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  1. Kurgut's IVAs This is a "collection" of IVAs I made for KSP, for video projects mostly. I'm making a public repo for all of those, because I've been asked quite often if I'd release them, and so to make everyone enjoy them. - Important Note : Most of those IVAs have been made quite a while ago, so expect bugs, non-working features, etc. As they were made for singular projects, they will likely not receive any further updates, or fixes. As of this, I also wont provide any support for this, or, please if you really need it, triple check your KSP installation, mod dependencies, and provide logs. Consider this as a "dump" release ^^ You can pick dependencies depending of what IVA you want (detailled below) Enjoy ! : ) - Installation : Merge the zip's GameData folder with your KSP/GameData folder. - Global dependencies : - RPM - ASET Props & Avionics - MoarDv Avionic Systems - Reviva - NearFutureProps (optional, adds only decorative elements here and there) - Source and download : Github : kurgut/Kurgut_IVAs - Content : - WBI Flying Saucer Excalibur cockpit IVA : - dependencies : - Flying Saucers - Starship KOS interface (only for the 3 "captain station" monitors) : https://github.com/Janus1992/KSP_Starship-kOS-Interface more pics : - WBI Buffalo 2 Guppy Subarmine module IVA : - dependencies : - Bufallo 2 - Vulkan's M2X_Angler_IVA (please, don't ask him support too) : m2x-iva / m2x_iva — Bitbucket -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. more pics : - "Historical" B29 cockpit IVA (Airplane Plus, Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit II) : - dependencies : - Airplane Plus - Warbird Cockpits - Vulkan's M2X_Angler_IVA (in this one IIRC, only decorative elements): m2x-iva / m2x_iva — Bitbucket -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. more pics : - Making History KV2 Pod IVA : - dependencies : - Making History DLC - PCRIVAPLUS : kurgut/PCRIVAPLUS: Changes Probe Control Room IVA to a retro-styled Nasa variant -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. - ECS IVA (optional, only decorative elements) : kurgut/ECS_IVA: Adds an interactive ASET IVA to the stock external command seat more pics : - Some Recommended extra mods to enhance IVA gameplay : FreeIVA Mechjeb Scansat Astrogrator KOSPropMonitor DPAI Chatterer - License : Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Credits : Contains assets and cfgs derived or inspired by ASET, MAS, Warbird Cockpits, Vulkan. Cheers ! : )
  2. What is it? MOARdV's Avionics Systems (MAS) is a plugin and toolkit designed to provide an immersive IVA experience. It is based on experience developing and maintaining Mihara's RasterPropMonitor mod. For the player, MAS allows for a more immersive experience with better responsiveness. For the prop and IVA designer, MAS is much more capable than RPM, with support for Lua scripting that allows truly complex functionality. What isn't it? MAS is NOT a large collection of ready-to-play IVAs. There are a few retro stock IVAs included in the mod that will give players and IVA designers a taste of what MAS can do. MAS includes Module Manager patches to update the basic RPM props and IVAs from the RPM distribution to use MAS props. What's included for players? MAS includes the Mk1 (Mercury-like), a partial Mk1-3 command pod, and the Mk1 Lander Can as example IVAs. A Module Manager patch will update the example IVAs from the RPM distribution to use MAS, instead. What's not included? MAS dependencies are not bundled with MAS. CKAN? Available. However, please direct any CKAN issues to the CKAN team - I am not involved with maintaining the CKAN data. Download: GitHub releases. Do not use 'Clone or Download' from the code page, unless you intend to compile MAS yourself. What dependencies are required? All of the following are required, but not included: ASET Props (only the ASET Props models / textures are required. You do not need to install RPM to use MAS) ASET Avionics (only the ASET Avionics models / textures are required. You do not need to install RPM to use MAS) Module Manager Recommended Mod: Reviva to allow switching IVAs from within KSP. License? MAS source and DLL are released under the MIT license. MAS includes components with other licenses. Please refer to the License file for more details. MOAR IVA? If you would like to take a look at other IVAs that use MAS, here are a couple. The Rodan IVA includes MAS MFDs: The Flapjack cockpit from Kerbal Flying Saucers includes a MAS-powered glass cockpit: A Bluedog Design Bureau-compatible retro Apollo IVA (and a mostly functional glass cockpit CM): If there are other MAS IVAs that should be included here, please let me know. Documentation? The Mk1 IVA has an Operations Manual to help you find your way around the IVA. The MOARdVPlus Wiki has descriptions of the advanced instruments found in the command pod. Most of the MAS wiki contains info for people configuring props and designing IVAs for MAS. Source? GitHub For IVA Makers: There are already a few hundred props in the MAS catalog, along with several mostly complete MFD designs. What I don't have yet, unfortunately, is good documentation to help you figure out which props are which. Most of the props have names that suggest what they do, but the details are lacking. I plan on documenting the props eventually. There are also quite a few props that have not been imported from RPM - again, I'll get to it eventually. For Prop Makers: Most of the GitHub documentation is information about the features of MAS. There's a lot there, and the props that ship with MAS may help you figure out how to use it. Prop makers who have passing familiarity with Lua will find that MAS is extremely powerful and flexible. If the online documentation is unclear, contact me, and I'll be happy to help you figure it out (and improve the documentation).
  3. MKI Pod 'Needle' Configuration A Starliex product Hello fellow kerbounats! After many weeks of work, and even more weeks of procrastination, with more than 80 custom made props, I'm proud to release the 'Needle' configuration for the MK1 pod ! This configuration goes far and beyond to provide the latest gadgets and knobs to every kerbal pilot, with nice additions such as a phase angle indicator, slope angle, altitude callouts and much much more. Here below are some screenshots of the capsule : Download: Now available on CKAN ! Latest Release (Zip file) : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/archive/main/starilex-mk1-iva-main.zip All Releases : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/releases/ Source code : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva SpaceDock : https://spacedock.info/mod/3113/Starilex Intra-Vehicular Solutions: MKI Pod 'Needle' Installation: Be sure to have installed all the dependencies. Download the zip file and copy the `GameData` folder inside the KSP folder Dependencies: Raster Prop Monitor MOARdV's Avionic System ModuleManager ASET Props ASET Avionics Reviva (Suggested) Reviva support: Reviva is a mod that allows multiple IVAs for the same pod, giving you the option to switch between them in game. Thanks to @610yesnolovely this IVA is supported as well out of the box! (Thank you!) Versions: 1.0 - Initial release [current] License: CC-BY-NC-SA ███
  4. Have you gotten bored with stock IVAs? Are modded IVAs more your style? Do you want to see some more advanced features that MAS allows? Well, look at this: MOARdVPlus demonstrates the capabilities of MOARdV's Avionics Systems, giving players a chance to play with an IVA that has MOAR switches, buttons, dials, and whatnot. And hopefully to inspire other IVA creators into diving into the capabilities of MAS. The initial release includes a re-imagining of the FASA Apollo command module, updated to be drop-in compatible with the Bluedog Design Bureau Kane / Sarnus launch stack. The FASA Apollo CM, heat shield, parachutes, and parachute covers are included in MOARdVPlus - use BDB parts for the rest! Two IVAs are included in v1.0.0: the RA-01 variant (pictured above) is a fairly complete retro-style IVA. The GA-02 is an incomplete Glass Cockpit version of the Apollo (still under development - use at your own risk - contents will change). DOCUMENTATION: The Wiki on GitHub includes an operator manual for the RA-01. I suggest you at least skim through it. Or just dive in and start mashing buttons, if that's more to your taste. DOWNLOAD: GitHub PREREQUISITES: All of the MAS prerequisites are required to fly MOARdVPlus IVAs. (MAS, ASET Props, ASET Avionics, and Module Manager - not included). LICENSE: MOARdVPlus IVA and prop configs are licensed CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. The FASA Apollo was released to RO under CC-BY-SA.
  5. o7 everyone, I'd like to make IVA mods, for custom build cockpits, especially I'd like to implement a F4 Phantom II cockpit (and fuselage parts, using a custom fuselage section profile, like MK0,MK1,MK2 and so on) in KSP, MAS IVA + BDAC implemented. (something like this) I have close to 0 expirience in Unity/coding in general(I can read error logs relatively well,have some bash/fish knowledge, and can write a calculator in python but form coding persepective thats practically it) However i have some expirience in modeling and texturing, UV wraps and some other stuff, I can confidently make the infamous donut in blender and texture it without any help, for example but im an amatuer in that field as well. I'm more or less a total noob in modding, from mod dev side of things, I can def make a simple value change or update the .dll plugin with some assistance, but thats practically it. So introduction is over, and I would like to ask expirienced modders those questions: Which skill sets 'd be required for achieving something like this? How complicated it'd be to implements BDAC functionality, such as a custom RWR, radar and IRST instruments? How complicated is it to make custom MAS flip switches (both with a safety cap and without) and add warning audio? Which guides should I deeply research? I have yet to find a BDAC implementation guides, but I've seen it done more than once, tho I am aware of MAS/RPM guide for moders and reading it. Obviously im not going for 100% recreation , I'd like to make a rather, simplistic, version of the cockpit but with enough detail to make it feel full and functional at the same time. P.S. If there are free to use texture/model resources for KSP mods (non commerical obviously) where could I find them? Thank you very much for your assistance!
  6. Hi all ! I'm french sorry for my English First of all, thanks to : @alexustas for the "ASET Props Pack" @MOARdV for the " MOARdV's Avionics Systems (MAS)" @sarbian for "MechJeb" I work on IVA pack ( It is my first IVA ) include : M.E.M. IVA ( MK1-3 IVA ) Download : https://github.com/Max-Ksp/Max-Ksp-MAS-IVA-Pack/releases M.E.M. IVA It is an interior for Munar Excursion Module Other version : No Hud available on GitHub Mk1-3 IVA Dependencies : MOARdV's Avionics Systems here ASET props pack here MechJeb here How to install ? Drop the file "Max-Ksp IVA Pack" into your gamedata folder
  7. Once upon a time, I started an IVA-only playthrough, which was strongly disrupted by the lack of interactive IVAs for the stock parts, and the lack of MAS IVAs in general. Having found none suitable, I recalled a certain maxim: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Thusly, I set out to make my own. These may not be the prettiest or most well-planned cockpits imaginable, but they exist now, and that's good enough for me. Obligatory screenshots: Download from GitHub: https://github.com/SingABrightSong/SABS_IVA/releases Depends on MOARdV's Avionics System, for obvious reasons. Not included.
  8. Hello KSP community! This is my first mod I'm putting out for a test drive. This is a MAS-Enabled IVA for the Firespitter Apache cockpit. It is intended to be as accurate as the props i had available will allow. It's not perfect.. YET... But hopefully support for the functions of some props will come soon. This mod refreshes and brings FUN back to Firespitter! Plus i just love helicopters for some reason.... and I wanted a realistic cockpit to fly around in! Have fun everyone! Download Link: https://spacedock.info/mod/2993/Firespitter Apache IVA Upgrade
  9. Have you ever wonder to fly a Vostok or a Voskhod? Well now you can. This is a replacement for stock KV pods. I have tried to unite functionality with historical accuracy. Pictures: KV-1 "Onion" Pod: Vostok Inspired https://imgur.com/a/rEAZCSm REQUERIMENTS: ASET Props - ASET Avionics - MAS Avionics - DOWNLOAD: Version 0.1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/21r2l0wuy3759lg/KVReplacement.rar?dl=0
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