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Fastest small step for a Kerbal

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Gentlemen, before this gets any sillier on what is usually a civilized board, can I point out what I said about the submission:

"You, my friend, are a steely-eyed missile man!...To the top of the Duna board for you".

Not one word of criticism or suggestion that the submission was any better or worse for using ion engines. As I hope you can tell by my enthusiastic response, I was impressed by the craft and the flying.

Any other comments were made in jest and if they annoy you then there are many other fine threads out there worthy of your attention that I'm sure you will enjoy more.

Oh, and to show I have nothing against anyone's favorite engine, here is a combined rocket, nuclear and ion ship I currently have in flight...


Good luck with your mission, I always enjoy competition. My mission was far from perfect, so the time can still be improved by a lot.

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Those speedruns are quiet amazing. Not even gonna try to beat the one-week-to-duna. What about the moon? The closest celestial body to Kerbin - did anyone tried that? From the first attempt I made it for 00:58:42 to surface, and ~00:59:20 to plant the flag.

It wasn't something special, so I assume someone can easily make it for like 30 minutes.

(If someone would think that it's too fast - I have the whole mission on screenshots)


Edited by TC One
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Some old video of mine, getting to the Mun in 27:52, but it doesn't comply with the rules of this challenge since I've used a chair, instead of a cockpit.

Anyway, that design is pretty bad, I can greatly improve it.
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Those speedruns are quiet amazing. Not even gonna try to beat the one-week-to-duna. What about the moon? The closest celestial body to Kerbin - did anyone tried that? From the first attempt I made it for 00:58:42 to surface, and ~00:59:20 to plant the flag.

It wasn't something special, so I assume someone can easily make it for like 30 minutes.

(If someone would think that it's too fast - I have the whole mission on screenshots)

That sounds quite do-able. Its, what, 10 mins to orbit, bit of transfer time and then a rush down to the surface. A couple more pics would be nice though. I'll create a moons section.
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All the screenshots with comments are assembled into album. (Not sure how to paste an album here)

Actually I made it with the second try, cause at the first time I was unable to brake to speed at Mun SOI. Anyway - the whole mission at the album is a single run, without save/load.

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Just done the Mun in 46:53 to landing and another 17 seconds to flag planting. Total time: 47:10

Had to land it on MechJeb cuz I ain't that good. With more fuel I'm sure I can do it quicker. Or maybe with more efficiency because a direct ascent at full throttle isn't the best way to spend fuel on this trip. So let's try that again, but limited to terminal velocity on the ascent. So I tried that while I was uploading images and feel short by 10 minutes... Probably just need MOAR boosters.

For now though:

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- - - Updated - - -

All the screenshots with comments are assembled into album. (Not sure how to paste an album here)

Actually I made it with the second try, cause at the first time I was unable to brake to speed at Mun SOI. Anyway - the whole mission at the album is a single run, without save/load.

Imgur album link

Type [ imgur ] your albumnumber here without the #0 at the end [ /imgur ] Without the obvious spaces.

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Well, as its Mun Day, I went somewhere that looks a lot like the Mun...Dres...by nuclear power.

171d, 01:28:02.

Until I tried this challenge I hadn't realised how hard it is to do something other than Hohmann transfers. You get lazy with those, where you take years to get somewhere and then drift into a capture and spend a few dV for an orbit.





Is it me or does Elbart Kerman have a really evil grin here? Maybe its all the rads he's soaked up on this trip.

- - - Updated - - -

PS - Don't leave Moho for me - I hate that spaceship graveyard!

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Made it! I think I might be able to shave off a few days from this attempt, I saved about 1000 dV to brake in Duna's atmosphere and I don't think I needed all of it.

To Duna surface in 34d, 4:46:12, conventional rocketry. Method: aim at the red dot.

Nice one, Kuzzter. Not quite to the top of the board but a very respectable time.

I don't think you really need to save any dV for braking in the atmos. However quickly you come in, you'll be able to land on just a couple of 'chutes.

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Are Claw's stock bug fixes allowed? And what about Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? No worries if they're not, but I'd prefer to keep my part count lower, if allowed.
No problem with Claw's fixes. I think I'll say no to KJR, just to keep the playing field as level as possible.
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WHOOO! Looks like Mr. John FX was correct. 14days 5:47:48 to Eve! Made some modifications to the ship used in the Duna attempt (two LV-909 interplanetary stages instead of one Poodle and one monopropoellant). May have to try that config on Duna as well.

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Got very lucky in choice of a landing spot, I could not see a thing through the EVE-rendered clouds of Eve and was really worried I'd hit the Explodium Sea and, well, explode. Nice and level, will have to remember where that is for my Career game.

ETA: And imagine my time if I'd remembered to drain the monopropellant out of the capsule!

Edited by Mister Dilsby
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WHOOO! Looks like Mr. John FX was correct. 14days 5:47:48 to Eve! Made some modifications to the ship used in the Duna attempt (two LV-909 interplanetary stages instead of one Poodle and one monopropoellant). May have to try that config on Duna as well.

Got very lucky in choice of a landing spot, I could not see a thing through the EVE-rendered clouds of Eve and was really worried I'd hit the Explodium Sea and, well, explode. Nice and level, will have to remember where that is for my Career game.

ETA: And imagine my time if I'd remembered to drain the monopropellant out of the capsule!

Nice one, Kuzzter. To the top of the Eve board you go!

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Suppose I ought to keep things going and have a try for Eve: 9d, 04:02:29.

Over four hours of continuous nuclear burn. Poor old Jeb said his pee glows in the dark now! He came down to Eve at stupid-miles-per-hour, that would have torn the ship to shreds under any kind of realistic re-entry model.

Jeb said from Eve via radio communication, "Everything is A-OK". Mrs Kerman later said, "I am happy, proud and thrilled".





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Hey OP, I thought nukes were for pussies! :P but nice run :D
Didn't say I aint a pussie myself :wink:

I couldn't get the dV any other way - except using ions and I rule them out because of the burn time, which is ridiculous.

I've been throwing more or less the same ship about for the last couple of planets. I might make something with stupid dV like 40K and try for a REALLY quick time to Eve like 5 days.

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Umm, not sure I want to spend the next 26 hours real time on KSP (whoops, forgot KSP days are just 6 hours, so only 8 hours real time needed for this burn):


I've bitten the bullet and decided to use the Time Control mod. This doesn't alter the physics or get you there any quicker by the clock, it just speeds up real time. So hopefully no one will mind.

Eve landing in 6d, 04:29:14.

New ship:


Still room for improvement as this isn't the fastest crossing that could be made...


Coming in a tad warmish with 56 dV left!!!...


But Jeb does it again...



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