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Outer Planets Expansion Pack Suggestion Box Spacedock Pack (OPX and associated mods) About Long ago, one of my first planet mods I ever played with was the famous Outer Planets Mod. For a while, I had great fun exploring the various moons, but soon I realized that something was lacking. The moon systems of all the gas giants felt almost... empty. Thus, I set to work to rectify this problem. Now, years later, I actually know how to planet mod, and I am proud to announce the Outer Planets Expansion project! This project will take the form of nine mods which will each modify a different segment of the expanded Kerbol System. Each mod can function independently, but it is recommended to have them all because let's be real none of the OPM gas giants realistically start with enough moons for a gas giant system. Unlike the others, OPX-NeidonPlus was brought into the project by a collaboration between me and @Interplanet Janet after several updates on its own, with several additions by me and a restructure of the filepaths. Dependencies Like all planet mods, each OPX mod will require Kopernicus to function. @Pkmniako's MitchellNetravaliHeightMap plugin will be bundled with each installment as they release. Don't forget it, or everything will break. OPX-StockSystemModifications – Github, Spacedock OPX-StockSystemModifications (SSM for short) is a collection of quality of life modifications for the inner solar system. It exists because I was annoyed by minor problems with the inner system, fixed those problems, and compiled all of them into a mod for everyone. Now with two different new Kerbol options! Features: Dependencies: Kopernicus (obviously) Compatible and recommended mods: No specific compatibility was made. If you like BetterKerbol's sun, just set SSM's sun setting to "Stock" and it'll won't mess with it beyond adding a displayName and a biome map. The Minor Planets Expansion is a good mod if you want more stuff to explore in the inner solar system, alongside the obvious OPX-InnerWorlds. Changelog: OPX-InnerWorlds – Github, Spacedock OPX-InnerWorlds aims to fill out the oft-neglected asteroid belt of the Kerbolar System. It adds a number of asteroids throughout the inner system and as far out as Jool (a centaur got in on a technicality). This mod also supersedes the oft-mentioned Janet's Minor Planets, with Doppler, Dyva, and Quazen included among its objects. Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this): Dependencies: Kopernicus Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled) Compatible and Recommended Mods: Minor Planets Expansion by @Exo's Lab – 3 Vant and 433 Edas help fill out the inner system alongside OPX-InnerWorlds. Screenshots: Changelog: OPX-JoolPlus – Github, Spacedock OPX-JoolPlus is the first installment of the project to be released. It comes with full biome support for each object that it adds. Below is a map of the Jool System with this mod installed. All objects are either stock or added by this mod (except Aditel, from JoolRetexture) Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this): Dependencies: Kopernicus Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled) Compatible and Recommended Mods: Distant Object Enhancement – OPX-JoolPlus comes with a config coloring the distant points of all three new objects within DOE. It looks great, try it out! JoolRetexture – @Clonos' little mod that adds a new moon and makes a new texture for Jool. You can now install this mod alongside my own, with a settings file in my mod folder that allows you to switch between my Jool and his. Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack – This mod adds a wormhole in Jool orbit. To ensure compatibility I include a patch to reparent it to the new Jool object. I have more compatibility patches planned, but they'll be significantly more complicated. INcompatible Mods: Techo's Planet Revamp – Because of the frankly bizarre and unnecessary way that it deletes every single object in the system and remakes them, the combination of that and OPX's modifications to the stock moons' positions results in none of the stock moons existing at all when JoolPlus and TPR are both installed. This is obviously untenable, so you'll unfortunately have to pick one. Screenshots: Changelog: OPX-SarnusPlus – Github, Spacedock OPX-SarnusPlus, the third insallment of the Outer Planets Expansion, adds six new moons to Sarnus and gives it a new texture and physical characteristics. Each new object comes with full biome support, and orbit modifications are made for most of the existing moons. Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this): Dependencies: Kopernicus Outer Planets Mod (the original) Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled) Compatible and Recommended Mods: Kopernicus Expansion – adds footprints when you EVA. Play with it. Or don't, I'm not a cop. ResearchBodies – self-explanatory. I dont personally play with it but if you want to the compatibility is there. TarsierSpaceTech – the mod comes with sciencedefs for when you look at the new bodies through a telescope, if you play with that sort of thing No specific compatibility exists at present. Planned compatibility includes: ReSarnus Distant Object Enhancement Planetshine EVE and Scatterer Parallax (in the distant future) Screenshots: Changelog: OPX-UrlumPlus – Github, Spacedock OPX-UrlumPlus adds two new moons to Urlum, rebalances the orbits of the existing OPM moon system, redoes the appearance of Urlum and its rings from scratch (rings by @TheOrios), and makes sure that the system actually rotates clockwise like the description says it does. This mod is much farther from completion than JoolPlus or NeidonPlus, and future updates will add things like new asteroid moons, a trojan companion for Urlum, biomes for Dathil, and more. Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this): Dependencies: Outer Planets Mod Kopernicus (obviously) Niako's Utilities (bundled) Compatible and Recommended Mods: Kopernicus Expansion – adds footprints when you EVA. Play with it. Or don't, I'm not a cop. ResearchBodies – self-explanatory. I dont personally play with it but if you want to the compatibility is there. TarsierSpaceTech – the mod comes with sciencedefs for when you look at the new bodies through a telescope, if you play with that sort of thing No specific compatibility exists at present. Planned compatibility includes: Distant Object Enhancement Planetshine EVE and Scatterer Parallax (in the distant future) Screenshots: Changelog: OPX-NeidonPlus – Github, Spacedock OPX-NeidonPlus is the second installment to be released. Originally created by @Interplanet Janet as a separate mod, I created two and a half new objects and full biome maps for all the existing ones for its integration into the OPX project. Features (if you want to discover them yourself, dont open this): Dependencies: Kopernicus Niako's Utilities: Mitchell Netravali Height Map (bundled) Recommended mods for compatibility: Distant Object Enhancement – OPX-NeidonPlus comes with a config coloring the distant points of all new objects within DOE. It looks great, try it out! Minor Planets Expansion – Adds several objects to the vicinity of Neidon, making it less lonely. They fit with the artstyle of OPX as a whole, furnishing any Neidon explorer with further destinations beyond. OPX-FinalFrontiers (when I finish it) – Another installment of the OPX project, this mod adds further destinations in the same vein as MPE. This mod doesn't actually exist yet, I just pretyped this blurb to save some time later Screenshots: Changelog: Upcoming Installments: In the coming weeks and months, I will continue work on the four gas giant expansions, adding more features to each. After that, I will begin work on the tentatively named "OPXtras", four installments that add other objects to the edges of the solar system (be they the literal edge or the edge of the size graph): FinalFrontiers (dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt), UndiscoveredCountries (Planet 9 and 10), InnerWorlds (inner system minor bodies), and CometsPlus; which each fill in a number of gaps left by the Minor Planets Expansion and add unique gameplay challenges that are not offered in any other mods to my knowledge. Please let me know if you enjoy this mod, and if you didn't, what I can fix or add. Thank you for downloading! Credits: Frequently Asked Questions: Licence: MIT
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This is meant to be an expansion to OPM and MPE, adding three new minor planets in the Kuper Belt and Scattered Disc region. Bodies list: Kuvar: Quaoar Vőt: Weywot Arkar: Leleākūhonua Nognog: Gonggong Ei: Xiangliu Download here!: Objects NOTE: Requires Niako's Kopernicus Utilities and Lt. Duckweed's VertexHeightOblateAdvanced License: MIT
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This mod is no longer under active development. Do not download this mod. If you wish to download the component bodies, visit the original mod: The new bodies previously part of this mod (Doppler, Palloocus, etc.) are now part of their own planet pack.
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Hello All!!! I've been working on this mod on and off for about two months now, and I finally got myself to finish it. Dwarf Planets Plus is a mod that (absolutely definitely was not meant to shut up the vesta-lovers and) adds in five extra dwarf planets to the solar system! If you've ever felt that Eeloo and Dres didn't represent Centaur, KBO, and Asteroid Belt objects well, this mod is for you. DPP was meant to be a supplemental mod, meaning that it is designed to work with most planet packs created by the community (including my own mods). Note that the mod currently does not work if you are also using Kerbal Star Systems. If you have any suggestions for future updates, leave them here. Here are some shots of the five objects currently in the mod (more will be inserted in future updates). Here is the link to download: Features for the next update: 1: Dwarf Moons (asteroid like moons) 2: Eris analog with 3: Improved Biome Maps 4: Compatibility improvements (to make the mod playable with GPP and KSS, for example) 5: Research Bodies support (maybe) eve support will come after update 2. don't ask for it.
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This is just a thingy for discussion ATM. If anybody wants to they can make it into a mod. Also, credit to @Felsmak for the Voonian, Orbonean, and Naalean systems. CONCEPT ART FOR BODIES (apologize for bad drawings) New bodies are bolded, changed bodies italicised. INNER SYSTEM OBJECTS It appears this object may need ridiculous amounts of Delta-V, and radiators, to get to. Orbiting four times closer than Moho does to the sun, Heet is the closest object to the sun. Better plan ridiculous slingshots to get there, because it is only 24km in diameter and has tidal locking, which, coupled with its proximity, makes its near side glow straw-hot. Eve now has a larger moon. Adam is about 100km in radius and orbits not-really-that-close to Eve, and it has the same apparent diameter as the Mun does on Kerbin's surface. Gilly is also no longer Eve's moon. It has been moved out to the Kiazzi belt with Dres, Usta, Qlass, and Kaspir, and has a tiny moon of its own, called Bark. Minmus and Mun are now in similar planes, and have realistically eccentric orbits around Kerbin. Kerbin has also been given inclination and eccentricity changes, and Duna's orbit has been changed to match that. Error is a NKO (Near-Kerbin Object). It has no danger for impact anytime soon, as it doesn't really cross Kerbin's orbit much. It's kinda high-inclination, so a Kerbin slingshot is recommended to rendezvous with it, as Duna doesn't have the gravity to make such a plane change. Its small moon is called Bug. Just recently, two new moons of Duna have been discovered. Pike and Dike have orbits inward from Ike and therefore orbit faster than Duna rotates. They sometimes eclipse, occult, and/or transit each other and Ike. The Duna Soft Drinks Company, known for Ike cola, Pike lemon-lime soda, and Dike root beer, approves of the naming scheme. The second-most massive asteroid in the Kiazzi belt, aptly named Usta, is truly a sight to behold...or not. It's kind of a less extreme version of Dres, so you might not find much there; its orbit is less eccentric, less inclined, closer to the Sun, but then again...some groups of craters look like snowkerbals. So that's a plus. Kaspir was only recently discovered. A little bit smaller than Gilly, it appears to be alone and with nothing else to keep it company. It's also drab and won't change your trajectory much with a flyby, not even a grazing one. This is Plane-Change Slingshot Qlass. If you want to get to Qlass, launch a rocket with extra Delta-V to get all the way out to Jool and fly over the pole, and then you will rendezvous. Class dismissed. Comets really are interesting. We'd name it Thomas, but then again...Enjin actually sounded better in the long run. We don't know why. It's very small, smaller even than Gilly, but not as much as, say, Daphy (whatever that is) or Bark. Tootoot is not a comet. It's an asteroid. It certainly has an orbit like a comet, though. It's shaped like a "bowling pin," and rotates like a "bowling pin" knocked over by a "bowling ball." No moons to be found here! MIDDLE SYSTEM OBJECTS Jool has been found to have a large storm on it now, as well as a tenuous system of rings. With the rings, Animal and Throb, asteroid moons, have been discovered. They are what we call ring shepherds; they orbit within the rings and drive other ring particles away from it. Laythe's water oceans are no more. They are now simply oceans of sulfur, same as its atmosphere...and volcanic plumes. It is also hot enough that you will need radiators there. It's also no longer this large moon we thought it was. We also used to think Tylo was larger and more massive. And now we recognize that it was actually parallax, and that both Laythe and Tylo are only slightly larger than Vall, based on Koyager data. You don't need much to land on them, despite the ridiculous myths surrounding its existence. Klip is unique. Very unique. It looks almost like the space around it and is very hard to detect, and used to be thought of as a hole in Jool until the Koyager probes flew by it. Now it completes the 1:2:4:8 resonance that Klip, Tylo, Vall, and Laythe have. Bop is an "irregular moon" of Jool, orbiting further outward than the KTVL resonant moons. It appears to be brownish and tiny. Just like Gilly! Ion is also an irregular moon, in a kinda polar orbit around Jool, so the line is therefore blurred between prograde and retrograde moons. Some people say it is the namesake of the ion drive. Pol is a lighter irregular moon, in color and mass. It is a retrograde-orbiter around Jool, too. Voon is the larger of the gas giant planets of the system, being 1.5 times the size of Jool. It has only one more moon than Jool does, thus meaning it's a better target for exploration. It is kinda orange in color and has an expansive ring system. Rocko is the innermost of Voon's moons. it is a reddish asteroid moon about a third the size of Sotus. Daphy is tiny enough to be pretty much invisible. What is it, 500 meters? Jumping on it will send you into an orbit around Voon, so I'd advise you not do that. You can land on it using an ion engine, for Kraken's sake. Eeloo has been moved in an orbit around Voon. It occupies the E ring of Voon. If you took Klip, shrunk it down, and removed its white speckles, you get Sotus. It's kinda full of cracks and stuff you might not want to think about too hard. Fonso is kind of like Voon's Laythe. Expect it doesn't have volcanoes. So yeah. It's just a boring piece of work that orbits outward from Voon. And has an atmosphere. Jeez, Voon must like ripoffs! "D'oh!" is what we Kerbals say when we recognize that we have missed this moon all along. We used to think it was a spot on Fonso that made it interesting. And then we recognized it was a new moon and said "D'oh!" The name stuck. Now we call it Doe. It orbits further out than Fonso does, enough to be in a 1:4 resonance, also having a high inclination. We have no idea why this is even called Potatus. Potatus kinda looks like a "potato," whatever that is. We're astronauts, not botanists! ...wait a second, where is that botanist from our recent Duna mission? Ud has the appearance of a "walnut" or something. Voon, stop trying to give us terms that we don't understand! Arre is certainly something. Though only slightly larger than Dres, it has been proven to have rings around it. If something has rings it must have shepherd moons, ergo it must have a moon system. Bill was named after Bill Kerman II. There have been lots of Bill Kermans, to be honest. Also, it orbits retrograde and is highly inclined, so...unless it's close you better escape the system. Orbo is something called an ice giant. It's reddish in color, and used to be thought of as a star before Bill Kerman I came along and disproved everything previously thought of about the solar system. Now people don't want to make any claims about this planet. Nobody knows whether its name is Lucky or just plain Luck. So we at the Kerbal Astronomical society have given it both names, just because we can. Ump kind of makes us laugh every time we say it. We don't know why, it just does. Maybe because it's so tiny! Now this moon is actually interesting! Toop looks like Ud, except upsized and with a ridge not so giant in relation to its size. Dack, in our honest opinion, is very cool. It has a crater with numerous rings, not unlike the other gas giants. Rings around the crater. Give it up for Naal, the newest member of the Solar System. It is a little bit smaller than Orbo and has a purple atmosphere, not unlike Eve. It's not rocky, though! I don't get why anybody would think that. Corn on the Cobb, anybody? Cobb is a cube-like moon that orbits closely to Naal, in fact close enough to maybe even crash into it someday. Kyle...we have no idea where its name came from but this moon certainly was named after some character from a certain show. It orbits and rotates backward around Naal, and is believed to be a captured dwarf planet. The name for this moon, Loopy, is self-explanatory. It was believed to have been thrown out of its original close orbit by Kyle's capture. Now its orbit is one of the most eccentric and inclined in the Solar System. OUTER SYSTEM OBJECTS The largest Kipper Belt object, Ploon is also the largest dwarf planet. It orbits twice every time Naal does thrice. Its tenuous atmosphere is thick enough to need a heatshield, but still not enough to aerocapture. It is, however, useful for aeroslingshots. It does have a significant moon system, but only one is notable. Khan is that notable moon. Its gravity is strong enough to pull the barycenter, or center of mass, of the Ploon-Khan system outside of Ploon's surface. Both are mutually tidally locked like Duna-Ike, but the line wasn't blurred with that; Ike couldn't pull Duna out of the barycenter, so Ike is officially a moon of Duna. Now we at the Kerbal Astronomical Society can't figure out what a planet is and what a moon is! Kenobi, Skywalker, Solo, and Organa are the four smaller moons of Ploon-Khan, in that order. We have no idea where the names came from but we know they sound cool. Maybe we watched too much "Star Wars" or something. Hammy is odd, odd, odd, in more ways than one. For one, it spins fast. For two, it looks like a deformed "pancake", whatever that is. For three, it orbits seven times for every 12 Naal does. Hack is the sole moon of Hammy. It's kinda beefy and strong enough not to succumb to tidal locking. Mayma is a red object outside Naal's influence. No resonances, no moons, nothing. Just a slow-rotating red dwarf planet with a weird dark spot on it...wait a minute... Ryths is actually Mayma's moon. At the moment it orbits edge-on to Kerbin so its orbit can't be determined, and its darkness makes it lost in the glare of Mayma. We need to send a probe there sometime! Look, something's rising! The sun? No, Rise. Rise orbits very far out from the Sun, its periapsis just outside Ploon's apoapsis. Just know that its orbit is pretty odd, but kinda downplayed compared to Samm's. It has a moon even! Nomon is Rise's only moon, a little bit smaller than Sotus, and very bright like Rise. Nomon is also very easy to spot if you look at Rise through a Rise's periapsis. We were very darn lucky! Now we have a record-holder! Samm's orbit is like Rise's taken 10 times further and exaggerated. It's also kind of a polar orbit, which is very odd, and is periapsis is between the apoapses of Ploon and Rise. We know there could have been Joolean slingshots involved. But Naal wouldn't have the gravity to do that. It could have been captured from another passing-by star. But we're way isolated...
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Firstly, I need to thank all of the folks who made this possible: @Gravitasi - For making the original Trans-Keptunian mod (which I'm butchering... sorry.) @The White Guardian - For making the great tutorials that finally got my foot into the kopernicus door. @CaptRobau - For making the Outer Planets mod and creating a standard of beauty t work towards. @GregroxMun - For making RevSS and other planet packs which initially inspired me (and for setting another standard of beauty). @KillAshley - For providing configs for me to rip apart and repurpose. sorry. @Thomas P. - For developing kopernicus in the first place. Download @ Spacedock Have you ever thought to yourself, "Y'know, There really aren't enough objects like Dres and Eeloo"? No? I don't care, It's happening anyway. Yes? Good for you! This planet pack aims to add an assortment of brightly colored rocks to the outer solar system, the near-vacant space between Duna and Jool, and even adding moons to certain bodies! Changelog: 0.1: Initial Release License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International
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The Kerbol system has always seemed a little small. There's so much room for more bodies, and so many minor bodies to put into Kerbal Space Program. In Outer Reaches, things will change. The outer Kerbol system will be a realm of mysterious, uncharted dwarf planets and Kuiper Belt Objects with unique characteristics and moons. Analogues will be made for the 4 outer dwarf planets, along with objects like Sedna and Orcus. There will even be an extra gas giant to keep Eeloo out of the fray and give it some use. Remember, this is an in-dev mod, so suggestions and comments are heavily recommended! The Outer Reaches NETOOL: A gas giant 30% the size of Jool and an analogue to both Saturn and Neptune. It has striking, neon-purple-blue cloud belts crisscrossing a rather dark atmosphere. EELOO: The once-dwarf planet Eeloo will be placed around Netool. However, it will be retextured as an analogue to Mimas. RHEV: A Rhea analogue with a two-faced globe orbiting Netool. One side is dominated by bright ices ejected from a medium-sized crater, while the other side is white-orange and heavily cratered. MAEMAE: An analogue to Makemake that's There will be a few special crater sites, but I don't have any other ideas. Feel free to suggest some! ERIOS: The Eris analogue. Some of the planet is covered with orange patches of methane ice, but most of the surface is white with hints of blue and creme. Eroos also has some significant craters and mountain ranges, along with patches of Tholins. DYNS: A Dysnomia analogue that has 37% the mass of Eroos. They form a small binary system. Dyns is mostly covered in Tholins, but has some patches of methane and nitrogen ices. IXON: The smallest dwarf planet in the pack and the analogue to Ixion. Ixon is somewhat deformed and is covered in tan-white patches of methane and nitrogen ices. SENNA: The reddest body in the Kerbol system and the Sedna analogue. It is moonless but has a dynamic surface coated orange-red. OCULUS: An Orcus analogue named after Oculus Rift because of its similar name and dark coloring. The surface of Oculus is going to be covered with fissures and extinct cryovolcanoes. VIFT: Oculus' only moon that contains 52% the dwarf planet's size and 44% its mass. Vift is the analogue to Vanth and has an extremely varied terrain. More bodies are coming soon. Suggestions are welcome! Screenshots Just images of Netool for now: Development: Netool, Erios, and Dyns are being developed right now (2/22/16) Rings are being tested on Netool. Textures are being developed for Erios and Dyns. Trying to get Sigma Binary to work on Erios and Dyns.
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