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The Calculator Project!

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Hooray! I´ve done it! I´ve created a 100% reusable adding machine!

It can add until 3+3, but it´s still very buggy and clippy. Sadly, I haven´t got the time to show it to you now, I will post a album and a manual tomorrow. But here´s a small picutre of the "kalkulator":


Stay tuned!

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Your suggestion worked perfectly, UpsilonAerospace! Thanks to your help, I can present:

The Stayputnik Counter S3 (working title)

Capable of adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers from 1 to 3. Supports negative numbers.

Here's a demonstration album:

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I'm working on division, after that it will be complete.

Edit: I forgot the instructions

1 = add/subtract/multiply by 1

2 = add/subtract/multiply by 2

3 = add/subtract/multiply by 3

9 = activate multiplication mode

0 = activate subtraction mode

It defaults to addtion mode, so to add two numbers, simply enter them in.

To multiply, press the first number, then 9, then the second number.

To subtract press the first number, then 0, then the second number.

Craft file:


@Aphobius: That looks amazing! Please continue!

@Kerdinand: I'm really curious to see how you're getting them to reload. Once I figure out division, maybe we could combine our machines into a fully reuseable Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division calculator?

Edited by DJWizardCop
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Behold the mighty Multiplicatodor! 100% Reusable multiplying machine, works up to 5 times 5, but could be extended up to 10 times 10, I just didn't have the patience to code that. The first idea is that a light and a landing leg blocking it acts like an and gate, so I can just make a grid of these. But how to control rows and columns with the same action groups independently and stay reusable? Use a docking port to decouple parts of the craft and stop those parts from moving! Action group n is wired to lower first n rows of legs and turn on first n columns of lights. "Abort" decouples the part with the legs and turns off all the lights. The challenge didn't specify what is an allowed reset procedure, so it requires some work, hope that's ok.


Enter first number n: first n rows of legs lowered, first n columns of lights turned on.

Hit "abort", lights turned off, legs decoupled.

Enter second number m: first m columns of lights on.

Read off result: number of visible lights.

To reset: select docking port to control from and the other one as target, drive back so magnets kick in and the craft pops back together. Use light and gear switches to reset.

In the video I calculate 2*4 and 4*3.

Craft file:


Edited by evildwarf
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New, stock game made? Check!

A tired brain fresh from exam block? Check!

Active Texture Management for helping render large Kalculators? Check!

An actual working Kalculator? No? Well, what are we waiting for!?

Is binary acceptable? And does resettable mean it can be used without adding anything else? I mean, can I add back up stayputniks or whatever?

Edited by TheGamingNoobster
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@Kerdinand: I'm really curious to see how you're getting them to reload. Once I figure out division, maybe we could combine our machines into a fully reuseable Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division calculator?

They aren´t not rigid, they are mounted on small hinges (the one I used in my Kerbal swing) and the engines throw them here and there. And I would really like to cooperate with you. I´ve already added Subtraction to the calculator. It will come this evening, I guess.

Is binary acceptable? And does resettable mean it can be used without adding anything else? I mean, can I add back up stayputniks or whatever?

I think it that adding extra parts is not allowed, but refuelling is.

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Made a simple multiplicator.

1-5 is the first input. 6-9 is the second input, with 6=1, 7=2, 8=3, 9=4.

Currently it can only multiply 5 and 4

After inputting both inputs, the result will be the amount of "dots" on the surface.

Before input:


When inputting 2*3 ("2" and "8"):


When inputting 3*4 ("3" and "9"):


It can be reset by inputting the same input again.

.craft file


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I'm currently working on an idea with docking nodes that transfer wheeled carts between separated "crafts". One of the carts contains the probe core and power so that as the cart moves between segments actions can be transferred between sections allowing repeated use of the action groups. Given a beefy enough machine and a large enough SPH, this could be expanded to many, many, many digits. The downside is that KSP has no predictable way it chooses which chunk you remain in control of after an undocking event so you have to play with switching between craft sometimes. I've got a good system for transferring state for two sets of numbers, 1 to 9, now I just need to work out how the operations will actually work. Eventually I'd like to figure out a good way to provide thrust to the carts so that they can push levers and such. For addition, I may just start with lights on the cart that light up selective panels as they move between stations but I really think forcing the user to count in a method other than the input (a single button representing a single number) is cheating. My ultimate goal is a single indicator per digit.

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OK, now instead posting the thing I showed you yesterday, I will directly submit my KalkulatorB. It can add/subtract up to 5+5/5-5 and is 100% reusable. However, you should use infinite fuel.

Also, this thing is far from perfect. It is IMO the most unreliable calculator submitted so far, and errors may occur. The manual, too, is long and complicated.

At Launch:

Once physics kick in, press [z][Abort] Once the arms have lowered to ~45°, press [Abort] again.

Wait until the arms have done about 3-5 bouncings. Press [7].

To add:

[insert number 1-5] wait until all concerned arms have crossed both landing gears [6][insert number 1-5]

To subtract:

[insert number 1-5] wait until the arms have done some bounces [insert number 1-5] This will, as Upsilons machine, show the absolute value.

To reset:

Press [g] once or twice, so all landing gears are retracted.

Press [0] wait until all concerned arms have crossed the landing gears. Press [g] again to stop them coming back.

Wait until the arms have done about 3-5 bouncings. Press [7].

Now you can start a new operation. If fuel depletes, either use infinte fuel, relaunch or refuel.

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Notes: The best point to fire the engines (to insert a number) is when the tanks are under the engines.

You may also want to stop tanks from bouncing back by pressing [g] to close all gear gates. Please remember then to re-do the landing gear position by pressing [6]/[7] again.

The hinges are made of lots of decouplers (see Kerbal swing). Because everything stays one vessel then, the arms can clip through all parts of the machine except landing gears.

Hope you like it and all the error-probability and complicated steps don´t stop this from becoming an entry.

EDIT: Forgot the file: Kalkulator B+S

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Forgot to add the craft file when I've posted the


Craft file


-launch the "craft" from the SPH

-turn hack gravity on


-enter the first number by using 1-9

-press Backspace (the abort button)

-during the transition enter the second number, using 1-9

-read the result by counting the pieces from the center


-enter the first number by using 1-9

-press T (the SAS button)

-wait for the transition to end

-enter the second number, using 1-9

-read the result by counting the pieces from the center


-wait for any transition to end

-press 0 (zero)

-wait for the transition to end

-the craft is in the default state

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Kababbacus 15

Here's a simple binary calculator. It's principle works on docking and undocking controlled by action groups. When the key corresponding to the action group is pressed, the cart undocks and using the magic of docking port magnetics, rolls to the opposite side and docks. If a cart is on the right, it represents a 0. If it's on the left, it represents a 1. Since there are no switches in KSP, the operator acts as a simple logic gate. If a cart moves from the left side to right side, the next numbered action group needs to be pressed.

If the cart in the second row from the bottom moves from left to right, the button for the cart in the 3rd row (3) is pressed.

For example, adding 1+1. Press the 1 key and the bottom cart moves to the left. To add 1, press the 1 key again and the bottom cart moves to the right. When it moves to the right, that's where the operator needs to hit the next action group key, 2. That moves the second cart from right to left. The calculator would then read 0010 which equals decimal 2.

Adding 3+3 or binary 0011+0011. First, you'd press the 1 and the 2 key to move the first and the second cart to the left to represent 0011. To add 0011 you'd first press the 1 key. This moves the bottom cart to the right. That's the cue to press the 2 key. That move the second cart to the right which is the cue to press the 3 key. Then you add the second digit by pressing 2 0010... the second cart moves back to the left. You end up with 0110, which is decimal 6.

You could also add it as 1+1+1+1+1+1. The only thing you'd have to remember is when any cart moves from left to right, you hit the key for the cart in the next row.

To add 7+2... First, set up the calculator to represent 7 which is 0111. To add 2, which is 0010, you'd press key 2 to move the cart in the second row. Since it moves from left to right, you'd press the 3 key. Since the cart in the 3rd row is now moving left to right, you'd press the 4 key. When you're done, you end up with 1001, which is decimal 9. 7+2.

It can also do subtraction and multiplication. If you want to hurt your brain, I'm pretty sure it could do binary division.

To reset to zero, press the key corresponding to any carts on the left and they all move back to the right, resetting to 0000.

This particular adding device can count up to 15. By adding 10 rows of carts, the maximum number of action groups, this device can calculate numbers from 0 to 1023.

The craft file

binary 1.jpg



A bit of a clarification. Addition is accomplished by setting your first addend and then, reading your second addend from right to left, enter it's numbers one at a time. When a cart slides left to right, press the key for the row above it.

Subtraction is similar

Set your first addend and then, reading your second addend from left to right, enter it's numbers one at a time. When a cart slides from right to left, press the key for the row above it. In old long-hand math, we called this borrowing.

Here's an image that's kinda a walk through of addition and subtraction.

One thing I didn't mention in this. If you're adding a number like 101, you don't hit a hotkey where zero's appear.


Now, if this machine isn't acceptable because the end user has to watch it operate and press buttons based on how it moves, then you're going to have problems with anyone creating any adding device in KSP. To my knowlege there is no way with stock parts to create boolean logic... switches... i.e. if this light comes on, turn that light on. You can manually toggle lights, but you can't have a second light turn on base on whether the first one is on or off. Without boolean logic, you can't even reproduce simple adding devices like an abacus. It requires the user to look at the state of the abacus and judge whether beads need to be moved or not... boolean logic.

So, if you pitch boolean logic out the window, you're left with a bean counter. And that means that any time you add 2 numbers together, you need to have at least as many beans as the sum will equal. If you want to add 103+456, you need 559 beans. And then, you have to count them all.

Because your light subtractor requires no boolean logic, it works. It's a bean counter. When you're done, you have to count how many lights are on.

If you want higher level math, multiplication and division, you need booleans.. if-then logic. If the 1's column goes above 9, increment the 10's column by 1.

Essentially, my device is a binary abacus. Since there's only 10 action groups, a decimal abacus wouldn't be able to deal with numbers as large as mine can. With a decimal abacus, 4 beads can only count to 4.

Edited by Fengist
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Well, I updated the leaderboard. Everyone made the cut except for Quirky. (Unfortunately, all numbers must be imputed with their corresponding action groups. "1" has to signify the number 1, "2" has to signify 2, and so on through the number nine. Hopefully, you can fix this and post another submission.)

Let me just say that the creativity of the Forum is amazing. Two entries that really stood out for me were Yakky's very explosive multiplier and DJWizardCop's astounding machine for adding, subtraction, and multiplication. I'm going to give them some Reputation now, and I hope you do too.

We've come a long way since the start of the project, but we still have a ways to go. I'm looking forward to all of the future entries to this thing. They're going to be fantastic.


[EDIT: Though binary would be acceptable, I think that it may be possible to create a binary-to-base-ten converter. If this can be done, it would be really awesome...]

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Well, not to be picky, but mine can add and subtract well beyond 3 simple numbers, if you don't mind a binary answer. And for that matter, any machine that can add or subtract can multiply or divide. Computers multiply by adding. 3x3 is the same as 3+3+3. They're fast enough that they do this for even large numbers. And they divide by subtracting 10/3 = 10-3=7, 7-3=4, 4-3=1. There were 3 subtractions so 10/3 =3 remainder 1.

So, for all practical purposes, mine, along with any other that can add and subtract, can do all four. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and are thus... your integrated machines.

And if you think converting binary to decimal is easy... not so.

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Reposting my own spin from my Facebook post......dunno if I'm breaking the rules but the machine below consists of an "output" engine on the right being fed fuel via a Stayputnik. The Stayputniks have a very low max temperature of 1200 degrees....if both of the "input" engines to either side are ignited, and only both, then it will be destroyed and cut off the fuel supply to the output engine. This is a logical NAND gate, at which point you have Turing completeness. Unfortunately they're one-use-only, but they can certainly be used to construct a calculator circuit.

In a practical implementation the fuel tanks feeding the input engines would be replaced by fuel lines (signals) coming from other parts of the circuit, and the fuel line feeding the "output" engines would all go to one massive tank with enough fuel to handle the "propagation delay" of the entire circuit.


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Well, not to be picky, but mine can add and subtract well beyond 3 simple numbers, if you don't mind a binary answer.

Alright, I'll update the leaderboard.

...And for that matter, any machine that can add or subtract can multiply or divide. Computers multiply by adding. 3x3 is the same as 3+3+3. They're fast enough that they do this for even large numbers. And they divide by subtracting 10/3 = 10-3=7, 7-3=4, 4-3=1. There were 3 subtractions so 10/3 =3 remainder 1.

So, for all practical purposes, mine, along with any other that can add and subtract, can do all four. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and are thus... your integrated machines.

I know. What I'm looking for, however, is a machine that can multiply or divide or add or subtract two numbers by means of [First numerical action group] ["Multiplication," "Division," etc. action group(s)] [second numerical action group]. Your machine would require doing many separate adding or subtracting problems (and pressing many action groups in the process), so while it could technically multiply or divide numbers, it couldn't do so within the rules of this challenge. I wouldn't even say that doing an equation like 5+5+5+5+5+5 (5x6) would be practical in KSP... it would yield the answer, but it would likely take several minutes to complete and even then, the possibility of a mechanical malfunction could bugger the whole thing up.

And if you think converting binary to decimal is easy... not so.

I know it's hard, but I also know that it's very possible to do in real life. It's almost certainly achievable in KSP too, barring variables like part count and mechanical variability. I personally am of the opinion that someone will be able to do it.

Reposting my own spin from my Facebook post......dunno if I'm breaking the rules but the machine below consists of an "output" engine on the right being fed fuel via a Stayputnik. The Stayputniks have a very low max temperature of 1200 degrees....if both of the "input" engines to either side are ignited, and only both, then it will be destroyed and cut off the fuel supply to the output engine. This is a logical NAND gate, at which point you have Turing completeness. Unfortunately they're one-use-only, but they can certainly be used to construct a calculator circuit.

In a practical implementation the fuel tanks feeding the input engines would be replaced by fuel lines (signals) coming from other parts of the circuit, and the fuel line feeding the "output" engines would all go to one massive tank with enough fuel to handle the "propagation delay" of the entire circuit.


Very neat idea! This wouldn't really be breaking the rules (nothing in there about making bits explode), though it would restrict the calculator to only one use, of course. Still, this is definitely worth pursuing... best of luck!

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When I saw this on Facebook, I immediately felt I had to contribute. In fact, I joined this forum just so I could post this creation.

The 10 by 10 Multiplication Table


Here's how it works: (with mechanical details in parentheses)

Step 1: press "T" to separate the "deciding row" from the columns. (The first part of this machine needs to be disconnected from the rest. This allows the user to first enter one number, then the other.)

Step 2: press the number key for the smaller number you wish to multiply. Don't worry if you want to square a number, just enter it in. (this breaks off the part of the row you want to multiply. In other words, it decides how many columns are going to be counted. The reason this number needs to be the smaller one should be evident soon.)

Step 3: press "R" to launch the rows back at the columns and dock with them. (obviously the most questionable part of the operation, using separatrons to bring the deciding row. With all the effort I've made it so that at least one port always connects, and around 80% of the time all the ports dock. The more columns you decided to use, the more likely one won't connect, causing a column to fail.)

Step 4: press "G" to separate the columns from each other. (they needed to be together in the first because of construction, so now you need to separate them to stop the light command from flowing to what should be dead rows.

Step 5: press the larger number you want to multiply. (cutting the columns to the desired length, finalizing the answer.)

Step 6: Turn on the lights and count them to get your answer. (By this time only the lights of the columns to the desired length should get the command to turn on. meaning the lights will show the answer.)

An image of the machine calculating 4X8:


I'll be the first to admit this design is a rushed attempt and has some problems. more precision is needed to hit the docking ports 100% of the time, and until then 10X10 only has a 50/50 chance of working. It would also be more user friendly to have the "T," "R," and "G" commands all be stages rather than action groups, but I didn't feel like going on a wild goose chase for the right pylons and decouplers for the right stages. It also is a one time use calculator. I have thought about using docking ports instead of decouplers to make it reusable, but as of yet I'm not sure how that might work. I also wish I could use some other mechanic than light counting to display the answer, but I can't fathom a way to change this into binary, let alone base 10. It's also far to large and lag inducing, so efficiency is not its forte.

Edit: sorry, realized that the input is too complicated and not of the required format. I should really learn to stop skimming. I don't need to be on the leaderboard, especially considering the occasional failure of the machine. I just wanted to get the idea out there.

you might have noticed the solar panels I made before I realized pylons produced electricity. Someday I'll get around to removing it.

Lastly, I haven't yet figured out how to upload spacecraft, but if people are interested I'd be willing to figure it out and upload it.

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Lastly, I haven't yet figured out how to upload spacecraft, but if people are interested I'd be willing to figure it out and upload it.

Your ships are saved in your KSP folder > Saves > your saved game > Ships folder. Inside that one you'll find the VAB (vehicle assembly building) and SPH (Space Plane Hangar) folders, open the desired one. Inside you'll find one file for each ship you have inside the selected building, identified with the name you used to save them.

To share it just grab that file and upload it to Dropbox, Mega, Google Drive or any other free file sharing services, then provide the link here.

Cool calculator BTW!

Edited by Wooks
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It's slightly more complex, Wooks. it's saved in the saves/your savegame name/ships/...

other than that you're right, but simply looking in the ships folder will only show the stock vessels (which is a good place to put a ship that you want to use across savegames).

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It's slightly more complex, Wooks. it's saved in the saves/your savegame name/ships/...

other than that you're right, but simply looking in the ships folder will only show the stock vessels (which is a good place to put a ship that you want to use across savegames).

Corrected, thanks.

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Divider 1

I have made a one-time-usable divider that can divide up to 9:3! It also works with Stayputniks like DJWizardCop´s and unlike my other calculator it is 100% reliable, but not 100% reusable.


Insert the Divisor using 1-3. (If you want to calculate 9:3, you press 3 now.)

Insert the Dividend using 1-9. (If you want to calculate 9:3, you press 9 now.)

Count the number of Stayputniks at the end of the slide. This is the quotient.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will not calculate the rest. If you insert 8:3, you will get 2.

NOT-SO-IMPORTANT NOTE: If you insert a Dividend that is smaller than the Divisor, the outcome will always be 1.

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Download the Divider

I also made a small badge for everyone´s signatures. It is not that good, and someone skillful could surely do better, but it should do it until he does.


Hope you all like both the divider and the badge.

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You've done it Kerbinand! Props! I'd give you rep again if I could.

Now it's a simple matter of sub-assembling our machines together. Do you mind if I do? With credit to you of course.

In the mean time, I'll try to see if I can make your hinge system more reliable. If we can get it to work, all of the "formulas" from our machines should still work.

Edit: Y'know, alternatively, we could replace the Stayputniks with Kerbals and have them go up ladders to "reload". That might be fun.

Edited by DJWizardCop
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I wouldn´t mind it in any way. At all, this is a community project and we should all share our ideas to create the ultimate calculator. I´ve already got a good idea how to improve the hinges.

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