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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]


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15 hours ago, mcortez said:

I got the investor tour contract this evening and I was pretty excited to try and start the casino construction contract.  But I also ran into problems with getting the investor to be recognized as part of the crew.  Dropped in here and saw the development DLL, so I saved and exited KSP - put the DLL in place and restarted the game.  It would now recognize the investor as crew, but I never got the waypoints and driving to the specified locations didn't work either.

So I went back to the Space Center and blammo -- the investor and my pilot both disappeared from my tour car :(

I ended up using Alt-F12 to complete the contract, but I wasn't offered any construction contracts.  I went ahead and deleted the completed contract out of my persistent save in hopes of being offered the contract again in the future.

Hm, I was able to complete this one using a blinged out (I put expensive stuff on it) rover worth over a million funds and used an external command chair to seat the investor kerbal (the casino one). However, while it said to look in mission control for the construction contract, I haven't seen it yet. I wonder if seating the investor kerbal in a command chair broke it somehow.

@nightingale Do you know when I should be seeing the construction contract? I haven't seen it yet.

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Well, atm, theres one three star contract that is active (scientific survey of a class D asteroid) and theres two 'three star' contracts currently available (plus a bunch of two and one star contracts), one for exploration of Eve (non-expiring) and one for an orbital station around minmus.

Edit: Got it after declining a bunch of three star contracts.

Edited by smjjames
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2 hours ago, smjjames said:

Hm, I was able to complete this one using a blinged out (I put expensive stuff on it) rover worth over a million funds and used an external command chair to seat the investor kerbal (the casino one). 

Could be another mod interferring, or just KSP being weird - wouldn't be the first time.

I don't suppose anyone has the appropriate completed contract snippet I can drop into my persistent save so I can trigger the construction contract?


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Just thought of a contract idea, if there isn't already one for it -- a Space Camp -- not sure how exactly to pull this off, but it would be cool to have a contract where you have to cart up a good number of tourists to the space camp, and then at the end of 30 days -- you actually get a new crew member out of it.  

Was looking at the Civilian Population mod, which has the ability to force feed civilians Sci-Fi movies (or something similiar) and you get recruit-able crew out of it.

Edit: Possibly use USI's Academy Module as part of the contract... 

Edited by mcortez
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@nightingale Uh, I picked up a contract to have tourists visit an asteroid, but the contract seems to have insta-failed for some reason. I cheated the lost rep back in though since it failed before I even launched.

I see in the output log something about facility not being met, which caused it to auto-fail.

[INFO] ContractConfigurator.FacilityRequirement: Contract Tourism_Asteroid: requirement Facility was not met.

Seems to have happened either when I left the mission control window or went into the tracking station window.

Edited by smjjames
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On 30/12/2015 at 4:38 PM, mcortez said:

Just thought of a contract idea, if there isn't already one for it -- a Space Camp -- not sure how exactly to pull this off, but it would be cool to have a contract where you have to cart up a good number of tourists to the space camp, and then at the end of 30 days -- you actually get a new crew member out of it.  

Was looking at the Civilian Population mod, which has the ability to force feed civilians Sci-Fi movies (or something similiar) and you get recruit-able crew out of it.

Edit: Possibly use USI's Academy Module as part of the contract... 

Cool idea, raised #18 - although it may be a very long time before I get to it.

7 hours ago, smjjames said:

@nightingale Uh, I picked up a contract to have tourists visit an asteroid, but the contract seems to have insta-failed for some reason. I cheated the lost rep back in though since it failed before I even launched.

I see in the output log something about facility not being met, which caused it to auto-fail.

[INFO] ContractConfigurator.FacilityRequirement: Contract Tourism_Asteroid: requirement Facility was not met.

Seems to have happened either when I left the mission control window or went into the tracking station window.

Known issue (#409).  I'm going to try to get that one in for Contract Configurator 1.9.2

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I'm not sure if it is related to this contract pack or something else, but I encountered strange bug. I have reached orbit in small rocket with Bill on board. I gone to EVA, to get report in space, to get some science. After returning Bill to craft, he was turned into tourist. I no longer can control rocket since there is no control probes on craft, only Bill is on board.

Here is output log from session. I got a bunch of mods installed, list of all installed mods can be found in thread linked in my signature.
Here is picture describing issue.


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5 hours ago, kcs123 said:

I'm not sure if it is related to this contract pack or something else, but I encountered strange bug. I have reached orbit in small rocket with Bill on board. I gone to EVA, to get report in space, to get some science. After returning Bill to craft, he was turned into tourist. I no longer can control rocket since there is no control probes on craft, only Bill is on board.


Probably USI-LS is causing this?

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12 minutes ago, WuphonsReach said:

Probably USI-LS is causing this?

I have USI-LS installed, but don't have any of USI parts on that craft. Haven't expirienced that kind of behaviour before.
Anyway, I have loaded backed up saved game and repeated whole flight without issue.

What makes you think that USI-LS mod is to blame for this ? Have someone reported/expirienced this elsewhere ?

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10 hours ago, nightingale said:

Cool idea, raised #18 - although it may be a very long time before I get to it.

Known issue (#409).  I'm going to try to get that one in for Contract Configurator 1.9.2

Good to know it's a known bug and looks like it's fixed now for 1.9.2.

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@kcs123 - definitely looks like USI-LS, I'd post the log and this exception over there:

InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.VesselSupplyStatus].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.VesselSupplyStatus].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.CleanupEmptyVessels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

USI-LS turns crew into tourists when they run out of food - that why it fits the issue you're having.

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Thanks, probably it can be avoided with enough supplies, although this is early in career where supplies were not researched yet.
Flight was supoused to be one maned orbit and re-entry to KSP without need for supply for that short period of time.

Anyway, good to know what I need to pay attention for, to avoid it. Thanks for forwarding to USI-LS thread.

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10 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

Thanks, probably it can be avoided with enough supplies, although this is early in career where supplies were not researched yet.
Flight was supoused to be one maned orbit and re-entry to KSP without need for supply for that short period of time.

Anyway, good to know what I need to pay attention for, to avoid it. Thanks for forwarding to USI-LS thread.

I didn't post anything to USI-LS, was suggesting that you do that. It doesn't look like a supply issue, but a bug. 

Edited by nightingale
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6 minutes ago, nightingale said:

I didn't post anything to USI-LS, was suggesting that you do that. It doesn't look like a supply issue, but a bug. 

Just did, thanks again for pointing in right direction.

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40 minutes ago, smjjames said:

@nightingale Could you add support for the Surface Mounted Lights mod? Because those use the 'surface light' module rather than the 'light' module and I'd like to have those count for the Space Casino.

Sure, do you mind raising a GitHub request for me?  Or if you're really feeling up for it, you can always put a Module Manager patch together for me and submit a pull request. ;)

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23 hours ago, nightingale said:

Sure, do you mind raising a GitHub request for me?  Or if you're really feeling up for it, you can always put a Module Manager patch together for me and submit a pull request. ;)

Sure. I have an idea that I'm going to try first though.

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Just mentioning that I've been getting 'take tourists to visit asteroid' contracts before I even do the starter contract. No idea if strategia has anything to do with it, probably not.

edit: Okay, something wierd happened after I went back to main menu briefly so that I could transfer a craft file to the save I was using, see my post on the CC thread.

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19 minutes ago, smjjames said:


Just mentioning that I've been getting 'take tourists to visit asteroid' contracts before I even do the starter contract. No idea if strategia has anything to do with it, probably not.

edit: Okay, something wierd happened after I went back to main menu briefly so that I could transfer a craft file to the save I was using, see my post on the CC thread.

1.9.3 had a major issue that affected tourism - retry it with and let me know if you're still having issues.  I took a look at the asteroid contract, and the checks for it seemed correct at a glance.

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*I don't know if that @member tag function still pings if I just edit a post or it needs to be a new one*

  @nightingale Still getting 'take tourist to asteroid' contracts before completing the 'kick off space tourism' contract. It's possible that it's a problem with Strategia since it started after I put that in gamedata.

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10 minutes ago, smjjames said:

*I don't know if that @member tag function still pings if I just edit a post or it needs to be a new one*

No idea (my guess is yes), but if you edit the last post in a thread it'll show the thread as unread to people following it (and I follow all my own threads).

10 minutes ago, smjjames said:

@nightingale Still getting 'take tourist to asteroid' contracts before completing the 'kick off space tourism' contract. It's possible that it's a problem with Strategia since it started after I put that in gamedata.

Tourism will get a quick update in the next week or two, so I'll pick this up then - raised [#20].  Really shouldn't be Strategia related, but anything's possible.

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