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Found 11 results

  1. What it does Re-textures Jool to give it a Great Green Spot. Adds four distinct biomes to Jool, with their own distinct science definitions. The biomes roughly follow the patterns of Jool's cloud bands, and are: Equatorial Cloud Belt Temperate Cloud Belt Polar Cloud Belt Great Green Spot Note that you still can't land on Jool (it's a gas giant!), so the biomes are only useful for space and atmospheric science. Download from SpaceDock License: MIT Note: Requires Kopernicus (install separately; not included with this mod). How to install Make sure you've installed Kopernicus. Unzip into GameData, same as with any other mod.
  2. I made this and thought it's worth sharing: Downloads: https://github.com/maculator/Stuff
  3. Okay, so my first station was in orbit about 85 km above Kerbin. Kerbin Station Alpha is pretty basic -- two Hitchhikers and a cupola, with a pair of Clamp-o-tron Jr., some batteries, and solar panels to charge the batteries. On a whim, the commander went EVA and took an EVA report, which produced some useful science (because it was "above Kerbin's shores" or some such -- in other words, I was low enough for biomes on Kerbin to matter, which is a science realm I haven't touched). I'd love to get this science, since it'll be nearly free (just add some instruments to modules already planned for addition to this station -- barometers, thermometers, goo cannisters, etc., cheap and easy). However, there arises an issue, and will arise another: initially, how do I get the data Lufrid generated down to Kerbin so R&D can do something with it? The station has a high-gain antenna on one of the Hitchhiker modules, but it's not the one with the working hatch (the cupola and other Hitchhiker hatches are blocked by solar panels and docking port, respectively), and when I tried to immediately transmit the EVA report I was informed there was "no antenna within reach" or something of the sort -- and when Lufrid had re-boarded the station core and transferred to the module with the antenna, I couldn't find the EVA report to transmit. Longer term, once I can reliably transmit my science from Kerbin Station Alpha, have instruments, and have a scientist aboard, will that scientist be able to reset experiments from inside the station, or will he/she have to EVA (presumably within a certain distance of the experiment) to do so?
  4. For my career playthrough, I built a small rocket to explore Kerbin. It would travel on a suborbital trajectory, and after reaching the target biome, release the scientific payload (a materials bay, mystery goo, thermometer), and land, to be recovered for science. On it's first mission, I managed to get all the way to Kerbin's north ice caps. on the second, I tried to get it to the big desert (not that far away from the KSC). Instead, I ended up in the highlands for some reason. I've been trying to reach the desert, but seem to fail. So, should I A) Add more fuel B) Reach a higher altitude to then cover more distance C) Cheat and put 'Infinite Fuel' on. I was able to reach the ice caps, but can't reach the desert (which is closer to the KSC). Does anyone know why?
  5. I've recently noticed that the wiki page for Kerbol says that it has no biomes. Well...
  6. I'm trying to fix biomes in GregroxMun's Alien Space Programs, which was made for 1.0.5 but biomes don't work in 1.2 or 1.3. I discovered that the colour values that Kopernicus biomes use just needed to be changed to match the KSP 1.2 biome map colours. I suspect these colours were changed to match the new KerbNet biome maps. Here's the changes I've done so far to Eve, but I'm missing two biomes yet. I got the colour values from the ScanSat image posted to the KSP Wiki for Eve. Two biomes (craters and atasuki lake or however that's spelled) are missing as they seemed too close a match to other biome colours, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. Is there a better colour map somewhere I can look at? [21 JUN 2017] Found it here: https://github.com/Kopernicus/kittopia-dumps, which is a copy of the stock system dumped into Kopernicus-compatible config files. It contained the full biome map for Eve and others.
  7. What it does Tired of "Explodium Sea" everywhere? You've taken the trouble to visit this inhospitable one-sea, one-moon, crushing purple Kerbal-eater. Seems like the least Eve can do is make it worth your while to take the trouble to navigate to specific locations. This mod does the following: Adds several new biomes to Eve Adds many science descriptions to new and existing biomes. The new biomes which this mod adds are: Kraken Sea Sea of Sorrows Crater Lake Impact Basins Minor Islands Mount Neverest Download from SpaceDock License: MIT Note: Requires Kopernicus (install separately; not included with this mod). How to install Make sure you've installed Kopernicus. (If you're running KSP 1.1, you need Kopernicus 1.0 or later. If you're running KSP 1.0.5, you need Kopernicus 0.6.) Unzip into GameData, same as with any other mod. See also... If you like this mod, you may also enjoy JoolBiomes.
  8. One of the features I have always found a little frustrating is the lack of science from space. There are tons of biomes on planets, and a few biome specific experiments in low orbit, but mostly we just have space low and space high. I find there's a bit of a science drought between getting to Kerbin orbit and landing on Mun, after which science comes in huge quantities. Given that satellite contracts are offered differentiating things like equatorial, retrograde, polar, tundra and Molnya orbits, it seems to me there might be an interesting way of making actual space flight worthwhile beyond being simply a method of getting from one celestial body to another if being in different categories of orbit could grant science as separate biomes. It would give an incentive to actually do something other than launch to and equatorial orbit and just head straight for Mun.
  9. Installed 1.2, now minimus has become a lot more interesting. It looks like the biome map is bleeding through the terrain. Is there anyway to fix this? This only happens when I am at a low altitude, below 10000 metres. Log:http://pastebin.com/wwxC2BtE
  10. I've landed successfully on both Mun and Minmus. Yay! Now, I want to get as much science as possible from the different surface biomes. What's the most efficient way? I could create a lander with a big gas tank that could "hop" from the first biome to a second and maybe even a third, letting me get 2 or 3 biomes per round trip. I could attempt an Apollo style orbiter / lander separation, and dock with the orbiter between each surface expedition. I could make a rover and, with luck, drive to 1 or 2 nearby biomes. Or I could skip all that and just head to Duna. What's the best way to progress in career mode? In particular, I think I'd measure efficiency in science per hour of play time. But am also interested in science per kerbin dollar.
  11. In KSP, Science is acquired by performing experiments while "landed," "in flight," "splashed down," or "in space high/low." You get different results based on which biome you are in, so you would get two completely new results by just walking ten meters across a biome border. Not only is this unrealistic, but it also encourages grinding different biomes for science, performing the same experiments over and over again when you would not expect to actually learn anything from them in real life. Long story short, the "biome" science system isn't really suited to anything but surface samples My proposal is for each science experiment to be dependant on things like altitude and latitude, as well as biomes. Zones Zones are areas that differentiate where experiments will have new results. Latitude Zones Latitude zones change every 20 degrees of latitude. For example, if you took a temperature reading at 0 degrees (the equator) you would get a different result than if you took one at 20 degrees. Latitude zones affect: Temperature experiments (2Hot Thermometer) Seismic readings (Double-C Seismic Accelerometer) Altitude Zones Altitude zones only apply to atmospheric bodies. A new altitude zone begins every 10 km above sea level while in flight, and every 500 m while landed. Altitude zones affect: Temperature experiments (2Hot Therometer) Seismic readings (Double-C Seismic Accelerometer) Pressure readings (PressMat Barometer) Weather readings (PressMat Barometer) Biomes Biomes are the same, except perhaps a few more could be added. (biomes for large craters on various bodies, islands on Laythe, etc.) Biomes affect: Surface samples (EVA) Core samples (Drill-O-Matic Junior) EVA reports (EVA) Crew reports (Kerbed flights) Solar Zones This is a new Biome-like system that would apply to Kerbol. You would get different Science Reports for doing experiments over Kerbol's Poles, for example, or by flying extremely far from Kerbol. New Experiments Weather readings: Weather readings would be an experiment that you could set a probe core to measure if the probe has a thermometer and a barometer. They work over a period of time, slowly gathering science. After a few days, a science message would pop up with something like "Recorded dust storm on Duna" or "Data acquired from hurricane on Laythe" Magnetometer: The magnetometer would be a new part that would measure the magnetic fields of planets/moons/Kerbol. It would only work in "in space high" or "in space low." Core samples: The Drill-O-Matic Junior could also be used as a sample drill, making surface samples possible for probes. They return 1.5 times the science of an ordinary surface sample. Scanners New scanning/mapping parts that give science based on how much of the surface has been mapped. This is basically just ScanSat. Science Changes -Crew reports and EVA reports would give much less science (How much can you learn by looking out the window?) -Transmitting EVA reports, Crew reports, temperature readings, pressure readings, weather readings, and seismic data would give you 100% of the science, although you get much less science than now (They're just numbers, which can be easily transmitted). -Surface/core samples can be used in the MPL for analysis, and this would take much less time. This gives the same amount of science as recovering the samples. -The MPL can be used for long term study of weather, seismic data, and magnetic fields if the necessary parts are on the ship (Temperature and pressure readings are combined for long-term study). The longer the study, the more science you get, although after 30 days the science increase slows down significantly. -Mystery Goo and the Science Jr. now only give different results if they have a significant temperature and/or pressure difference than previously conducted experiments. (No more biome-grinding) -The Gravioli detector should be replaced with a gravity mapping part that is used long-term on a probe while in orbit to gain science and map the gravitational differences on the surface -Thermometers and barometers are available at the second tech tree node. -Only Surface Samples, Mystery Goo observations, Science Jr. observations and weather readings could be studied in the MPL to avoid science farming and to add realism. What do you think about these changes? Suggestions and feedback welcome! Laythe
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