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Found 4 results

  1. One thing I've been curious about is a possible multiplayer feature that would allow multiple players to design vessels (stages) at the same time in the VAB. For everyone one person would work on the rocket while another world build the payload - at the same time, in the same VAB room. This feature would also allow more experienced players to teach beginners how to design and build correctly. Has anyone seen any clue about this feature?
  2. Please give me a better title for this topic Intro My goal for this challenge : Make the following idea a reality. The idea : Make a self-sustaining challenge, which means no monitoring is required. My solution : Crazy idea+++ -What? ... The basic concept for this challenge, is to create things to be use by other players and to use their things so that your things get used even more. -Again, WHAT? In most challenge you post your creation to maybe get people reaction on it, maybe get reviewed or maybe get added to a leaderboard and in the end it will be forgotten. Here your creation have a chance to stay around a bit longer. Your first task is to create something that will be used by the others for as long as possible. -Okay but it doesn't tell me what I'm supposed to do! An example: You post a stair truck, it is so well crafted that after 2 months you can still see it appears among the ground support equipment when a guy show us his new aircraft. -OOOOooooh!... Wait... But th... ...of course it doesn't make sense without a reason to use others creation, so there is your second task, use as many creations made by other player as possible while remaining coherent. We also need some guidelines... -Can you PLEASE summarize. ...FINE MENU (a.k.a. rules, read all) PICK A SCENARIO Airports: make all airport stuff, we should be able to do everything like loading/unloading cargo, crew, fuel without VAB and SPH once everything is spawned. Their will be more later if people participate. Likely some space program stuff with specific goal CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER Gods: built this world for us to play with but then... King: sorry it's full, selected 1/1 (me) Hero: use blacksmiths and knights stuff to get the best outcome. By using MOSTLY (90%) creation made by others, you complete the scenario ex. fully equip and working airports. Knights: use blacksmiths stuff to complete his equipment and may work with other knights. Ex. to submit an airliner it needs its ground support equipment made MOSTLY (66%) by others. Ex2: a satellite and its rocket are made by two different person. Blacksmiths: create tools for knights and hero. Ex. ground support equipement. Noble: reserved to AI and hero mind control. (kerbals) Peasant: try again. (failed) Thief: possible outcome is ban(get ignored by the other). When using others creation give credit to its creator. Lone wolf: do hero and knights role by using only his own stuff. Wrong topic, go to the spacecraft exchange. CHANGE SETTINGS Easy: just do the best you can Normal: optimize your things more, go rp or realistic Hard: go rp and realistic, do contract with one or more player to use each other creation and/or reach a common goal Hardcore: things with a lot of parts to look great are cool but most player doesn't have powerful computer. Cheatmode: mod are cool too but you will greatly lower the accessibility of your creation. PLAY Give us picture or video, some stats, links to download (except hero but it would be nice to have the savefile) and some blah blah. Your creation can be a vehicle, a building, cargo,... but can't be an engine or a wing or... For those confused by hero, knights... scenario is the mission ex: go to the mun, knights make the main thing ex: , blakcsmiths the support stuff to make it rp and the hero take all that and show that it works. I want to see manufacturer, company, contracts, trust, betrayal, game of throne... maybe not. You build a very tall aircraft, you can't submit it without its ground support equipment but none of the available GSE submit on this topic can works with its height. You can't create all the equipment you need by yourself as it won't fit the 66% rule of others support creations. Then you'll need to ask someone to build some for you: make a contract. Use your imagination, have fun and share. WIP I need your feedback, maybe it's not clear enough...
  3. I play KSP for many years and we still waiting for the multiplayer features. I know somes mods who mimic a ''Multiplayer'' but it has somes flaws with the warping's gameplay but i had a idea today to fix that warping gameplay issue in multiplayer ! For the Time Warp issues; the solution is simple; Play with friends on One Ship at a time or design rockets and ships when your friends are flying ! Your rocket can hold 4 kerbals ? Then you can Coop with 3 friends. We all Warp together ! All we have to implement is a system to share each controls separately and give them exclusively for each player. Example A : Player 1 : Control WASD Player 2 : Control SAS's Force Player 3 : Control RCS Player 4 : Control Thrust and Staging Example B : Player 1 : Control Piloting stuff : WASD + SAS + RCS + etc Player 2 : Control Sciences stuff : Execute minigames in flight to conduct sciences experiments Player 3 : Control Engineering stuff : Execute minigames in flight to stabilise the rocket's components and temperatures Player 4 : Control Recording Camera : Move around the camera to record epic adventures and stream online. Docking and Undocking Phase In a radius on 50 Km, the player can split into many group to take control of others vessels. If others players exit the 50 km radius around the Player 1; they are teleported back into the Player 1's Vessel ( Player Only, not the Kerbal itself if he was in EVA ). In Radius Coop mode, the time warp is limited to X speed and only Player 1 can Warp if all others players are inside and accept the Warp Vote. It's simple enough to be implemented in the next Update. Sincerly; i don't know why Squad didn't implemented that Solution yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: That sounds like it might work on a planetary transfer with a large ship, but with something on the order of a small Mun lander, with the controls all in different hands? Coordination sounds like a nightmare! Then throw in a bit of lag at the wrong moment. Answer : This isn't the point of making a Coop ? Getting challenged ? Nasa pilots doesn't have member to assist him ? For the Lag issue ; can we consider them like malfunctions and communications noises ? B: This sounds somewhat more logical a way to divide tasks, but Science seems a bit thin to justify a player dedicated to it. Same with working the camera. Answer : That's why we need to implement minigames and more sciences test in flight. More than a simple clic experiments. Enough to make the scientist rushing to get all science he can in one flight. Same for the engineer, he must watch and tune fuel balancing and temperatures at same time to solve malfunctions warnings with the scientist. For the Cameraman ; he must have plenty of options to record a nice video with post-effects and transitions. Cameraman, it's a career, he will have plenty to do if you want a nice stream on twitch. Four players, three seats on the ship. This leads to a problem. Also, "Player Only, not the Kerbal itself"? What does the "disembodied" player get to do then? Answer : Consider Players as ''AI'' who can get control of Functions or Kerbal. If the ''AI'' go to far away with a kerbal; the ''AI'' came back into the Player 1's vessel and the kerbal need to be rescued like a normal rescue mission. All Players ''AI'' will get access to a HUD panel where he can cast a vote for each functions he want or the Kerbal he want to play. Player 1 will accept or not the requests.
  4. I'm sure it's been suggested before! But I'll talk again! Need a coop! That more than one player can control the same base and the same ship doing different things! That a player can be taking care of the first stage while the second is taking care of the second and carrying in orbit or both doing things on the same ship! And in a space mission on some planet each one controls a character and does different things, but always free to do anything! The game is good today! But with coop of form officially without lags and problems would be perfect! Imagine people traveling through space with up to 4 friends can do everything! I realize that the problem is in the matter of game time! But you have to have a solution to have a good experience with friends! It could be a DLC paid! But it has to be perfect in the coop! Would be ideal!
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