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OMSK Space Products - Stockalike Atlas rockets & more! [Omich-L Beta]


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Its not suppose to be realistic, its suppose to be Kerbilized....

And it looks great...

I agree! They definitely look amazing. I think they are a great mix of kerbalized and replica. They look enough like the rd180 to know its a rd180 and enough kerbal to be stock. Its a great mix.

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̉ۢhank you all for feedback!

I'm squealing with glee when I look at this :)

One thing, though - I suggest adding a gimbal to the sustainer engine, since the rocket is uncontrollable without some sort of SAS wheels. (Besides, real LR-105 has gimbal)

Ok, ok, it's time for me to learn how to make gimbal in unity.

Slap some greebles on it, and it's gold.

There are greebles near the top of the engine. And I think, that's enough.

And it looks great...
I agree! They definitely look amazing. I think they are a great mix of kerbalized and replica. They look enough like the rd180 to know its a rd180 and enough kerbal to be stock. Its a great mix.

Wow! Such good words!

To disappoint you- better renders of the engine (That allows you to see every not-good things there) and WIP textures of the fuel tank. And I just like a pipe, that needs better textures, need you suggestions!

Also, Niemand's Road to Kosmos in alpha now!

sp1989 wanted orange tank and engine, so another variant of the textures will come after this.




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What is the diameter at the top of the booster? I only ask because I am also interested about the centaur stage when you make it. First will you make optional like FASA where you can add two rl10s or one? Second as I am sure as many of us who have tried making stock Atlas/Centaurs in the past the 2.5 to 1.25 difference just doesn't look right. So what I am asking in a round about way is would you consider making an odd diameter for the centaur stage like 2.0 or even 1.875 just so it looks more like an atlas/centaur. Again I know you are going for a kerbalized look and I know this is not a replica. Still I know you are going for the feel of the Atlas. Also I am only talking about the Atlas V version. All the rest are standard sizes but if you look at the Atlas V there is a noticeable and iconic difference.


Its actually only like that in the 400 series. In the 500 series the centaur is tucked away in the fairing with the payload but the centaur stage is the same diameter as the 400 series. All we would have to do in game if we wanted to make a 500 series atlas V is get creative with procedural fairings.



Just fruit for thought.

Edited by sp1989
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Ok, I'll make Centaur V 1.875-meter. The only problem is lack of centaurs engine photos. So, If you have some pictures, show me them.

There are quite a few pictures, the engines are called rl10 engines.






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Hi, I wouldn't go for 1.875m Centaur. I'd increase CCB diameter, not Centaur one. This makes 2.5m Payloads on top of the Centaur looking somehow better when the Centaur has 2.5m diameter, also it would get problematic if you want to launch a 2.5m payload, because the fairings could get too small. Just my opinion, do it as you wish. For Centaur images:











And there are plenty of good drawings out there. :)

That is a good point. I agree with Karoffelkuchen however I am just looking to make sure that it doesn't look strange. As I said 2.5 to 1.25 just doesn't look right. 2.5 for the centaur would allow the widest variety of payloads. The rd180 can still be 2.5 and then it tapers up to 3.0 with the tank being 3.0 all the way to the top. Any way the main point being is that you should do as you wish or what you think would be best to make it looked kerbalized and accurate. You have done great so far.

Edited by sp1989
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Thanks for everyone for the great pictures!

Now, when textures are ready that would be hard to remake everything. I am planning to make Centaur V 1.875-meter, and Centaur I 2.5-meter. Also, I'll make rescaled version of Atlas V with 2.5-meter Centaur and ~3-meter engine and fuel tank. But in the future, when there will be some time to look backwards, I'll make 3-meter main fuel tank and 2.5-meter RD-180, promise!

Orange now!

But what's next, after Centaur? I have some variants:

  • ÃœøÓ-15 ãâÃËœ - to train your kosmonauts before soaceflights
  • Landing capsule - absolutely custom slockalike capsule to bring your kerbals into the surface of difirent planets
  • Parts for space station - custom stockalike parts to build your own space station
  • Luna-2 - Impactor. And nothing to say.
  • Luna-3 - Take the pictures of the dark side of the Mun!
  • Mars-6 - Explore the surface of the Red planet
  • Titan II- American LV
  • "Budget" custom stockalike LV- to deliver your satellites to the orbit on the first levels

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But what's next, after Centaur? I have some variants:

  • ÃœøÓ-15 ãâÃËœ - to train your kosmonauts before soaceflights
  • Landing capsule - absolutely custom slockalike capsule to bring your kerbals into the surface of difirent planets
  • Parts for space station - custom stockalike parts to build your own space station
  • Luna-2 - Impactor. And nothing to say.
  • Luna-3 - Take the pictures of the dark side of the Mun!
  • Mars-6 - Explore the surface of the Red planet
  • Titan II- American LV
  • "Budget" custom stockalike LV- to deliver your satellites to the orbit on the first levels

Just stick to launchers with the stock-a-like looks.

They look great! but one thing: the Atlas center engine should have been able to gimbal.

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This scratchiness just belongs for me to the Atlas V. Try experimenting with normal maps a bit. :)

Ok, our texturer can into bump textures, so we take a think about it.

What about Atlas V SRMs?

KW Rocketry is already have nice boosters. Or you really need boosters made by me?

Just stick to launchers with the stock-a-like looks.

They look great! but one thing: the Atlas center engine should have been able to gimbal.

Yes, gimbal... Is a problem to solve. (There is need in remaking of central engine, I guess)

Edited by SnowWhite
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Looks very cool!


You can easily delete the parts you don't want.

Also, that centaur engine looks fantastic, I can't wait to use it in RSS.

If someone wants me to make boosters- I can make them, that's not hard! Also, great to hear things like that!

Here is Centaur V. Also, I've found the way to solve "Problem of scales"- I'll just make two version of Centaur V: for 400-series and 500-series (1.875 and 2.5 meter)


And is there enought details?

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