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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]


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If the full contract terms have been completed the tourists are meant to be removed. Sounds like either you missed a step or have stumbled into a bug.

Non hacky workaround is to take them back to the hotel then accept the return to kerbin contract.  That should remove them.

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  On 4/20/2019 at 8:49 AM, Friznit said:

If the full contract terms have been completed the tourists are meant to be removed. Sounds like either you missed a step or have stumbled into a bug. 

Non hacky workaround is to take them back to the hotel then accept the return to kerbin contract.  That should remove them.


Full contract completed, so yeah this looks like a bug.

Thanks, I'll try that

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  • 2 weeks later...

On completing a Casino, I found that one of the parameters, specifically the ability to house 100 kerbals, had "Failed". I believe the contract got confused because of the failure of a previous mission and had set the flag to "Failed" instead of letting it remain as "Incomplete". But once it was failed, tyhere seemed to be no way to complete it and so I went into the cheat menu and declared the contract complete.

Except that it seems that, in doing it that way, some other flag didn't get set so that Contract Configurator doesn't know that the Casino is complete and is not generating tourism contracts to go to the Casino.

I'm still sifting through the SFC and CFG files looking for the flag that I need to change but if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


Edited by CaptKordite
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  On 4/29/2019 at 12:38 PM, Friznit said:

remove & reset the Casino contract then retake it.


I deleted the contract, accepted the contract for an investor tour, drove the investor around and completed that contract, then the Build a Casino contract showed up. I switched to the already completed casino and that completed the contract. Then back to Mission Control to see that, yes, there is now a contract to take tourists to the casino.

Not sure why I didn't think of that but thanks, that was absolutely the correct answer.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Without digging through all 25 pages of this thread, I'm having a slight issue with the Investor tour contract. I accepted it and did the guy for the casino for more challenge. That then gave me the casino contract, but another Investor tour contract popped up with two different Kerbals. So naturally I accepted it a second time and did the guy for the hotel, thinking I could do both, but when I went to pick him up after accepting, my vehicles start position on launch seemed to be inside the planet Kerbin. Kind of weird. I loaded a previous save and now I just have the valid casino contract, but I still have the second Investor tour waiting in mission control. Should this investor tour contract only persist until it is completed one time or is it supposed to be available a second time to be able to build both the casino and the hotel? Not sure what is going on.



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  • 1 month later...

I had a bit of a nightmare with the Casino contract - it would not recognize any of the parts matched the contract


Undocking, and re-docking the main accomodation module (5x inflatable units at the far end) suddenly fixed most problems, but it still could not "see" the centrifuge at the near end.

I tried undocking and re-docking it, but could not control it ! - so gave it a viking funeral, and replaced with a simple 10 bed unit to get 100 bed total

now have a working Casino :D I just have to remember to leave the keybaod alone after entering Physics range for 15 seconds while it loads up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/21/2019 at 11:53 AM, BTAxis said:

I accepted a mission to ferry a tourist to a station (as well as crew said station), but the mission broke and I don't know why:


It says "no vessel currently matching parameters", but the station matches the parameters.


I can't see the tourist in the picture, but I'll assume he's there.  Can you submit a KSP.log file?

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The tourist is still enroute in that picture (in a ship named "KSS Shuttle"). However, putting them onboard does not make a difference.

I've created a KSP.log by deleting the old one, starting up the game fresh, loading up the save with the task in the state as shown in my post above, then exiting the game again. I hope that is good enough. For good measure I have also added the save file itself, as well as my .ckan file for the mods I used in that save (I use no non-CKAN mods at this time).

Here's the files:


I ultimately resolved the situation by aborting those tasks. I could re-take the station crew one immediately so I was able to complete that, but the tourist got a free ride. I've not seen another similar situation to this.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/21/2019 at 11:53 AM, BTAxis said:

I accepted a mission to ferry a tourist to a station (as well as crew said station), but the mission broke and I don't know why:


It says "no vessel currently matching parameters", but the station matches the parameters.


I have a similar task and it says "no vessel currently matching parameters", but my rocket is fine, I have a capsule for me and the "onion" for my passenger. It even puts him in the onion at the launch site too. It stays blue no matter what. I am using 1.8.1 and have had no problems with other career tasks but with this tourism plus it is my 1st time with any tourism at all.

The info just like @BTAxis has in his picture is the same as mine. What does that mean tho? What is the parameter of the vessel expecting? Is it a type of capsule, multiple seats? I dont know.

Edited by Saturn5tony
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@serjames Do you have Surface Mounted Lights installed? "Recent" versions of that mod change the module used by stock illuminators and its own lights which can make completing the casino contract as it stands much harder since few other parts match the ModuleLight requirement.

Since you've already accepted the contract patching it likely wouldn't work as I think its terms are cached inside the save file after acceptance.

Probably your simplest fix is just to attach the required number of lights to your casino and then use the debug menu (ALT-F12) to force the contract to complete.

Alternatively you could try this untested patch to temporarily revert the lights to using the stock module until you've finished the contract then remove it to get their full behaviour back:

  Reveal hidden contents


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No I don't have that mod and can't see it on CKAN either. Is there a standard Squad (vanilla) Light I can simply use ?



Actually according to the mission brief, it seems I have SOME lights already on the station, just not 24.

Am I miss-understanding the requirement? Is "module = Light" mean that it's a component with Lights... e.g. a capsule or docking port ? Sorry I know it's probably a dumb question

Edited by serjames
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@serjames The stock lights would be the two spotlights ("Illuminator Mk1" and "Illuminator Mk2") from the utility category.

The way the contract is written it is looking for any part with a Module containing the "ModuleLight" module. Which parts those are will depend on the mods you have installed. You can find which parts in your copy have the module by searching for "name = ModuleLight" (without the quote marks) inside your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file.

  Reveal hidden contents


It will generally be spotlights or headlights that are meant to shine light onto other parts. Cabin lights generally are not included (although some mods like MKS have glowing parts that light up their surroundings).

For example in my own game I found that it was also present on:

  • Bluedog Design Bureau: Apollo EVA Floodlight; Apollo Docking Floodlight
  • Contares: LCD CUBE
  • LeTech: LL-7M Lithobraker Landing Leg; LL-4M Lithobraker Landing Leg
  • Near Future Spacecraft: Mk3B 'Pandora' Advanced Command Pod
  • Squad: Illuminator Mk1; Illuminator Mk2; LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear; LY-60 Large Landing Gear; LY-35 Medium Landing Gear; LY-10 Small Landing Gear
  • USI: Akita Core; AES Pod; HERP Pod; PackRat Rover - Front Section; Safety Light; Karibou Crew Cab; Karibou Passenger Cabin; Karibou Expedition Rover; Deployable Emergency Shelter; 'Sunflower' Portable Light Kit; UKS Orbital Shipyard; MKS Kerbitrail(tm) FlexOTube; MKS 'Ranger' Anchor Hub; MKS 'Ranger' Habitation Module; MKS 'Ranger' Inflatable Storage Module; MKS 'Ranger' Mini-Habitation Module; MKS 'Ranger' Inflatable Workshop; MKS 'Tundra' Mobile Workshop; 'Otter' Submersible Pod
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PS: you can also find lights in the editor by looking for the "Light" module in the expanded RHS of the part description window:


NOTE there may be some parts (although I don't know of any off-hand) that have a "Light" section but are actually using a different module that just displays the same name so this is less reliable than checking the ModuleManager.ConfigCache

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