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Found 12 results

  1. I've been thinking about the idea of redirecting a comet ever since 1.10 was released. If a comet went over the KSC every half-hour and showered the whole place with star dust, how cool would that be? Reading this thread, I finally decided it was time to find out. I'm gonna try to put a comet int...
  2. RSS-Origin Exclusive add-ons with hundreds of asteroids, comets, moons and overhauls for RSS Brief Introduction Like the title, this mod is basically an expansion for "Real Solar System", and currently it includes following parts: RSS-Origin Celesti...
  3. I was looking through the localization folder of KSP, when I found this: and also: I understand the second one is an error message from when something goes wrong determining the size of an Asteroid or Comet, but what is a Class I object, and why is there only a limited time to visi...
  4. Hey guys! I'm about 200-300 hours into my first KSP career mode, and I recently got a contract to take a surface sample from a comet my Sentinels found. Like most comets (from what I gather), it's really far away and in an inclined, eccentric orbit. What I've been doing so far to plan my missions is...
  5. Latest Release (GitHub) Latest Release (Spacedock) Source Code Edmond’s Komet Discovered “It’s truly exciting news,” says Walt Kerman, head of Public Relations at the Kerbal Space Center. “The Sentinel telescope,” Walt said, referring to the SENTINEL Infrared Telescope, a spe...
  6. Where could you find comets? I've never seen one...
  7. This is a modified part of Sentar Expansion mod made by Borisbee, which itself is a modernized Planet Factory by Kragrathea. Both of them did a massive great job. My longstanding opinion is that KSP should get a body like Ascension (and Ablate, for that matter) for its unique qualities a...
  8. Who Else believes Kerbal Space Program should add in comets. You would find them the same way as asteroids but they would have there elliptical orbit and would have jets of gas going into space and if you landed on these comets you could see the jets of gas, and like real comets there tails would on...
  9. Some of you know about Planet Factory, mod by @Kragrathea, one of the first mod planetary bodies addons for KSP. It died long time ago and was resurrected by Sentar Expansion which was also forgotten, but it still works. So I've pruned the mod and left Ablate (sungrazing burned body) and Ascens...
  10. I'm aware that that most people on this forum are probably astronomy buffs, so you probably know about some of these already, but just in case there's some you haven't heard of here's the list of the top 7. February 11th: Comet 45P/HMP will be making its closest approach to earth. February 26th: Ast...
  11. http://www.drewexmachina.com/2014/10/02/the-fate-of-comet-halley/ Well based on this article the precise orbit of Halley cannot be predicted beyond a revolution and a half, therefore its future orbit cannot be predicted. The introduce a variable known as the Lyapunov exponent which sets a maxim...
  12. http://nationalreport.net/halleys-comet-hit-earth-2061-experts-warn/ Not sure if this is some misguided repurposed bovine waste, or actually real. In 2061, Halley's Comet has an 80 Percent Chance to hit Earth, causing another mass extinction- this is because of a perturbation from Uranus...
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