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[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12


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3 minutes ago, speedwaystar said:

i'm trying to use KIS to replace some incorrect ports on a space station. i have the replacement ports in a container on my space shuttle, but they're too big to fit in a kerbal's inventory. i was hoping there was some way for the kerbal to simply heft the item onto his back and jetpack across to the station (the ports are under 1ton in weight, which is the limit for carrying items on the ground), but i'm not having much luck. if i drop the object in space and try to grab it, it simply becomes attachable to nearby objects, but not to me, so i can't ferry it across to its destination.

is there something i'm doing wrong or is this simply not possible with KIS?

It isn't possible to carry individual parts that way. What size container are you using? The small container can be carried on the kerbal's back. 

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29 minutes ago, ExplorerKlatt said:

It isn't possible to carry individual parts that way. What size container are you using? The small container can be carried on the kerbal's back. 

the shuttle has a ISC-6k in its cargo bay containing the ports (which take up about 350L space each). there is a SC-62 container in there as well.

i can put the ports in the SC-62 container. how do i get it onto the kerbal's back?

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1 hour ago, speedwaystar said:

the shuttle has a ISC-6k in its cargo bay containing the ports (which take up about 350L space each). there is a SC-62 container in there as well.

i can put the ports in the SC-62 container. how do i get it onto the kerbal's back?

You put it in the kerbal's inventory. 

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another question: how can i put a floating SC-62 container into my kerbal's inventory during orbital EVA? to put it another way, is it possible to return an item to the kerbal's inventory once it has been taken out and placed in the world?

Edited by speedwaystar
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5 hours ago, speedwaystar said:

another question: how can i put a floating SC-62 container into my kerbal's inventory during orbital EVA? to put it another way, is it possible to return an item to the kerbal's inventory once it has been taken out and placed in the world?

press g on it and drag it into to it's inventory (you shouldn't release mouse button)

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I know this has probably been asked but I wasn't able to find it. I cannot put anything into inventory; not the containers, not the EVA items for seat X on the pods, nothing. When I try, the item in question stays in the VAB instead of going into the inventory. I'm running a desktop so it's not a trackpad issue. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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1 hour ago, Bombaatu said:

I know this has probably been asked but I wasn't able to find it. I cannot put anything into inventory; not the containers, not the EVA items for seat X on the pods, nothing. When I try, the item in question stays in the VAB instead of going into the inventory. I'm running a desktop so it's not a trackpad issue. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

there are two ways to put parts into inventory while in the editor: the first is to left-click and hold a part from the parts list, then drag it to the open inventory and drop it in an empty inventory space

 the second is to right-click the part in the parts list then left click the empty inventory space.


This is explained in detail in the user's guide linked in the first post

Edited by ExplorerKlatt
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Love this mod, but the only quibble i have with it, which i'm honestly not sure if it's the mod's fault or not, is when i go to select a part to place on the vessel, when i click the part i want, it goes into the "dragging part into an inventory" mode and lags the game for a second or so before realising that im not trying to click and drag parts. Sometimes (read: most of the time) this causes the part to not grab at all, so i usually have to click the part i want, and then wait a few seconds to actually pop into the scene so i can place it on my vessel.

So i guess what i'm asking is if there is any way to disable the click & drag feature temporarily so i don't have this issue? Can't exactly un-install KIS at the moment because my Duna mission sorta depends on it right now.

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1 hour ago, StickyScissors said:

Love this mod, but the only quibble i have with it, which i'm honestly not sure if it's the mod's fault or not, is when i go to select a part to place on the vessel, when i click the part i want, it goes into the "dragging part into an inventory" mode and lags the game for a second or so before realising that im not trying to click and drag parts. Sometimes (read: most of the time) this causes the part to not grab at all, so i usually have to click the part i want, and then wait a few seconds to actually pop into the scene so i can place it on my vessel.

So i guess what i'm asking is if there is any way to disable the click & drag feature temporarily so i don't have this issue? Can't exactly un-install KIS at the moment because my Duna mission sorta depends on it right now.

If you mean in the editor, close the inventory screen. That should keep this from happening. 

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Howdy all, I was hoping I could get a clarification on this Mod's license -- I am working on a Mod of my own, where I would like to have a custom KIS Inventory Part Module that only allows certain types of parts as inventory and I would also need to have a custom KIS Item Part Module that has some additional functionality.

The ModuleKISItem class already has all the necessary methods marked as virtual so that I can override them as needed, much like the included  ModuleKISItemBook or ModuleKISItemEvaPropellant current do.  The ModuleKISInventory class however would need to be slightly modified to accomplish what I need, essentially adding in a pair of virtual methods that would allow a subclass of ModuleKISInventory to determine if it would allow a part to be added.  The additional code to support this is fairly small.

My KIS Items would be completely compatible with and operate exactly like all other parts when used in the inventory of an existing ModuleKISInventory.

My questions are:

1. If I create a new Part Module that sub-classes ModuleKISItem, can I redistribute my new Part Module?

2. If I modify ModuleKISInventory to accomplish what I need -- can I redistribute the new Part Module?  The new module would clearly have a different name (probably something like ModuleEquipmentBay)  - it would still require KIS to be installed. I would be happy to provide attribution to KospY and include a link to the KIS repository & license (and if KospY thought the additions would be helpful for others, I'd be happy to submit it as a PR on github to be added to the core.)


Two new virtual functions for ModuleKISInventory:

        public virtual bool AllowedToContainItem(KIS_Item item)
            return true;

        public virtual bool AllowedToContainPart(Part p)
            return true;

And then the bottom of GuiInventory() would need to be modified slightly to incorporate calling those methods and displaying messages (if appropriate):

if (VolumeAvailableFor(KISAddonPickup.draggedItem))
    if (AllowedToContainItem(KISAddonPickup.draggedItem))
    	MoveItem(KISAddonPickup.draggedItem, this, i);
	} else {
		ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Item cannot be placed in this inventory.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);


if (VolumeAvailableFor(KISAddonPickup.draggedPart))
    if( AllowedToContainPart(KISAddonPickup.draggedPart ) 
        KIS_Shared.SendKISMessage(KISAddonPickup.draggedPart, KIS_Shared.MessageAction.Store);
        AddItem(KISAddonPickup.draggedPart, 1, i);
        if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor == false)
	} else {
		ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Item cannot be placed in this inventory.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);





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14 hours ago, ExplorerKlatt said:

 I don't have this problem in my install. Could be an install issue or a conflict with another mod. 

Not a problem with another mod, tried just KIS with a stock install as well and had the same issue. Someone else reported the same thing, but nothing ever got done about it, i guess. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109592-part-select-delay/

Edited by StickyScissors
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On 1/14/2016 at 9:25 AM, V8jester said:

Here is the teaser picture from the last page of my BD FPS thread :) The XL chute fit much better and works a lot better as well.



On 1/14/2016 at 9:05 AM, V8jester said:

Yes, I have a cfg at home. Unless I'm ninja'd. I'll post it up later this evening.

Any luck getting that cfg? Would love to have a workable crew escape system.

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On 1/30/2016 at 11:51 PM, StickyScissors said:

Not a problem with another mod, tried just KIS with a stock install as well and had the same issue. Someone else reported the same thing, but nothing ever got done about it, i guess. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109592-part-select-delay/

I've noticed the same with KIS. Seems to work fine first but after playing for some time the editor start getting a bit unresponsive. Used to cause me to grab wrong parts and so, but I think I've actually adapted already. Would be nice if it didn't happen tho. 

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I'm just going to drop the message I posted to save time but I've found a small bug, probably not gonna bother anyone much and now that I know how to avoid it (use the different radial chute) I'll likely never encounter it again, but still I figured a report wouldn't hurt. Here is the message I posted to the RealChutes thread, the dev doesn't think it's likely it is a problem within RealChutes but likely a problem with the inventory system.

I discovered completely by luck that using the kerbal attachment system to attach a RealChute Radial Chute causes a bit of weirdness. The chute isn't visibly there, there is a debris created which if you switch to seems to be invisible, and the finally the chute IS in a stage, but does nothing if you stage it.

I tested this again with the Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute and it worked fine (none of the symptoms I just listed). I have no idea if this problem is with RealChute or KAS/KIS, or maybe a problem in both resulting in the issue. If needed just let me know and I can go report it to the KAS/KIS thread too but as the second radial chute worked fine it seems like it may be a small bug in realchutes.

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So, different note from last few posts.

Tried to stash a flag in my inventory (was going to put it on top of my radio tower @ my Mun base), it failed and now I cant access Bill's inventory.  Is there any way to edit the flag out of inventory or wipe Bill's inventory completely, short of landing an empty lander on the Mun and bringing it back?

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2 hours ago, RenegadeCEO said:

So, different note from last few posts.

Tried to stash a flag in my inventory (was going to put it on top of my radio tower @ my Mun base), it failed and now I cant access Bill's inventory.  Is there any way to edit the flag out of inventory or wipe Bill's inventory completely, short of landing an empty lander on the Mun and bringing it back?

I had never even considered moving flags using KIS. Sounds like fun! (might not be a good idea?)

I assume items in inventory show up in savefile but can't check how they appear right now. If you go to edit your save remember to make a copy of it first.

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How hard would it be to makea part like eva fuel, but it also increases the thrust, or even better downward thrust of the eva suit?

I like this mod so much it inspired me to want and yet and make an eva booster attachment that would work with kis. I've modded for other games but never for kappa so I'm not sure if what I'm asking is even posible.


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