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The Elcano Challenge : Ground-based circumnavigation

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Hm, what is "diverging significantly"? I remember driving to the old KSC overground & having to dodge some quite significant mountains, the path had noticeable legs in it. If I'd wanted to keep going around the equator I'd still have had to divert a fair way to avoid being more vertical than horizontal.

Meanwhile I did that in under two hours, so going right around Kerbin wouldn't take *that* long. I wonder if that vehicle still works...

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  Van Disaster said:
Hm, what is "diverging significantly"? I remember driving to the old KSC overground & having to dodge some quite significant mountains, the path had noticeable legs in it. If I'd wanted to keep going around the equator I'd still have had to divert a fair way to avoid being more vertical than horizontal.

Meanwhile I did that in under two hours, so going right around Kerbin wouldn't take *that* long. I wonder if that vehicle still works...

Basically, do a circumnavigation. Don't drive to the pole, drive around the pole, then back down and claim it a circumnavigation.

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  ScriptKitt3h said:
I'm thinking about attempting either a Laythe journey by yacht... or a rover trek around Eeloo...

Which should I attempt?

Well, I can say this. Water challenges are probably faster to complete but there's downsides. They're a lot more boring and warp physics does strange things to boats.

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  ScriptKitt3h said:
I'm thinking about attempting either a Laythe journey by yacht... or a rover trek around Eeloo...

Which should I attempt?

Well the Laythe Yacht trip would be quick and relatively easy, while the Eeloo rover trek would be a bit more scenic... and involved.

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I pondered doing Laythe but decided to do Kerbin on a water route instead. I think Laythe is probably going to be a pretty boring trip, as it's mostly open water, and the few islands Laythe does have aren't especially interesting.

On the bright side, it'd probably be one of the fastest trips, as it's mostly full throttle across oceans and the distance is the shortest of all the aquatic worlds.

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  Kanil said:
I pondered doing Laythe but decided to do Kerbin on a water route instead. I think Laythe is probably going to be a pretty boring trip, as it's mostly open water, and the few islands Laythe does have aren't especially interesting.

On the bright side, it'd probably be one of the fastest trips, as it's mostly full throttle across oceans and the distance is the shortest of all the aquatic worlds.

Here's a thought. I considered driving under Eve's oceans for my first one...

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  Slam_Jones said:
And last but not least, Part 8 is now finished! Landin has fully circumnavigated Kerbin! Total time: 10 days or so. Check out the thread for details!

A serious congratulations Slam. You've just joined the ranks of a group where only very few of us stand. Welcome and enjoy the view.

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Ill take a dedicated 44 class.. might take a while. eg a few days after work. top speed 31m/s

Shes run by a crude diesel electric system, I got my joystick throttle all the way forward and modified rover wheels drinking 12 units of power each with increased torque.. no batteries.. the engines alernators pump out 180 units of power that drive the wheels when at full RPM.. runs off normal jet fuel.. less RPM. less power.. less torque.. its a working system...im happy with it :D

4408 - Elcano Challenge underway..

I forgot the names of the crew i'll add them later tomorrow after the run so I dont go replacing any..

Even with a dedicated xbox steering wheel and reverser its still a very challenging thing. I look forward to it however long or short it may be :) and goodluck to all

Crew poses with KTP-44 Class Mark 3 - 4408 Before depature


4408 Getting underway, turning for the mountains behind KSC-


I discovered a long known problem not thought about for a while because its less of a problem on the usual fuel run to Mount kembla station - when the loco is climbing a steep hill or slightly sloping ground.. the head lights no longer illuminate the ground hence the trains flying blind..

Given that this is actually a serious attempt.. Ive taken 4408 Back to the yard (KSC) for some upgrading.. including additional spotlights in the locos toolbox for attaching if I need more while underway.. and installing a few illumination mods.. also fixed the cab from having that speedo the wrong way around.... She'll be fired up again tomorrow afternoon to resume the challenge :blush:

Also for the first time ever in almost 6 months.. #1 generator exploded under normal load.. . ive not changed the configuration files so.. I dunno how it happened really.. luckily shes close enough to the yard to go back for repairs.. if it happens anywhere outside of 10km outbound.. I'll live with it

Update 2 - This will be my final update on this post before moving to a dedicated Weblog

Having established that the existing design of the fuel tankers is inferior for long range use, I reverted back to an older design using jet fuel tanks rather than the rocket fuel tanks.. originally the switch was made because even with a steering wheel.. the more segments a wagon has.. the more skittish it becomes as they flex the body when turning too suddenly.. especially the last wagon.. ends up doing the jig wanting to become one with the ground in a ball of flame.. something largely unnoticed from the locomotive other than the shudder and the sudden drop in fuel count

when I overhauled 4408 lastnight, I added 3 jet fuel tankers and a modified hybrid fuel tank/passenger car..

(not really safe but its KSP.. nothing is... if there was flowers in the game they'd probably explode and kill someone too)

I caught up with the wreck of 4404 from some weeks ago again.. planting a flag and stabling for the night..

the locomotives shut down.. with the passenger car auxiliary generator powering lights

A small 20km down.. but im happy :)

rest goes on my blog where i'll include a weekly video update and screenshots every other day

Goodluck all :)

By the way. Jeb is the driver of this service finally.. the other 2 crew remain in the passenger car at the back.. unfortunately ive reinforced the cab..but not passenger compartments.. if theres a crash.. jeb will survive.. the 2 less popular sprites.. well... theres plenty where they came from :sticktongue:

4408s burned through around 100 units of fuel in just 20km.. but I think its more to do with having both generators running constantly vs the old practise of only firing up generator #2 to climb hills.. it remains to be seen how far 2700 units of fuel gets the train.. but I can always launch a fuel tank nearby and refuel at a stopover...

Im sure also the wreck of 4404 has atleast one intact fuel tank I can drain.. a morbid.. but necessary action:(

4408 shuts down for the night - aux generator running - other than the passenger car having 2 batteries that are shut off, everything depends on generator power to run.. hence the need for the smaller generator on the passenger car



Edited by Overland
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  Van Disaster said:
Testing prospective vehicles for a trip round Kerbin - can't get anything remotely like my old water speed anymore, so it'll be mostly on land I guess. Maybe I should look at something slower :P



Umm yea, 158m/s on land? You sure you're not just flying at a low altitude?

- - - Updated - - -

  Overland said:

Also for the first time ever in almost 6 months.. #1 generator exploded under normal load.. . ive not changed the configuration files so.. I dunno how it happened really.. luckily shes close enough to the yard to go back for repairs.. if it happens anywhere outside of 10km outbound.. I'll live with it

Nice flag ;)

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  Fengist said:
Umm yea, 158m/s on land? You sure you're not just flying at a low altitude?

Only until I can put it down again, those old TT wheels are stupidly robust. The rest of the thing is not quite so robust, but I did this before for a different challenge, so nothing new. What the hell would be the point in doing this flying anyway? it's not a race :P

Anyway, I can't wait to know what it's doing in this one...


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