info through a plugin for a module i will attach on a specific part, and how ? Does someone have in mind some simple tutorial or mod source which can help or inspire me ? My apologies if that question is dumb and only c# related, and sorry for my bad english. Thanks Roiarg
  6. Set of parts for help in long cruise ship building, Includes 2.5m foldable centrifuge, 2.5m and 3.75m hubs and inline 3.75m solar panels. Inside MM patch for CTT, USI-LS and Snacks Suggestions for balance or criticism for the model are welcome Thanks to @landeTLS for explanation on how import the object in Unity DOWNLOAD SpaceDock GitHub TACLS Support Alternative cfg by @Deimos Rast CLS support by @panarchist TweakScale Patch by @nebuchadnezzar LICENSE CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Changelog
  7. Hey all, Bit of a strange request here. I had an idea to use the small thermal control system as a 'walkway' of sorts to get from ground to aeroplane. The problem being, the part rotates once activated, and also looks and feels a little flimsy. If someone who knows what they're doing has a bit of spare time, could you possibly make said part (either an edited original or a duplicate part, the same model is more than good enough) stronger and remove its tendency to rotate, or possibly make it so it can be rotated at will? It doesn't have to still operate as a radiator - it can just be a structural part. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help, Kyrian
  8. I've been experimenting with creating a parts mod, and I just finished my proof-of-concept. When I loaded it into KSP, I noticed that the edges of my part stood out. Comparing my part to a stock part, I can't see any huge difference in the number of Tris. Lighting in the word vs. hangar doesn't seem to affect it, either. The part looked fine in Blender, but the edges look as shown in Unity and in KSP. For my material in Unity, I picked KSP/Diffuse, as suggested in some tutorials I saw. Could that have something to do with it?
  9. Greetings! : D I've been trying to figure out a method for measuring a crafts "wobbliness"/rigidity and have things happen when it's poorly constructed or subjected to excess stress. I've been looking into breaking forces and torque, but as I have understood, it is not possible to have Unity give up any values on forces applied to a part's joints, except when it has actually fallen off. I was therefore thinking of trying to measure parts relative rotation and position to its parent part (or joint). Then store the values at start of a flight. Then during flight check the offset values of the original position/rotation. Then finally, have thing happen when the offset values are too great. However, I've been trying for a while to figure out exactly what I should measure (or where I can get the information I need), but I'm still just as clueless as I was when I started. Any help would be greatly appreciated : D
  10. Stock Part Fixes For a long time I wasn't happy with attributes of some parts that nearly prohibite us to use them. So I compiled some inconsitencies and created some Module Manager scripts to change the data. Here is the "Suggestion topic" This is not really a mod, but a script which will need Module Manager, which you can find here Download the mod (ZIP) This zip contains 3 files Consistency fixes : it'll fix many mass and few temperatures inconsitencies. It also add 50RCS to the inline docking port and extend the interaction range of Goo experiment and Lab Jr. Science changes : increase mass of many experiments, size Atmo scan and narowband to match goo canister size and mass. Only small experiments keeps their physicless atribute. ISRU are also more heavy. Delete this file if you don't like it Dubious changes : Basic fin has be buffed to a real fin and Airbrake is now more resistant. Those 2 modifications may change the game play, so delete this file if you don't like that. Feed back is very much appreciated. Further more, I would like to change some data on drag for some parts, but I don't know how to do it. Science rescale (atmo sensor and narrowband scanner) Inconsistency fixes details Science changes details Dubious changes details
  11. V0.8.0 (Southern Cross Plays Softly in the Distance) Welcome to the Prakasa Aeroworks development thread, which is now actually for development. Release thread over here. Stick around to post suggestions/see work in progress images. Image Album: http://imgur.com/a/lrUdq (Can't get it to embed for some reason) License: This work is Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  12. Is there a mod to make a tube that can be used to dock two vessels on uneven ground? I think saw it somewhere once but couldn't remember what it was called...
  13. Mk 1 Cargo Bay Updated A small set of inline open-ended cargo bays, up-to-date for Kerbal Space Program 1.x. Parts There are two parts, in the size 0 (0.625 m) and 1 (1.25 m) form factors. Download and install GitHub CurseForge From there, just unzip the "Mk1CargoBay" folder into your GameData directory. Be sure to delete the old Mk1CargoBay if it's still around -- otherwise, the old PNG texture might stick around and cause trouble. Known and anticipated issues None at this time. Please let me know if you find any! Version history and changelog 2015 12 12 (1.1): "Initial" release. Fixes include: DDS texture Fixed scaling to avoid stock MODEL/rescaleFactor bug Drag cubes ModuleCargoBay for shielding contents Size 0 (0.625m) bay added 02016 10 29 (1.2): Tag-team Tags added. Updated to use new "Payload" category -- so this and later releases are no longer compatible with KSP 1.0.x or 1.1.x. .version file added. 02017 06 10 (1.3): Export Licensing Updated to support KSP 1.3's localization system. 02021 09 06 (1.4): We CAN Build It! Updated to support KSP 1.11's Construction system. Roadmap End of the road, thanks for letting these parts into your builds! I hope they've been useful for making smaller rockets just a little bit cleaner. Credits Thanks to Talisar for the models (caretaker releases by taniwha over here and on GitHub), Roxette for the initial release, jlcarneiro for suggesting the Mk0 bay, and Master39 for the revised texture (I went back to the original interior rather than the gold/orange stuff, but the outside color looks much better). License (This release of) Mk 1 Cargo Bay is copyright 2015 Kerbas_ad_astra. Part configuration files, Module Manager patches, models, and textures are released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license (or any later version).
  14. There is now a release as a developmental preview, which is guaranteed buggy. As Kerwis is no more interested on working on the Chinese Pack, we KerbFilm Studios will continue to maintain it. Well duh, I know by our name, we're "supposed" to make videos and stuff blah blah blah, just ignore that part and move on. ===== Congratulations to the Chinese on successful maiden flight of CZ-7 on June 25!! ===== This thread will be updated (or not) as soon as possible when new progresses are made. This pack is currently intended for RSLV (Real-Scale Launch Vehicles), and THERE ARE NO PLANS FOR STOCK SUPPORTS in the upcoming version (and very likely a couple more after) yet. After we finish up with the RSLV configs, we can then consider making a Kerbin-compatible version of these. If you have a feature request, feel free to post it under this thread, we will weight each option and choose some to add to the planned features list. There's already a CZ-9 mod (The Martian Rockets), you can find it [HERE]. It only supports stock instead of RSS and RO. Its author, MajorLeagueRocketScience, kindly allowed us to write RSLV configs for it, and we'll start working on that once CZ-1, -2F, -3B, -5 and Shenzhou are stable. For now, balances for Career Mode are by far not finished. It will be still useable (somewhat) in Career Mode, but do so at your own risk. Unless it's a good bug, supports will not be provided before a version with official career support has been released. Here are some pics. Images provided by mark7 As this is WIP for now, the formal release date is unconfirmed as far as this thread. It will possibly be around December this year. It's just ComingSoon™ – MAIN FEATURES – Chinese rockets and spacecraft CZ-1 CZ-2F CZ-3B CZ-5 CZ-6 CZ-7 CZ-9 Shengzhou Spacecraft New manned spacecraft (No official name yet) FAR compatible fairings based on PF – WIP FEATURES – CZ-1 rocket (Mostly done) CZ-2F rocket (Models are mostly done, cfg fixes WIP) CZ-3B rocket (Mostly done) CZ-5 rocket (Remodeling & Revamp done, texturing WIP) CZ-6 rocket (Models done, texturing WIP) CZ-7 rocket (Models done, texturing WIP. Est completion by 07-20) CZ-9 rocket (Half way through modeling, engines are not done yet) Shenzhou Spacecraft (WIP, now a somewhat working prototype) New Spacecraft (Models done, texturing WIP) CZ-7 Models New Chinese manned space craft pics (name still not determined yet, we'll call it Next Generation Crew Vehicle, or NGCV, for now) The NGCV can hold up to 6 astronauts, and is capable of reentering at the speed of 11.2 km/s. Somewhat comparable to Orion. – PLANNED FEATURES – Stock balances and support Career balances – DOWNLOADS – >>>>>THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE, AND EXPECT IT TO BE BUGGY<<<<< Secondary: GitHub Tertiary: Dropbox No source codes of this mod are available as this is essentially a part-only mod by itself. Links to source codes of the plugins we've used can be found on their dev/release thread, see "Dependencies" section for more info and links. Legacy downloads can be found at SpaceDock changelog page and GitHub releases page. – DEPENDENCIES – Module Manager* (NOT INCLUDED) Community Resource Pack (Included) XT Landertron (Plugin included) Procedural Fairings (Will be one in the future, but not done by now) * If you don't want RF and RP patches, then you don't have to have it. – NOT DEPENDENT BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – RSS or 10x Kerbol System (unless you like single-stage-to-Jool rockets) Ferram Aerospace Research (unless you like the soupy atmosphere in RSS) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (unless you like noodle-like rockets) Kerbal Crew Manifest (Shenzhou's orbital module's hatch doesn't work, this provides a temporary workaround for crew transfering) Real Fuels (Will be supported in future versions, integration WIP) RealChute (Provides some help for Shenzhou's chute problems, and it is a good mod afterall) RealPlume (If you can run RSS at a reasonable FPS, I guess some pretty FX won't hurt anybody) – EXTRAS – There are none as far as of this thread. Sorry. RP FX is on its way of being integrated. – COMPATIBILITY – It is designed to work in v1.0.5 so far. As it is a mostly part-only mod, it should more or less work with 1.1.x. It is likely to work just fine in v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, v1.0.3 and v1.0.4, but if you are using such installations, just don't expect too much support. This pack is on the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network, or CKAN. It's done via KerbalStuff (which means I'm not quite sure what exactly happened to it). It also works in the Community Windows x64 Workaround. You will receive support on x64 builds as long as we can manage it. SUPPORTED MODS: (Not a complete list) No conflict with other mods are known. – INSTALLATION – 1. Hit a download button somewhere 2. Unzip and extract content 3. Throw the stuff into \KSP Root Folder\GameData\ folder the same way you do to other mods 4. Make sure all dependencies are there (they're included), maybe a couple ones in the recommended section 5. ...? 6. PROFIT!!!!! You are encouraged to manually delete the past versions of it before installation, despite that your OS will ask to replace them anyway. Especially during the developmental and pre-release phase, any left-overs can cause really bad stuff to happen. I don't even want to imagine those. – RECOMMENDED HARDWARE SETUP – Minimal: Intel Core i7 5600U (2C4T, BF 2.60GHz, Turbo Boost 3.2GHz – 3.1GHz) Intel HD Graphics 5500 (24EU at 300MHz – 950MHz, 1GB Shared) 6GB DDR3L-1333 5400RPM SATA3 HDD Recommended: Intel Core i7 3632QM (4C8T, BF 2.20GHz, Turbo Boost 3.2GHz – 3.0GHz) NVIDIA GT 750M (384EU at 967MHz, ≥1GB GDDR5 Dedicated) 8GB DDR3-1600 SATA Express/PCIe NVMe SSD – KNOWN ISSUES – - Shenzhou's parachute only has the upper half visible, but does function normally (somewhat) - Shenzhou command pod will slide sideway during parachuted descent like [THIS], it will be better under RealChute - CZ-3 RP FX is buggy and needs some more work, thus it is disabled by default - Shenzhou orbital module's crew hatch is un-clickable (no menu popping up), see MMG's devnote for more. This bug is now currently beyond our ability to repair, due to that it's something wrong with Unity or KSP itself. UPDATE: it works fine in 1.0.5, but still buggy in 1.0.4. Not sure why. – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – Q: Will this pack cause my computer to blow up? A: Not this pack itself, but RSS and RO. See the recommended hardware section for more. Dual core CPUs with strong single core performance should be enough, as Unity 4 isn't multithreaded and Unity 5 will do fine under 4 threads with HyperThreading. Although disliked by many modders, the Community Windows x64 Workaround is highly recommended if you have more than 8GB of RAM. Remember to use the Windows x64 Unfixer with this. Q: Do you support installations with the Community Windows x64 Workaround? A: Yes. We. Do. As long as it's within our abilities, we will provide as much support as we do to the x86-32 stock builds. Q: (some sort of bugs, instabilities and whatnot) happened! What the %$#@& is wrong with this! A: Please refer back to the known issue section. This mod is still in heavy development phase, and as I've said above, use at your own risk. Nearly all pre-released stuff are buggy, and do expect that when using it. We're working hard to debug, though there are some beyond our ability or it takes longer to fix. Please, do backup your install before using this mod. Q: Will you add (this and that) A: Probably not. But feel free to comment if you find something you want and it's not in the WIP Features list. We may add it to that if it's good. – CONTRIBUTORS – mark7 (Project lead, some cfg editing and realism integration) 01010101lzy (Modeling, texturing, some cfg balancing) fantzz (cfg editing advisory, cfg debugging. I didn't find his profile page) Ladeng (Modding advisory, general support, member of Kerwis. I didn't find his profile page) AkanoLoki (Modeling, some texturing) MMG (Modeling, texturing, cfg editing, testings, aerodynamics) Wavechaser (cfg editing, MM patching, public relations and support) – SPECIAL THANKS – Dragon01 (Modding advisory) MajorLeagueRocketScience (Who allowed us to use his CZ-9 models and textures) MeCripp (Helped us to do PF fairings) 54znzn (Provided us models and textures of Tiangong) – CHANGELOG – v0.2.0.19X Not released - added ModuleSurfaceFX to all engines - replaced spaces in CZ-5 parts' names by underscores v0.2.0.18Y Dev Preview, Hotfix - fixed heavily misplaced and not-placed items in all directories - reorganizations of the pack - adjust Shenzhou's rescaleFactors to match the size of realworld Shenzhou spacecraft - added CZ-1 stock patch, now CZ-1 & CZ-3B can be used in stock installations v0.2.0.17Y Dev Preview - remodeled and retextured YF-100 engine, and it's now surface-attachable - YF-100 is now one-engine only, 2x YF-100 Cluster removed - overhauled CZ-1 - reorganized Readme.txt v0.1.6.16X Not released - added RealPlume support for CZ-1 - overhauled RF patches for CZ-1 v0.1.5.15X Not released - Shenzhou Orbital Module's hatch bug looks like it's fixed by KSP v1.0.5 - added Real Fuels supports for CZ-1 - added back all other Real Fuel patches v0.1.5.14X Experimental Release for KSP v1.0.5.1024 - changed "YF-23C1 Float Engine" to "YF-23C1 Vernier Engine" - general reorganizations v0.1.5.13X Experimental Release for KSP v1.0.5.1024 - general reorganizations - removed all patches for stabilities in v1.0.5.1024, use legacy versions if you want them v0.1.5.11X Not released - added License.txt - added version.txt - fixed the wrong name of the zip file and the folder v0.1.5.10Y Dev preview, Hotfix - addded ":NEEDS[RealFuels]" to all RF patches - reorganized \GameData\KFStudios\ folder v0.1.5.09Y Dev preview, Hotfix - updated Landertron.dll, now supports Real Fuels - updated Changelog and Known Issues in Readme.txt, so that it's aligned with this thread - fixed multiple grammar errors in Readme.txt, and it's also localized to English-US v0.1.5.08Y Dev preview - added RCS thrusters on the orbital module v0.1.5.07X Not Released - reworked Shenzhou orbital module - switched from BobCat's LandingEngine to XanderTek's XT Landertron, thus fixing the breaking engine issue - general debugging v0.1.5.06Y Dev preview, Hotfix - updated Shenzhou orbital module heat tolerance - fixed Shenzhou service module decoupler bug (hopefully) v0.1.5.01Y Initial release as a dev preview - general debugging v0.1.4.05X Not released - added RealPlumes configs to CZ-3B and CZ-5 - added Real Fuels configs to CZ-5 - fixed nodes on CZ-1, CZ-3B and CZ-5 - added Shenzhou spacecraft (though a prototype) v0.1.3.00X Not released - finished cfg fixes for CZ-3B and CZ-5 v0.1.0.00X Not released - Taken over from Kerwis Our versioning scheme: License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International XT Landertron is released and redistributed under GNU GPLv3 license. We didn't find the license for Community Resource Pack Other legal stuff: This mod is provided "as is", and we are not responsible in any way for any damages caused by using of this mod. If you don't feel like it, you can totally not download this mod and pretend you've never been here. By downloading and using this mod, you have agreed to that you are fully responsible for any damages caused by it. This mod could potentially break your system if KSP glitches out really really wildly, although it is not supposed to happen and it has never happened according to our knowledge. You can and you are encouraged to backup your current KSP installation in case of any damages to the saves and current mods you have ever occurs. I mean, backing up your KSP is a good idea anyway as Kraken can come any time. Warranties of any kind are not provided. Powered by Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 8.1
  15. 1.8.9 last big chunk (closed) This mod has been divided into several small submods at the request of many readers and users. Click here to continue: What you get with Contares? All objects are created as accurately as possible on a 50% scale. 50% scale means 1/2 of the size, 1/4 of the thrust, 1/8 of the weight. Further adjustments are due to the physical properties of the Kerbal universe. Reference diameters are 0.3125m, 0.625m, 0.9375m, 1.25m, 1.5m, 1.875m, 2.2m (ESA Parts only), 2.5m, 3.75m and 5.0m. Inquiries regarding diameters are superfluous by the effort of simple head calculations or a calculator. Fuel tanks designed for use with Contares LH2/LOX engines contain significantly less fuel. Fuel tanks which do not contain an entry for LH2/LOX in the description as well as all stock tanks should be set to 30% Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer when combined with Contares LH2/LOX engines. Regarding the arrangement of parts in the techtree there is certainly still much to steer. This work i am glad to leave to ambitious users because i personally have no interest in career or scientific mode. LAUNCHERS PODS, AUTOMATED VEHICLES and SPACESTATION PARTS SPACEPLANES OTHERS ... many more Downloads last complete mod download alternate mod download illustrated construction book Recommended mods: - Installation of SSTULabs (only to use the excellent Solar Panels but the complete mod is very nice) - Installation of DMagic Module Science Animate (Allows the creation of animated scientific experiments; temporary not used) Required mods: - Installation of RealPlume (contained engines use this engine effects mod only) - Installation of Tweakscale (change size of parts;reduces unnecessary duplication of standard parts) - Installation of RetractableLiftingSurface (Module which allows you to have a folding wing or other retractable lifting surface; used on Paraglider and Baikal-Booster Wings and Dream Crusher Wings) - Installation of Firespitter (Plugins only; allows Texture switching, Prop-Animations and more; used on UNION parts; more to come) - Installation of USI-Tools (Plugin used for floaters and inflatable [air]bags) - Installation of TACLS (TAC Life support) - Installation of Procedural Fairings (Build procedural fairings and interstages with nice optic) - Installation of KIS and KAS (Many Capsules, Spaceplanes and Storage-Modules use KIS) Supported mods: - RemoteTech - ScanSat How CONTARES should develop: - Creation of more helpful parts Specials: This mod is made for Kerbals on a Kerbal world, not to recreate anything from the human reality in perfection. Thanks to: @fwdixon (RemoteTech MM patch), @Beale (initial advice), @CobaltWolf (suggestions for textures), @Well (support on Dassault Hermes and Ariane), @Cheesecake (for some TechTree and RemoteTech support), @Rissa (Patch for 'Connected Living Space') Use your imagination! Contares Rules: Rule 1: Do not ask of others something you would not do yourself. Rule 2: The desire for mod compatibility must include the readiness to act for this desire. Rule 3: If there are more complex issues to discuss, ask me via PM in my native language German. Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0
  16. Download: Kerbal Stuff | Github License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Dependencies: Module Manager | Kerbal Attachment System Kinetic Penetrator... for Science! See HERE for real-world proposal This is a highly experimental device that took quite a bit of hacking together. A number of stock modules were harmed in the process. It has proven to be reliable in my own testing, but I'd like to get it out to a wider audience to see the interesting ways it might be abused and/or broken. I'm very interested in feedback on this device and how it functions. The pack contains 4 parts: The Kinetic Penetrator, a small monopropellant tank, a small monopropellant engine, and a tiny airbrake. The Kinetic Penetrator itself is a self-contained unit including battery, micro-RTG, probe core guidance with basic SAS, and reaction wheels. It is also equipped with a seismometer/accelerometer, thermometer, and deployable antenna for data transmission. The majority of the main device is not surface attachable to prevent attaching other devices to it, and out of necessity in regards to impact survival. A small area near bottom of the main device is attachable to allow airbrakes to be deployed. As it relies on a slightly abused landing gear module to soften impacts to prevent bouncing and allow the KAS harpoon module to take hold, the device does have options related to landing legs within it's action menu. Unfortunately I do not believe there is anything I can do about this short of writing some C# code, which I cannot do, so I don't expect that to change. Known Issues: The main device has landing leg related options in the action menu. On occasion, the device will explode on impact even at "safe" velocities. The device may bounce if it impacts the surface at speeds exceeding ~110 m/s Landing on a planet/moon may fail to complete a "Land on..." objective. If this occurs, right click on the device and select "Detach". The collider should then fall a short distance and make contact with the surface. This is mainly an issue at low impact speeds or in very low gravity. On rare occasion, you may be unable to leave the scene due to the device being registered as still in flight. Right clicking and selecting "Detach" will correct this, however the device may explode. (This has happened only twice in my testing) What do I do with this thing? It's simple, really: Crash! The device will (fairly) reliably perform at impacts up to 100 m/s. Use the fuel tank and engine included in the pack to decelerate to a safe speed (don't forget to decouple the tank and engine afterwards, and also don't forget that you will begin to accelerate again after slowing down. Plan accordingly) before impacting the surface of whatever you want to land on. Point the nose of the device at the surface, and it should sink a ways into the ground and stick. Once stuck, you can collect data and transmit it back to Kerbin! Note that in an atmosphere of any thickness, you will likely need airbrakes to avoid disaster.
  17. Nuclear Aircraft Engines To download, go to the Thermonuclear Turbines 1.1 release page. Development Album OLD Development Album A new hot way to get into orbit! This is a small mod in development that adds nuclear turbine aircraft engines based off of this concept, Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion, Project Pluto (Thanks to Nothalogh for sharing this link) and the similar Soviet program Tupolev Tu-95LAL, also with a little influence from the Choujikuu Yousai Macross anime series and sequels to give one of the engines space capability. I've been passing this idea around for a bit, and with the new changes to the LV-N Atomic Rocket, I can now make it. The concept behind the engine is that thermal energy is transferred through a heat exchanger into the "can" (combustion section of a turbine) instead of using combustion to rapidly heat up gasses to turn the turbine and provide thrust. Features: Six Engines: MASAMUNE, KUNAI, Short-M, NODACHI, MURASAMA, KATANA Custom Sounds Custom FX Attention: Much like the R.A.P.I.E.R. engine, the nuclear engines' CoM is adjusted forward to both help balance the craft and to simulate parts being gutted out to make room for the compressor, diffuser, and reactor "can." Current Issues A small bug with using conventional engines along with the nuclear engines will make them effectively nuclear. FIXED! A small bug with the "turbine spin" when switching modes of the MASAMUNE where the turbine spins down in nuclear rocket mode. FIXED! (New models and design change this.) Bug where the alternator does not supply electricity in nuclear rocket mode. This is caused by the muti-mode engine module. Just deploy solar panels in space. FIXED! (Although still good to have solar panels.) Current Status: M.A.S.A.M.U.N.E.: COMPLETE N.O.D.A.C.H.I.: COMPLETE K.U.N.A.I.: COMPLETE SHORT-M: COMPLETE M.U.R.A.M.A.S.A.: COMPLETE K.A.T.A.N.A.: MK2 cross-section, Being finished Currently Planned: Direct Air Cycle Engines (Phase I) MX-01 K. U. N. A. I. (Kerbin Utility Nuclear Aircraft Inductor) for those transport planes that never need to land. [does not go to space] MX-01X M. A. S. A. M. U. N. E. (Multiple Accelerator, Specialized Aicraft, Modified Utility Nuclear Engine) [goes to space] MXF-01 SHORT-M (Short M.A.S.A.M.U.N.E.) [lighter, less powerful, designed for small minimalist SSTOs] MX-02 N. O. D. A. C. H. I. (Nuclear Over Drive Aerospace Craft Heat Inductor) For your forever 2.5m flying needs [goes to space] MPX-01 M. U. R. A. M. A. S. A. (Multi Use Rotating Air Mechinism And Specialized Aircraft) Nuclear Propeller [you'll wish it went to space] MX-02 K.A.T.A.N.A. (Kerbin Aerospace Transport And Nuclear Acceleration) MK2 Style hybrid engine. [Also goes to space] Indirect Air Cycle Engines: (Phase II) planned but tentative Mk-II Reactor Mk-III Reactor 1.25m Reactor 2.5m Reactor ID-01 Turbine IDX-01X Hybrid Turbine IDP-02-ID Nuclear Propeller CHANGE LOG 1.0.0: Almost complete. No release yet. 0.1.42a: Accidentally broke the Masamune and Kunai engines, fixed now. 0.1.42: - Updated all plugins for 1.04 (licenses included) - Corrected animation for Short-M engine - Minor fixes 0.1.41: A little tuning to the configs and fixes the attachment node for Short-M Engine 0.1.4: Added 'Short M' engine (early) 0.1.3a: Hot Fix!!! 0.1.3: Fixed resource for air breathing, used Community Resource Pack's IntakeAtm intead of IntakeAir (thanks to suggestions by Svm420 and FreeThinker). Added MM patch for all intakes. A few minor config tweaks. 0.1.2: Changed emissive constant. 0.1.1: Description Fix in M.A.S.A.M.U.N.E Engine 0.1.0: Initial Alpha Pre-release Additional Credit: BahamtoD: BDAnimationModules.dll & Exhaust Effects B.Dynamics - Retracting/vectoring engines etc. (Pre 1.0.0) nli2work: for his awesome propeller meshes. Nazari1382: Hot Rockets (And the tutorial to make my own.) Snjo: for FireSpitter (*.dll Packaged with Thermal Nuclear) sarbian: for Module Manager (*.dll Packaged with Thermal Nuclear) RoverDude: for Community Resource Pack (Packaged with Thermal Nuclear) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  18. This is the Development Thread. Bugs report here too. Already Released! Download Pre Release on Release Thread: Hello, Everyone. So, this is my idea, from child, I dream to fly one of these. A flying car. The name is OMICRON! Will be a flying space car with a foot on reality and other in near future. The engine will be in the same principle of Saber Vtol, and will accept stock rocket engines in the back, totally customizable. My attempt is to have the EVA and the IVA all together, i mean, the Kerbals will be visible inside the craft, and all windows/doors will be openable, more likely the stock seat, but inside the craft. The configurations you'll be able to do it, reach VTOL, SSTO. I'm not creating new engines to put on back, only the Vtol SSTO ones that show in the pics, on the side of the craft. Will update the new model pics when they starting get ready, it may be a little different from this ones from the old one. Evolved. List of things i still need to do (for full release): Extra functions on cockpit panel; Plate with 6 rockets and included legs; Ejection system for seats and windows; Parachutes; Wings; Rocket command pod with big windows; My intention, as it is a hobby, is to do with pleasure, no pressure. Cheers commanders. Omicron by Climberfx is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International p.s.: Here is the link to the original thread on Forum, but in Portuguese. You still can see the pictures, is more than self explanatory. WIP OMICRON Carro Espacial Criação das Partes
  19. KSPPartRemover v1.2.1 Removes parts from Kerbal Space Program crafts So I needed to remove about 750+ ladders from my orbital space station in order to perform my docking maneuvers with more than 5FPS After Whack-A-Kerbal-ing for over an hour and lots of backup-restore, I decided a dedicated application could do the job more efficiently. Links: Brief documentation and source-code: https://github.com/ChrisDeadman/KSPPartRemover Latest release: https://github.com/ChrisDeadman/KSPPartRemover/releases/latest Example usage: list-crafts: list-parts: list-partdeps: list-mods: remove-parts: Enjoy LICENSE: The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 ChrisDeadman Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  20. Delta Pack Adds the Delta II, III and IV rockets into the game, featuring highly detailed models & textures. (No, this is NOT the official ULA mod pack! I do not have any affiliation with them, I've released my work on my own since otherwise you would never get your hands on this.) Overview of the parts included: RS-27A, RS-68A, RL10-B2, AJ-10-118K, LR-101 GEM-40, GEM-46, GEM-60,GEM-63, GEM-63XL, Star 48B SRM's 4m DCSS (2 colour shemes), 5m DCSS, Common Booster Core, Thor Tank, Delta K, Extra Extended Long Thor Tank various Payload Fairings A wide range of different payload adapters based Note: These launch vehicles are scaled down to fit the Kerbal universe, Delta II has a diameter of 1.5m, Delta III of 2.5m and Delta IV of 3m. A seperate manual is also included in the .zip file. Real Solar System / Realism Overhaul configs are made by @raidernick and are included in the upcoming RO patch. More pictures: https://imgur.com/a/MHVdhPr DOWNLOAD v.1.0 FROM SPACEDOCK All rights reserved - Kartoffelkuchen Logos used are owned by United Launch Alliance Important note: I do not want to make any profit off of my work, so I always appreciate some nice comments if you like it! Enjoy! Great review by KottabosGames SpaceX Pack Due to its size and popularity, the SpaceX Pack has been split into its own thread. You can find it here. Atlas Pack Includes: Atlas V Rocket 400 & 500 series (3 Payload fairings for each version) Centaur with RL-10 Payload interfaces (C13, C15, C22, C25, C29, A937S, B1194) http://imgur.com/a/3qlH3 Requires Old School Fairings , BD Animation Module Recommended Editor Extensions KSP Version 1.1.3 Version 2.0 (Released September 9 2016) Download SpaceDock Realism Overhaul configs are included in the RO mod Real Plume config provided by @Hysterrics , downloadable here License All rights reserved
  21. I made an add-on like this in the very early days of KSP for personal use, so I thought I may as well update it for 1.2 and release it to anyone else who might want it. This is a pack of parachutes based on the designs of model rocket parachutes over the years - predominately from the Estes company. Parachutes are functionally identical to the stock mk1 parachute aside from also being radially attachable. -Estes Red (10") parachute -Estes Orange (12") parachute -Estes Purple (18") parachute -Estes 'Retro' parachute -Quest Yellow+Red parachute Image Gallery: Changelog: v1.1 (1/23/17) -added Quest Yellow+Red parachute. -parachutes are now radially attachable v1.0 -initial release Pick it up here: https://spacedock.info/mod/1033/Estes Parachute Pack Source: https://github.com/narhiril/Estes-Model-Rocket-Parachutes (also available on CKAN) Licensed under
  22. Since, I've been trying to launch satellites into space using SSTO spaceplanes, I've been frustrated with the lack of an animated cargo bay to hold the satellite in. As the adage goes, if you want something done, do it yourself, and so I present to the KSP community, an animated cargo bay: I have received permission from C7Studios to base my parts on his old Flight Pack for better stock part integration. Watch on YouTube to see the annotations - I wasn't comfortable narrating it by voice. SkyDrive Folder: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=11CF26D6E58AF2E3!513 CodePlex Page for PartModule project: http://eeksppml.codeplex.com/ Contents (v 0.1) [table] [tr][td]Part name[/td][td]Description[/td][/tr] [tr][td]EE_Fuselage_Floor_Static[/td][td]A standard, non-animated cargo bay floor with two internal mounting points for 1m diameter parts[/td][/tr] [tr][td]EE_Fuselage_Roof_Bay[/td][td]An cargo bay roof with animated bay doors. Defaults to z to open/close, but can be changed via Part.cfg or a ship's .craft file[/td][/tr] [/table] [table] [tr][td]PartModule name[/td][td]Description[/td][/tr] [tr][td]ModuleAnimatedPart[/td][td]Module for invoking an animation in a PartTools created model on a key press. It will switch back and forth between playing the animation forwards and backwards. Fields string: animationName = {Animation Name} string: activationKey = {Unity.Input.GetKey() key name (http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/Input.html)} int: animationState = {Initial animation state: -2 for at the beginning, 2 at the end (to play animation backwards)} Example name = ModuleAnimatedPart animationName = RoofOpening activationKey = z animationState = -2 }MODULE {[/td][/tr] [/table] [table] [tr][td]Version[/td][td]Notes[/td][/tr] [tr][td]0.1[/td][td]Initial Release. Parts: Mk3 Fuselage-compatible Cargo Bay Floor, Static Mk3 Fuselage-compatible Cargo Bay Roof, Roof Bay Doors PartModules: ModuleAnimatedPart: Used to animate a part on a key press. Requires a PartTools model with an animation. [/td][/tr] [/table] Parts: [table] [tr][td]Go back through the current parts and think of shorter Titles, better descriptions and better categories[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create a Mk3 Fuselage-compatible cargo bay floor with a ramp May need to drop if I can't work out how to detect collision with ground from a PartModule[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create Mk3 Fuselage-compatible tail with a drop ramp May need to drop if I can't work out how to detect collision with ground from a PartModule[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create Mk3 Fuselage-compatible tail with clamshell doors[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [/table] PartModules:[TABLE] [tr][td]Delete ModuleAnimatedPart and split its current functions into separate but more capable PartModules[/td][td]Pending[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create replacement Animation PartModule which plays an animation from a list of animations based on additional data embedded in a KSPEvent. Also fires part-definable KSPEvents on animation start and completion.[/td][td]In Development[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create a StackIcon PartModule which sets a part's stackicon properties from a list of states. State chosen from additional data embedded in a KSPEvent.[/td][td]In 0.2 Release of EE_KSPPML Module_EE_StackIcon is untested with symmetry groups & state changing[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create a Controller PartModule which sets the buttons on a part's right-click menu. Each entry can have an associated keyboard mapping. Again, each entry will have a list of states which can be changed via KSPEvents[/td][td]In 0.3 Release of EE_KSPPML Module_EE_UserEvent lacks keyboard binding at this time[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create a sound playing partmodule. It will have a list of available sounds to play, and is picked in a similar fashion to the animation PartModule.[/td][td]In Planning Module_EE_UserEvent lacks keyboard binding at this time[/td][/tr] [/table] Other[table] [tr][td]Create a CodePlex/SourceForge account and make a SVN/GIT repository.[/td][td]Done[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Create an icon for the plugin dll.[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Spice up this thread with logos and stuff.[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Make up a better name for my PartModule project and my series of parts. "Echo 8 ÉRÀ's KSP PartModule Library" (or EE_KSPPML) is a bit of a mouthful, and a tad boring.[/td][td]In Planning[/td][/tr] [/table] All assemblies and their source code is licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL). The remainder of the work (aka the models, part.cfgs, etc.) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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