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How many people fail to catch the squadcasts?

John FX

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I always have to go back and catch up on it, and it turns out live streams are really boring when they're not actually live and you're sitting there alone hearing the guy talk about stuff everyone else has already heard and respond to a chat in which you cannot participate. Alas, first world problems...

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  NovaSilisko said:
Honestly, I'd much prefer there just to be a one-stop-shop thread that's updated periodically; "Stuff That's Coming In The Next Update For Sure". If something changes, change it in the thread and make a note about it.

It is such a simple and obviously good thing to do. All benefit, no drawbacks. But our devs seem to like the info scavenger hunt model for some bizarre reason...

I tried to watch one recorded Squadcast, once. It was neither entertaining nor informative, so I haven't tried since.

Here's a thought. Get one of the dedicated KSP livestreamers to play the game, somebody who's genuinely good at streaming and good at KSP. One of those guys already part of the media group. Then you can have a Squad dev show up, field questions in the chat, provide teaser pictures etc. That format would have a better chance at being entertaining and informative.

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  NovaSilisko said:
Honestly, I'd much prefer there just to be a one-stop-shop thread that's updated periodically; "Stuff That's Coming In The Next Update For Sure". If something changes, change it in the thread and make a note about it.

TBH this would be my preferred situation as well, a one-stop-shop permanent thread on the forum, with the OP updated by squad where the features planned or implemented could be easily browsed.

Yeah I know, dev notes, but they don't cover the stuff that maxmaps puts out in squadcasts or on twitter or facebook or reddit etc etc (read that as 'anywhere but the official forum')

It would be great to have it in the old 'planned features' format where stuff was in different colours if it was not planned, planned for next release, planned for as future release etc but official instead of player made.

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  White Owl said:
It is such a simple and obviously good thing to do. All benefit, no drawbacks. But our devs seem to like the info scavenger hunt model for some bizarre reason...

I tried to watch one recorded Squadcast, once. It was neither entertaining nor informative, so I haven't tried since.

Here's a thought. Get one of the dedicated KSP livestreamers to play the game, somebody who's genuinely good at streaming and good at KSP. One of those guys already part of the media group. Then you can have a Squad dev show up, field questions in the chat, provide teaser pictures etc. That format would have a better chance at being entertaining and informative.

That would really work, if they find the right guy. Some youtubers know more about the technical side of KSP than Max anyway... it was better when, at least, we had Yargnit to scream at Max for us when he did something totally wrong. Now the poor guy is just in over his head with all the orbital mechanics and stuff! Even though I wouldn't say Yargnit makes for the most engaging host, he sure knew his stuff... :P

Anyhow, Max in charge of chat and hosting while somebody else provides the gameplay footage sounds like more quality hosting, with more quality content. Best of both worlds, and I'm sure there would be a lot of takers!

Rune. Good idea!

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  razark said:
I've never been able to sit and watch someone play a video game. It bores me completely, and I have no idea why anyone would watch it.

I'd much prefer a video simply showing new features, or a post with text and pictures to provide the information.

I don't enjoy watching rich housewives complain about how hard their lives are, or people singing so judges can tell them how much they suck, but those are very popular shows. People enjoy all kinds of things, and many people (obviously) enjoy watching others play video games.

That said, watching Maxmaps make tons of basic mistakes makes me cringe. It's like tuning into Major League Baseball and instead getting a little league game. Watching him suffer from the decoupler bug (where it doesn't eject outward but instead downward, usually breaking your engines or fuel tanks on the center stage) was both hilarious AND frustrating. If I had a Twitch account I'd have said that it was a bug. With a fix. From a modder. And watching the default setting for sepratrons destroy his fuel tanks like they have so many of mine made me want to scream "HEY THERE'S ONE FOR THE ENGINEER REPORT."

I filled in for OWK on one Squadcast summary and know the work it takes. So yes, thank you very much for doing these!

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  5thHorseman said:
People enjoy all kinds of things, and many people (obviously) enjoy watching others play video games.

Just because I don't understand why people would do it, doesn't mean I'm saying they shouldn't. Just that the reason they do it completely baffles me.

I'm sure there are plenty of things I do that baffle other people, too.

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OWK is my lifesaver, i'm always watching the EU LCS!

- - - Updated - - -

  razark said:
Just because I don't understand why people would do it, doesn't mean I'm saying they shouldn't. Just that the reason they do it completely baffles me.

I'm sure there are plenty of things I do that baffle other people, too.

Is your view the same for people watching competitive play, or purely just watching others 'socially'?

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  Linear said:
Is your view the same for people watching competitive play, or purely just watching others 'socially'?

Yes, but then I don't get how people can watch sporting events, either.

I just don't understand why people would have any desire to watch someone else play a game.

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  razark said:
Yes, but then I don't get how people can watch sporting events, either.

I just don't understand why people would have any desire to watch someone else play a game.

Increased skill/understanding/humour of the player?

Anyway, thanks for answering - very interesting

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I don't watch the stream.

- It is live at about 2-3 am in my time zone.

- It's all in English. While I believe I'm pretty good at reading English, listening to it and translating it at the same time is difficult.

- I somehow don't like Twitch for reasons I can't explain.

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  razark said:
Yes, but then I don't get how people can watch sporting events, either.

I just don't understand why people would have any desire to watch someone else play a game.

Back in the day I'd get together with friends and have an adult beverage or two while trading off the SNES, taking turns on Scorched, or even having a LAN party. There was a lot of watching other people play and it was fun even if it wasn't competitive because it was social. Youtube does an okay job filling in that social niche when I don't have time to get together with friends, especially now that I've figured out how to comment on the phone app (hint, hold the phone in portrait mode, how stupid is that?) I play a lot of games myself but I've always enjoyed watching others play socially, it's a good time.

I watch sports because my wife watches sports, it's another way to connect with her and it actually became fairly interesting when I started paying attention.

This isn't to say that we don't do anything other than watch people play games, such as maintain our garden, grow interesting peppers bought from the people down the street, play with our child, etc... It's just that games are fun to watch. If you can't understand that or don't connect with others in that manner you probably never will, and there's nothing really wrong with that. Find other ways to connect with people.

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  regex said:
Back in the day I'd get together with friends and have an adult beverage or two while trading off the SNES, taking turns on Scorched, or even having a LAN party. There was a lot of watching other people play and it was fun even if it wasn't competitive because it was social.

I've done that, and I've enjoyed it. I think the key here is the "trading off". I guess it turns me from a passive watcher to an active participant, even if I am not playing the entire time.

  regex said:
Find other ways to connect with people.

Like playing games with them? ;)

I know I'm an anomaly. I'm fine with it. I was just explaining why I don't watch the Squadcasts.

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  John FX said:
I always find that by the time I can get to a computer with enough spare time to sit and watch a video, the squadcast is just not there anymore.

I've missed the last three in a row. Like some of the others here, I actually prefer reading it in brief, but watching the Squadcast cuts a few hours out ;)

(I still read the summaries even if I see the Squadcast though as they can pick up information I missed and also refresh my memory without spending an hour or so)

  Sonny_Jim said:

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

I've always wondered about this too - I've taken to calling him 'ScrubLord' because of a certain incident when he ended up inverted on Duna and doing a full-power controlled flight into terrain somehow (and called himself 'a massive scrublord' or somesuch).

I actually like him a fair bit (he's very friendly, jovial, easygoing), but he's an atrocious KSP player.

And yeah, I'd much prefer to see Squadcasts limited to upcoming KSPs whenever possible.

  5thHorseman said:

That said, watching Maxmaps make tons of basic mistakes makes me cringe. It's like tuning into Major League Baseball and instead getting a little league game.


Kudos to OWK and you for making summaries btw.

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  razark said:
Like playing games with them? ;)
Man, if I could play single-player games with the Youtubers I enjoy watching, that'd be pretty sweet. Anyway, I see you've missed a key part of what I was trying to explain, which makes sense in that you can't understand why someone would watch someone else play a game.
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  Sonny_Jim said:
Well, I just watched my first squadcast (well, recorded). Two things struck me;

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

2. Shouldn't the squadcast be for demonstrating new features, rather than 50 minutes of someone playing KSP not very well, followed by 2 minutes of new features?

Also, why they don't publish the recorded stream to their Youtube channel is a bit beyond me.

We have watched a few Squadcasts, which has made my girlfriend wonder if Maxmaps even actually works for squad, or do they just feel bad for him and lets him stream and fail at KSP. :P For me, its like a trainwreck. Its bad, but you cant help not to watch. However, I do read ObsessedwithKSP's summaries in case I missed something and to read over as a 'review' of what happened.

I still don't understand why Squad doesn't use their official forums to post official information. We must hunt for it on all kinds of unofficial channels.

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  John FX said:
I always find that by the time I can get to a computer with enough spare time to sit and watch a video, the squadcast is just not there anymore.

How many other people would want the information from the squadcasts but don't watch them for some reason?

EDIT : It has been said that there is an archive of old squadcasts but it seems hidden by deep arcane magic as in 'past broadcasts' on twitch it just says No Past Broadcasts Found...

Better question.....does anyone know how to get Twitch to buffer so that the vids are viewable.

- - - Updated - - -

  Sonny_Jim said:
Well, I just watched my first squadcast (well, recorded). Two things struck me;

1. Does Maxmaps make stupid ships on purpose?

2. Shouldn't the squadcast be for demonstrating new features, rather than 50 minutes of someone playing KSP not very well, followed by 2 minutes of new features?

Also, why they don't publish the recorded stream to their Youtube channel is a bit beyond me.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?:confused:

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The only reason I have ever watched other people play video games is to learn how to play the game better. I don't really get enjoyment out of watching people do something I can do myself, especially when I can do it better than them. I much prefer to read dev news than watch it.

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