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Found 3 results

  1. Do you think there be robotic parts in KSP 2? Will they be added in the base game or in a DLC? I really hope they add robotic parts in KSP 2, so I can make cranes, excavators, and other equipment in KSP 2. If they do add it, I want them to be procedural, where I can make a hydraulic cylinder really long, really short, wide, or skinny. Also, telescopic crane booms similar looking to Liebherr's TELEMATIK system, and NON-FLOPPY ROTATION SERVOS, SOMETHING VERY SIMILAR TO CRANE SLEW RINGS. Also for VTOLs and similar things.
  2. https://youtu.be/rA9SdnkrAeU Hello fellow yuumans. I'm not sayin they asked for it but sometimes U just gotta let people know how big your flex muscles are. Orbital mechanics wizard btw. (I totally just got lucky)
  3. Hi there, today I have something very, very special for you. I designed the very first LOWRIDER in KSP History! (Does anyone know how to resize the embedded video?) Thanks for watching! Cheers, Bluesubstance
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