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Starwhip's Renderfarm [Stock Craft Requests Open]


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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, sorry guys. I've been doing waaaaay too many things lately. I think I've cut down enough to pop back here for a while. :)

  On 5/10/2016 at 11:43 AM, DMSP said:

@Starwhip, may I ask, have you made any progress on the Atacama-Sahara? Sorry to disturb you about it!

Hope everything is good!


I have not made any progress since I last got back to you, but I know how to fix the problem I was having before.

  On 5/10/2016 at 3:24 PM, steuben said:

A technical question for the experienced. What is the part to time scale up like? for example 1000 parts takes 10 times longer than 100 parts?


There really isn't a scale up time based on part count. It depends mainly on the whole scene complexity: What's shiny, what glows, what has volume distortion, what has bump maps, all sorts of background things. It also is highly variable when you change the render quality. A 100x100 pixel render with 10 samples per pixel takes a lot less time than a 1080x1920 one with 300 samples per pixel, as I normally render these. But two renders with the same quality settings of a craft with five parts and Zeke's old 1000+ part shuttle really don't have different render times. (I speak from experience there)

  On 5/11/2016 at 2:32 PM, spacebrick3 said:

Do you think you could render my Ion Station in orbit of Laythe?

Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xsndo9qztmo9idb/Ion%20Station%20%28Stock%29.craft?dl=0

Thanks in advance!


Laythe, eh? Hmm. I'll play with that. I don't have a Laythe ready for Blender yet, though I don't suspect it would be too hard.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay... I'm still alive, folks. I know I've been AWOL for... wow, a month and a half? It was a bit lot longer than I anticipated, and I apologize. I really lost my art touch for a while. It's a lot like having writers' block, except for rendering. On top of that I had fallen off of KSP again, in favor of a bunch of other games, but as usual I've found my way back. I think that this time, for real, I can at least finish the requests I've got in queue. :P

The other issue had been school wrapping up, but that's been done for a good while now. Immediately after it ended, though, as usual I was up to Michigan to visit family and the internet is a sparse thing there. :( On top of that I've been working on fixing some stuff around the house. Pro tip: make absolutely certain that the fence post you are trying to re-post has no foundation. It isn't fun to drive a stake down and realize it's embedded in a few cubic feet of concrete.

The first render I'll be working on again is @KerbalOmmex's. Then I hope to finish @DMSP's Sahara booster, as he's been waiting for a while, but we may have our first case of my computer not being strong enough for a render with that one, which would be unfortunate. @spacebrick3 your render would be up after that one, but I would need to get a Laythe model working, so it may take a while. :)

Anyways, here is a progress pic of my Munscape, which I'll be using for the first render, perhaps as some proof that I'm back. I took the old one I had, dusted it off a bit, changed the strengths of some modifiers and gave it a new material and a displace node. Now is stands out just a bit more.


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  On 6/30/2016 at 1:45 PM, Starwhip said:


This unmanned probe sets down on the Munar highlands, kicking up dust with its main engine as it transmits telemetry back to Kerbin.
If you like the craft you can get it here: Mun Lander by @KerbalOmmex

I've gotta say, I really love this one. :D I think that's my best hand-drawn fire/dust effect to date.


WOAH! That exhaust is too cool! If only that engine really had that exhaust and made a 'whurrrrr!' sound instead of a 'pshhhhhhh!' sound.

Also, that dust reminds me of something...

Ah yes! Apollo 11!

"We're kicking up some dust, Houston!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaallllright! I have a new computer, with a proper graphics card, GTX 960M! I tested it this morning on that Blackbird render, took 1:57 instead of 45:00+, at 600 samples instead of 300. :D
Once I get everything all set up, I'm hitting these requests again. ^-^

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  On 7/17/2016 at 6:37 PM, Starwhip said:

Aaaallllright! I have a new computer, with a proper graphics card, GTX 960M! I tested it this morning on that Blackbird render, took 1:57 instead of 45:00+, at 600 samples instead of 300. :D
Once I get everything all set up, I'm hitting these requests again. ^-^


Awesome.  I'm building a new computer soon, so now I'm really excited! :) 

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  On 7/17/2016 at 6:37 PM, Starwhip said:

Aaaallllright! I have a new computer, with a proper graphics card, GTX 960M! I tested it this morning on that Blackbird render, took 1:57 instead of 45:00+, at 600 samples instead of 300. :D
Once I get everything all set up, I'm hitting these requests again. ^-^


Awesome! I'm pumped to see what the Atacama-Sahara will look like.

Take all the time you need, and good luck!

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@DMSP's Sahara vehicle ascends above Kerbin, awaiting sattelite deployment.


Well, I'm going to grab some higher-resolution Kerbin textures, methinks. :wink:
And figure out how to do water better, though it kinda looks like that in-game. :/

With the new GPU, this render only took five minutes instead of an hour or two! It is so strange.

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Could you do this for me...?

It's the Super Gypsy Mk2, and I'd like it to be landed on some kind of ice sheet and clear blue skies, if that's alright with you. You can ignore whatever happens to be inside the cargo bays, since it looks better closed. It looks like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Thanks in advance!

Super Gypsy Mk2

Edited by Pine
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  On 7/19/2016 at 7:01 PM, Starwhip said:

Well, I'm going to grab some higher-resolution Kerbin textures, methinks.


Stock Visual Terrain is your friend! (and I'll have a request up soon™)

EDIT: Oops! Thought this was for screenshots, then my brain started working when I realized it was Blender rendering, which screenshots don't work with.

Edited by legoclone09
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  On 7/20/2016 at 2:36 AM, Starwhip said:

@Pine, sounds like a plan! Need an ice field though... should not be too hard. I hope.

Still need a Laythe model for @spacebrick3's render. I think a friend linked a mod with some nice big planet textures, and if anything else I may be able to make my own. Perhaps even with Blender. :)


Have you seen the KerbalMaps textures?  Of course that would only work for in space above Laythe.

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