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Female KSC Staff.

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I'm not sure it sends out a good message to have female kerbals be a thing and not have at least one woman in charge of something at the KSC. At the very least, make some of the engineers and scientists walking around the VAB/SPH female.

So who can be replaced by another kerbal?

We have the following staff:

Gene Kerman (Mission Controller, based on Gene Kranz)

Wernher von Kerman (Lead Scientist, based on Wernher von Braun)

Mortimer Kerman (Lead Accountant, not based on anyone as far as I can tell)

Linus Kerman (Wernher's intern, not based on anyone as far as I can tell)

Walt Kerman (Head PR guy, probably based on Walt Disney, even though Disney wasn't known to walk around in a hazmat suit)

Gus Kerman (Head of Operations, based on astronaut Gus Grissom, or maybe just because it's funny)

So how about Katherine Kerman being the Engineer Reporter, based on Katherine Johnson?

But I think the most important thing is having female scientists and engineers in the VAB/SPH.

EDIT: Upon realized that typing up a post while on painkillers is a less-than-optimal idea, I have fixed some horrible errors in morality. Even though I still kinda hate Linus because he stole my snacks on several occasions.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I think focus shifted to female kerbals you can take on flights, but, The 'beyond beta' announcement said one would join KSC staff.

Maybe they will invent a new position for Valentina.

Edit: great idea, NoMrBond! A new game feature would be a great place to highlight a new character.

Edited by basic.syntax
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We could have Katherine Johnson for delivering the engineers report to give your your craft trajectories/stats/dV etc?
This is a cool idea. I don't think we really need to change anyone who's already there, but new staff should be filled out with female kerbals for sure.
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I agree with adding some female kerbals walking around in the VAB/SPH.

As to replacing existing characters, I disagree. I would far prefer some additional positions were added, or alternatively, there might be something to having the ability to have multiple kerbals that you could choose for a particular role, each with different skills that they bring to the table.

I'm not fond of getting rid of things that Squad have put time and effort into without a good reason.

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they were.

now squad feels the need to be politically correct.

This. So much this. :(

I mean, I'm all for stopping sexism. Female Kerbals were a good addition but do we really need to start a debate over it?

It's just a computer game, after all.

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We could have Katherine Johnson for delivering the engineers report to give your your craft trajectories/stats/dV etc?

An expert so respected they would only believe the computers if Katherine's maths agreed.

Well I learned something today. Thank you NoMrBond.

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I mean, I'm all for stopping sexism. Female Kerbals were a good addition but do we really need to start a debate over it?

Actually the debate is over and female Kerbals are a thing. Having females in the game and then not having some on the administrative staff is odd. It'd be like changing Kerbals to be blue but leaving the admin staff green.

It's just a computer game, after all.

Yes, so changing some random characters' genders shouldn't really raise a fuss.

I personally would like it if 1/2 or more of the static, named characters we see throughout the game were female.

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We could have Katherine Johnson for delivering the engineers report to give your your craft trajectories/stats/dV etc?

An expert so respected they would only believe the computers if Katherine's maths agreed.

Actually that's a great idea. I forgot about new features in 1.0!

- - - Updated - - -

I always thought kerbals where asexual, as they all had Kerman as their last name.

No, and besides, if my dad's name were Sherman and he married my mother, my mother's last name would then be Sherman. Last names are completely regardless of gender. And also, this:


Squad's original criteria were that they had to be expendable, replenishable, and agendered. They have stated that they failed on that, and with nearly everyone* who plays KSP for the first time seeing male features, they decided to add it in.

*Not literally.

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We could have Katherine Johnson for delivering the engineers report to give your your craft trajectories/stats/dV etc?

An expert so respected they would only believe the computers if Katherine's maths agreed.

This is a great idea! I'd put in support for an Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, or Vera Rubin reference too! It would be great to add roles rather than take them away.

Edited by amorymeltzer
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To be honest, I couldn't care less about this; this is a game about space flight and exploration, not "Gender Neutraility Simulator 2015". I still don't even consider the current Kerbalnauts as male, so I couldn't give two flying fraks what "gender" the space centre staff are... All I think about Kerbals is that they're little sacks of sentient meat that I refuse to kill, as every Kerbal has the right to come home.

"Female" Kerbals is a waste of development in my eyes, as it ruins the focus of what this game is supposed to be. No thank you.

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We turned Gene Krantz into a guy who shrugs off losing his crews, Wernher von Braun into a stuck-up jerk and basically the entire Apollo-era astronaut corps into a bunch of bumbling idiots. I wonder how this will go down, considering you now have to make female kerbals carelessly stupid, prone to accident, and incompetent at their jobs, only barely succeeding at even mundane tasks. So how about it? After all, it's only fair.

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That is why I wanted the female to be Jezebel and focus on more interesting story telling. Then it could contrast that and be even more interesting. (BTW, Jezebel is a subtle manipulative seductress who plays on the simple minded or weak of character(any weakness) presumably. So, it can make endless variations of funny story telling. The entirety of the stereotype of astronauts(especially navy/airforce bread from the period) is full of funny things to throw at that. Let alone a guy name Jebediah! 8D The religious context is wholely appropriate. Both superficially and in the realm of what fits best as far as type of story telling and character development/interaction.

BTW, are there black or asian like Kerbals? Or are they all just shades of green!! ><

Edited by Arugela
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We turned Gene Krantz into a guy who shrugs off losing his crews, Wernher von Braun into a stuck-up jerk and basically the entire Apollo-era astronaut corps into a bunch of bumbling idiots. I wonder how this will go down, considering you now have to make female kerbals carelessly stupid, prone to accident, and incompetent at their jobs, only barely succeeding at even mundane tasks. So how about it? After all, it's only fair.
Squad has already committed to the portrayal of Kerbals as bumbling idiots, no reason not to be inclusive in that portrayal.

I mean, clearly that portrayal is already offensive to some people, and I don't think it's very constructive or beneficial to the game either, but at least everyone in the game will be equally stupid.

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We turned Gene Krantz into a guy who shrugs off losing his crews, Wernher von Braun into a stuck-up jerk and basically the entire Apollo-era astronaut corps into a bunch of bumbling idiots.

I can imagine Grace Kerman losing large numbers of vessels because she keeps leaving bugs in the machine, or Marie Kerman telling you not to worry too much about the exhaust from the nuclear reactor.

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That is why I wanted the female to be Jezebel and focus on more interesting story telling. Then it could contrast that and be even more interesting. (BTW, Jezebel is a subtle manipulative seductress who plays on the simple minded or weak of character(any weakness) presumably. So, it can make endless variations of funny story telling.

So basically the token woman gets to play the role as a sexualized woman? That's an interesting and new idea.

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^Yeah lets please not do that.

Just for reference there's no one at the VAB, SPH, Tracking station or Astronaut complex. You could very easily staff these with female kerbals without having to replace anyone.

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So basically the token woman gets to play the role as a sexualized woman? That's an interesting and new idea.

Sorry, but the point is much more complicated. It's about the natural interaction between men and women. the rest is the range of those things. And a very interesting thing to do with the concept of introducing a female character. It's also realistic potentially to the circumstances. It's the basic reality between men and women and what can happen. Your grossly oversimplifying it. Seductress does not mean overbearing sexual content. It's also the subtleties. All of them.....! And in fact that rarely properly means anything you would think of as sexual! Nice of you to bash my idea with so little understanding of it. I think the word I'm thinking of is glibly...

And how would you tell the difference between them. Do they even have differentiating features? I haven't paid enough attention to the material they have shown.

Edited by Arugela
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