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[1.8] PersistentRotation 1.8.6


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  Skrypter said:
Any way to make this work with MechJeb?

MechJeb abuses time warp to keep a craft on a heading without SAS, but with Persistent Rotation it really throws a wrench into MechJeb's automatic warping and node executions.

You said any way right? Well the only way currently is to control warp yourself and come out of it with enough time for MJ to do what it needs for the burn. I suggest kerbal alarm clock in that case easy auto alarms that kill warp slowly as to not mess up your orbit parameters.

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  Andy81le said:
How exactly does this mod work? I am having the gui, but I have no idea what to activate and what not. Also, can persisent rotation gui be hidden by default?

You don't have to do anything. If you timewarp without SAS your spacecraft will now keep spinning, instead of SQUAD's instant stop.

The GUI is to select what body you want to co-rotate with. So say you're in LKO and you select Kerbin in the GUI. This means that with SAS on, your spacecraft will keep pointing the same way relative to the surface of Kerbin. So if you point your nose towards the ground, half an orbit later it'll still point towards the ground.

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It would be really nice to know your rate of rotation on each axis (and maybe even acceleration). You'd think KER or MJ would give you these numbers but I haven't been able to find them anywhere. Do you think you might be able to simply add them to the PR window for now?

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Great mod! You should probably also change default to be stock toolbar instead of having to choose at first, oh and hide the window first time you start up. As I said, great mod, but the best mods are those that don't clutter the UI on startup. :-)

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  Andy81le said:
Ah, so it is not for craft that are not active?! That would be background processing?! :-)

I don't know that craft will continue to rotate if they are not the active one, but I know if you set rotation on a craft and leave when you come back it will remember the rotation you set and will be spinning as you left it.

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  MarkusA380 said:
You'll get that in the next 48 hours. Promise.

Since you'll be tinkering with the code, can you please check why the GUI keeps showing up on flight start even when I'd hidden it in a previous flight?

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  Svm420 said:
You said any way right? Well the only way currently is to control warp yourself and come out of it with enough time for MJ to do what it needs for the burn. I suggest kerbal alarm clock in that case easy auto alarms that kill warp slowly as to not mess up your orbit parameters.

Yeah that's what I ended up doing. I'm torn, I love PersistentRotation, but I love MechJeb too.

Maybe if there was a way to temporarily disable PersistentRotation (while I'm maneuvering with MechJeb?)

Is this possible?

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0.5.3 released!

GUI persistence and much more! Hope I fixed everything as you requested.

Getting closer to 1.0 release! :D

Edit: Almost forgot: As always, please tell me about your expirience! ;)

Edited by MarkusA380
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  MarkusA380 said:
0.5.3 released!

GUI persistence and much more! Hope I fixed everything as you requested.

Getting closer to 1.0 release! :D

Edit: Almost forgot: As always, please tell me about your expirience! ;)

The new GUI looks great Markus!

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I think the problem is Mechjeb is turning off its sas right before it timewarps, taking advantage the normal rails behavior. I believe this to be true, because manually activating timewarp during a Mechjeb automated maneuver does not create the same drifting (all the time).

Mechjeb needs to be modded to not disable sas in timewarp, or Persistent Rotation needs to be modded to detect Mechjeb (or just menu option), and create a "dead zone" where some small amount of drift in an axis will be considered perfectly zeroed during timewarp.

This might be a good idea anyway, regardless of the Mechjeb oddities.

Edited by bgeery
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I found a bug with v0.5.3: Persistent Rotation is preserving some amount of rotation when choosing "revert to launch." I've removed all other mods and narrowed down that it's definitely this one.

The craft I did my testing with is as listed below: (not a good design, but that's a different issue)

Mk1 Command Pod

FL-T200 Fuel Tank

LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor

TR-18A Stack Decoupler

FL-T800 Fuel Tank (x2)

LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine

To reproduce:

Enable SAS and throttle to full on the launchpad, then stage. Let the craft go straight up without touching any controls. Since the engine has no gimballing the craft will tip over around 330m/s. When the craft hits about a 45 degree angle hit escape and revert to launch. The craft will "jump" a little to the side.

The extent of the bug seems to depend indirectly on how many other mods I have installed. If I have removed everything but Persistent Rotation there is a small "twitch" in the rocket and that's it (the rocket stabilizes), but when I have more mods there is a short loading delay immediately after reverting before physics kicks in and the rocket jumps more. With enough mods installed the rocket is completely knocked over on the launchpad after choosing "revert to launch."

With all my other mods enabled and Persistent Rotation removed there is no "twitch" or "jump" when reverting to launch.

Reverting to the VAB and re-launching does not encounter the issue.

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