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  1. Introduction Interplanetary Colonization represents one of the largest technological and logistical challenges on the horizon for manned spaceflight. USI's Modular Kolonization System (MKS) provides a huge array of new gameplay systems and supporting parts to support the experience of designing, building, and maintaining interplanetary colonies in Kerbal Space Progam. For over three years, MKS has been the definitive Colonization mod for KSP, with continued refinement of the parts and core systems (including the resource system now integrated in the stock game) based on extensive community feedback and continued development and design. MKS is not a parts pack. It is a gameplay mod that adds a massive amount of end-game content for KSP, and can serve as the perfect capstone for your career save. It can be soul crushingly hard, and as unforgiving as gravity. But it can also be an incredibly rewarding gameplay experience, bringing back that sense of wonder and accomplishment that many of us remember from our first Mun landing. If you want a parts pack where your idea of a colony is landing a single ship and call it a day, this is probably not the mod for you. If you want something that transforms your gameplay, and gives you unapologetically difficult goals where you have to juggle planning, logistics, and the harsh constraints imposed by space, then you will likely get as much enjoyment playing MKS as I have received building and designing it. Features MKS adds a rich array of new features to support the challenge of building interplanetary colonies, including: A huge assortment of parts suitable for surface and orbital bases and stations, drawing inspiration from real-world parts and concepts from Bigelow, NASA, and others. A clear progression of parts, from simple outposts and mobile bases to larger manufacturing complexes and permanent colonies. Extended ISRU operations with more resources and more complex harvesting, refining, manufacturing chains, and new mechanics. Discoverable resource lodes for more interactive resource harvesting and exploitation Customizable and field-configurable converters and harvesters to allow post-launch customization of your colony. Tools for handling large bases, such as ground tethering and automated resource transfers for disconnected bases Tools for building out your base In-Situ with harvested resources, whether it's by expanding and kitting out modules, or through in-situ construction via the bundled Ground Construction mod by @allista Parts and tools for contructing bases including weldable ports, magnetic couplers, and heavy construction equipment via the bundled Konstruction mod. Parts for mobile bases via the bundled Karibou Expedition Rover Expanded Kerbal traits and effects in support of Kolonization Comprehensive and seamless integration with USI Life Support, including life support, habitation, and homesickness. Kolony rewards, providing ever increasing efficiencies as well as tangible bonuses in career mode, as your Kerbals gain experience colonizing other planets and moons. The ability to support permanent colonies as well as ark-ships as your Kerbals expand their knowledge and become more experienced with off-world colonies. Part disassembly and recycling Wireless power transmission and Geothermal wells Equipment wear and tear along with manual and automated maintenance tools And much more! FAQ I hear MKS is really complicated - is that true? MKS has significant depth and breadth, but provided you don't try to do everything at once, you will find the learning curve can be pretty reasonable. Start with life support, and don't get fixated on trying to build everything at once. The patterns learned with a small base quickly scale for larger ones. What about documentation? Thanks to @dboi88, MKS enjoys full KSPedia documentation. There's also an excellent community maintained wiki available here. MKS Documentation even has its own development thread here. I can't seem to fit a 100% self sufficient base in a single launch - what am I doing wrong? Building a self sufficient colony is hard. Like... REALLY hard. It's going to take a lot of launches and a lot of work. The idea of MKS is that it is not about plunking down a base and being done. Rather, it's the journey to get to that point that is the fun bit. So yeah... you are going to need a few more rockets. I can't find a place to create my base that has all of the resources! Good. Now you get to enjoy some of the challenges that result from resource constraints. Do you ship things in? Do you set up multiple bases? Or use low-efficiency harvesting to get trace materials and salvage the rest from scrapped components? I feel overwhelmed... I try to make a base, and it seems I just need so many different parts! Start small. Start with just a habitation module or two and ship in supplies. Then add some agroponics and ship in fertilizer. Once you get those down pat, you are ready for more complex systems. I am still lost - where can I get help? Ask in this thread. A lot of the folks here have been using MKS in their games for years, and are a pretty friendly lot. This looks amazing, and I didn't have any plans for my weekend anyway - where do I get this stuff? Great question! Links are below Download Links Best place to pick this up is the official USI Github Repo: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license (see attached). Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely This mod redistributes Firespitter, which is covered under its own license. This mod redistributes ModuleManager, which is covered under its own license. This mod redistributes Ground Construction, which is covered under its own license. NOTICE: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
  2. So I have been considering over the past month or two the creation of a life support system tailored to fit in with the USI mods, and also bring together some the bits I like about other mods already on the market, and add a few of my own tweaks, etc. This is pretty much my interpretation of how, if I were to go buy Kerbal in a store, I would expect a stock-ish life support system to work. I've been playing with it and minus a few refinements am very happy with the result. With that, I am pleased to introduce USI Life Support. Basic overview stuff. Mechanics wise, it's pretty simple. Kerbals require supplies. Kerbals also require EC. these are both on the same timer, so I just check supplies for the status window. When Kerbals are done consuming supplies, leftovers, scraps, and 'anything else' is either tossed overboard, or (if storage is available) tossed into a 'mulcher'. The resulting organic slurry is called 'mulch' and can be used to feed greenhouses, etc. at the player's discretion (or in the case of MKS, converted into Organics at varying levels of efficiency). 15 days out, the visuals go yellow (sorry, no auto-warp-slowdown-thingie, use KAC). When supplies run out, things go into the red. If you leave them unsupplied for 15 days... well, they just say 'screw it', get grouchy, and quit. They are still in the pod. they still take up a seat. But they can't fly, can't EVA, and essentially do the Kerbal equivelant of spinning around in their office chairs, refusing to work, until resupplied. This is a design consideration in that all of us, at least once, has just flat out done goofed, and lost a whole colony of Kerbals via glich or other sadness. Yes, death/despawn will be an option. Not the default one tho. Mechanics wise, they are transformed into tourists, as they are essentially on a self-imposed vacation Once resupplied, they are happy as clams and will return to work. While on EVA, they will not quit. But if they are brought back aboard a ship and have been starved (and can't find a hot meal waiting) they will promptly go in strike, and begin their self imposed vacation immediately. Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. Yes, it's a bit more 'Kerbal' than TAC-LS, but also a lot more predictable and with harder consequences than 'Snacks'. It does, however, feel 'right' (at least to me) from a design standpoint. Parts wise: Three inline storage compartments. No extra recyclers needed. No resourced added to pods (the 15 day window covers all of the Kerbin SOI so no point). No random contracts. MKS/OKS Changes MKS wise, closed loop just got a lot harder/more interesting (depending on your point of view). The old C3 (now renamed to the Pioneer Module) will have a basic mulcher and greenhouse and can do recycling at 50% efficiency for up to four Kerbals. Kerbitats operate at 75% efficiency. Mk-IV modules (once released) will operate at 90% efficiency off-world, 100% efficiency on the surface (pulling in of local material is inferred, no extra drills required). Supplies come from organics. Organics come either from mulched supply waste, or from a combo of water/substrate. So surface bases are easier to get to self sufficiency - if they are on water/substrate deposits. Orbital will always be a pain - so you will need to fly up fresh organics or keep large stores. And since organics creation is not tied to the life support loop, building large surface farms is also pretty easy now. Dealing with hungry Kerbals So you can do some very interesting things. Run a command pod to dock reviving supplies/snacks to a starved out colony ship. Use one of your orange-suits to lead a mission and conserve supplies. Note that Kerbals are pretty damn aggressive about getting their snacks - the only way to lock them out of the biscuit tin is to click that little feed button by the resource on a part (same way we reserve some battery power for a probe). Note that a Kerbal about to starve (i.e. no supplies for 15 days) will in fact happily break open said biscuit tin. witty screen message included Design side note: So 'Mulch'. Waste was used, and too generic. And I wanted something that showed that the stuff was kinda useful, not edible, and felt more 'kerbal' (and less like poo!) if that makes sense. The idea of Kerbals tossing all of the spare bits and scraps into a contraption and getting out a semi-useful generic organic slurry had a certain appeal, hence the abstracted mulchers and mulch resource. The resource itself is just 'supplies' and has the visual representation of a translucent, semi-rounded green cube. What are they? Well... leave that to the imagination. But the labeling will read 'N.O.M.S. - (Nutritional Organic Meal Substitute)' on the tins LICENSE: Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely DOWNLOAD: Get it at the GitHub Repo! https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/releases
  3. Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ExplorationPack/releases This modpack is a repackaging of the PackRat Rover as well as new parts geared towards planetary exploration. Contents: The Pack-Rat Rover. A modular heavy-duty Rover for all of your planetary exploration needs. Easy to assemble Durable Balanced No twiddly surface attachment - everything snaps in place Integrated RTG and batteries Integrated headlights Glow-in-the-dark tape, for when you forget to turn the lights on... Handles like a dream - Munar speeds up to 20m/s Includes experiment storage lockers Includes a new science component (a data camera) Six customizable equipment slots (demo includes four science crates, a seat, and a data camera] Includes a Rover Delivery System - a cage framework with plenty of surface attachment space, and nodes for both the Rover and stack attachment in a 2.5m form factor (though a 3.75 fits the entire wheelbase of the Rover cleanly) Oh... And it can be completely assembled in the field using KAS... If you are assembling this as a sub-assembly in the VAB, start with the roll cage (it has a spare attachment node on top) If you are assembling this via KAS, start with the Front (and surface attach it to a pylon or something so your Rover does not fly away on minmus or something) The Advanced Extravehicular Suit (AES) What started out as a hardened EVA pod soon transformed into an assortment of small parts to extend it's functionality. Parts included: The AES Commad Pod - Tiny, with full glass IVA Micro SAS Micro RCS thrusters and mini tanks Micro decoupler (so handy!) Electric ducted fan motor (atmo only) - Nifty in that it ties to both the RCS and Engine systems FireSpitter and ModuleRCSFx are both required and included. Requires the Community Resource Pack (resources only, no ORS maps) as well as various USI DLLs (all included). Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Additional Modules: This package redistributes FireSpitter This package redistribures Module Manager Download on GitHub: https://github.com/BobPalmer/ExplorationPack/releases Changelog: 0.2.5 - 2014.11.01 [LIST] [*]Reorganized folder structure to better support package managers [*]Included complete CRP [*]Replaced TGAs with PNGs [*]Increased maintenance pod range to 5m [*]Thanks to FrancoisH, fixed several broken welded parts [*]Thanks to Deadpan110 for surface attachable packrat wheels [*]Merged in the Safety Light, and made it KAS-attachable [*]Updated FireSpitter DLL [/LIST] 0.2.2 - 2014.10.07 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.25 Support [*]DRE/ATM support for the HERP command pod and jumpseat [*]Fixed typo in Jumpseat name/description [*]Minor update to HERP IVA [*]Added in HERP lights [*]New maintenance pod and various crates for resource transfer [*]Bundled KERT for EVA Transfer support [/LIST] 0.2.1 - 2014.09.28 [LIST] [*]Synced ORSX/CRP changes [*]Added the HERP command bubble and Jumpseat pods! [*]FAR/NEAR support [*]Engine tweaks for the ducted fan engines [*]DRE support [*]ATM support [*]Better packrat wheels! [*]FireSpitter Hover Mode! [*]Corrected model for ducted fan (transform issues) [*]Switched to latest USI DLLs [*]Switched to ORSX and new CRP [*]The PackRat has been adjusted again - be careful, old ones may have bees. [*]Updated RDS cage (3.75m) with matching fairings [*]Ducted fans have attachment nodes and should play symmetry better [/LIST] 0.1.3 - 2014.09.12 Bundled ORS 0.1.2 - 2014.09.12 [LIST] [*]Small update to the duct fan model - beware this may cause your ships to look weird as some transforms changed. [*]Slight boost to RCS power, texture size reduction, some model updates. [*]CRP Integration [*]USI Tools Refresh [*]Internals tweaks [*]Fixed bug where IVA caused a transparent pod [/LIST]
  4. Includes a 5m USAF Orion as well as a 5m Medusa variant. Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/NuclearRockets/releases Post bugs and whatnot Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely
  5. ## Community “Playmode USI” for Wild Blue Industries mods ## What is does I love the Wild Blue Industries (WBI) mods – MOLE, DSEV, Pathfinder, Buffalo. Great models, useful parts, attention to detail, and lots of good ideas which enhance my gameplay experience, such as the configurable templates. In all my long-term career saves I am also pretty much committed to the Community Resource Pack and Umbra Space Industries (USI) ecosystems, particularly Life Support and Kolonization. Most of the parts I am using (e.g. lots of Nertea’s stuff) have some support or compatibility for CRP and USI. At some point there was at least basic USI-LS support, but then one day the USI config mechanics changed (towards swappable bays with swsapoptions), and those patches became outdated. I used to roll my own, also very basic, based on the CRP playmode in WBI. That, however, is also no longer actively developed. So, instead of trying to patch something that itself might become outdated, I have bitten the bullet and present you the results of my work… integrating USI support (focusing on Life Support and Kolonization) into the WBI mods as a dedicated playmode which can thus be switched on or off as desired. “So it is just some MM patches for Pathfinder etc, not really a mod!” You could say so. It is basically “just” configuration files which are mostly applied using module manager. However, I am utilizing the awesome and powerful “playmode” feature of WBI to do more than just swapping out a part module here and there. With this feature, defining a “playmode” gives broad control over which templates are applied to the different parts, allowing to disable or change a lot of things (which would be totally possible with MM patches alone, but a lot more work). This playmode is built upon the existing “CRP” playmode, with some items adapted also from ClassicStock, but disables, changes and adds some modules (habitation, life support), templates or converter recipes. ## Design Considerations WBI and USI are based on somewhat different philosophies and design principles: * Long-term colonization, especially with closed-loop resource flow, is hard vs. * Early stations and flexible space-camping, short-term habitation expandable to long-term colonization Personally, I do enjoy both approaches and I do not see them as conflicting, but rather as highly complementary for my playstyle. To integrate (Pathfinder/MOLE/etc.) well with USI LS and MKS, balancing the capabilities to account for the different philosophies is important, ensuring that the parts fill a specific niche and are not generally overpowered or useless. What’s In Based on the existing “CRP” playmode, with some changes and additions Specifically, adds in USI-LS as life support system: LS recyclers, LS habitation, WBI greenhouses produce supplies (via agroponics or cultivation), Supplies/Mulch/Fertilizer as resource where appropriate, … Some changes to templates/omniconverters to be closer to the MKS production chains where appropriate Production parts acting as MKS efficiency modules where appropriate Integration of WBI resource sharing/distribution and MKS logistics on the table (see ROADMAP) WBI parts generally don’t enable closed-loop long-term colonization and are usually less efficient than comparable MKS/USILS parts. Keep in mind, though, that WBI parts are already very powerful and useful on their own with their template switching abilities and general capabilities. What’s Out This is not a scientific dissertation about perfectly balancing colonization parts. I have used as-is parts analysis, best judgement, personal preferences as well as the official MKS balancing guidelines. Most things “feel right” to me. Some may be a bit off. There might also be some mistakes on my part. If you think something is vastly off scale, let me know and we’ll discuss it. No repackaging all of MKS’ functionality in WBI parts. It is not my goal to create WBI templates for the complete MKS production chain, for instance. I want the parts to complement, not replace, each other. Some overlap is normal, and some Pathfinder and MOLE modules give you much earlier production capabilities than MKS – but at a cost of generally being less efficient. No “total conversion” of WBI. Pathfinder remains Pathfinder, and MOLE remains MOLE. E.g the greenhouses work totally different from USILS/MKS (you have to wait some time for a harvest, and the yield might be lower than anticipated), and that’s what I like about them as complementary things for my stations and bases. No changes to Tech Tree placements (Stock and CTT). Current placements mean that MOLE & Pathfinder parts come much earlier than MKS (especially in CTT). This makes sense in the overall design (early stations, camping before colonization), fits my playstyle, and I don’t intend to do any changes here. ## Is it safe to drop into an existing game? Short answer: most likely NO! Long answer: it depends. It is based on the existing CRP playmode, but there are some changes. Your active stations and bases WILL be impacted – some positive (LS and habitation functions), some negative (converter recipe changed or outright no longer available). Upon first activation and switching to a vessel there is a high chance of nullref spam. It might be repairable (->see Common Issues and Resolutions), but in a worst case that vessel is no longer usable and has to be terminated. If you are using ClassicStock playmode, DO NOT SWITCH TO THIS PLAYMODE! It is NOT compatible with ClassicStock – absolutely everything is different! All your classicstock resources will be gone, your production chains useless, and your bases decorative only! USI is basically CRP with specific production chains as in MKS, and life support from USI-LS. ClassicStock is very different from this, and fundamentally makes not a lot of sense to forcefully combine with USI. TLDR; Make a backup of your save before activating this playmode! If you are using CRP playmode and have few active stations/bases, give it a try. If you are using ClassicStock playmode, DO NOT activate this for your current save! ## Download, Installation & How to use Install prerequisites (ModuleManager, not bundled!). Any WBI and USI mods are technically not a dependency, but what do you expect this one here will do without them? Download and install mod from the github releases: Install path must be $KSP_DIR/GameData/WildBluePlaymodeUSI !Any other folder path will lead to the templates not being properly found and switched by the WBI Playmode Switcher! Start KSP (your WBI playmode is something <> USI). Use the WBI playmode switcher to switch to playmode USI. DO NOT CONTINUE PLAYING, THE SWITCHED PLAYMODE IS NOT YET ACTIVE! Immediately exit and restart KSP. Your playmode should now be USI. UPDATE WARNING: *YOU MUST TREAT UPDATES AS NEW INSTALLS!* Download new release Delete previous folder completely: $KSP_DIR/GameData/WildBluePlaymodeUSI Unpack new release. Start KSP, LOAD A BLANK NEW SAVE (not your precious long-term career one with active flights!) Playmode switcher will indicate you are in USI (which is not correct, but it doesn’t know), switch to “CRP”. Klick OK. Immediately open playmode switcher again, switch to USI. Klick OK. Exit & restart KSP. You’re good to go now! ## Common Issues and Resolutions ## Support and Contribution Prerequisite: reading the design considerations, what’s in scope/out of scope, as well as common issues and resolutions. If you think something should be added/changed/removed: (Good) make a concrete proposal here on the forum (i.e. “make part x be a hab module with following kerbalmonths” instead of “part x is no good”) (Better) write and test the appropriate configuration / MM patch and post it here (Hero!) make a github pull request And especially regarding issues/support: This mod is community developed, and is in no way endorsed or supported by Angel-125 (WBI) or RoverDude (USI)! DO NOT GO TO WBI OR USI THREADS WITH SUPPORT ISSUES OR QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PLAYMODE! If I find out that Angel-125 or RoverDude are pestered with stuff from this mod, I might have to consider pulling this. Thanks for your comprehension. ## Credits WBIPlaymodeUSI builds upon and existentially requires the excellent "Wild Blue Industries" mods by @Angel-125. Config files in this mod are based on, adapted from, or outright copied from, config files which are the creative works and intellectual property of Michael Billard, and are licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3. Wild Blue Industries is a copyright trademark of Michael Billard. All Rights Reserved by him. See: https://github.com/Angel-125 WBIPlaymodeUSI builds upon and existentially requires the excellent "Umbra Space Industries" mods by @RoverDude. Config files in this mod are based on, adapted from, or outright copied from, config files which are the creative works and intellectual property of Robert Palmer, and are licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3. Umbra Space Industries is a copyright trademark of Robert Palmer. All Rights Reserved by him. See: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries ______________________________________________________________________________________ ## ROADMAP [done] bring onto CKAN Evaluate integration of resource sharing/distribution/logistics mechanisms o Side-by-side running, or o Integration, or o Complete replacement of one system with the other More work on the production chains and load/efficiency thing Evaluate support for BARIS Supporting upcoming features in USI Konstruction and LifeSupport (USI's Workshop and DeepFreeze alternatives)
  6. Introducing Konstruction! Konstruction adds new parts and game mechanics to KSP centered around base and orbital construction! Features: Weldable, configurable construction ports, with auto-rotation and configurable parameters on the fly. Once connected, these can be removed, resulting in a permanent joint between the parent parts of the two ports. Design your assembly in the VAB, cut it up and add construction ports, reassemble in-situ. Great for large bases and stations, or building larger vessels in orbit! Konstruction also includes an array of parts that can be used to create forklifts, cranes, magnetic couplers, stabilizers, etc. - ideal for building vehicles to help with in-situ assembly. If Module Manager is installed (not included till an official 1.2 version drops), the claw will have a magnetic grappler added to it automatically. Lastly, Konstruction includes the absolutely adorable Akita Rover. Small enough to fit in a Karibou cargo bay, great as a little runabout for your base. And now the important bits! Download Link https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license (see attached). Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely
  7. Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART/releases Background: What's more awesome than asteroids? Asteroids you can put stuff in! Asteroid Recycling Technologies (ART) allows you to remove asteroid mass and attach multiple reconfigurable storage tanks to the asteroid's surface. ART is a collaboration between myself (plugin code, configs, and Unity), and WaRi (modeling and textures). How it works: First, Attach (via the same mechanism as the ARM Claw) a mass extractor to the surface of the asteroid. This device (aka the Jaw) uses a high powered laser to vaporize asteroid mass, transforming it into rock (a new resource) and prepare the interior space for use. Next, attach one of several reconfigurable storage tank hatches to the asteroid. Each of these contains a specific resource (LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, XenonGas and Karbonite are included, mod creators and players are encouraged to create more!). These begin with zero capacity, but can be inflated once attached to the asteroid and take advantage of the space created by the Jaw. Better yet, these storage tanks can be reconfigured on the fly based on your needs - need more Karbonite space and less XenonGas space? no problem - just compress and expand the different tanks. There's even an option to bleed off the contents if you need to make room for something else. What do I do with all of this rock?! You can bleed it off - just select 'Vent Rock' on your asteroid's right click menu to toss some out into space. Or, use one of our handy low-yeild extractors (ones for Karbonite, Minerals/Water, and Substrate/Ore come with the release) to transform rock into useable stuff. Example: Using the Jaw, a player can create available space of, say, 50,000 units. They could then attach tanks for Karbonite, Liquid Fuel, and Oxidizer, and distribute that 50K capacity among all three, and change it as needed (i.e. reduce Karbonite space and expand LFO space during conversion, etc.) There's some extra stuff too! Lastly, there are two new parts for other rocky goodness: a nifty mass driver engine that runs off of Rock, as well as an accompanying storage tank. These are similar to ion drives, but with much higher thrust at the expense of ISP (so they sit somewhere between the nuke and the ion drive). I'm still lost... can you make an awesome video or something? Ask and ye shall receive. License and stuff License is All Rights Reserved. But if you wish to use some code or a model, etc. toss me a line! In the event of my absence from the official KSP forums for 120 days or more, the license will revert to CC 4.0 BY SA NC. Uses the FireSpitter plugin by Snjo What's next: Habitable modules that let you turn your asteroid into an ant colony. More complex high-yield mining technologies, and integration with Freight Transportation Technologies (FTTP) ChangeLog 0.6.0 - 2014.12.16 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.90 Comatibility [*]Converted most parts to Regolith [*]Boosted Jaw efficiency by tenfold [*]Fuel hatches and the Jaw must be directly attached to an asteroid to function [*]Deprecated ORSX [*]Updated DLLs - including TEMPORARY FireSpitter patch for 0.90 [*]CTT Integration. Mass driver and rock tank are under Resource Utilization, with the balance of the parts under Off-World mining. [/LIST] 0.5.4 - 2014.11.01 [LIST] [*]Cleaned up resources [*]Moved out some dead code [*]Converted all TGAs to PNGs [*]Updated USI Tools/ORSX/ModuleManager [*]Moved to full version of CRP [*]Moved rock to the CRP as it will be multi-mod [*]Updated FireSpitter DLL [/LIST] 0.5.3 - 2014.10.10 Fixed name for Crew Hatch, added DRE config 0.5.2 - 2014.10.07 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.25 Compatability [*]Added the Crew Hatch! Latch on, stuff with Kerbals! (for phase 1, this will not take away from space - we assume they use existing caves). [*]Crew Hatch automatically expels Kerbals in the event of disconnection [*]CRP and USI DLL refresh [/LIST] 0.5.1 - 2014.09.28 [LIST] [*]ATM configs [*]DRE support [*]MFT support [*]Added FireSpitter version file [*]Updated to ORSX [*]Updated Module Manager [*]Updated USI Tools [*]Increased JAW laser strength and energy usage [*]Fuel hatches now have a top node so they can be stacked for delivery [*]Updated CRP resources [/LIST] 0.4.5 - 2014.09.12 [LIST] [*]Updated KSP-AVC info [*]Updated FireSpitter plugin [*]Updated USI DLLs [/LIST] 0.4.4 - 2014.09.02 [LIST] [*]Fixed resource issue that caused a Karbonite conflict with cost and flow type (yay for shooting myself in the foot) [*]Updated version info [*]Updated DLL dependencies [/LIST] 0.4.3 [LIST] [*]Updated USI_Converter [*]KSP AVC Support [*]Fixed missing transform on mass driver [/LIST] 0.4.2 [LIST] [*]Final configuration updates and licensing [/LIST] 0.4.0 RELEASE CANDIDATE [LIST] [*]Split parts into two packs - ART and ART_PartPack [*]RCS and 2.5m Mass Drivers are deprecated, RCS is coming back with a new model. [*]Hollowing potential jumped up to 75% of mass. [*]Simplified the converters at the expense of efficiency - now go straight from rock to resources. Ratio is approximately 1000:1 to account for conservation of mass (asteroids are fluffy), and to leave breathing room for mining specialization. [*]The probe now gives science. Analysis results are non-game impacting for now, but there to support the next expansion. [*]Some FX adjustments [/LIST] 0.4.0 RELEASE CANDIDATE [LIST] [*]Mass drivers in 1.25/2.5 form factors along with a high-thrust RCS version. Yes, you can fly asteroids around. No, they have no more gimbals. Oh.. and the fade of the emmissive is prettier. [*]The probe now requires direct activation to perform it's analysis. IT also shows analysis results (so does the asteroid). [*]Turns out asteroids are very fluffy... conversion rates and hollowed out volume adjusted accordingly. [*]A new part - Intermediary Separation Module - handles the separation of rock into the specialized types. It will attempt to do this when it sees you have a lot of rock. It also handles Rock=>RockDust conversion. [*]Fixed the whole 'probe zooming in the VAB' thing [*]Mass should now remain constant (until conversions start expelling waste). [/LIST]
  8. Introducing the Malemute Rover! Based on the Mars rover from 'Last Days on Mars' (great rover, horrible movie), this pack includes parts for cargo, geo-science (no more awkward Narrow Band Scanners sticking out!), crew transport, and general shenanigans. Over a dozen parts with full IVA support. Interconnects with other USI bits and pieces, and can be configured both as a rover, and also a really sweet biome hopper or VTOL. Have fun! Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Malemute/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely This mod redistributes Firespitter, which is covered under its own license.
  9. I expect a lot of us will be starting new career saves after the release of 0.90. So in anticipation of that day, and because the idea of grinding science on the launchpad makes me sad, I give you Sounding Rockets! This mod adds a series of very simple 0.35m parts to the start node, including: Two SRB engines. One with high thrust, one with high efficiency. Neither have decouplers, but will instead automatically jettison when out of fuel (this is especially handy for the upper stage below your payload). A nosecone containing a basic parachute, gyro system, and control module. Note: These run off of StoredCharge not ElectricCharge, and by design cannot be recharged. You will have enough juice for a short mission, but don't expect to get to the Mun with it. Four new science experiments to serve as payloads for your sounding rocket. Note, that trying to stack more than one will likely exceed the parachute's capacity. Enjoy! Go forth and find bees, feedback rocks. Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Pick it up on GitHub! https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SoundingRockets/releases
  10. Download Here: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/releases Introducing Freight Transportation Technologies! A series of modular parts for all of your hauling, mining, and exploration needs! Phase 1 introduces the 'Honeybadger' freighter - a 3.75m form factor craft ideal for mining operations or light hauling/tug duties. Usual deal, this is a pre-release, so there are still some minor texturing adjustments being made, as well as proper tech tree integration. And a video for those that have not yet seen it! Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely This package redistributes FireSpitter This package redistribures Module Manager Changelog: 0.3.0 - 2014.12.16 [LIST] KSP 0.90 compatibility [*]Converted over to Regolith for all generators [*]Updated Honeybadger reactor - now larger and with radiators [*]Added Metal, Chemical, Polymer, and RocketParts Kontainers [*]Converted nukes to be LH2 only, and tweaked ISP/cost to be comparable to stock nukes [*]Adjusted LH2 volume in spherical tanks [*]Tweaked down the large toroidal SAS, made both StarLifter SAS modules scale linearly with stock [*]Tweaked the reactors - especially price - to be inline with NFT [*]CTT Integration [*]The Honeybadger parts are under Gigantic Rocketry [*]The StarLifter parts are under Colossal Rocketry [*]Nuclear engines are under High-Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion [*]Nuclear reactors are under Large-Scale Nuclear Power [*]All ducted fan engines are under Experimental Aircraft Engines [/LIST] 0.2.4 - 2014.11.01 [LIST] [*]Adjusted directory structure to help with package management [*]Converted TGA->PNG [*]Full CRP [*]ORSX/USI Tools Refresh [*]Adjusted cost for several modules [*]Added new 5x5 adapter (one 5m -> 4x5m) [*]New toroidal 5m SAS [*]Tweaked ISP of the nuclear engines [/LIST] 0.2.3 - 2014.10.17 [LIST] [*]Replaced TGA with PNG [*]Updated tech level of some HoneyBadger parts [*]Updated HoneyBadger descriptions [*]Introduced all parts for the StarLifter - a 0.25m freighter [*]Structural parts [*]5m Command Pod [*]2.5m and 3.75m nuclear engines [*]5m reactor [*]5m SAS [*]5m Karborundum and LiquidHydrogen tanks [*]10m LiquidHydrogen tank [*]Cargo racks and adapters [*]Larger Kontainers [/LIST] 0.2.2 - 2014.10.07 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.25 Support [*]Removed LqdHelium from reactor [*]ORSX/CRP/USI DLL refresh [/LIST] 0.2.1 - 2014.09.28 [LIST] [*]Removed RCS reference from the inline fan, fixed intake issue [*]USI/ORSX/CRP refreshes [*]Added new radial outrigger - no more weird fuel issues. The dual outrigger is now considered legacy [*]DRE support [*]ATM support [*]Ducted fan tweaks - note that the radial fans changed position so this will affect ships in flight! [*]Hover mode and an attachment node for the radial ducted fans! [*]Added FireSpitter version file [*]Fixed transform location issue with ducted fan engines [*]Switched to latest CRP/ORSX [*]Latest USI DLLs [/LIST] 0.1.3 - 2014.09.02 [LIST] [*]Multi-colored honeybadgers thanks to HostageTaker who gave us a bunch of new textures. You can color your ship in yellow, gray, orange, or brown. Note some bits have more than one coloration choice, and some are for contents only. [*]Engine tweaks - power requirements are up, props now spin in the right direction [*]Two new ducted fan engines - a radial one with similar characteristics as the inline one we already have, and it's new smaller cousin (smaller than FTT's, larger than Exp Pack's). These all have RCS capabilities, but these are not exactly nimble ships [*]Kontainers - Kerbal-style cargo containers for hauling around raw goods. They fit snugly inside of the bay of a Honeybadger, and are perfect for use with a KAS and IR crane [*]Added CRP integration for resources (config only not maps) [*]Updated to latest USI tool DLLs [/LIST] 0.1.2 - 2014.09.02 [LIST] [*]KSP-AVC integration [*]No longer dependent on Karbonite [*]Updated the propfan - better thrust, huge power consumption increase, slight gimbal, slight mass increase [*]CLS integration [*]Tech tree update [*]Updated engine cowling nodes to not include duplicates. Should not break stuff, but hilarity may ensue. [/LIST]
  11. Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/releases LOTS OF STUFF CHANGED WITH 1.0 - DELETE YOUR OLD STUFF FIRST! Introducing Karbonite Plus (K+) - New resources and parts for Karbonite K+ adds new resource and gameplay elements as well as supporting parts to Karbonite. K+ requires Karbonite (not included) to use. Enhancements and Changes included in K+ New resource: Karborundum. Valuable and incredibly fuel efficient, but also very hard to get. It can be harvested on the surfaces of Eeloo and Eve, or by a solar collector within approximately 2000 meters of the sun's surface. Hats off to nli2work for his awesome rover-sized models, and for TMarkos for being awesome and collaborative! New parts: Tiny radial Karbonite/Karborundum drill. 0.625m form factor, can be node or surface attached. Also KAS-portable! Deployable Karborundum scanner (NOTE: Karborundum is only detectable on the surface, or at altitudes lower than approximately 500m over the terrain - so bring your Rovers and nape of the earth (NOE) flyers). New fuel tank - the Karry Kan - great for small quantities of Karbonite or LFO. Comes in two sizes - a surface-mountable single Kan, and a double-Kan (great for the Packrat Rover). Rover-sized generator, for powering your Karborundum operations on the fly. KASable, surface and stack attachable. New radial tanks to store Karborundum in three sizes - a Jumbo radial tank, an inline tank cluster, as well as a 0.625m mini tank. The mini tank is KAS-enabled. A Karborundum sample tank. Luxuriantly expensive, but saves you the trip to eeloo. Made for testing purposes. Warning: Will self-decouple and explode when empty! Hilarity may ensue. A new particle collector with slightly better range (at the cost of efficiency and energy use), allowing it to skim the sun's surface picking up stray Karborundum particles. The Karborundum Fusion Drive (in two sizes - 1.25m and 2.5m) Expensive, incredibly efficient, but require significant EC to operate, and runs on Karborundum. A small but adorable 0.625m Karbonite engine. This one has the added benefit of taking some of the vented exhaust and converting it into monopropellant for later use. Dev Note: The Karborundum engines are absolutely OP compared to stock engines (we're in KSPI territory with these), This is to balance the absurd difficulty in getting fuel for them. Tech tree wise, Karborundum-specific parts will be under Nuclear Propulsion. Karbonite bits will be under Fuel Systems. Demo of the Fusion Drive Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Download on GitHub: https://github.com/BobPalmer/KarbonitePlus/releases Change Log: 0.3.0 - 2014.12.16 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.90 Compatability [*]Moved 0.625m Karbonite engine and Karbonite SRBs to the core Karbonite mod. [*]Moved the Karry Kans, mini drill and mini-generator to the core Karbonite mod. [*]Added MM config to add Karborundum back to mini drill for K+ [*]Swapped all generators and converters to Regolith [*]Removed the Liquid Hydrogen requirement from the torch drive, increased ISP, reduced thrust (so they are more... you know... torch drive like). [*]Added in CTT support. [*]All K+ harvesting parts are under Resource Exploitation. [*]Fusion drives are under Fusion Rockets. [*]Torch Drives are under Exotic Reactions. [/LIST] 0.2.3 - 2014.11.01 [LIST] [*]Moved K+ DLL and version file to better support package management [*]Replaced all PNGs with TGAs [*]Adjusted KAS containers to better manage state [*]Fixed name and attachment issues with RAT boosters [*]Fixed missing model part from inline Karborundum tank [*]Added two new torch drives in 3.75 and 5m form factors. Because Hohmann transfers are for sissies. [/LIST] 0.2.2 - 2014.10.07 [LIST] [*]KSP 0.25 Support [*]Added ability to shut off Karbonite SRBs [*]Corrected issue with node spacing for fusion drives [*]Updated ORSX/USI DLLs [/LIST] 0.2.1 - 2014.09.28 [LIST] [*]Updated USI Tools [*]Fixed bug where Karborundum could be seen from orbit (boo!) [*]Karborundum tank description now includes max capacity [*]Added four Karbonite based SRBs in 0.625 and 1.25m form factors. NOTE: While these are very powerful, they also become unstable as speed increases - beware! [*]Fixed issue with the radial drill not extracting [*]DRE Support [*]MFT support for Karborundum [*]Tweaks to the 0.625m engine [*]Switched from ORS -> ORSX [*]Fixed animation on fusion drive [/LIST] 0.1.2 - 2014.09.12 [LIST] [*]Maintenance release - version file, new DLLs with version checking, and a dummy DLL for folks to use with MM to determine if K+ is present (KarbPlus.dll) [*]Updated to latest USI components [/LIST] 0.1.1 - 2014.09.07 [LIST] [*]Added bottom nodes and fairings to all engines [*]Fixed cost issue with Karborundum tanks [/LIST]
  12. Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.4 beta for KSP 1.4.x or Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.2 for KSP 1.3.x A simple contract pack developed by @inigma for USI Sounding Rockets by @RoverDude "Sometimes it's just the simple mods that fill a niche that are treasured the most..." - a KSP mod fan SpaceDock Download Description: A simple set of 6 altitude contracts requiring the use of USI Sounding Rockets. Perfect for any fledgling beginner space program. This Contract Pack is CCF Certified - guaranteed to work with any Community Career Framework based career games!
  13. The Community Resource Pack is a clearinghouse for common resource configurations as well as resource distribution configs for the stock resource system. It gives modders a toolkit of commonly used resources to play with, and helps us all work together in the same resource playground. The CRP has two goals: Goal 1: Establish a common set of planetary resources. To make this happen, CRP will include a consolidated list of distinct resource configurations designed to be used with the stock resource system. Examples include Water, Substrate, Uraninite, and others. Goal 2: Avoid surprising our users by stomping over resources. When mods both define the same resource, bad things can happen for the player. So the CRP pincludes a bunch of resources that modders have agreed to consolidate on. Including ones from Karbonite and MKS/OKS (of course), Universal Storage, KSPI-E, RealFuels, Near Future Technologies, and others. Additional mods are supported where we've decided not to break their stuff, even though they are not (yet) active participants in CRP (kinda like santa claus handing out gifts). Examples include EL (for RocketParts), and TAC-LS (for life support stuff). If this goal is achieved, even for the few dozen resources we already have listed, I'm be thrilled, since being nice is a lot more beneficial than randomly stomping on things. So if you're sold, head on down to the bottom of this post for links and goodness. If you are not sold, read on. "I am sad! you're trying to control my stuff!" Not really. I just don't want to break your stuff, and I hope you don't want to break mine. All of this is totally optional, if you don't wish to participate, then peace out and rock on. "There's no way this will ever work, people can't agree!" I dunno, I have enough already agreeing that I am pretty darn happy. Given the current level of adoption and cooperation, I think we've landed in an excellent place. "But I don't want you mixing space cows in my ultra-realistic electrolysis sim!" Then don't use space cows. But maybe someone wants to have a nuclear-powered space cow RTG or something. In which case, you probably don't want them breaking your electrolysis sim. "But... you can't mix space cows and Plutonium-239!" Sure you can. Maybe you don't want to in your mod, or in the mods you select for your own save game, but people are going to do all kinds of crazy stuff. And I expect you'd prefer it if your Plutonium-239 to not suddenly triple in mass mid-flight because SuPaKerBaL9000 modified the AAA_SpaceCows mod you downloaded for your kid's save to triple the mass of Plutonium-239. "What about disparities in resource density and atmospheric pressure, or gas compression?!" Here's reality. Most of us just want to play a game. Hence, CRP has no opinion on units, compression, cost, densities, etc. - that's up to the mod creators. And if something is good enough to be adopted by a couple of mods, then it's good enough to join the club. In the end, this is curated. But the only considerations on the table are ensuring stuff plays well in our space lego game together, not in nitpicking physics or chemistry, and most certainly not in dictating how stuff should be measured. "But what if I want my own resources?!" Go for it. CRP does not dictate what resources your mod has or how you use them, just that you don't create ones that conflict with ones already there in CRP. "But this is more work for me! I am sad!" Actually less. Just include a dependency like you would Firespitter or any other similar mod. Shop for resources. Done. But hey, if you'd rather have SuPaKerBal9000 wreck your mod, rock on. "I'm still sad! I won't use this!" Ok that's fine too - peace out "Ok I'm sold.. how do I use this thing in my mod?" Since CRP is based on the stock resource system, it's super lightweight! Include the CommunityResourcePack folder with your mod, and you're done. And please don't modify any of the configs you download either, as that kinda defeats the entire purpose, and is downright mean Lastly, don't supersede CRP resources with your own definitions for any of the included resources - that's almost as bad as modifying them. The whole point of the club is that we all play nice. If you want in the club, awesome! But please don't join the club just to trash the clubhouse Mods that bundle CRP MKS/OKS Near Future Technologies Karbonite Asteroid Recycling Technologies Freight Transportation Technologies NearFuels RealFuels KSPI-E DangIt! Mods that are CRP Compliant (Mods that are known to play well in the sandbox together) Universal Storage TAC Life Support Download Link https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/CommunityResourcePack/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Umbra Space Industries, USI, CRP, and Community Resource Pack are (tm), and may not be used without permission. License for all configuration files is CC 4.0 BY SA NC NOTICE: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
  14. This is a bundled release of the USI nuclear reactors and the various kontanier types that are used accross many USI mods - tossing this out as a separate bundle by request (and to version this separately for ease of distribution) Uses KSP-AVC. Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI_Core/releases
  15. I've put together a selection of parts meant for the building of bases on foreign bodies. Designed to tesselate on a cubic grid and represent a more permanent foothold. No strict mod dependencies Configs provided for MKS, Near Future Electronics, Community Tech Tree, and Connected Living Space functionality. Benefits greatly from a means to build away from the KSC e.g. Ground Construction/Extraplanetary launchpads Heavy parts, may benefit from Ubiozur Welding for structural Integrity. Reasonably light weight otherwise, tried to keep computer resource usage to a minimum. Kottabos' Youtube Review: Pictures: Changelog Downloads: SpaceDock Github Dev Thread: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. I'd like to thank dboi88 for answering some my questions when I was getting started.
  16. This is my first ever let's play for any game, a hard mode KSP playthrough with no reverts, no quicksaves, maximum Comm-Net restrictions, and added difficulty through USI Life Support and Probes Before Crew tech tree rebalance. I've made three episodes so far and we're almost ready to go to space. Here's my first video: And my second: And the third, the most recent one so far: Oh, and just for fun, I also recorded myself messing around with a totally reasonable plane in another save: Come, join us for the ride and start a betting pool on which of the veteran four will be the first to earn a memorial service. (Oh, and I would love feedback on my editing and commentary, as I have no idea what I'm doing on that front. But I do think that there has been a significant improvement already from my first video to my third). Channel Link - Tabarnouche Interplanetary
  17. I am curious if the USI team has given any thought to making 5 and 7.5 meter weldable construction ports (or even 10 meter BFR)? These would be handy with the SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded parts.
  18. Ok, ages ago I wrote a simple set of MM patches to help integrate UKS with KPBS. Then it got noticed a bit, and a few of us made some big plans. Then 1.2.2 came out, USI updated everything, I couldn't run the latest versions, etc, etc, and it fell behind a bit. @TheRagingIrishman offered to take over the main effort, but stuff got put on hold until @RoverDude released his balance spreadsheet, which hasn't happened yet... So. I got a new computer for Christmas, and I'm interested in playing with both MKS and KPBS again. Nills277 isn't particularly interested in doing MKS integration himself (which is fine: if he doesn't play with it, it's a complicated thing to integrate correctly), and no one seems to be doing much with it, so I'm reviving my patch set. I've renamed it, in the hopes of eventually doing a 'real' release, and I spent some time today reorganizing and cleaning up. Current repositories: GitHub: https://github.com/DanStaal/KPBStoMKS GitLab: https://gitlab.com/DStaal/KPBStoMKS I like GitLab from what I've seen, but I know they aren't the big name (and aren't quite as stable), so I've got it on both. I may drop one or the other if keeping them in sync becomes to much of a hassle. Current Status: Current Release is 0.9.5, with logistics, power distribution, Ground Construction, and Kontainers support. https://github.com/DanStaal/KPBStoMKS/releases/tag/Release-0.9.5 Repository Structure: I'm trying to teach myself good Git usage using this as well, so I've got the repository structured for a 'Git-Flow' workflow. That means there are several branches: Release, where the main releases will be made to. If you just want to grab the last tested & stable version of the patches, go here. This still has the old version of the patchset. Development, where the main development occurs. Currently has most of the latest changes. Various 'feature' branches, which are focused development on specific features that may or may not be included in main development. At the moment there's really only one active 'feature' branch: MKS_Workshops. It's intended to house development for the big plans that got discussed ages ago, while the main development will be trying to get something that does basic integration. (There's also the old 'master' branch, which I may delete at some point.) Plans: Short-term: Next on our list is to get USI-LS support written up and functional. This will probably be two versions: A 'Basic' version for working with just USI-LS (which we'll be sending to Nils277) and a full MKS+USI-LS version which will stay in this pack. Check to see if Multi-Hub has a node at KPBS height, and if not add one. Long-term, I'd like to see support for the MKS industrial toolchain in the KPBS form-factor. We had an interesting idea of how to break that up back in the KPBS thread ages ago - I'll look up the links. It may not be possible with the current way MKS is structured, we'll need to take a new look at it. How You Can Help: I welcome discussion and PRs. If possible, please put the PRs on the correct branch - that's either 'Development', or a feature branch dedicated to the features you're working on. (At the moment that being the industrial toolchain workshops in the feature/MKS_Workshops' branch.) This should be fairly easy, as I've set up 'Development' as the default branch to look at. Also, while I can code fairly well, I have *no* modeling or texturing skills. I've tried. Really. I may try again in the future, but if you have some skills in either, they would be welcomed. Currently we could use: Textures for the tanks. (Small, medium, large) For any/all of the MKS resources. I can do without, or have a default, or just have a couple, but ideally we'd have all of them. License: MIT.
  19. Привет. У меня вопрос. Я скачал этот мод и появилось 2 тренировки. также сканер поверхности показывает много разных руд и газов. но я не могу понять, где их хранить и как добывать. Я запустил их на космодроме, но там было написано что-то вроде: «Земля полна». Мне нужно настроить отдельный режим с ресурсами или я делаю что-то не так
  20. Hello! So i have a question i had a long time ago - Why can't i deploy any module from USI? Like i can't deploy the Karibou cargo bay, or any other part, even when in flight. Any tips on how to fix this problem?
  21. Per suggestion by @dboi88, this will be a place to discuss development of KSPedia and wiki documentation for @RoverDude's MKS.
  22. I just added the USI mod packs through CKAN and now when I launch vessels at the space center I am stuck seeing this gray fog, kinda like the ocean washed Instagram filter over my screen. It extends all over even in space, Please help it's not bad but very annoying. Thanks!
  23. Hi! I am searching for a content creator who has made a vod series playing KPS using some of the mods I am. Mainly UIS life support, interstellar and remote tech. I have about 80-ish mods installed many to add parts and to create new challenges. Commentary is preferred over music vods. Any recommendations?
  24. USI MKS parts are not deploying as intended I do not know why ive tried the tundra parts ive tried all of rthe parts but they aint working sorry English isn't my first language
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