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King of the Hill


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10:59 You climb up the fotress to the top

11:00 I call McCree

11:59 McCree comes along

12:00 Its high noon!

You and your forces get shot by a pistol and me, @JoseEduardo, @TheEpicSquared push you and your forces off the fortress. The we cover you and your forces with dirt. Also we claim your fortress and build many more fortresses along the Alps.


Edited by Wildcat111
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47 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Ah, but you forgot to keep claim of Starkiller Base, you see! I tractor the relatively small lump of rock into an orbit within forcefield range of the planet and raise shields and cloaks around Starkiller. I start fortifying that.

My Starkiller Base.

@The Raging Sandwich's tiny asteroidal moon.

Drat... Foiled again!

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I send Han Solo, Chewbacca and a random stormtrooper traitor to destroy starkiller

I also send with them an hologram of Vader saying how much shame his crybaby Vader-wannabe grandson brings to the dark side for them to deliver to said brat for the hu3hu3

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