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What do you suck at?


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Docking. I suck at it for some reason. SSTOs plague my engineering teams.

.25 was my first successful SSTO aircraft to make orbit with a shread of fuel left, so there's that. I even launched a few sats successfully from it. Landing, on the other hand is... Well, let's just say these aircraft all have escape pods for a reason.

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I suck at making aircrafts. I might have posted a really cool "Flying science lab" (thanks to a then working Firespitter) but it like, took me 2 weeks to get it stable enough, and then it still wasn't perfect. I cant seem to be having level planes, I need to point 15-25 degrees to fly level and it's annoying.

SSTO as well like shuttles and the like. Never enough fuel, or too many parts to be worthwhile (Why botter when I have my "Hercules" heavy launcher that gets 4x the payload in a third of the time ? ). My only really successful SSTO was my "Laythe Ascender" for my Jool-5... which was an ultralight design with a 1 man pod to bring the science back up (I jettisoned everything, including the Landing gears, haha).

I also suck a Aero-Breaking. If I need to do one, it usually requires about 4-10x reloads to get right... I don't trust Aero-Breakings anymore... even the calculator on the web is full of it and I was pure stock. Oh well. Can't be good at everything =)

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I'd say for myself the closest thing to a weakness is precision landings in an atmosphere with a balistic craft and no mods to help out. I've goten prety good at eyeballing the return to KSC but thats mostly from reppitition and I still tend to have a margian of error of +/- 50km or so. If I've got either wings or fuel to burn I can land right where I want to but otherwise I need to use the trajectories mod or accept the fact that I'll probably over or undershoot by a couple hundred KM if I have to go balistic.

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Launch to rendezvous (and docking as a result) and designing viable planes, both space & terrestrial. That said, I fly FSX so I'm used to planes flying like actual planes (roll affecting heading, yaw induced roll, the ability to sideslip, etc.) something that KSP planes don't do at all.

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Count me in the "Cannot build an airplane / spaceplane if my life depended on it" camp. I can generally fly some of the prebuilt ones just fine, and occasionally I actually manage to land them in one piece, but all of the ones I've ever tried to build from scratch have ended up crashing and burning.

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Figuring out what to build. It's like I know what I want to do, for example, land on the Mun, but once I get to the VAB, I have no clue how I want my spacecraft to work.

See my signature. That mission started, what, 5 months ago? I still have no idea where even to begin building.

Edited by TheTsar52
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  TheTsar52 said:
Figuring out what to build. It's like I know what I want to do, for example, land on the Mun, but once I get to the VAB, I have no clue how I want my spacecraft to work.

See my signature. That mission started, what, 5 months ago? I still have no idea where even to begin building.

1. Pick a capsule

2. Attach what you need for kerbin reentry

3. Add a fuel tank and a LV 909 (is that the name?)

4. Strap on other stuff you want to bring

5. Add a transfer stage big enough

6. Add a booster stage big enough

7. launch

8. have the kerbals dismantle the spacecraft and scatter themselves over a large area

9. fix what went wrong, and repeat from step7. Or restart from 1

TL;DR: Start building the last stage. Everything under that is just tools to get the upper stage where you want it. At least that's how i do it.

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For me, precise landings on atmospheric bodies and interplanetary SSTO's. I can build them, fly them, get them to where they need to go and get them back to Kerbin. But as soon as they hit that warm orange glow of home they start acting like a drunk goose in dryer. It makes me a little less sad if I imagine the hapless Kerbals piloting said ship making angry garbled Donald Duck noises as they spin cycle to their death. Kerbin is green from ashes of thousands of Kerbal spaceplane pilots, not from any plant life (I took care of the plants with my early catastrophic rocket failures, of which many geological features on Kerbin now owe their thanks to).

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I suck at Rendezvous with other crafts (I use MechJeb as a crutch), and advanced docking (but I can use H and N like a pro).

... AND I can't intercept a single smegging asteroid without MechJeb, either (I hate asteroid-based contracts, especially since I have no idea what constitutes a "newly discovered" asteroid.... I'd RATHER get an asteroid I tracked previously).

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Anything, absolutely anything that involves docking. Well, rendezvous? Not that hard, but getting the modules close enough to stick together is my big weakness.

I'm terrible at constructing light rockets too. I fear "What if this runs out of fuel?" "What if there's not enough deltaV?" (3.75 is love, 3.75 is life)

Another thing: Making an SSTO Spaceplane. Seriously, they either just fall back down, run out of fuel, or start spinning themselves to death during reentry.

Oh, and landing. By far. (Not the mod, as in it's much more difficult than other things.) Being the structurally weak builder (Even if my 400 part plane is mostly composed of struts), my aircraft often break up on impact, no matter if your descent rate is so low. Landing always​ means imminent catastrophe.

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