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Is KSP unstable or is it OK for you?


Which option most closely describes your KSP experience?  

408 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option most closely describes your KSP experience?

    • I run stock KSP and have no major problems
    • I run stock KSP and there are loads of bugs
    • I have one or two mods and have no major problems
    • I have one or two mods and there are loads of bugs
    • I run lots of mods and have no major problems
    • I run lots of mods and there are loads of bugs

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More or less stable unless one is trying to find the Kracken. And other known bugs like Don't try to go beyond the Sun SOI and if you descover the Kracken Drive. Just terminate it as it is know to wipe out anythng with astable orbit around Kerbin and It's moon. With the exeption of craft doing a transfer to another SOI.

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Don't worry, Pecan. I was suggesting 64 bit Windows, not 64 bit KSP, the idea being I think that would give him more memory to play the game (up until recently I also only had 4 GB and although I've noticed a performance increase after increasing my RAM, I never had any actual problems running KSP and one mod (clouds and city lights). As I understand it, 32 bit Windows only really recognises 3 GB, but again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

That's more or less correct. The actual limits in a 32-bit Windows depends on a number of factors (and can range from 2G to 3G), but generally speaking, even the 64-bit versions can't provide more than around 3.5-3.6g reliably to a program.

That being said, I wouldn't recommend an amd64/x86-64 OS on a 4 gig system. The gain in memory would be offset by the overhead of the 64-bit OS. I'd strongly recommend to hold off on any such upgrades until at least 6+ gigs are available memory-wise.

Given memory prices today for systems, I'm frankly amazed by the number of 4 and 8 gig installations in RECENT machines. Kinda funny seeing a $600 video card and $500 CPU paired with $40 of memory... but that is a completely different topic..

2. During the above sequence, animation stutter will develop at some point, where everything stops for one frame every 5-10 seconds. This is generally agreed to be a Unity problem.

That reminds me, I was sailing into the memory wall recently, experiencing some rather violent jerks in framerate, and I caught this in the logs:

Unloading 151 unused Assets to reduce memory usage.
Loaded Objects now: 138451.
Total: 671.291382 ms
(FindLiveObjects: 7.200532 ms
CreateObjectMapping: 5.222839 ms
MarkObjects: 657.834595 ms
DeleteObjects: 0.730435 ms)

671ms stutter? That's about 2/3 of a second, or FORTY full frames! D:

So lag. very stutter. so gc. wow. how to lag?

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My KSP has been enriched with numerous mods, and most of the time I am having an absolute blast playing the game. On occasion I encounter some bugs that either crash the game or drive me to stop playing KSP, yet only for a short duration. While this has altered the way I used to play (I now save much more frequently), I accept this can happen on occasion. In addition, I like to think that bugs/problems can also be a source of unexpected entertainment (does anyone remember Skyrim's dragons flying backwards?).

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I play with dozens of mods and consider F5 a necessary part of gameplay due to everything from game crashes to phantom forces to probes just up and quitting even though they have power, to whatever else. And if for some reason my game lasts 2 hours without needing a complete restart, it runs out of memory even though it started a full gig under the cap.

I hear stock is very stable. But IMO stock is not fun. I would have quit about 1.5 years ago (after playing for a few months) if there were no mods.

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Yeah. Inevitable crashes, bugs, random Kraken attacks, stuttering graphic - i suffer through it all. I guess it's time to upgrade my laptop from 6 giga RAM to more. Or cripple my gameplay by culling some mods that i seriously consider "must-haves". Or both, because i have gnawing suspicion there will never be a complete and permanent fix to memory issues.

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I don't think I've "crashed" 0.90.0 yet... And I run many mods at times.

My modded saves have Adjustable Landing Gear, BDArmory, EVE, Distant Object, Planetshine, Texture replacer, Hotrockets, Karbonite, Camera Tools, Hyperedit, kOS, FAR, DRE, KJR, MechJeb2, ProceduralFarings, and a few others that I undoubtedly missed.

I also have a stock install. :D

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3 or 4 mods. Maybe not many bugs, but one major one: the game keeps running slower and slower avery launch. It also started crashing recently. This never happened to me so frequently as it does now.

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I have a cheap computer with a somewhat good processor, the worst graphics card you can dream of, and 8GB or RAM(wich is nice). In over 220 hours of stock ksp i have never crashed and my frames are alright (around 30 with regular ships) and i have literally got 1 bug in those 220 hours. Not 2, not 500, just 1. I feel like 0.90.0 is VERY stable on my omputer, and i hope that 1.0 will be the same (or better ?)

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When playing stock, I occasionally get crashes from the memory leaks and I've had the editor become unresponsive a few times. With a lot of mods, the out of memory crashes happen all the time (about every 30 minutes with a large mission, or after about a half-dozen quickloads/scene changes) with occasional glitches from the mods themselves, but by and large most of the problems I experience come from the game's poor memory management (having to load ALL assets into memory and memory leaks).

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I have the occasional major problem...

0.25 didn't work until I lowered the graphics to their lowest possible. Ditto with 0.90. I blame hardware for that, though... But then there's the Great Jool Probe Kraken Feast. My Jool probes were eaten by the Kraken, and I couldn't save them. It was career, too...

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32-bit KSP (Steam) on x64 Win7. AMD Phenom II with nVidia GT630 (??; working from memory).

KER, KAC, EVE, PreciseNode, ITWP, Trajectories.

Maybe five CtD events in over a year of playing, and I don't recall having even one since 0.90.0 was released.

Stable as a rock, as far as I'm concerned.

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My KSP is stable for the most part. Believe it or not, I am running 64 bit KSP with like 10-15 mods installed. I must be the only person in the world that DOESN'T have any problems with KSP 64 bit. I have less crashes and problems running it than the standard 32 bit version. I think the normal memory limit of this game is insultingly low with 32 bit, and I'm tired of hearing about Unity being the blame in general. At this point I think SQUAD should find a work around considering how mod-oriented this game is. Furthermore I've tried Linux with this game and had even more problems on there. I don't think changing OS's is a valid excuse/reason for the memory limitations, either.

My only problems with 64 bit are the following:

1) Time warp crashing - need I say more? The game crashes sometimes when using the regular time warp feature.

2) Switching vessel problems - When I switch vessels, sometimes my game will randomly go to a random piece of debris instead of to the actual main vessel the part came off of. Really weird (and slightly) annoying problem, only happens in 64 bit for me.

3) Missing textures/gaps on planets - sometimes the planets will randomly get giant grey blobs on them while in orbit. This maybe related to a mod but it only seems to happen in 64 bit.

Besides this, there is still one general problem I think SQUAD kind of sidetracks (or maybe even doesn't know about). Has anyone here ever tried to land in a body of water and then take off from it? For my first trips to Laythe, I landed a floating ship in the water of low mass that mostly used jet engines. It's probably the most efficient craft I've ever built (it was also pretty cool because it cloud land in water!). Well, KSP gets confused with this, and not just on Laythe but Kerbin and Eve as well. If you take a ship off (fly) from a body of water, the game things the ship is still "splashed down". The games engine gets messed up and it doesn't show a proper apoapsis or anything. It still thinks the vessel is on the ground/terrain. I also can't quicksave in this state because the game things I am "moving over terrain".

The only way to save and show my orbit is for the kerbal to get out of the ship. And if he bumps the ship, it almost immediately removes all his velocity. I've tried everything, renaming the ship, changing the type, getting in and out of the ship, even tried to manipulate the save file. You CANNOT land a ship in water and take off. And this is a problem IMO, in a game where players (like me) may actually want to build ships that land and take off from bodies of water.

It is a pretty serious bug in the game and i don't think a lot of people encounter it, but I wish SQUAD would notice it and fix it.

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I must be the only person in the world that DOESN'T have any problems with KSP 64 bit...Has anyone here ever tried to land in a body of water and then take off from it?<proceeds to describe game bug>
So no bugs in Windows 64-bit, except for this one big one. I've not heard of it in other architectures, it's not happening in my standard install (Linux 64-bit with assorted mods), I've seen other people do seaplanes without a hitch.

And yes, what you describe is exactly the sort of weird bug I'd expect out of the Win64 version of KSP.

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I only run two mods, KER and the docking-port alignment mod, and my game crashes constantly. It crashed before I installed the mod. Having only 4GB of RAM combined with a massive memory leak will do that for you.

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I have quite a few mods, but recognize it's up to me to see what's going on help out where I can and figure out what's broken and why.

So... I have very few problems as I stomp them as they arrive and they don't remain for long.

DX9 is terrible though, I've been running in openGL for 3 versions now. I can usually play for several hours before the memory leak creeps in as a problem (yes there is a play-time limiting memory leak).

ATM for me seems to make things worse and I'm better off in openGL using DDS4Win carefully and DDS loader.

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