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Cloud configurations for Outer Planets Mod [Last Update: 2015.09.23]

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  • 2 weeks later...

The latest update is available and brings some new features: Surface dust, rings (only for Urlum yet) and full integration of Sigmas Pluron/Khato system.




Open the zip-file and copy the 'GameData' folder into the KSP directory.


Outer Planets Mod


########## 0-7

- Surface dust for all non-atmospheric bodys.

- Glow-effects for Pluron and Khato.

- Cloud rings for Urlum.

- DDS-textures.

- MoonGlow for EVE is installed by default again.

########## 0-6

- All configs combined into one pack (thanks sigma :)).

- All configs moved to 'GameData/OPMclouds'.

- Reduced altitude of the Glow-layers.

- Reworked Sarnus.

- Adjusted rotation-speeds.

- Reduced opacity for Auroras with KSPRC.

- Small texture called 'alpha1.png' has been added (4x2 pixel). It's used only with EVE since there is no comparable texture available by default.

- An optional OPM-EVE-MoonGlow.cfg has been added.

- Download from KerbalStuff is now available.

########## 0-5


- Urlums colors adjusted to look more like the OPM texture.

- Urlums CloudLayer heights increased to reduce Z-fighting.

- Glow effects on the GasGiants are 'thicker' to create a smooth transition from planet to space (since there is no AA with OpenGL).

- Tekto config replaced with the original Tekto config from OPM 1.5.5 for AVP-Interstellar to match the concept better. Some small adjustments but it's mostly the original file.


- Removed glow-effects on moons to match stock bodys.


- Reworked old glow-effects on moons to fit the KSPRC-style better.

- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.

The surface dust is often located very low but below 1000 m (above sealevel) it should always appear. The fix described a few pages back (bottom) may need to be applied.

The rings are not exactly centered because it's only one pixel of 2048 vertical pixels (exactly the middle would require two pixel). This could be solved with 4096 vertical pixels but it seemed a little wasteful regarding the RAM.

The ring-feature will be available for Sarnus too but it will take time to figure out how much layers are needed/possible. It could easily fill 100 layers but the game will probably run as a diashow in this case.

I did not have the time to land on every body with every cloud-mod installed, so if something looks odd please report it here. Also feedback on the new features is appreciated as always :)

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It doesn't seem to work with AVG's cloud pack, I also tried your Jool re-color while having the Kopernicus expansion active and it gave me your orange clouds on a green background with black lightning.

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  .50calBMg said:
It doesn't seem to work with AVG's cloud pack, I also tried your Jool re-color while having the Kopernicus expansion active and it gave me your orange clouds on a green background with black lightning.

I am not 100% sure about clouds compatibility for AVP. if you are missing some features it may be that you are missing some of the textures required by this mod.

I think eleusis posted a list of the required textures soma pages ago

I'll try to summon him for you :)

just to be sure, ignore my Jool recolor for now, try getting everything working properly without that. then add the recolor and if something breaks than I'll have a look into it. it's still under development so I can't be 100% sure it has compatibility with all cloud mods

Edited by Sigma88
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  .50calBMg said:
It doesn't seem to work with AVG's cloud pack, I also tried your Jool re-color while having the Kopernicus expansion active and it gave me your orange clouds on a green background with black lightning.

sorry, I completely misunderstood your question. Thought you were talking about AVP not AVG -.-

No, the current release of OPMClouds does not have AVG compatibility yet. I think it should be possible to add AVG compatibility.

I'll have to hear what Eleusis thinks before giving you a definitive answer :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sry for the late reply, was a bit distracted lately =S

  Starbuckminsterfullerton said:
Always nice to see you update, Eleusis! This looks good, is the dust using the 'duna dust storms' module that EVE/AVP used to have as an option?

Thanks for the feedback :D

In principle yes, but another texture (detail1/detail) is used, the opacity is less and the layer doesn't rotate around the body; It's locked to the surface. Also the duna dust storms are not required to work.

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So ... I'm trying to get this to work with New Horizons' cloud configurations (I frankly don't care if I break compatibility with the other packs in the process).

I've tried modifying the first line of ModChecker.cfg to


I've also tried adding

// NH
%CloudsPack = 1
%name = MainCloudsPack

to the end of ModChecker.cfg or having

%CloudsPack = 1
%name = MainCloudsPack

outside of the OPMClouds folder. None of these have worked thus far.

Any suggestions?

Edited by Whovian
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  Poodmund said:
As someone who tweaks the EVE configs for the planets, can I just completely delete the mod checking part of this pack as it keeps throwing hijinks about and my OPM planets revert back to stock as I guess it can't detect which pack to use?

you are not supposed to use this mod with customized versions of EVE

EVE does not really support easy compatibility.

the folders contains everything you need to make it work out of the box with any of the 4 (soon 5) listed cloud mods.

If you want to customize your install you can look into the folders for the clouds you need. but I can't assure it'll work. you have just to try and guess.

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Yeah I guess I can just pull the right config files out of this mod and install them on their own. Personally, I preferred the way the mod was listed before with separate installs for each mod but I can completely understand why it has been changed.

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  Whovian said:
So ... I'm trying to get this to work with New Horizons' cloud configurations (I frankly don't care if I break compatibility with the other packs in the process).

I've tried modifying the first line of ModChecker.cfg to


I've also tried adding

// NH
%CloudsPack = 1
%name = MainCloudsPack

to the end of ModChecker.cfg or having

%CloudsPack = 1
%name = MainCloudsPack

outside of the OPMClouds folder. None of these have worked thus far.

Any suggestions?

nope sorry, it's a mess of a config nesting and honestly, when I asked for better compatibility for clouds mods nobody cared.

so this is what you get. you are free to work on the stuff but I lost countless nights to make this work and I'm not goint to lose any more since clearly nobody cares to make cloud mods that are modular and highly compatible to additions.

see this thread for reference

- - - Updated - - -

  Poodmund said:
Yeah I guess I can just pull the right config files out of this mod and install them on their own. Personally, I preferred the way the mod was listed before with separate installs for each mod but I can completely understand why it has been changed.

If you want a quick tip, go to the OPMClouds folder, search for the cloud pack you are using (EVE)

the search will bring up all the cfg you need. move those into a separate folder and delete the rest.

If you change the clouds texture names too, you may still have some issues if the cfgs cannot find the texture they want to use.


also, make sure you keep the folder "GameData/OPMClouds/Textures" since the cfgs use textures contained in there :)

Edited by Sigma88
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Cheers for the heads up bud! :D Also on the cloud compatibility thing, I think it just seems really hard to gain traction when talking about meta articles within the KSP community. I tried to start a conversation about Thread Title/Date standardization and no one cared. Unless its shiny and adds parts it seems no one cares much.

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  Poodmund said:
Cheers for the heads up bud! :D Also on the cloud compatibility thing, I think it just seems really hard to gain traction when talking about meta articles within the KSP community. I tried to start a conversation about Thread Title/Date standardization and no one cared. Unless its shiny and adds parts it seems no one cares much.

Oh that's fine for me :)

One less thing to care about ;)

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The latest update is available and brings compatibility for Avg's Cloud Pack. The update focuses mostly on Neidon and its new moons.

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First picture shows Neidon for EVE, AVP-EoO, AVG and KSPRC, the second one (obviously) AVP-Int and the last one Neidon from the surface of Thatmo with EVE-7-4 (more pics will come).




Delete older versions!

Open the zip-file and copy the 'GameData' folder into the KSP directory.


Outer Planets Mod


########## 0-8

-Added support for AVG's Pack

-Empty cloud_layer_packs are now removed

-Reworked Neidon for all packs

-New texture for Neidon added

-Configs for Thatmo and Nisse added

-Reworked Auroras for KSPRC and AVP-EoO

-alpha1.dds replaced with alpha1.png (for volumetric clouds)

########## 0-7

- Surface dust for all non-atmospheric bodys.

- Glow-effects for Pluron and Khato.

- Cloud rings for Urlum.

- DDS-textures.

- MoonGlow for EVE is installed by default again.

########## 0-6

- All configs combined into one pack (thanks sigma :)).

- All configs moved to 'GameData/OPMclouds'.

- Reduced altitude of the Glow-layers.

- Reworked Sarnus.

- Adjusted rotation-speeds.

- Reduced opacity for Auroras with KSPRC.

- Small texture called 'alpha1.png' has been added (4x2 pixel). It's used only with EVE since there is no comparable texture available by default.

- An optional OPM-EVE-MoonGlow.cfg has been added.

- Download from KerbalStuff is now available.

########## 0-5


- Urlums colors adjusted to look more like the OPM texture.

- Urlums CloudLayer heights increased to reduce Z-fighting.

- Glow effects on the GasGiants are 'thicker' to create a smooth transition from planet to space (since there is no AA with OpenGL).

- Tekto config replaced with the original Tekto config from OPM 1.5.5 for AVP-Interstellar to match the concept better. Some small adjustments but it's mostly the original file.


- Removed glow-effects on moons to match stock bodys.


- Reworked old glow-effects on moons to fit the KSPRC-style better.

- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.

Feedback is appreciated as always :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  Whovian said:
The latest release of AVG's seems to have broken this.


I'll check on that whovian, thanks for reporting the issue :)

- - - Updated - - -

I've fixed the issue on AVG. I'm not sure the change I made broke compatibility with other packs.

I will pm eleusis the fix so he can check that it doesn't brake anything, after that I guess it can be released :)

in the meantime, you can use this hotfix for AVG

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Thanks for the info! I've tested sigmas fix and everything seems to work. The fix is now included in the latest version (0-8-1) and available on Kerbalstuff as always: Download


Delete older versions!

Open the zip-file and copy the 'GameData' folder into the KSP directory.


Outer Planets Mod


########## 0-8-1

- Fixed compatibility for ACP-v7 (former AVG).

########## 0-8

-Added support for AVG's Pack

-Empty cloud_layer_packs are now removed

-Reworked Neidon for all packs

-New texture for Neidon added

-Configs for Thatmo and Nisse added

-Reworked Auroras for KSPRC and AVP-EoO

-alpha1.dds replaced with alpha1.png (for volumetric clouds)

########## 0-7

- Surface dust for all non-atmospheric bodys.

- Glow-effects for Pluron and Khato.

- Cloud rings for Urlum.

- DDS-textures.

- MoonGlow for EVE is installed by default again.

########## 0-6

- All configs combined into one pack (thanks sigma :)).

- All configs moved to 'GameData/OPMclouds'.

- Reduced altitude of the Glow-layers.

- Reworked Sarnus.

- Adjusted rotation-speeds.

- Reduced opacity for Auroras with KSPRC.

- Small texture called 'alpha1.png' has been added (4x2 pixel). It's used only with EVE since there is no comparable texture available by default.

- An optional OPM-EVE-MoonGlow.cfg has been added.

- Download from KerbalStuff is now available.

########## 0-5


- Urlums colors adjusted to look more like the OPM texture.

- Urlums CloudLayer heights increased to reduce Z-fighting.

- Glow effects on the GasGiants are 'thicker' to create a smooth transition from planet to space (since there is no AA with OpenGL).

- Tekto config replaced with the original Tekto config from OPM 1.5.5 for AVP-Interstellar to match the concept better. Some small adjustments but it's mostly the original file.


- Removed glow-effects on moons to match stock bodys.


- Reworked old glow-effects on moons to fit the KSPRC-style better.

- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.


- Added glow-effects to Hale, Priax and Tal.

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  Whovian said:
Also, with AVG's and Sigma mod expansions (IDK if this also happens without), Neidon's and Tekto's clouds aren't working. Nor is Sarnus's glow as far as I can tell. All auroras are working though.

AVG was changed after my fix was releases by eleusis.

I will check if another fix is required

When you say that AVG doesn't work with my mod expansion, does it mean that it works without my expansion but it doesn't work with it? Or you have tried just with my expansion?

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  Sigma88 said:
AVG was changed after my fix was releases by eleusis.

I will check if another fix is required

When you say that AVG doesn't work with my mod expansion, does it mean that it works without my expansion but it doesn't work with it? Or you have tried just with my expansion?

I've only tried with Sigma Mod Expansions. I have no idea if that's relevant, though I'm guessing given how the mod's layout is that it doesn't matter if SME are installed.

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