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So i tried making the apollo 11 program on ksp. For some reason the sas keeps disabling when my kerbal leaves the lander. it says sas disengaged and the lander falls over. How do i fix this?
Hey Kerbalnauts! We've got some exciting news. We need your help in creating videos that commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon mission! We'll be creating two videos; one to commemorate the launch of the Saturn V rocket and a second video to commemorate the landing of Lunar Module Eagle on the Moon. Each of these videos will predominantly be made up of in-game footage video submissions sent in by all of you! Your creativity and dedication as KSP players has been a great contribution in expanding interest and passion for space travel, and we want to showcase your amazing work! These videos are a thank you to NASA and to you, the players, for being a part of the monumentally large effort of furthering humankind’s reach across the galaxy. So you’re probably asking yourself: How do I send in my rad video submission?! Fear not, submission is easy! Simply follow the submission guidelines below. When capturing in-game footage feel free to recreate/replicate both the launch of the Saturn V rocket, the landing of the Lunar Module, and planting of the flag. While we’re excited to see how exact your replications can be of the Apollo 11 mission, adding your own unique Kerbal twist to things is also welcome. For video tutorials on building these historic vessels, please see the Tutorials section below. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1. Your video should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible natively to this Reddit thread. Gifs will not be accepted. 2. When capturing in-game video, audio is preferred but not required. 3. The deadline for video submission is Tuesday, July 9th by 11 p.m. Eastern Time. 4. If your video is selected to be featured in one of the videos and you would like to be credited in the credit section, please include the following statement in your submission: “I would like my Reddit handle to be included in the credit section of the video.” Any Reddit user handle that’s flagged as inappropriate will not be shown. If you would not like to have your handle shown, we will reach out to you via direct message to confirm. HISTORIC BUILD TUTORIALS: If you have the Making History DLC – Saturn V Build (including Lunar Module) - (thank you Raiz Space!) Another Saturn V tutorial if you have Making History DLC (more detailed) - (thank you Admiral André!) For Enhanced Edition console players If you don’t have Making History DLC, you can use this mod Downloadable craft build if you don’t have Making History DLC Lander Module Tutorial (If you have Making History) THE FINE PRINT: Inclusion of your video submission in the final video is not guaranteed. We appreciate all of your work and creativity Kerbalnauts! It's time to take one giant leap for Kerbalkind! It's time for a Mun Landing!
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I have recently improved my Saturn V replica, and conducted a mock mission of Apollo 11 to the Moon (Mun) in KSP, using real NASA Audio. Its made with a 100% stock parts and looks as realistic as I could make it with the help of fairings. I felt it appropriate as the Apollo 11 anniversary is soon coming up. Check out the video: If you want the craft file I have it on Here are some pictures I recorded the video and took these screenshots with the following visual mods (they are pretty good):
I got these awesome views of kerbin from the mun!
The journey to the Moon would take a few days and on July 20th, 1969, the LEM would safely touch down. I decided to do a Saturn style Eve mission, actually sending a Saturn V Replica to the surface of Eve. I'll try to return the 3 brave Kerbals in it on July 20th. Do any of you do some Apollo 11 anniversary stuff as well? Update July 20th: We now have confirmation that the lunar excursion module has safely touched down in the sea of tranquility. Congratulations to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! To celebrate the Moon landing, which occured at this moment 49 years ago, here's the Saturn V from the previous video launching back up from Eve and returning to Kerbin:
Alright, gents! (and ladies!) I've finished my replica of the Apollo 11 mission and published it to KerbalX for release! It is a fully stock, fully vanilla-KSP replica of the Apollo 11, and I've taken heavy inspiration from the legendary Munbug series. I've included as many features of the Saturn V and Apollo 11 launch as I feel I reasonably can. The craft already sits on the pad at a sturdy 788 parts, standing 49.7m tall and weighing over 850 tons. I have a full mission album of its use at the link below, and some nifty facts and spiffy slides at the KerbalX page. MISSION SCREENSHOT ALBUM KERBALX CRAFT PAGE Features Fixed center engines on the S-IC and S-II Stages Retrorockets on the engine shrouds of the S-IC stage 8 ullage motors and 4 retrorockets on S-II 2 ullage motors and 2 APS motors on S-IVB Physical interstage fairing between S-IC and S-II Deployable Launch Escape System that is staged during the course of a nominal launch (with the correct motors - not the LES itself) Boost protective cover over the Command Module that is staged off with the LES Nose fairing on the C/SM to protect the parachutes Umbilical connection from Service Module to Command Module Munar Module with basically all of the antennas as on the real thing Descent Stage with 4 storage quadrants that mimic the real thing Plume shields under the RCS thrusters of the ascent stage Flight Instructions Before launch, set control to precision mode (Caps Lock), and point straight up until 100m/s (2,000m). Turn off SAS and maintain small movements to begin pointing East. You want to be at 45° right around the end of the first stage (S-IC). Once you climb above 40,000m, you can be more aggressive with the turn. Ideally, the second stage (S-II) will be depleted while you’re still sub-orbital. Stage 3 (S-IVB) can circularize an orbit around Kerbin, and perform the Transmunar Injection burn (TMI). Apollo 11 and 12 put the S-IVB in a Solar orbit after the CSM and lander were decoupled, while Apollo 13-17 were steered into a collision course with the Moon. The CSM can circularize an orbit around the Mun at any altitude you want. The Lander can make it safely to the surface and back to the CSM in orbit, tested so far up to 60,000m above the munar surface. When transferring Kerbals to the lander, there is a Mk1 Lander Can and a Mk1 Command Pod as the two seats the Command Pod is sticking up through the top on the back part of the Lander for you to click on. At certain angles you can click on that hatch to transfer back to the CSM (or use the portraits if you can’t get it).
I'm basically just learning KSP 1.3.1 with RO RSS. Meaning, I had some issues getting it all to work together (a couple posts here), but with help from here I finally got the game to work. :-) I've been fiddling around in sandbox mode and decided I wanted to go to the moon. So by now I've followed Mark Tuggle's "Building and Landing a Rocket on the Moon in KSP RO/RSS" video at (put a www. in front of it if you want to see it...I didn't want to clog up the post with large videos!) and have been able to land a couple of his landers on the moon, within 20km of each other actually. That accomplished, I felt like experimenting with getting Jeb to the moon and back, and stumbled upon Kyle Laskowski's "FASA Saturn V Assembly 1.0.5" video at I've finally managed to pause the video about 1000 times to figure out what part he's grabbing, and have built the rocket. Now the questions begin! Staging and LEM: I did the best I could with pausing and rewinding and replaying the sometimes 1 second clips of the staging, and I can burn all the way through the 3rd stage. But from there, I'm confused. Can somebody help me understand how to stage the ascent and descent parts of the LEM, the service module, and the Spacecraft Module Lunar Adapter - long base? Also, how (and where) to put the service module stage so I can undock it, flip it around and dock with the LEM ascent? There's probably a file I can upload that somebody could look at and tell me how to re-arrange stuff, but I don't know what that file if you want to look at it, please tell me what to upload. :-) Anyway, I know this is probably old hat for most here, but it's new to me and I'm enjoying it a lot. Thanks in advance for your help!
This is my attempt at making a Saturn V in the new DLC, IT needs some work, but it will function. If you want to fly this, you'll need to decent pilot and manually activate things past the third stage, further instructions are on the KerbalX page, I will be updating this craft soon to make it better and more optimized. As for right now I think its a pretty good replica of the real thing. Craft Download Page
16th July 1969 was the launch of the first crewed lunar LANDING mission. Exactly this day, 48 years ago. Due to the anniversary I decided to recreate Apollo 11 lunar landing mission in STOCK KSP (KER was used to help with orbital data). NOTE: This is not 1:1 accurate, I was limited by the stock ksp parts and physics. Thanks
Hi there KSP Community, this is the first part of a four part series, dedicated to re-enacting the Apollo 11 Mission with a stock KSP vessel, while overlaying the historic NASA recordings from the real Apollo-11 mission. All mods used, are for higher quality visuals / recordings only. Hope you like it.