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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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What is New Horizons?

Growing tired of the same planets? Need a new adventure? Welcome to New Horizons

Featuring an entirely new roster of planets, and an entirely different solar layout, experience a challenge the Kerbol system has never provided before! Designed to 'freshen-up' the Kerbal experience, this pack reorganizes the entire system and also adds 19 new bodies to discover and explore! NH also aims to challenge it's players, with missions needing tight maneuvering, to decades long voyages to the outer systems.





Screenshots from v2.0 will be uploaded soon, please have patience.


New Planetary Layout:



(from center outwards)

Ernus - A hostile ball of rock impossibly close to the sun

Moh - A small & incredibly hot gas giant.

Moho - A small moon orbiting Moh

Arin - A hot desert world with a beautiful ring system

Astid - A small asteroid in Arin's ring system

Atell - A heavily cratered moon of Arin

Eve - A lonely planet with a hostile atmosphere

Laythe - A small oceanic planet with very little land mass

Derso - Laythe's moon, home to an ancient impact side that destroyed half the moon's surface

Sonnah - A blue gas giant with a surprising amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

Mun - A moon in orbit of Sonnah

Kerbin - A terrestrial planet orbiting Sonnah

Aptur - A large asteroid captured by Sonnah's gravity

Eli - Lave's little yellow moon.

Serran - A deep blue terrestrial planet with an oxygen atmosphere that orbits Sonnah

Jool - A green gas giant.

Dres - A dark moon orbiting Jool

Duna - A atmospheric desert planet in orbit around Jool

Ike - A small hunk of rock in orbit around Jool

Leouch -A planetoid blasted in apart from inside.

Nolas - A frozen moon with noticeable tectonic cracks in Jool's outer orbit

Titanus - A frozen super terra, with large gravity and 9 atmospheres worth of pressure asl, this giant planet is as much feared as it is loved.

Ete - A perfectly smooth ball of rock that has developed bulging protrusions due to it's rapid rotation.

Tylo - A large moon of Titanus

Oree - A small captured body around Titanus

Eeloo - A small lump of ice in orbit around the Sun

Minmus - This captured body, not only looks delicious, but also orbits Eeloo.

Vanor - A pale yellow gas giant in the outer systems

Tidus - This oceanic planet is completely frozen over apart from a strip along the equator, kept liquified by the dense atmosphere and tidal forces of Vanor.

Pol - A small moon in orbit around Vanor

Gilly - A tiny hunk of rock in orbit around Vanor

Vall - This icy moon orbits far out from Vanor

Etal - A high gravity moon on the outskirts of Vanor that has crumpled in on itself dues to it's own gravity

Bop - This captured body is in Vanor's outer orbit.







v2.0 videos will be uploaded when presented. Previous let's play series have been removed for now.

AlexOff's Amazing Mission to Ernus (pre-2.0)





Mirror - CurseForge






Want stock planets to look as nice as New Horizons planets? Try KASE! made to improve the stock system while still keeping it's stock feel and fully compatible with NH!

KASE Forum Thread



Install Instructions:

Please ensure you delete ALL files from previous version when updating, or else serious issues can and will occur. A fresh KSP install is recommended if you are unsure what files need to be removed.

Simply Download the .zip file and merge the contents into your KSP game directory.


Included Mod Support:



Distant Object Enhancement

  • Adds bright lights reflecting off your distant planets so you can see them in the night sky (just like real life!). NH contains a patch that will add all the new planets automatically if DOE is installed.


  • Illuminate your ships with light reflected from the planet's surface, from the deep red of Moh, to the brilliant aqua of Titanus, this mod adds a level of immersion that's truly unique. Please follow instructions for install provided in the download

Rescource Support

  • Covering CRP's extensive collection of mods From USI to EPL, mine for ore, refuel with karbonite or search out the rare karborundum with the included files.


  • ResearchBodies is a mod that adds the functionality of tracking bodies to explore them.



Supported Planet Packs:



*note that planet packs are supported individually. Problems caused by aving multiple packs in the same game can occur.

Outer Planets Mod




Galactic Neighborhood

Keridani System



Incompatible Mods:



StarSystems: Not compatible with Kopernicus

PlanetFactory CE: Not compatible with Kopernicus

KopernicusTech: Not compatible with Kopernicus



Known Bugs:



Please note although i have been testing as i go, i haven't had time to sit down and do a full play through, so I'm sure there are bugs I'm unaware of!

  • KSC view doesn't match up with the actual day/night time cycle. This is a Kopernicus bug from re-parenting Kerbin. When controlling a ship the correct light appears.
  • Ships at the space center aren't showing their correct position in KSC view. They are, however in their correct position in game so don't worry!
  • Ships sometimes blow up upon loading onto the launchpad. Please use revert to VAB/SPH if this happens, as reverting to launch will just make it blow up again.
  • RARE: Sometimes ships have been known to go shooting off from stable orbits around Mun. This doesn't happen very often and is being looked at.

Kerbal Construction Time exacerbates a known problem with Kopernicus when reparenting Kerbin as New Horizons does. The problem isn't the fault of KCT, so please don't post about it on it's forum thread. To negate this bug please ensure to switch scenes before launching craft (go to tracking station, back & THEN launch a ship). Not doing so will cause terrain issues on Kerbin and most of the time causes instant explosions on load. This error is being looked into.




-Fixed SpaceCenter black screen
-Tweaked alot of settings
-Fixed alot of stuff
-Switched ring shader to new version for asthetics



Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager

Kcreator for making KittopiaTech

Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins

BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on.

CaptRobau as pulling apart his configs for OPM helped me learn how to use KittopiaTech before the tutorials were created.

Dunrana for helping fix my ScienceDefs mistakes.

Felger for helping me so much with the atmosphere settings




New Horizons by KillAshley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Edited by KillAshley
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Upon launching a new ship, you will sometimes spawn underground, reverting to launch spawns you as an asteroid, however space center and revert to assembly works fine.

I made a similar mod some weeks ago, which also experienced this bug. I'm thinking it's a problem with Kopernicus, caused by using it to manipulate Kerbin's orbit.

If you find a fix for this bug, please tell me!

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I just attempted to land on Serran. unlike half the planet mods I've tried, the ground did not vanish when I approached. the high gravity and thin atmosphere made landing a challenge though ... as you can see.

Great work so far.

My only suggestion so far is this needs some planets moved around to make it compatible with the outer planets mod, or an Outer planets mod for New Horizons patch. I’m foreseeing that most people who install this mod will have Outer Planets mod installed as well.

And maybe move Eeloo to its own orbit. There are already far too many mods that move Eeloo.

Edited by Dunrana
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*snip* the high gravity and thin atmosphere made landing a challenge though ... as you can see.

Great work so far.

My only suggestion so far is this needs some planets moved around to make it compatible with the outer planets mod, or an Outer planets mod for New Horizons patch. I’m foreseeing that most people who install this mod will have Outer Planets mod installed as well.

And maybe move Eeloo to its own orbit. There are already far too many mods that move Eeloo.

Thank you, i wanted to make a challenge, but not enough of a fuss to drive people away from the mod. I still have alot of tweaking to go until I'll be fully satisfied :D

compatability with OPM is a goal, but as it stands i was spending all my time trying to get everything working properly on my planets first. Once I'm at a level i feel is right to start branching out then I'll figure out some sort of OPM support (right now, vanor is actually furthur out than any OPM body so it'll be fun to figure out how it's going to look :confused:). I want to get resource support first probably, so mods like kethane/karbonite/epl etc. can gather resources from my planets, then worry about that after.

oh and as for eeloo...it is actually supposed to be on it's own, mixed up vall & eeloo's configs and didnt notice haha! Vall is supposed to be around Vanor not the other way around!

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the formatting of the .cfg files is a little strange-they don't store formatting-a quick copy and paste to word usually fixes that

Pretty intresting! Im already using the OuterPlanets mod, and im always up for a more interesting experience. Any chance of compatibility between the yours and OuterPlanets?

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If you would be interested in some help with this mod, I’m fairly good at writing sciencedefs. I wrote all the outer planet defs for the Munar Surfaces Experiment Package. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86247-0-90-Munar-Surfaces-Experiment-package-%28now-with-Outer-Planets-Mod-support!%29)

That would be AMAZING! Thanks! Ill set up the blank configs i have already on google drive and PM you the link sometime tomorrow, even if its just a couple line, the help is very welcome!

I'll be putting an update up in about an hour or so, realised the scale i used for the orbits was WAY out resulting in crazy delta-v needs for travel, guess creating OP engines to test with wasnt the smartest idea ;.;

Oh, and ill add optional OPM support too seeing as everyone is asking for it!

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I love this mod. Haven't actually played with it, but it looks beautiful. Here are my tips/suggestions, though:

1. Kopernicus is going to have a standalone PQS system soon. It already has working StarSystems stars and rings as well. So don't release another large update until then.

2. This is pretty much incompatible with all planet packs :P

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i realise that haha, but i never really liked the planet packs available currently, they never felt like they belonged in the system, just a gas giant popped between dres & jool, or on the outside of eeloo. Th only pack ive loved personally was OPM as it felt so well planned, but i wanted something that changed the whole system not just the outside. Thats why i created New Horizons, to create a new experience for people. I can sort out compatability with other packs when i feel its necessary.

Im adding OPM compatability in like 10 mins when it finishes uploading.

As for major updates im aware its going standalone soon, however until it does ill keep trying to make this better before preparing to port it over to the new mod.

- - - Updated - - -

there we go, update is now live, planets are brought into feasable orbits, and i added a quick overwrite of the OPM configs to place them in my system correctly.

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i plan to look into custom asteroids, im sure i have it on my to-do list somewhere haha! i swear that list gets longer the more i cross things off it! but im hoping for custom asteroid belts around certain bodies, it'll happen as soon as i have time to do it :D

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i plan to look into custom asteroids, im sure i have it on my to-do list somewhere haha! i swear that list gets longer the more i cross things off it! im hoping for custom asteroid belts around certain bodies, it'll happen as soon as i have time to do it :D
Mod already looks like a **** ton of work anyway :sticktongue:
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the new orbits look great, and I'm going to include this mod in my next career mode playthrough.

I'm still a bit puzzled about why this mod tilts the solar system's eliptic to an inclination of fourteen, though.

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While approaching Sonnah, I think I found a bug. the point at which the game shuts down timewarp is actually inside the atmosphere, almost at the surface, making it possible to timewarp through re-entry. This might be a Kopernicus bug, though.

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