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What was originally a mod that got incorporated/included as stock?

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Off the top of my head:

- Spaceplane Plus

- Fine Print

- Docking

- Wheels

- Plane parts

- Subassemblies

- Some of KSPX

I could be wrong, but EVA as well? What would be awesome if there were links to those mods too.. I only started playing in 0.23 so some of this was before my time, but it would be nice to have a read through what the docking mod was like when it first appeared.

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Every single aspect of the game except destructible buildings.

/I keed, but really most everything had been done by some mod or other in some way or other by the time Squad implemented it. This is not good or bad, it's simply a consequence of a very active modding community and a fairly slow dev cycle.

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It's a very clever dev cycle is what it is - produce a concept, let the community flesh it out, profit!

I don't begrudge this at all since I love the game and clearly the modders do too, but it's undeniably both genius and a bit sneaky :)

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Ooh, I forgot about root part selection! Thanks for all your suggestions :) I just want to clarify my reasoning for asking this - I am in no way saying Squad shouldn't have bothered with these things, I was actually looking to argue the opposite - if Squad hadn't made, say, docking and plane parts stock, dockable spaceplanes wouldn't be available in stock and would have to rely on mods. It's great that Squad do this kind of thing, I honestly think it. helps KSP become better. Mods can become abandoned or break and then they can no longer be used and the game suffers for it. Honestly, Squad can just integrate all the mods ever and I'd be fine with that, but I'm really happy with what they've done so far and I hope they continue.

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KSP wasn't an Orbiter addon, HarvesteR used to play Orbiter (maybe he still does occasionally?) and was active on the Orbiter forums.

C'mon 5th, you can try harder than that! "Everything was previously a mod" is a too easy, try specifics like asteroids, we had a few asteroids before ARM.

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KSP wasn't an Orbiter addon, HarvesteR used to play Orbiter (maybe he still does occasionally?) and was active on the Orbiter forums.

C'mon 5th, you can try harder than that! "Everything was previously a mod" is a too easy, try specifics like asteroids, we had a few asteroids before ARM.

That requires thought. I'm in a more snarky mood right now

Plus I'm busy trying to recreate the pic in my sig... with engines.

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Ooh, I forgot about root part selection! Thanks for all your suggestions :) I just want to clarify my reasoning for asking this - I am in no way saying Squad shouldn't have bothered with these things, I was actually looking to argue the opposite - if Squad hadn't made, say, docking and plane parts stock, dockable spaceplanes wouldn't be available in stock and would have to rely on mods. It's great that Squad do this kind of thing, I honestly think it. helps KSP become better. Mods can become abandoned or break and then they can no longer be used and the game suffers for it. Honestly, Squad can just integrate all the mods ever and I'd be fine with that, but I'm really happy with what they've done so far and I hope they continue.

I agree with this 100%. I never understand the position that good mods being integrated or reimplemented in stock is somehow a bad thing. One of the big benefits of the early access model is being able to add features or content that the community demonstrates is desirable.

Frankly, the fewer mods I have to install, the better. I spend a not-insignificant amount of my KSP time updating or otherwise managing mods, an activity that falls into the "less fun than actually playing" category for me.

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I agree with this 100%. I never understand the position that good mods being integrated or reimplemented in stock is somehow a bad thing. One of the big benefits of the early access model is being able to add features or content that the community demonstrates is desirable.

Used to be a time when continual improvement was standard, and massive software abandonment errr I mean the "classical" release cycle was a breach of contract.

Anyhow, I'm not opposed to mod integration, as long as parties are willing etc. I think we need some polishing work on the older parts, as Porkjet's stuff is makin 'em look bad, but that's not insurmountable.

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I think the main reason why many features were mods before they became stock is that it is a lot less time-consuming to come with features needed in a space game/simulation (as the ksp community does) and to implement a single feature at a time (as mod makers do), then it is to implement all of those features.

I'm not saying the OP intends it this way, but quite few people seem to think that most features would not exists if it wasn't for the community mentioning those. The fact that Squad has not announced years ago every feature they intent to implement, does not mean they have no ideas. The majority of features are no-brainers to come up with, but implementing all of them takes a lot of time.

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We will soon be getting versions of FAR and DRE as stock, which will be nice.

I'm pretty sure the new aero model is not going to resemble FAR ( specially with a new FAR on the way also ). I think the current aero model wasn't really ever any more than a placeholder, it does smell of placeholder mechanics; any aero model bearing any resemblance to reality is going to seem like FAR after that :P

I'm all for things making their way into stock, if only *all* the features would make it in.

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