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Found 3 results

  1. CREDIT TO @daniel l. FOR THE ORIGINAL GEMENI ALSO CREDIT TO @Thomas P. AND HIS DEVELOPMENT CREW FOR KOPERNICUS Gemeni is a mod thought up by @daniel l., and he has let me continue this mod. Now, it changes the Kerbol system into a smaller, binary red dwarf system. List of Planets: Download from SpaceDock License: CC-BY-SA
  2. Spacedock Download License: CC-BY-SA This mod adds a binary sibling to kerbin (Hence the name gemeni) The planet's name is Kerbanon, It is a barren desert, And while dry and dusty it has an oxygen atmosphere and is very suitable for colonization. Kerbanon is almost entirely supportive of career mode as it has complete sciencedefs and biomes. This mod supports (Can work without): Planned: Coming Next release, Planned Eventually., Small Asteroid Moon, (To replace minmus as kerbanon's moon) Surface Easter eggs, Support for scatterer, Known Bugs And Oversights: Main menu screen is bugged. (Not a serious problem at all... Really it isnt.) Intense Lag spike on EVA. (Help?) Visible seams on terrain. Changelog \/ Produced in collaboration with @The White Guardian
  3. THIS MOD ADDS A BROWN DWARF, 4 PLANETS AND 2 MOONS. MORE WILL LIKELY COME IN THE FUTURE. TRANCE: Trance is a small, T7V type brown dwarf with 17 Jool masses. it has three planets, one hosts black plant life. This dwarf wasn't discovered until recently, and it seems to orbit Kerbol in a binary relationship. (Based off Nemesis) PATHOS: Pathos is a strange little planet, because it orbits Trance in a retrograde orbit. The orbit is very likely kept stable by it's massive planetary neighbor, Zenith. ZENITH: Zenith is a huge planet, much bigger than Eve itself. Zenith is about 900km in radius, much bigger than any rocky planet in the Kerbol system. It has mostly ocean, but has a small area of land created by an impact, and the life on this land is almost completely black. GELID: Gelid is Trance's only moon, and it isn't that big. It's only about half the size of Jool, and only has one moon, and that moon is grey and dead. CORONA: Corona is grey and dead, not unlike all the planets and the only other moon besides Zenith. It has lots of craters like the Mun, but it does have a unique feature, and that is that it has clusters of tall mountains that are difficult to land on. DEMENTIA: Dementia is like Dres. Nobody really cares about it, but it is the farthest planet from Trance. So that's a plus, I guess. EXTUS: Extus is the only moon in the Trance system, so it's obviously the largest moon. It has lots of orange on it's surface, so we almost named it Oranj! There are many conspiracy theorists that believe the orange areas of Extus taste like oranges. PICS: DOWNLOAD: http://spacedock.info/mod/837/Lost Twins
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