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Found 3 results

  1. With For Science releasing tomorrow, I wanted to make a thread for people to share their findings with others. IF you find something, you must follow a few rules though... 1: Use Spoiler tags: This is so people can go through the thread without seeing pictures to not ruin the element of surprise 2: Provide a photo with location in map view: After landing, take a screenshot of where you found it and put it in your post (using a spoiler tag obviously.) 3: Help others with finding Easter Eggs If anyone finds anything, make sure to use spolier tag by clicking on the eye symbol when writing out your post of your findings.
  2. Around a month ago, it was stated that Science would be released in December. When, was unknown. Today I am writing this because we are 5 days away from December and in need of an actual release date. It seems that the update will be delayed until January if we dont get an update. Please update us on this.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B65UbcdnfM7ebm1BVzBxX1BGUkE/view?usp=sharing So no clue what's going on but I know BDArmory is doing it. I've updated everything and tried ATM but neither worked. I crash right at the starting loading screen at 'Loading Part Upgrades'. There's no black screen just a normal crash. I'd really rather keep BDArmory so if there's a solution other than not using it that'd be great.
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