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Found 6 results

  1. Hi there This is a parts pack for Kerbal Space Program v1.2.2+, to recreate the glorious Eagle Transporter (N° 3) from the 70's series "Space: 1999". It's my first "mod" and it's a work in progress, so any suggestions and feedback from you are very welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Gallery http://imgur.com/a/zgmVI Tutorial: Launching the Eagle into orbit Downloads SPACEDOCK CURSE Changelog Version 1.03: - Added the Eagle Cargo Pod, with retractable legs, built-in generator and 15 attachment nodes (besides from the 4 VTOL ones at the bottom and the docking one at the top). - Added a dockable Nuclear Canister for storage and transportation of Deuterium and Tritium. - Added the MA-2500 ISRU with built-in radiator and Ore container. Now you can extract Ore and convert it into Deuterium and/or Tritium. - Added two access hatches to the Command Module, one at the back door and another at the bottom (emergency exit). - Changed Tritium to LqdTritium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly. The fuel rate of the RCS thrusters should be 0.06 L/s. - Adjusted the Main Engine fuel rate (LqdDeuterium) to 7.0 L/s and the VTOL Engine (LiquidFuel+Oxidizer) to 7.353 L/s. - Increased RCS thrust power and RW torque on the Command Module, for stability purposes. - Fixed antenna range on the Service Module and removed built-in antenna on the Moonbuggy, so you can attach one of your choice. Version 1.02: - Changed Deuterium to LqdDeuterium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly to avoid conflicts. The fuel rate on the Eagle Main Engines should be 7.27 L/s. - Added some more ASL thrust to the Main Engines. - Fixed a problem with a collider on the Eagle Passenger Module, so now you can re-dock it to the ship. Version 1.0: - First release Credits - Mr. Brian Johnson, original designer of The Eagle, worked on Thunderbirds, "2001: A Space Odyssey", Alien and influenced the spaceship designs of Star Wars and others. - James Murphy, original author of the beautiful Eagle 3d mesh and Andy Marrs for the Lightwave conversion. - Roger Clow for his cool Moonbuggy mesh in Lightwave format. Licensing This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
  2. A place to showcase craft based on the Television shows of Gerry Anderson. I've started with what I have found available. Mods by @MajorTom69 and @StinkyAce giving me access to Space 1999 and UFO meshes. If anybody knows of Captain Scarlet, Stingray, Thunderbirds etc meshes, please let me know. I have reconfiged craft to be balanced and more functional and to me atleast aesthetically pleasing. If you have been doing this sort of work in these worlds as well, please post here to let us know and to show off your efforts.
  3. After getting the space 1999 eagle mod I found one called Eagle One and it came with a landing pad like on the show. My question is how to get that sucker up on the mun? It's way too heavy for any boosters or combo of boosters I have and it's all one peace. So far it's stuck on the ground. For that matter once we get to the mun, how are we going to land it?
  4. Hello. We are currently investigating a failure with the Gerry Anderson Space 1999 mod available at Spacedock. The failure is associated with the cockpit falling off the eagle for no apparent reason. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Please post any difficulties here. Thank you and keep flying. Skunk Works development.
  5. I don't know if this is the right place for this, so if it's not, feel free to relocate it. The Models and mods we create at Skunk Works, will be released through the spacedock site from time to time. Most of the sci-fi models are ridiculously powered to reflect the shows they come from. They do not adhere to physics. I use the basic required add ons such as firespitter, mechjeb and so on. Some of the meshes are scratch, some modified with owners permissions. If you see a model I show an image of, be patient, it will be available soon. Currently working on the AC130, P3, E2C, for release, the shado skydiver is on back order, a multitude of modern jets are also on back order. With the collapse of the other download site, kerbalstuff, most were lost to the Kraken. Hopefully i can get our team of engineers to expedite the refabrication of them. Thanks and keep on flying. Skunk Works command.
  6. Coming soon, the Eagle Transporter. All pods, medlab, passenger, vip, cargo, sky crane, over drive booster, very well balanced, 238 tons mass, up to specs for the show Space 1999. Bored with casual trips to the min? Stay tuned.
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