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KerbTrack This plugin lets you look around in-game by moving your head. To do this, it can use a joystick, gamepad, your webcam with a TrackIR camera, a gamepad, or opentrack and all the tracking options it supports, from LED hats to webcams. KerbTrack supports all six degrees of freedom in IVA (yaw, pitch, roll, forward/backward, up/down and strafe left/right), and two degrees of freedom in external views. Other input methods can be added in future. Downloads CurseForge | GitHub | Spacedock / CKAN Requires Harmony, available here. Source available on github, licenced under GPL v2. Quick start guide - webcam You will need a webcam (even an old one should work, e.g. the PlayStation Eye, install details here: Install KerbTrack. Install the latest release of opentrack: Download the latest pre-release of aitrack, and extract it to a folder somewhere (not in the KSP directory). Make sure your webcam is plugged in. Run aitrack.exe inside the aitrack folder. Press "Start tracking" and you should see a view from your webcam with pink dots around your face. Start opentrack. Set opentrack's input to "UDP over network", and its output to "freetrack 2.0 Enhanced". Face forwards and click "Start" in opentrack. You should see "no video", and the pink octopus should move when you move your head. Run KSP and go to any craft in flight or on the launchpad. Pause the game, and the KerbTrack window will appear. Under Tracker Settings, make sure TrackIR is selected, and the top of the window says "Enabled (ScrollLock)". If it's disabled, press the Scroll Lock key on your keyboard to enable it. You should now be able to look around using your head in flight, IVA and the map view. Every time you want to use webcam tracking with KSP, you need to run aitrack, "Start tracking", run opentrack, "Start". Once you have head tracking working above, this setup works with lots of other games too: Tracker descriptions TrackIR/opentrack Supports TrackIR and other systems which emulate it, such as opentrack. When using opentrack, select TrackIR as the tracker in KerbTrack. In the opentrack, set the Input tracker appripriate to your hardware setup, and select "freetrack 2.0 Enhanced" as the Output.In the Output settings, ensure "Use TrackIR" or "Enable both" is selected. Thanks to Stilton for the info and Medsouz for the plugin for TrackIR support. opentrack supports many different input methods, with new ones being added regularly. Check out their website to see whether support for your hardware is available. Here's what it supports out of the box at the time of writing: Joystick Joystick mode can be used to assign the axes of a joystick or gamepad to camera orientation. This can also be used in conjunction with headtrackers not directly supported by KerbTrack, such as LinuxTrack, by setting the head tracker to operate as a virtual joystick. Open the KerbTrack toolbar in the game, go to Tracker Settings and select "Joystick" mode. The menu then allows configuring which joystick to use and which axis to assign to which direction. Version History v1.6 (2024-07-08) Updated for KSP 1.12.5. Moved UI to toolbar. Fixed saving settings. Fixed Linux support and axis inversion. (thanks to Unit327 for this) Fixed movement joystick in flight view orbit camera and in map view. Added button to reset sliders to default. Set up defaults for gamepad. Improved the UI. v1.5 (2018-03-14) Updated for KSP 1.4.1. Added support for opentrack. Added position axes to joystick tracker. Added description text for trackers. Removed defunct trackers: use opentrack with the TrackIR setting, or set your tracker to output to the Joystick setting. v1.4 (2017-03-12) Updated for KSP 1.2.2. Added improved handling for TrackIR errors. Improved accuracy for position scale editor. Updated GUI. v1.3 (2016-10-24) Updated for KSP 1.2. Added FTNoIR zeroed data fix (thanks to @DaMichel for this). Changed logging to use [KerbTrack] to take advantage of the new KSP log colorising system. v1.2 (2015-08-09) Added support for joystick camera control. v1.1.3 (2015-08-09) Oculus Rift-only release. Fixed Oculus Rift quaternion tracker. Upgraded to OVR SDK v1.1.2 (2014-10-16) Fixed persistence for scene toggles. v1.1.1 (2014-10-14) Added support for the KSP Add-on Version Checker. Added missing files. v1.1 (2014-10-13) Added support for FeepingCreature's IQuatTracker for more accurate Oculus Rift tracking. Added the ability to disable tracking in external and map views. v1.0.1 (2014-09-23) Fixed dependency errors when not using TrackIR. v1.0 (2014-09-13) Full release. Added support for TrackIR and the Oculus Rift. v0.1 (2014-03-27) Alpha release. Usage tips Scroll Lock enables/disables headtracking. Sensitivities are adjustable in the toolbar menu. Rotation and movement limits are adjustable in the settings.cfg at: GameData\KerbTrack\Plugins\PluginData\KerbTrack\settings.cfg You can interact with IVA controls like the throttle as normal when using KerbTrack. Known issues Using the close-up window views is supported, but looks a bit weird with the kerbal whose eyes you're meant to be seeing through sitting behind you. Two-axis control is working in external views (pitch and rotation around the craft), but it's difficult to see the far side of the craft for any given camera position. This makes EVA piloting very difficult as you can't turn back the way you came from. More work on the cameras is needed. Pressing the key to disable the tracker (Scroll Lock by default) and then moving the camera normally can be useful in this situation. Not currently added to other scenes such as the Tracking Station, VAB or KSC. There are currently no limits on the range of the magnified head motion, so you can stick your head out of the window and view your craft from the outside, or do the Exorcist head twist. Now configurable. Head tracking requires a good frame rate. With a single-figure FPS, you can't judge when to stop moving your head to look in a particular direction, making it completely unusable. Potential future projects Linux and Mac support via Linux track. Head-controlled joystick Alternative input systems. Shaky-cam / g-force movement effects. Done by KerbQuake.
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Suit set now finished up, will probably add onto it in the future when I have time, files are currently jpgs but if somebody could convert to DDS then that would be a great help! Will update to png again when I have time. There's 3 tiers of suits, with a custom IVA and EVA and 3 diff variants for each, also includes a range of male/female head variations. Based on real space suits such as the Sokol Enjoy! Download link: (WORKING) Curseforge download link: (NOT WORKING) And a couple pics to show off some detailing