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True Konfessions: Is there anything you're hiding in your current save?


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I am planning to make an one way mission to the mun. Lost of crew, science laboratories, solar panels, all the comfort needed for a munar colony, but they are all prisoners sentenced to death so their oxygen supply will run out exactly in a year. They will be ordered to commit suicide by decompression of the base (but I will probalbly send a bomber to destroy it instead).

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My Moho surface base was put there with hax. I grossly miscalculated the delta-v I would need to get to Moho orbit, and I only found out when I was rocketing through it's SOI at 6 km/s. I got grouchy and stopped playing for a while, but then I said to hell with it and turned on infinite fuel. The base landed with no hax required, so that's a thing, I guess. It's just the transfer vehicle that needs work.

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Locomotive KTP 44 Class mark 3

"4404" is actually 4405..

she returned from a rough run with one middle bogey missing and without a coupler..I didnt have KAS installed and the modified rover wheels are very fiddly to install using even the SPH

I couldnt let her be a yard queen..

so I launched another locomotive..

it feels wrong but its all I could do..

still..she had 90km on the clock and lived for 5 days

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Not particularly evil, but I launched a single ship that met the station contract for Kerbin and the Sun, plus a satelite contract for Kerbin, plus the base on wheels contract for Ike.

I just imagine all those different companies popping the champagne corks on the successful mission, then when they go to use the facilities finding it is gone.

Also 1 more thing, Jeb is in Duna orbit, waiting for a return window, but his parachutes need repacking, and he can't do it.

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No, I am not hiding anything. The termination of contracts with Jebediah, Bill and Bob Kerman immediately after my assumption of the position of the manager of the space program was carried out in full accordance of labour laws. The three untrained kerbals that were hired immediately thereafter had already been selected as suitable candidates for the space program. The fact that they asked for a fraction of the salary had nothing to do with it. Again I stress that everything was done in full accordance with labour laws and the original trio was in no way a threat to my utter and complete control over the space program. All these steps were made with legitimate reasons and will stand up to full public scrutiny. There is nothing hidden about this affair, not even the tiniest detail. It was all carried out in full accordance with labour laws.

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The Dirty Rascal 2 tanker aircraft can be a handful but is ultimately safe. "F9" is an unscientific superstition with no basis in fact.

We are a Space Program and we hire astronauts. Applicants for an astronaut job shall not be diverted to ground crew, no sir. Any ground operations are training.

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So a few years back Jeb tried to fly off Minmus with his jetpack. After getting to orbit he insisted that he go all the way back to Kerbin. I may or may not have ordered him to do this due to budget constraints (LKO recovery is cheap). He ended up in a high Kerbin orbit. Unfortunately after the space program accomplished a manned mission to Gilly and back I noticed he had been ejected from the system by the Mun. I promise I'll pick him up when he nears Kerbin again. Promise.

LOL. You should have had him aerobrake into a near-circular orbit.

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Every time i re-enter, regardless of craft - must re-enter as fast as possible. Because it looks good burning up, and secretly wish one of these days some thing comes flying home so fast that... well, it hits the ground. I get a kick when the G meter goes up lmao.

edit: havnt yet lost anything/one to date yet which is good.

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I abused a lucky persistant savepoint to avoid stranding Jeb in Kerbol orbit...

I also used it again to save 25k funds :(

I am playing on a harder mode (custom) and money is tight. I am using remote tech and I lost/had to replace 6 relays due to poor design. Even after stage recovery they still are not cheap!

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In a previous "serious" save, I have hyperedited my kethane rovers onto the mun after 5 botched landings when SAS & RCS refused to work when trying to land. Every time after completing the mun deorbit burn, it caused SAS/RCS to refuse to function. Unobstructed thrusters, plenty of electric charge, plenty of rcs fuel (and reserves) and RCS/SAS worked great up until that point. It must have been a bug or something after a certain point. This was my most massive launch and my highest serious part count ever so its not like it was a short routine launch and I got sick of wasting my time.

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