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What's the worst that could happen?


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You turn on your laptop to find someone else has used it. As you look through the directories you find [not permitted by forum rules] and decide to call the police. They don't believe your story and you say [not permitted by forum rules]. Tthe police don't take kindly to you suggesting they [not permitted by forum rules] and throw you in jail. While in jail your cellmate [not permitted by forum rules] and then proceeds to [not permitted by forum rules] and declares you [not permitted by forum rules]. After your stint in prison you decide to take up employment as [not permitted by forum rules] and also [not permitted by forum rules]. After a few months of [not permitted by forum rules] you discover that your [not permitted by forum rules] and your [not permitted by forum rules] have now [not permitted by forum rules] and you can no longer taste anything unless you are [not permitted by forum rules].

I sell my airplane. What's the worst that could happen?

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the buyer asks for a test ride, but then you notice their pilot liscence is bad. you call the police, but they don't believe you. st the buyer accidentally flies right into air control, just as a 747 is coming in to land, so you get crushed by debris and then ran over by a 747.

I am going to ride a motorcycle.

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while glancing to your side as you go through an intersection an 18 wheeler rolls through the intersection with a trailer that your head just barely doesn't fit under, hope you had a helmet on.

I eat lunch, whats the worst that can happen?

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Either because it triggered the event, or just some horrible coincidence, another Great Forum Purge occurs.

(Oh good God, knock on wood and take backsies, may this never happen.)

I'm photocopying some forms right now. Surely this has to be a safe and mundane task?

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... which had parts attached to every one of your spacecrafts, so you can no longer use them or even open them up in the VAB/SPH.

I make a long-ish blog post about which countries are likely to perform manned interplanetary missions, other than wasting half an hour of my time, what could possibly go wrong?

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As you were reading the book, you could've got a papercut, and when you went to have it looked at the doctors told you that they were very, very sorry, but nothing could be done for you. You die a week and a half later.

I stopped paying attention in class long enough to browse the KSP forums. What's the worst that could happen?

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Well, it was in chemistry class. You were browsing while the teacher was performing an experiment. It went wrong. There was an explosion. Because you were distracted by the forums, you lost a lot of time when escaping – you made it out in time, before the toxic fumes and the fire killed you, but because you couldn't help the others, they didn't. One of the others, Billy, had lost his father years before in a similar incident, so his mother, now alone and without anything to lose, swore vengeance. Many years later, you were working on cold fusion and made a breakthrough! However, that was exactly the point at which Billy's mother broke into your laboratory and fired several shots at you. She hit the plasma containment unit, which leaked and caused a sizable explosion (One would think that was impossible. One would be wrong.) You die, the experiment is destroyed, and all your research is lost. Because of this incident, all funding on energy research worldwide is cut, and humanity enters a new dark age.

That is the worst that could happen.

I'm eating a tasty, tasty strawberry. What's the worst that could happen?

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One of the F1 engines fails to pump fuel through correctly, leading to the ignition of the liquid kerosene tanks, shortly followed by an aerial explosion with the force of a small nuclear detonation, and the Kennedy Space Center is damaged to the point of being unusable

I reveal my real name, what could possibly go wrong?

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You get arrested, prosecuted, and properly imprisoned for however long is necessary. Or the person you stalk's family finds you and murders you in a slow, painful action. Preferably removing each finger and toe one at a time, until the pain is so horrible that you cry for hours for the pain to stop. The family goes all Unit 731 on you, testing tear gas, keeping you awake as they preform surgery on you, and destroying you mentally while they do such physically, before dumping your still living body, wrapped in a garbadge bag, with no way of escape, into a lake, where no one will ever find your body and everyone will wonder... Where did Dman979 go?

That got dark. But thats what stalkers deserve.

I skydive... what could go wrong?

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