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I need some silly help, won't take so long.


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So, i'm in a weird situation right now, my gf wants me to create instagram profile (I don't like it but hey, lady said, lady knows)

Problem is, though, that instagram's creators are so.. narrow minded(?) that they created it for smartphones only (i mean really, why would you do that?!)

And i can't create it, because, believe it or not, i don't own a smartphone.

Why? Because i don't need it, i have everything i need in my pc, brick phones for the win.

I am not sure if anyone will have time to do it, but really, i don't have any other place where i could ask.. anything at all..

So, if you really actually intend to help me, message me. :) I will tell details if needed.

Again, thank you in advance.

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If you need a cell phone to use Instagram, and you don't have a cell phone, why do you need an account?

I don't have an instagram account so I don't know, but it seems weird that there's stuff you could do on the computer but no ability to make an account there.

I'd tell your GF to make you an account on her cell phone.

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  lajoswinkler said:
Why the hell would anyone want an Instagram account? What do people use it for? To make lousy hipster fake crossprocessed images of their pouty lips, water heaters in bathrooms and lunch plates? Geez. :rolleyes:

To make an entire civilization doubt their ability to perceive color.

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Instagram is created as a smart phone app. There are a few ways to actually create an account with PC like using an android simulator (bluestack for example), or an easier way: borrow her phone and make an account through the app there.

But without a smartphone that can run the app to take pictures and do filters and stuff on the go(kind of its main thing before the social sharing), it isn't worth the effort of making the account in the first place.

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Have you asked your significant other why she needed you to have an Instagram profile?

Is it because she wants to tag you in all her photos? Or to fill out her own profile's friend list? Or to indicate to an abhorrent admirer / stalker that she's taken? Or so that she could make sure you see all her pictures?

What does she think is the worst possible outcome of you not having an Instagram profile?

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  sumghai said:
What does she think is the worst possible outcome of you not having an Instagram profile?

Seriously, though, everyone says that I should have Twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or whatever other thing they have and I don't, yet they don't say why. :huh:

I don't want one, you weirdos! :P

I'll keep my information to myself and Google, thank you very much. :D (Sadly, it's not really a joke. :()

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Woah guys, forgot to check this forum for a day, my bad, I just wanted one person to help me, thats all.

But now, problem is gone, i did it on my friends phone.

I know, i know, instagram is stupid, I just wanted to see my gf photos on her instagram, nothing big. :)

Gotta speak with her about all those social/anti-social networks and all, I personally like to suspend my facebook account from time to time, feels good.

I would like to get this thread locked so we don't have any cursing/offense.

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