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[0.17] Electrical Energy Plugin | v1.5 (Oct 12)


Ion engines...  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Ion engines...

    • ...should stay infinite (only using energy)
    • ...should use a bit of normal fuel too
    • ...should use a bit of RCS fuel
    • ...should have their own fuel type
    • ... are for idiots (do not vote for this option!)

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So how exactly do I get this to work? I've installed Electrical Energy, Deep space and the Dynasat fix but nothing works. I am very confused. :(

Edit1: Realised that might be ambiguous and confusing, I meant none of the Ion Engines work. I put the battery then attach some solars, make sure they are being charged and... nothing.

Also, what is Zoxygen? I can't place some of those parts...


Edited by AmpsterMan
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I am using the "Kerbal Space Program: Mod Manager" to install my mods. I'll try checking if those files are installed

Edit1: Fixed! So the issue was that The Mod Manager does not automatically install to the resources folder. Thank you very much for your help!

Edited by AmpsterMan
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Yeah, I have no EPS compatibility as well; so ZO2 is useless with it... well... Dynasat is useless with ZO2. You think you could do it, and make the batteries/panels able to recharge ZO2? The community would definitely appreciate it.
See PowerTech plugin documentation. There is EPS part type - just change couple lines in part.cfg
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I am trying to modify the DamnedAerospace propellers to work with this as a fuel source, however; I can not make them work as anything other than Ion engines, which means they are no MuMechVariableEngines which in turn means they no longer rotate. Any suggestions?

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I removed MuMech-style engines for 1.4, didn't know anyone uses them... You could take the 1.3 IonEngine.cs, rename the class and compile it with reference to zKreuzung.dll and MuMechLib.dll, I'd do it for you but it's 21:30 local time, a storm is coming and I'll be in a train for 10 hours tomorrow, so you'd have to wait 2 days.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class IonEngine_MuMech : MuMechVariableEngine
protected override void onPartStart()
if (group == "Main engine")
group = "Ion engine";
protected override void onActiveFixedUpdate()
if (EL_API.GetVesselEnergy(vessel) == 0)
vessels[vessel].groups[group] = false;
public override bool RequestFuel(Part source, float amount, uint reqId)
if (source != this)
return false;

if ((fuelConsumption2 > 0) && (fuelType2 != "") && !RequestFuelType(fuelType2, amount * (fuelConsumption2 / fuelConsumption), reqId))
state = PartStates.DEAD;
return false;
return EL_API.Consume(amount, vessel);


99% untested.

Edit: Hmm, this takes very long for 4 KB...

Edited by Kreuzung
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It was an easy edit to make the Probodobodyne RTG a real, working generator. Since these are RTGs they work with a nuclear heat source and don't burn fuel, so I avoided that issue. I did run into a problem with running an Ion engine off the RTGs directly without a battery, it won't work even if the RTG produces power faster than the engine uses it. But if you put the code for a battery into the RTG part.cfg, as well as the generator code, with a very small battery storage capacity (just has to be more that the engine burn rate) you don't need any additional batteries. You can run off the RTGs alone, as should be possible.

Great news for those low-mass probes that need to fly far away from Kerbol, where solar panels don't do well. :)

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It was an easy edit to make the Probodobodyne RTG a real, working generator. Since these are RTGs they work with a nuclear heat source and don't burn fuel, so I avoided that issue. I did run into a problem with running an Ion engine off the RTGs directly without a battery, it won't work even if the RTG produces power faster than the engine uses it. But if you put the code for a battery into the RTG part.cfg, as well as the generator code, with a very small battery storage capacity (just has to be more that the engine burn rate) you don't need any additional batteries. You can run off the RTGs alone, as should be possible.

Great news for those low-mass probes that need to fly far away from Kerbol, where solar panels don't do well. :)

I'm working on something similar to this, only in a few different sizes. I've got this strange issue all of the sudden-- in my live KSP, the one I play. Energy works fine, but in my KSP test (base+my parts), even though all of the plugins are the same, the parts are the same, etc -- Energy always shows up as -1. My brain might be fried at this point. Anyone have any suggestions?

Complete fail. /resources/Kreuzung.cfg needs to be there.

I'm going to sleep.

Edited by dishycourier
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Quickly looking over the EPS concept and the new code, I managed to get an overview about the compatibilites.

Plugins that use my EL_API or similar code like PowerTech does are compatible to EPS, they charge and discharge EPS batteries the same way as they do with my batteries.

Only batteries using this plugin will not be recognized by EPS!

That means EPS sources will not recharge my batteries, nor will EPS consumers use them.

I could add full EPS compatibility, but it whould require a dependency on EPS which I don't want, considering the fact that almost everything in the new EPS version can be done using my plugin and that EPS overcomplicates things in my opinion.

Edit: Applying both the EPS one and my part module to a battery might solve the compatibility problems while keeping the mod usable for users who don't have EPS (part modules that aren't found are ignored).

Edited by Kreuzung
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So Kreuzung, I've got a working generator going, but I'd like to add a mumechvariable tank with fueltype "U235", but I can't get the fuelconsumption to work. I've tried a few things and I think I can get it to use liquid fuel (which would be okay in the long run, I guess), but as far as any type of "mystery fuel" or internal fuel hasn't worked so far.

Ideally, I'd like to have a supply of fuel inside the generator that depletes when active. Let's say, for testing purposes, and assuming I've done the math for the ratio, I'd like to get the generator to generate X points of energy or half an hour of power generation. Any ideas?

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It doesn't work with MuMech tanks, but it should work with part resources.

Try putting it in the part itself or the one above it, I dunno if having the resource below a gwnerator placed on top caused my problems while testing.

Edited by Kreuzung
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