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KSP needs at least 1.000.000x time warp

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Even with the way things are now, things can get wonky. At the 100k warp, ships can pass right through planetary bodies. After the "warp to" feature is made stock in 1.0, it would be nice to get higher warp levels without having to mod the game. It would also be nice to have some safety checks hardcoded into the game too. What I mean by this is say for instance you are shooting for a aerobraking maneuver at Duna. Before the warp is even initiated, the game should check for what date and time is currently predicted for an encounter with Duna's atmosphere. Then, create a node, either hidden or visible based on user preference, so that the game knows it has to reduce warp to make sure it doesn't warp right through the atmosphere, or collide with Ike, or get slung out into no man's land. This is a doable thing I would think.

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I am not 100% sure but I believe if everything you have in the game is in stable orbits that have 0% chance of intersecting another SOI EVER, then any level of time warp works. Ships on rails are in fact on rails.

However at high time warp (and the Dr. Evil level of one meeelion time warp is quite high), no ship would survive any SOI change. At best (and most likely) it'd simply miss it. At worst (which means this is what will actually happen) you'll exit time warp to find your ship is ejecting from the system at several times the speed of light.

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There are some subjects which have already been suggested so many times over the years that they've been added to our list of things not to suggest again. This doesn't mean that those things can't happen; just that they've already been discussed to death. Please look this list over before submitting suggestions.

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