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  1. Hello everyone! About a year ago we made a commitment to provide console players a faithful and worthy version of KSP on consoles, and to realize this endeavour, we teamed up with the experienced team of BlitWorks, who helped us to build it from the ground up. After a long and difficult process, we are finally here, excited and proud to officially announce the launch of Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4. In Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition, you’ll find a broad range of improvements and features that improve the overall game experience from the prior console version. We have also added reworked and console-optimized UI, a new control scheme for the maneuver nodes controls, and three new controller presets that players will be able to switch between at any time during play: Cursor, Radial and Simplified. Cursor Returning KSP players on consoles might be used to the previous control scheme, so the Cursor preset keeps things familiar for veteran players while adding a few enhancements as well. Radial We also wanted to revamp the Cursor preset by making a lot of low-priority or low-usage commands available on radial menus, instead of requiring the player to do a lot of cursor-mode pointing and clicking. So the Radial preset uses a lot of actions of the Cursor preset while incorporating radial menus that speed up the access to different commands. Simplified We also created the Simplified preset, an entirely new control scheme designed to be easier to pick up and play with a controller. With this control scheme, the cursor has been replaced with a reticle in the middle of the screen; players can move the screen behind the reticle, rather than moving the reticle itself. We think console players who are new to KSP will especially enjoy the Simplified preset. Additionally Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition incorporates the KSP 1.2.2 “Loud and Clear” update. This means that all the features and improvements made with this update are now available on consoles for the first time! Some of these are: CommNet and KerbNet We’ve added communication network capabilities to the Antenna and Probe parts throughout the game to simulate the feeling of building your communications network from home base out to your Kerbals as they travel their star system. With the KerbNet capabilities on more advanced probes you can map your environment and place targets for travel as well. Control and Flow The SAS system got a much-needed overhaul in this update to help keep you pointed in the right direction, and the fuel flow system was rewritten to give you total control over feeding your engines. ...and More There are a number of other improvements and changes compared to the prior console version. For instance, contracts are now bound to player progression and are assigned based on in-game actions, and wheels stability and performance have been improved as well. And if you are an owner of the previous console version, we want to remind you that you can redeem the Enhanced Edition free of cost. Just follow these instructions. KSP Enhanced Edition will appear on your library as a separate game and no data will be overwritten from the older versions, so you won’t lose your progress in those versions. However, because the Enhanced Edition was built from the ground up, save files from the previous version will not be compatible with the new Enhanced Edition. But that does mean you’ll be able to get those trophies and achievements a second time! Remember that if you encounter any bugs and/or issues, you can help us out by reporting them in the Console Project within our Bugtracker and/or the Technical Support Thread for consoles in our Forum. This will help us with any future patches for the game. As with every release this thread will be used to bundle all general discussion about the new version so that the forums can continue to actively host threads on other topics as well. Click here for the official release announcement for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition.
  2. Can we please have keyboard and mouse support on consoles. The game is frustratingly un playable, I have a pc that I can play ksp on and I love it, but My Xbox is far more powerful and runs it better. Xbox officially supports this idea with developers that choose to have this feature and would love to have the ease of keyboard and mouse on my console. between building your spacecraft, flight, orbital adjustments and kerbal control, the controller sucks. having the port to consoles was awesome but since I have used the pc way I can’t go back with this game.
  3. So I learned that the Making History dlc just came out and I was wondering if or when this will come out for consoles. For people that are going to say “get a pc” “or why don’t you buy a pc?”. I had a pc but it not functional anymore and I do not want to spend over $1000 to get a computer that works as good as my Xbox one x. So all I’m asking is will this be out for consoles.
  4. Hello, veteran KSP console players, We’ve prepared this article especially for you. First of all, we want to express our immense gratitude for showing us your support and most of all for your patience during the long process it took to develop KSP Enhanced Edition. Around a year ago we committed to provide console players a faithful and worthy version of KSP for both PS4 and Xbox One that console players all around the world could enjoy from the comfort of their couches. The process was longer and more difficult than any of us expected, but we are finally here and very proud of what we have accomplished with our dear friends at BlitWorks. If you have been following us, by now you know that we are standing by our promise to give Enhanced Edition free to all of the owners of the previous version of KSP on consoles. We have prepared this article to answer any questions you may have about redeeming your new copy of Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: First and most importantly, in order to redeem your copy, you need to be logged in to the same account where you originally purchased the previous version of KSP on consoles. After that, you have to go into the Xbox One or the PlayStation Store and search for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition. Select the game and follow the instructions. As the purchase is account-based, both platforms will identify your account and let you download the game without any payment. The game will be added to your downloads. Once the download and installation is completed, you can start launching your Kerbals into orbit. Remember that Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition will appear in your library as a separate game and no data from the older version will be overwritten, so you won’t lose your progress in those versions and will still be able to play them. However, because the new version was built from the ground up, save files from the previous version will not be compatible with the new Enhanced Edition. But, that does mean you’ll be able to get those trophies and achievements a second time! Happy launchings!
  5. Hello, It is simply not possible that the game can only be played in English. Even the console version does not yet have a German language! If you release a console version and want to reach new players who have never played KSP before and don't know much about space travel, then you don't know English well and are overwhelmed with technical terms in a foreign language, then a excrementsstorm can be triggered very quickly. Especially if the game still has bugs that you have to find before the release. Why doesn't Squad get a German or other language into the game? Even Stardew Valley, developed by a developer, is available in many languages. Even in German! KSP has been around for five years and the most important languages are still not in play! This is just embarrassing! I strongly assumed that the console versions are finally playable in German. In the Developer Blog this was announced also largely. I'm just disappointed about this development at Squad. That's why I didn't buy the game on PS4. Only if it will include the German language. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  6. I've been thinking on this question a long time now and I'm finally going to ask. Will PC users get a free copy of console KSP? I want to know if there's going to be a program step up to where we send you our gamertags and you send us an invite/free code to get KSP on the consoles, if it will be a limited time, or will we have to buy it? If you guys are undecided, I have an idea for you, maybe have a limited number of codes? Maybe like ten to fifty thousand? I would love it if any dev could get to this question as I am super curious as to what you have planned.
  7. (quote from devnotes here, emphasis mine) Graphics are being worked on for an achievement system, currently for consoles (it seems), though the achievements may be ported to the PC versions as well. What do you think? Do you think adding achievements to the PC version is a good idea, or do you think they would take away from the games experience/immersion/charm? Do you have any ideas for achievements you'd like to see? I think an achievement system; if well implemented and with good, interesting achievements (not "recover 1,000 pieces of debris") would add a lot to the game, helping add early goals and progress indicators for new players, and add interesting challenges for experts.
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