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Why do you need Girbilism?


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I don't really care much about gender in a sandbox game. Like Dwarf Fortress - whoever can do the job gets the job. Female warriors with babies? Babies make good shields.

Female Kerbal? If I need an Engineer and she is an Engineer, then she is the person for the job.

Now, if I am role playing in Skyrim or Fallout, the gender of my character may interested me...for about five seconds.

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Now, if I am role playing in Skyrim or Fallout, the gender of my character may interested me...for about five seconds.

I usually play females for the eyecandy, especially with Skyrim's killcams.

The Female kerbal design doesnt really lend itself to that though.

Wasnt there a kerbal fan comic that had some attractive femkerbs?

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I usually play females for the eyecandy, especially with Skyrim's killcams.

The Female kerbal design doesnt really lend itself to that though.

You may be on to something ... can we please get Skyrim's slow-motion kill cam added to KSP? :D

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I see what you are going for with this thread, but I don't really like the whole "girlbals" or "girbals" thing. I'm a big fan of adding Valentina and other female Kerbals, but I think it becomes a little weird when we start referring to them that way. If female Kerbals are "girbals," then what do we call the male Kerbals?

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They're kerbals. Some of them are male and some of them are female. That's it. We call them kerbals because they are from Kerbin. (Yes, I know the word "kerbal" was invented before the planet was named. I'm being Watsonian here.)

Why are female kerbals necessary? Because of the horrible hidden message in the game if there aren't any.

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Wasnt there a kerbal fan comic that had some attractive femkerbs?

i thought we agreed to never speak of that ever again /s

On topic: I really don't mind girlbals. Just another Kerbal to launch into space.

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