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(Turn-based) Kerbal Multiplayer Collaboration

Thunderous Echo

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Kerbal Multiplayer Collaboration

What's going on? (the short answer): http://youtu.be/9HQyuSSbYak?t=32s

What have you done? (an example): https://youtu.be/6J9SQNsG-H4

Thunderous Echo: Duna Conqueror fuel and Eve Water Base Alpha tug

-Mission Log:

Tapejara: Duna Conqueror engines and Chronus station (unnamed) core

-Mission Log: post, post

Musil: Caronte Mothership (aka Space Taxi) and abandoned Correy on Tylo

-Mission Log: album

Starwhip: Placed Ike-Duna Lander on Duna Conqueror.

-Mission Log: album

monstah: Habitation/Science/Observation on Chronus station

-Mission Log: album

AlexinTokyo: Piloted Conqueror to Duna, landed on Duna.

-Mission Log: album

Alchemist: Radiotelescope/transmitter array on Chronus station and Conqueror Ike Landing.

-Mission Log: post,

Bakanando: 24-kerbal Kerbin crew station

-Mission Log: album

Xannari Ferrows: "Eve rover thing" that can take Jeb to the mountain to the south, rescued Correy to crew station.

-Mission Log: album, album

dharak1: Private Kerbin space station

-Mission Log:

Yukon0009: 5 tugs and Mun base

-Mission Log: post

Asharad: Jool Refueling Station

-Mission Log: post, post

Alchemist: Arscenium (Asteroid hunter), 6-kerbal shuttle for Chronus, deorbited some debris.

-Mission Log: post, video

AlexinTokyo: sent Laythe station modules to LKO, stranded Tangun Kerman on Moho

-Mission Log: post, album

Thunderous Echo: Started Interplanetary Strand-A-Kerbal, started Mun station, delivered EAV to Jeb on Eve, "safely" recovered Duna Conqueror crew, transported a kerbal named Thunderous Echo to Chronus.

-Mission Log: post, video,


Asharad: rescued Tangun Kerman from Moho

-Mission Log: album

Xannari Ferrows: Emergency Laythe Ascent Vehicle

-Mission Log: album

Asharad: rescued Strand-A-Kerbal victim, restranded near asteroid

-Mission Log: album, album

Alchemist: transported Jeb from Eve surface to Gilly surface using EAV and Xannari's ion-powered Tylo return vehicle, sent Magnesium (a microlander and one of Yukon's tugs) to Gilly, rescued and restranded Strand-A-Kerbal on Mun

-Mission Log: post, post, video

Thunderous Echo: Moved Jeb & Co. with the Magnesium to Mun Station, renamed Wehrbart Kerman to "Mark Watney".

-Mission Log: video

Asharad (Current): rescued and restranded Strand-A-Kerbal victim on Duna.

-Mission Log: album


Rule 1: Don't take fuel from, do damage, occupy a docking port on, or move ships without permission from the ship's owner.

(You may want to add a few words in the player communications that says who owns it and what people are allowed to do with it.)

Rule 2: Maximum 50 parts per player per craft* and maximum 300 parts per craft.

Unfortunately, if a lot of people have a lot of crafts with a lot of parts in one area, it causes a decrease in framerate and simulation speed.

So, for example, if one person sets down a base core on Minmus, then no one/no module can add more than 50 parts per turn to within that base's area (e.g. a 20-part craft and a 30-part craft), and if there are already 300 parts in that area, you cannot add more.

An "area" consists of a 2.5km (craft loading distance) radius around a craft.

* "50 parts per player per craft" is recommended and is polite for public stations and bases. If necessary, it can be disregarded for private or remote crafts.

Rule 3: Time warping.

Ideally, you would finish all time-sensitive maneuvers before handing over the save. If this is not possible, notify subsequent users in the player communications.

If a rule is broken, the save file from before the offending user's offense will be used.

We can have projects ("Alright guys, let's build an Eve water base!"), but no one would be required to participate in that project.

Quicksaving and quickloading is allowed.

Cheating (editing save files, hyperedit, debug menu) is prohibited except for changing the names of kerbals.

Participation Schedule.

These two systems are the ones that work the best , based on my research, and we have not yet fully settled on one:

System 1: Calendar.

Each user has 2 days to do what they want with the persistent file. A calendar is used so that people can sign up for certain days.

Users are not be allowed to sign up for another turn until they have completed the session they are signed up for.

Pros: Users cannot keep save file for extended amounts of time and prevent other users from participating.

Cons: Possible extensive waiting period for large numbers of users.

(Currently in use) System 2: Free.

Each user can grab the persistent file whenever they want. The time limit for keeping this file is 2 days. A user cannot participate multiple times before everyone has participated in the current cycle.

Pros: Decreased waiting period.

Cons: Requires shared folder.

If the time limit for either system is violated, the user should be skipped and the save file from before the offending user's turn can be used.

If no one uses a save file for 72 hours straight, a new cycle starts. Unused turns are not carried over.

File Sharing.

We are using Google Drive. Shared folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B99mIHx34OkjSXBvdlBMejRDWm8&usp=sharing

The above link should give your account editing permissions for the shared folder. If not, contact Thunderous Echo immediately.

When you begin your turn, change the Current User file's content to your name and estimate a finish time. If the file has someone else's name in it, it is currently someone else's turn and you should wait until they are done.

Download the save file and put it in your KSP saves folder. If you have any problems downloading or using a save file, contact Thunderous Echo immediately.

Read through the Player Communications.

When you finish your turn, change the Current User text file's content to "No One". If someone has a reservation, contact that player. Upload your save file to Drive, but do not delete any older ones!

When uploading save files, always use .zip format because certain machines do not like .rar

Mission Logs.

The minimum report required of your turn is a list of what you did and a picture or craft file of each craft on the launch pad or near the beginning of the flight.

But extra images are nice and videos are even better.


You can reserve the next position in the Current User File. This means that when the current player finishes, he/she/shklee will tell you when they are done, and if you are available, you have dibs on the next turn.


To be open to be users, the save files (when resubmitted to the shared folder) should not contain any modded parts, but usage of all mods is permitted.

This means you should terminate any crafts that contain modded parts before handing off the save file.











Thunderous Echo









Xannari Ferrows




Edited by Thunderous Echo
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I would be interested in joining this.

I have no strong preference which scheduling system is used (as long as people stick to the time limits) but would probably vote for 'Calendar' if forced to.

I wonder if a rule is needed to manage time warping? For example, if Alice launches a Jool exploration mission which expects to arrive in 3 years, they'd probably be upset (and rightly so) if Barbara time warped over their encounter in order to get to an Eeloo transfer window in 4 years time. Thoughts?

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I would be interested in joining this.

I have no strong preference which scheduling system is used (as long as people stick to the time limits) but would probably vote for 'Calendar' if forced to.

I wonder if a rule is needed to manage time warping? For example, if Alice launches a Jool exploration mission which expects to arrive in 3 years, they'd probably be upset (and rightly so) if Barbara time warped over their encounter in order to get to an Eeloo transfer window in 4 years time. Thoughts?

Welcome to the collab! We will start after one more person joins!

As for time warping, I am expecting a inter-communicating communtity that would discuss something like that. You can also put a note in the dropbox.

Even so, I'll modify the rules.

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I would certainly hope that people would A) notice, and B) discuss something like that. That said, I do think that some official ruling ("Don't put ships in time-sensitive situations before handing over the save - it's your problem if someone warps past an encounter", or "Don't warp over encounters without checking with the ship's owner first") in advance would not be a bad idea.

What I'd (probably) do, thinking about it, is leave a note along the lines of "Jool1 expected to enter Jool SoI at $time. Periapsis burn maneuver node in place. Please execute burn if necessary." And just ask the player who happens to have the save at that time do the burn if they need to time warp further into the future.

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Presumably it's all stock parts? I'd certainly be willing if that's the case, I'm not a Mods person.

I've been tinkering with a few Space Station module designs, but I'm much better at docking than designing, so I propose to be the guy the flies up an attaches the emergency escape vehicles and refuelling/resupply missions to space stations. I'll upload a screenshot of my Kotsov LKO delivery-rocket and Koyuz capsule designs later when I'm not at work (I'm working I swear)...

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I want in! Absolutely!

Stock sounds nice, but I would suggest kerbal alarm clock. Could come in handy to deal with AlexinTokyo's concern, no?

Also, career or sandbox? I kinda like the idea of career, maybe with some additional role-played objectives like building a base or something.

Can barely wait. :)

Edited by Musil
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Presumably it's all stock parts? I'd certainly be willing if that's the case, I'm not a Mods person.

I've been tinkering with a few Space Station module designs, but I'm much better at docking than designing, so I propose to be the guy the flies up an attaches the emergency escape vehicles and refuelling/resupply missions to space stations. I'll upload a screenshot of my Kotsov LKO delivery-rocket and Koyuz capsule designs later when I'm not at work (I'm working I swear)...

Point 3: Mods.

To be open to be users, the save files (when resubmitted to the shared folder) should not contain any modded parts, but usage of all mods is permitted.

This means you should terminate any crafts that contain modded parts before handing off the save file.

Meaning, you will be able to participate without downloading mods.

Welcome, Osprey!

Sounds like fun, where do I sign? :)

Welcome, Tapejara! (You just did.)

I want in! Absolutely!

Stock sounds nice, but I would suggest kerbal alarm clock. Could come in handy to deal with AlexinTokyo's concern, no?

Also, career or sandbox? I kinda like the idea of career, maybe with some additional role-played objectives like building a base or something.

Can barely wait. :)

The cool thing about Kerbal Alarm Clock is that if you don't have it installed, the KAC saves can still be opened. Meaning that some of us would use KAC and some of us wouldn't, and it would work.

Definitely sandbox. You don't want someone else squandering all your hard-earned science points, money, or reputation, do you? (Also, I kind of have a crusade against career and science modes.)

Welcome, Musil!

I remember the last one of these. I'm in.

Welcome, Spartwo!

Although I wouldn't be able to constantly participate, this looks very interesting, and I would like to join.

Welcome, SelectHalfling!

Oh look, we have 7 people. We're starting!

(I'll go first.)

Also, I guess we'll do Calendar Participation Schedule, if no one objects. I have to go, but think about what dates you want to sign up for when the calendar's up.

Edited by Thunderous Echo
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So cool!

I was thinking we should have a file in the dropbox folder indicating who's playing at the moment, where you can inscribe your name to play next. Also, the names and objectives for different craft's and that kind of thing. More convenient, if less tidy, than a calendar, I think.

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I never did one of these. I'm in!

My two cents: a good way to share information in a save is with some READ ME flags stuck on the launch pad. Can't miss them, remove when obsolete.

- - - Updated - - -

I've learned long ago to set a flag named CHECK YOUR STAGING just beside the craft. I recommend!

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I never did one of these. I'm in!

My two cents: a good way to share information in a save is with some READ ME flags stuck on the launch pad. Can't miss them, remove when obsolete.

- - - Updated - - -

I've learned long ago to set a flag named CHECK YOUR STAGING just beside the craft. I recommend!

Welcome, monstah! Flags may be a good plan.

So cool!

I was thinking we should have a file in the dropbox folder indicating who's playing at the moment, where you can inscribe your name to play next. Also, the names and objectives for different craft's and that kind of thing. More convenient, if less tidy, than a calendar, I think.

Yeah, that's my plan!

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People have been talking about schedule, so I though up a "cycles" system that makes Free Participation Mode work with large numbers of people.

So will this be more of a "Do our own thing with others around" thing than the one I did with Nauthy where we all worked on one base and one station together? Because that sounds pretty fun.

Yes. But I am starting up an Eve water base and a Duna mission mothership.

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Hello! I got your PM and I would like to help, but I'm afraid I won't have the time to launch anything. I can most likely build and give you guys craft files though. ;). Is this okay?

OH and I still have the old K3 google doc. If you want me to make a blank duplicate (of if any of you still hah the link) I can make one or you guys can repurpose the old one. If wanted.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I would like to sign up as well.

Welcome, Robotengineer!

Hello! I got your PM and I would like to help, but I'm afraid I won't have the time to launch anything. I can most likely build and give you guys craft files though. ;). Is this okay?

OH and I still have the old K3 google doc. If you want me to make a blank duplicate (of if any of you still hah the link) I can make one or you guys can repurpose the old one. If wanted.

No need for the K3 google doc, this is a completely separate thing.

"Yes, please" on the craft files.

Edited by Thunderous Echo
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Please add me to the list! I'd be interested in trying the Symbolic Links too.

Edit: So I'm pretty clear on how to make a Symbolic Link, but I'm not clear how my dropbox will synch with the shared dropbox. When I go to the KMC dropbox I see the 3 files but can only download them to my dropbox. I do not think they update if anyone edits the files in KMC dropbox. I'm not sure how to do this so it synchs the two. Do I need some sort of invitation?

Edit2: Just realized that of course I would need an invitation to collaborate otherwise how else would participants upload the new save to the KMC dropbox. I assume this is done through PM. I'll just go wait in the corner for being such a dunce.

Edited by Godit
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Please add me to the list! I'd be interested in trying the Symbolic Links too.

Edit: So I'm pretty clear on how to make a Symbolic Link, but I'm not clear how my dropbox will synch with the shared dropbox. When I go to the KMC dropbox I see the 3 files but can only download them to my dropbox. I do not think they update if anyone edits the files in KMC dropbox. I'm not sure how to do this so it synchs the two. Do I need some sort of invitation?

Edit2: Just realized that of course I would need an invitation to collaborate otherwise how else would participants upload the new save to the KMC dropbox. I assume this is done through PM. I'll just go wait in the corner for being such a dunce.

Welcome, Godit!

Um... I originally though I could invite to dropbox folders via link, but it can only be done though email. so I'm looking at other file sharing services.

- - - Updated - - -

Right. So.

Dropbox always requires sharing by email to allow editing.

So, I've had to use Google Docs instead, which can give editing priveledges by link.

Here is the folder:


- - - Updated - - -

So, whoever wants to go next can go now. Really this time.

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Right. So.

Dropbox always requires sharing by email to allow editing.

So, I've had to use Google Docs instead, which can give editing priveledges by link.

Here is the folder:


- - - Updated - - -

So, whoever wants to go next can go now. Really this time.

Ok, I have the save file and have renamed the Current User file. My turn now! :)

So, I am... the second user/player, on Cycle 1? Is that correct?

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