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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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Minor update:

Kerbin Space Station 2.2 Released

  • Evacuation Missions changed. Will now require you to land the crew of the Space Station on the body it is orbiting.
  • If the Crew are not recovered after an evacuation - a special mission will generate to return them to a space station. (Please note - due to the way this is checked - it may not necessarily be the one they came from, if you have more than one station).
  • The Core Mission will now actually require 4 kerbals - as apparently I forgot to add this in 2.1 despite adding it to the changelog.

No update for USS as these features are already in, and the bug doesn't affect USS.

Edit: change of plan. Apparently CKAN won't update without a new version, so:

Useful Space Stations 1.0.1 released!

Totally useless update.

Purely for CKAN's benefit - if you don't use CKAN please ignore.

Edited by severedsolo
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Is this mod work fine with the new RSS? I dont know if the planet‘s name had been changed and this will still work fine……

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Is this mod work fine with the new RSS? I dont know if the planet‘s name had been changed and this will still work fine……

RSS is supported under Useful Space Stations.

The nature of Kerbin space station means that it probably won't work properly

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This is an absolutely fantastic mod. I have launched stations to Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. As soon as I got them up there power units started failing and I had to rescue Kerbals at a great rate of knots to ensure we had the right skills in each.

I now ensure that there is a scientist, pilot and engineer on each on permanent rotation.

Under contract the Minmus station was upgraded with 2 of Cx Aerospace's wonderful sleeping habitats.


This evening Aszie Kerman had to be emergency evacuated from the Mun Orbital Outpost. Little did I know would provide an artistic shot of the ERV, Station, Mun, Kerbin and Kerbol -- as below.


When I received KSP 1.0 I guessed I would be setting up mining with no real idea what to do next. Thank you Serverdsolo your mod makes stations realistic and enjoyable.


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Not sure if this contract pack caused it, but I all of my contract data became corrupt after launching the Kerbin Space Station into orbit using the Kerbin Space Station contract pack.

I don't have a log, because I stupidly thought, "let me try to reload the game and see if that fixes it" which did not help.

I do have a before (about 2 hours before) and after save, as well as a copy of the craft file I used, however I did a lot of missions between the before and after save. My game is also heavily modified. A note, I have used debug to complete a couple contracts that were glitched, such as not detecting antenna from remotetech, but for different contract packs

Before bug save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoajFXVkgtWVVOT1E/view?usp=sharing

After bug save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoT3RJaGI2WkNYZnc/view?usp=sharing

KSS Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoaFpnYmxLV2xHWW8/view?usp=sharing

Edited by ExEvolution
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Fairly certain this is linked to the Asteroid Day mod, as per AlphaAshs comments in the Contract Configurator thread. Definitely not going to be me, at best it will be CC causing the issue (and nightingale will probably need logs).

As an aside, my PSU has unfortunately taken a nose dive as of yesterday, so development will be severely hampered until I can get this fixed,

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Not sure if this contract pack caused it, but I all of my contract data became corrupt after launching the Kerbin Space Station into orbit using the Kerbin Space Station contract pack.

I don't have a log, because I stupidly thought, "let me try to reload the game and see if that fixes it" which did not help.

I do have a before (about 2 hours before) and after save, as well as a copy of the craft file I used, however I did a lot of missions between the before and after save. My game is also heavily modified. A note, I have used debug to complete a couple contracts that were glitched, such as not detecting antenna from remotetech, but for different contract packs

Before bug save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoajFXVkgtWVVOT1E/view?usp=sharing

After bug save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoT3RJaGI2WkNYZnc/view?usp=sharing

KSS Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoaFpnYmxLV2xHWW8/view?usp=sharing

Fairly certain this is linked to the Asteroid Day mod, as per AlphaAshs comments in the Contract Configurator thread. Definitely not going to be me, at best it will be CC causing the issue (and nightingale will probably need logs).

As an aside, my PSU has unfortunately taken a nose dive as of yesterday, so development will be severely hampered until I can get this fixed,

I don't have the Asteroid Day mod installed

I think I noticed this a couple days ago too, where everything under the contracts just disappeared (but it was still in memory and later saved properly). I have no idea what this is about, but I'll keep an eye on it. In the meantime, if you're able to provide a log from when it occurs, that's the best bet for getting this fixed....

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There's really nothing in the Asteroid Day mod that would affect any other contracts. It adds a new definition for the system to choose from, and that's all. It does not affect the system itself, or any serialization processes, at all. The sudden disappearance of the ConfigNodes is causing the contracts to disappear, according to the log. I'm attempting to narrow down what might be causing this, but getting complete mod lists from people experiencing the issue would help a great deal. So far the only common thread I've found among the few reports I have is KAC, but everybody uses KAC. :P

Edited by Arsonide
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There's really nothing in the Asteroid Day mod that would affect any other contracts. It adds a new definition for the system to choose from, and that's all. It does not affect the system itself, or any serialization processes, at all. The sudden disappearance of the ConfigNodes is causing the contracts to disappear, according to the log. I'm attempting to narrow down what might be causing this, but getting complete mod lists from people experiencing the issue would help a great deal. So far the only common thread I've found among the few reports I have is KAC, but everybody uses KAC. :P

I had read the debug screen but I couldn't remember what the exception was saying and since I lost the log by relaunching the game, I couldn't verify. Now that you said it here, it was definitely something about the confignodes. I would definitely love to see this bug fixed, I lost a lot of progress on the contracts, I had one that required a satellite to be running for 280 days that was lost.

As for the list of mods I was using, here it is in all its glory, minus the version numbers (they are all up to date as of yesterday)

Alternate Resource Panel
Better Buoyancy
Civilian Population
Coherent Contracts
Community Resource Pack
Community Tech Tree
Connected Living Space
Contract Configurator
Contract Configurator Base Construction
Contract Configurator Contract Pack SCANsat
Contract Configurator Contract Pack RemoteTech
Contract Configurator Contract Pack Tourism
Contract Configurator Contract Pack Kerbin Space Station
Contract Windon+
Crew Manifest
Critical Temperature Gauge
Cross Feed Enabler
Crowd Sourced Science
DMagic Orbital Science
Docking Port Alignment Indicator
Editor Extensions
Enhanced Nav Ball
Field Experience
Filter Extensions
Firespitter Core
Interstellar Fuel Switch
KSP Interstellar Extended
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
Menu Stabilizer
Modular Fuel Tank Expansion
Module Animate Emissive
Module Manager
Module RCSFX
Navball Up Default
Procedural Fairings
Procedural Fairings For Everything
RealFuels Stockalike Config
Rover Sppeed
SAS Reset
SAS Tuning Fix
Science Alert
Science Revisited Revisited
Smart Stage
Solver Engines
Stage Recovery
TAC LifeSupport
TACLS Stock Config
Tweakable Everything
USI Exploration
USI Tools

I think thats everything, but I made this list by memory using the ckan repository as reference

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a repair power module mission for my minmus station. All the parameters are complete except for "waiting for engineer 2:00". The Kerbal I have on eva is an engineer, all the main parameters are complete, but this one thing won't budge and I can't complete the contract. Any ideas?

EDIT: did a quicksave / quickload and poof, the contract completed.

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I am in the early stages of a career game, yet to unlock docking ports.

I have not seen any of these contracts yet. Is there any specific nodes I need to unlock before they become available?

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my 2 cents worth....

AFAIK, a Station requires a docking port....

So you should NOT get any of these contracts until you have unlocked Docking ports.

(it might also need solar panels to be unlocked, but I am not sure about that)

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I have a repair power module mission for my minmus station. All the parameters are complete except for "waiting for engineer 2:00". The Kerbal I have on eva is an engineer, all the main parameters are complete, but this one thing won't budge and I can't complete the contract. Any ideas?

EDIT: did a quicksave / quickload and poof, the contract completed.

if you get it again, screenshot please?

@Remi: what blackHat said - you won't see the contract until you have the requirements unlocked. Specifically (for KSS): a docking port, a solar panel/RTG, and a science lab (either station science or stock)

for USS - just mark the vessel as a station.

Edited by severedsolo
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During career games I tend to build a few "generations" of station. First a single piece station like Skylab, then modular ones once I get the 2.5m docking port, and finally MKS/OKS industrial stations very late. So of course, I tend to deorbit the older stations at some point (and take a sort of satisfied glee in it). :)

So I thought, how about a "deorbit that old run down station mission" for a later update?. Is it possible to determine the age or mission time elapsed of a station core and have a contract appear after x number of years? And then it could simply be treated like the "crash a probe into x" missions of the unmanned contract packs.

Nothing like gettin' paid for destroying things! :D Plus it might satisfy those of us who just can't stand wasting good tonnage in orbit without a little...encouraging compensation. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a slight problem with the mod. Isn't there supposed to be a utility part associated with the mod as when I finally installed it and accepted the contract, I launched the station but it didn't register.


Edited by TheWattGaming
picture of station
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There's a maximum orbit of 249,000 meters, but the way the contract is done the number is not shown to the player. My recommendation to severedsolo would be to change that setup to make it more obvious to the player what the requirement is. :)

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There's a maximum orbit of 249,000 meters, but the way the contract is done the number is not shown to the player. My recommendation to severedsolo would be to change that setup to make it more obvious to the player what the requirement is. :)

Or you lot could learn what LKO means ;) j/k

Seriously though, yes it needs to be changed, but my KSP machine is still out of commission and will be until at least the 20th, when I get paid.

I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do the Useful Space Stations Contracts not take the location of the station into account? If not, that should probably be fixed - the payout just isn't worth it for stations that aren't around Kerbin.

I ask because my solar orbit station is getting a total of ~70k for a resupply contract. While I could probably technically get there with that budget, that's the same amount as what my minmus station gives me, and I think it's what my Kerbin station gets as well. Doesn't quite seem right...

Either way, great pack, so far it's really made stations much more interesting.


So, it appears that useful space stations doesn't respect what body your station is orbiting. This leads to ~80k total kerbucks for a resupply mission to a station orbiting the Sun. Which is doable, but not really worth the effort, and if it were around Jool...

I've got a fix for it locally, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, I'd rather not put in the effort proper testing would require, since I don't have a setup to make it easy on me. So, it'll just get tested as my game goes on.

I'll probably drop a PR on the official github repo in the next couple of days so this change can be made official if it's wanted, but for the time being if anyone wants to try it out and let me know if it's caused any bugs, my updated version is here. Should work if downloaded as a zip (on the right) and unpacked into GameData/ContractPacks/UsefulSpaceStations.

Edited by diomedea
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Do the Useful Space Stations Contracts not take the location of the station into account? If not, that should probably be fixed - the payout just isn't worth it for stations that aren't around Kerbin.

I ask because my solar orbit station is getting a total of ~70k for a resupply contract. While I could probably technically get there with that budget, that's the same amount as what my minmus station gives me, and I think it's what my Kerbin station gets as well. Doesn't quite seem right...

Either way, great pack, so far it's really made stations much more interesting.


So, it appears that useful space stations doesn't respect what body your station is orbiting. This leads to ~80k total kerbucks for a resupply mission to a station orbiting the Sun. Which is doable, but not really worth the effort, and if it were around Jool...

I've got a fix for it locally, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, I'd rather not put in the effort proper testing would require, since I don't have a setup to make it easy on me. So, it'll just get tested as my game goes on.

I'll probably drop a PR on the official github repo in the next couple of days so this change can be made official if it's wanted, but for the time being if anyone wants to try it out and let me know if it's caused any bugs, my updated version is here. Should work if downloaded as a zip (on the right) and unpacked into GameData/ContractPacks/UsefulSpaceStations.

Whoops. That would be a bug. Feel free to drop the PR, and I'll merge.

Edit: Never mind. I fixed it.

Edited by severedsolo
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Kerbin Space Station 2.2.1/Useful Space Stations 1.0.2 Released!


(KSS only) New Stations must now be defined as such. (ie, right click - select "Station" as the vessel type). (#42)

Crew Rotation will now only be offered if you have a crew. (#43)

Crew Rotation will force you to return the entire crew to Kerbin. (#43)

New Mission: Send a crew to the station (#43)

Fixed reward scaling for different Celestial Bodies (thanks SingingBoyo/brandonson)

(KSS only) "Build a Station" missions will now show you the orbital requirements (thanks TheWattGaming)

Medical Emergency will now show gender neutral mission text (#44)

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