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Found 6 results

  1. There are a lot of people who say it won't be released, and the trailer say it will be. I'm confused about this, and would like clarification. I'm an previous gen console player and I really want to play KSP2 and I don't have the money to buy a PS5 or PC
  2. So, I watch a lot of KSP youtubers, and when they make propellor powered craft, they use deploy angles for the throttle. I’ll do that! Ohhhh, right, KSP enhanced edition doesn’t have half the features KSP on computer does. I’ll use RPM/Torque limits for throttle! Aaaand it just sits there on the runway, deployed blades spinning away, yet not lifting my quadcopter.
  3. Hello! I just created an account on the forums, so I apologize in advance if I’m posting this in the wrong place. Im hoping to get some information about the breaking grounds DLC. I am playing on Xbox 1. I was just wondering if anyone has any updated information on the subject. From what I understand, it took a while for the making history DLC to be released on consoles. I only just recently began playing and, by that time, making history had already been made available. I looked around the forums and other sites for any information relating to its release. I found a lot of speculation on the part of other players, but couldn’t find any “official” information. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place? Maybe I can’t find it because it’s not there? Can someone point me in the right direction, such as an official announcement or the like? I really cannot get enough of this game! I’ve been hooked for the past two months straight! I would really love the ability to have the expanded scientific rover tools and arms! I’m really looking forward to all the other components made available in breaking grounds. Again, if anyone has any information on this, I would appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  4. Does anyone know the controls for RCS on console edition? Like the wasd + hn + ijkl keys on the PC but translated onto a console controller? also is it on docking mode? I'm not sure if so because the last time I played was with my Grandpa who loves KSP. If anyone can list the controls to use the "hn + ijkl" keys for console, please do reply with them. (Yes I have checked the control menu but none is listed)
  5. So, after all of the "Make sure to post to the bugtracker" talk these mods do, I thought, "Maybe I can find some progress in the bugtracker". Nope. Not even an updated status for the XBox1 enhanced release. The bugtracker still has it noted that there are no confirmed bugs! Really? I want to stay away, but I just can't help ranting about how awful the support on this forum (from anyone other than other frustrated members) and with squad in general has been. So would a "mod" or someone "in the know" explain why nothing is updated on this site that we've been directed to as our best source of "current progress"? Is this confirmation that Squad has submitted a game to the XBox Live market without making a good faith effort to fix a breach of contract? Or are Squad and the "Forum Support Goons" really just expecting console gamers to transfer data from their consoles, convert digital medias, and upload it to a non-updating bugtracker so that a fix can be released sometime in Neveruary? And they won't be compensated for their time either? Is this the behavior we should be proud of from developers? Do you really support this, forum mods?
  6. Hi,I Was just wondering when the Estmated rerelease date for Ps4 and Xbox 1 is. If you could awser that would be great
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