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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]


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1.2.2:  The investor tour contract is repeatable, but attempting to repeat it for the other side wigs the game out.  I've seen a variety of results like being thrown backwards in time, having the camera twisted sideways and locked into that position and a few other bits of squirrelyness.  All have required exiting the game to recover.

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  On 12/12/2016 at 4:02 AM, Loren Pechtel said:

1.2.2:  The investor tour contract is repeatable, but attempting to repeat it for the other side wigs the game out.  I've seen a variety of results like being thrown backwards in time, having the camera twisted sideways and locked into that position and a few other bits of squirrelyness.  All have required exiting the game to recover.


I'd need to see a log file to know what's going on here.

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Hi! I've really been enjoying this mod!

I've run into what I think is a bug today, however; I can't seem to complete one of the Hotel contracts. It doesn't like the number of Data Transmitters I have, probably because I also have RemoteTech installed.

My Mods: ContractConfigurator, Kerbal Attachment System, ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch, ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat, StageRecovery, WaypointManager, ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation, ContractConfigurator-Tourism, SCANsat, EditorExtensionsRedux, ContractConfigurator-CleverSats, PlanetShine, PlanetShine-Config-Default, EasyVesselSwitch, Kerbal Inventory System, RemoteTech, ModuleManager, ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech, CommunityCategoryKit

Plus, MecJeb.

There's easily 28-30 antennas on this thing, largely because I started putting multiples of 4 of anything i could squeeze on to try to complete the "At least 4" objective. I presume I'm not doing something wrong, and there's a bug here?

- qz



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/9/2016 at 1:14 PM, nightingale said:

KSP.log please!


I am having a very similar problem.  For the investor contract, as soon as I pick up the kerbal, ALL my contracts reset like they have never been done before.  Contracts like launch the Kerbin Space Station, escape the atmosphere, etc all reappear despite being previously completed.

This actually happened the first time I tried this mod months and months ago.  I've yet to get past this investor mission.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having problems with a tourist contract not completing.

I have 4 that want a flyby of Minmus below 30,000m.

[] Do a flyby of Minmus

  * Crew: At least 1 pilot

  * Passengers: 4

  * Vessel State: Destination: Minmus; Altitude: Below 30,000m

[] Recover Kerbals

Note how all the conditions of the first part are checked off but the whole first part isn't.

The previous time I accepted an identical contract it didn't complete but I didn't notice it until I was prepping this bird and saw the old tourists in the roster.  I Alt-F12ed the first one, the contract was offered again, I took them along again and watched more carefully.

Is the problem due to the fact I did other things on the same mission?  In addition to the tourists this rocket picked up 5 stranded Kerbals and two that I had previously landed on Minmus with only their jetpacks as a return stage.


Update:  This applies only to the contract to take 4 kerbals.  After forcing the failed one again this time I was offered to take 3 and a separate contract to take one into Kerbin orbit--both completed as expected.  Another 3, completed as expected.  The rocket was slightly tweaked but the same basic design.

Edited by Loren Pechtel
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Hello there. First of all, I want to thank @nightingale for your awesome work and this contract mods!

I think I've run into a little bug with space camp mission.

14 tourists seem to be duplicated. I started a vessel, pressed 'Load passengers' for 14 tourists and went to my orbital station with them. And now I see the same 14 tourists also are available in KSC.

Unfortunately, I don't have logs for the very moment of starting the mission, it have been a while since I did that. Attaching current KSP.log, maybe it helps.


UPD: And progress seem to reset every time I've got into VAB. The main section isn't marked as complete and timer resets every time.


Edited by Ignalion
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Version 1.2.2...  Ran into a very strange bug with the investor mission, and this is the first time I've played with your pack at all so I don't know if it's new, or just me.  Looks fun though.

Built out a quickie rover/hitchhiker, and went to go pick them up.  When I switched characters, it switched to one of the investors who was floating ~135m altitude who survived landing, but the game then froze to white screen.  No error log generated, I had to crash it from Windows directly.

Rebooted the game, reunhooked the rover, switched characters (wrong direction again), and this time he landed and froze me again.  It's very weird.  What can I provide to help the debug, besides the persistence file, which you'll find in my dropbox below?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vm5k7p24uih9fk/Science Boom R%26D.zip?dl=0

EDIT: Does anyone know a way to pull these guys out if I can't stop the bug?  It's pretty much hosed up my KSC.

Edited by WanderingKid
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Tried doing the Kick Off Space Tourism contract, and it refuses to realize that my periapsis above 75,000m, or even that I'm in orbit... Don't know what to do.


EDIT: Well nevermind then... seems doing a quick save and reload fixed it... 

Edited by Budz42
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i had something that sounds similar.

my rocket was landed until i staged in orbit.
it was jittery all the way up, like a rover.

its a pity SURF is not open in engineer, we cold have seen if this is the problem

probably not.
wen i tried to save i got a message i cant save wily moving over the surface.

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Seems I'm not the only one with problems with the Investor tour mission. It broke my game. And I mean game, not the save.

Here is what happens:

I take the investor tour contract, and go to the KSC view (where I can select which building to enter). There are two kerbals, who have spawned below the surface. I choose the one with the casino contract and suddenly he is a few hundred meters above the surface (I didn't check the altimeter). He drops down and survives. I have the contracts+ mod installed, and it tells me the only thing left to see from his list is the tracking station. I walk maybe 50 meters and the mission is complete (I can't even see the tracking station from there). I go back to the KSC view and try to launch an unrelated ship. The camera is stuck on an awkward position on it's side, the staging of the craft is all messed up (everything in the same stage) and I can turn on sas but I can't throttle or launch. The same thing goes on if I go to an other vessel already in flight. The same thing goes on if I start a new career game.

After completing the contract I have both the casino and the investor tour contracts available to me. I don't know if it is your intention to let people build multiple casinoes?

Closing KSP and starting it up again fixes the issue. 

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Flyby of the two closest moons (Ceti and Iota) with four tourists: reward 550k

Build a space casino: reward 765k 

I think the casino should give more money and the flyby less. 


I also have the fly by all of the gas giant's moons mission before visiting any other planet or researching mainsail or the orange fuel tank. Seems like quite a challenge at this point… atleast I'll get a good amount of money from that: 3,740k

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@nightingale , through vigorous testing, I have determined that Tourism Plus pack creates massive slowdowns in KSC view every 10-15 seconds. I was testing some other mod, adding mods one by one, and then I saw that adding Tourism Plus creates these slowdowns. I checked 4 times already, and I am 100% sure. Any idea why this happens? Could it be that TP is trying to populate the contracts list or something every 10-15 seconds?

P.S. by slowdowns, I do not mean GC lag spikes - but slowdowns that take 2-3 seconds, and bring fps down to around 5.

Edited by aluc24
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  On 2/9/2017 at 10:40 PM, eberkain said:

I think that is just Kerbal, check out the MemGraph mod, it really does help with it some.  



I'm already using the MemGraph. This is definitely not garbage collection lag spike issue. As I said, every 10-15 seconds, in KSC overview, game slow downs to 5 fps for 2-3 seconds. Only in KSC - not in flights. It happens with Tourism Plus installed, doesn't happen without it. I tested it extensively, and I'm dead sure this is something that TP causes, though I have no idea why.

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  On 2/9/2017 at 11:15 PM, eberkain said:

My bad, I misread your first comment. 


EDIT:  How did you monitor the slowdown, I might could confirm because I'm using it too and have a quite extensive mod list. 


Well, I'm just using FRAPS to monitor fps. I load a save, and then just rotate the view in KSC randomly with my mouse to see if game is running smoothly, or if there are any lag spikes or anything. Every 10-15 seconds, it gets really, really slow, FRAPS show 5-7 fps, and then it goes back to 50-60 fps and smooth movement. I do this for a minute or so to be sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you please remove the pilot count 1 crew requirement from your contracts or at least set it as a bonus objective so that the contract can still be completed without it? This prevents completion of most of your contract packs when using remote piloted craft and takes up a un-needed crew capacity slot especially when using mods such as mechjeb that allow ships to perform much more precise maneuvers than a kerbal pilot.

Edited by Mikeloeven
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I keep running into a problem with the investor tour contract as well. It's just that I tend to take out a rover and then approach one of the investors (who usually "spawns" at some height above the ground when I get to within ~150-200m and drops, but survives), but the moment I "vessel-switch" to him, the contract gets completed (since all waypoints are close by I guess), and then I can't recover the rover since the investor didn'T have a chance to "despawn" since the moment the contract was completed, he was the 'active vessel' and not inside the rover.

Only way I've found so far to work around that is to park the rover close to the eastern corner (in view of the investor I picked) of the mission control building, that way I usually have to actually drive a short distance for the waypoint check to kick in, so I can actually get the kerbal into the rover before the contract completes.

(so, no need to find a fix for me, I can work around it, I just figured my 'case' might be of some small help to narrow the problem down :)

Edited by Phelan
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