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Eve Transit


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Would it be possible to observe a transit of Eve in ksp? Of course I can understand that due to game limitations it won't be quite obvious, but if one blocked the edge of kerbol through the edge of screen, I would think one could see a dot.

If so it would happen more often than venus because of a lesser inclination, and I would like to observe it

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Maybe. I know there are a lot of visual mods that improve things. Sadly I do not know the name of any, but i know for a fact that one enhances and improves how objects, planets included, appear from far away.

I haven't heard of one, but it sounds like one of this things that just has to exist: A telescope/observatory mod.

Combine the two above, and you should be able to.

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  • 1 year later...

Transits are not rare. After installing Distant Object Enhancement, it seems that every time I look at the sun* one planet or another is in front of it. However, I'm surprised you can see this in stock. I never noticed it before for sure.

*At least, every time I noticed it there was! Observer bias FTW.

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