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Flag-planting captions- what do you write?


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Title says it all really. What's everyone's favoured engraving on the flag plaques? Whenever I start a new save, my first Mun landing usually ends up along the lines of 'Here Kerbals from Kerbin landed on the Mun. They came in peace for all Kermen' or something like. When I'm doing detailed exploration of all the biomes, I use flags to keep track of where I've been. In this case I usually just mark it with a simple 'XX Kerman landed here' If it's for a contractor, I make a note of this instead 'This proves to Strutco that we landed on the Mun'.

My favourite one was when a Mun mission got redirected mid-flight when a chance slingshot to Minmus came up. The kerbonaut aptly marked the flag 'Always shoot for the Mun. Even if you miss, you may end up on Minmus. As you've probably figured out at this point, this is why we're here.' :)

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My first flag in a given save is inevitably something along the lines of "Small step, giant leap, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill. -Jeb". The next few flags generally seem to be a testosterone contest between the First Three and a few of the early Generic Kerbonauts: "Jeb only landed ONCE. This is my THIRD landing in ONE mission! Go BILL!" "WAY farther from Kerbin than those orange-suited gloryhounds on the Mun! signed, Nedrie" And then come the smugly self-assured flags for contracts and/or training missions: "Another flag? I can't believe they pay us for this! Oh well: Ka-CHING!" or "As I plant this flag, I can feel my Mad Kerbonaut Skillz increasing!"

I tend to have fun with those captions. It's not as though many of them ever get read again. (Except for the one at the west end of the KSC runway, which is usually a complaint from the Pilot's Union that KSC management won't spend a few Kerbucks on a proper ILS.)

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I start with the crew's names and roles, then purpose of the mission (Whether it was testing new craft or techniques or routine scientific expedition.)

I try to put an inspirational quote for the first few. Once it gets less significant, then they become more routine/generic.

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I sometimes am serious, sometimes not.

"Site of the Munbooster I landing. Commemorated to the transfer stage which took us here, that perished without remorse."


"Dammit, we blew up the engine. I blame Bob.

--Jebediah Kerman"

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Most of my flags have been pretty basic. I'll usually name a flag on the First Landing Site, and if I have to do a surface visual survey, I'll usually plant a flag on at least one of the sites.

This sheet contains all the flags that have been currently planted in my Career Save.

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I generally try to keep it serious and Meaningfulâ„¢. Lately that's been getting a wee bit harder. There are only so many variations on "Here Kerbals landed on another world. We came in peace..." whatever. I think I'm going to switch to something like "This marks the place where [mission or ship], crewed by [crew names] landed on [planet/moon]." I might add "...boldly going where no one has gone before." to the first one on that body. But who knows. It's not like I ever go back and read them again.

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I always wright "(location name eg. Mun Midlands) by (whoever did the landing)" ex. "Mun Midland by Jeb" or if it's the first landing i always wright "Mun Midland, first landing by Jeb" and if i do a sub-orbital hop too another place i wright ex. (Mun Midland Crater, hop from Midland"

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Title says it all really. What's everyone's favoured engraving on the flag plaques? Whenever I start a new save, my first Mun landing usually ends up along the lines of 'Here Kerbals from Kerbin landed on the Mun. They came in peace for all Kermen' or something like. When I'm doing detailed exploration of all the biomes, I use flags to keep track of where I've been. In this case I usually just mark it with a simple 'XX Kerman landed here' If it's for a contractor, I make a note of this instead 'This proves to Strutco that we landed on the Mun'.

My favourite one was when a Mun mission got redirected mid-flight when a chance slingshot to Minmus came up. The kerbonaut aptly marked the flag 'Always shoot for the Mun. Even if you miss, you may end up on Minmus. As you've probably figured out at this point, this is why we're here.' :)

Biome Elev and Slope

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Usually its a name of the biome and who planted the flag. Sometimes i get bored with dry formalities and try to add something more personal - "This is a place of first landing on Duna. Flag was planted by Bobgee Kerman...Hahaha! In your face,Jeb!!!" :cool:

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