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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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So everyone, with the release of Kopernicus 0.2.3 the dream of custom ground scatter is finally here! If anyone has any suggestions as to what they think would fit nicely on certain planets let me know as it'll save quite some brainstorming when the time comes to start work on it. Just write a reply here, or send a PM, either is fine....

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Erm, you remember the reduction in GeeASL that Sonnah took? Well, That's increased the SOI of Kerbin, so that it now covers Aptur at closest approach (the SOI is now 8,437Km, and Aptur is currently 8,200 Km from Kerbin. Its causing big issues!

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Pieces of old Kosmonaut probes sparsely scattered would fit in on any world. Maybe some unidentifiable skeletal pieces. And sandcastles, anybody else seen it at the loading screen on the Mun? 1/40 chance... way less than that I've seen it once.

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Erm, you remember the reduction in GeeASL that Sonnah took? Well, That's increased the SOI of Kerbin, so that it now covers Aptur at closest approach (the SOI is now 8,437Km, and Aptur is currently 8,200 Km from Kerbin. Its causing big issues!

damn, didn't think of that, I'll fix it right now! (you can find my many fixes on the development branch on Github before the next release comes out)

EDIT - Fixed! check the dev branch on Github for the fix until the next release is complete.

Pieces of old Kosmonaut probes sparsely scattered would fit in on any world. Maybe some unidentifiable skeletal pieces. And sandcastles, anybody else seen it at the loading screen on the Mun? 1/40 chance... way less than that I've seen it once.


Edited by KillAshley
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Also, can I just say, Tynrael, when you made that error with the fuel balancer, I wasn't cringing, I was pulling my hair out at the amount of fuel that was wasted!
I'm pretty sure I was playing after 11:30PM when that happened. Maybe some rum involved? When I launched the next run up there I was thinking to myself the whole time, "OK so that doesn't make sense..." :confused:

If anybody is interested in checking KSPTOT (mentioned earlier in the thread) it does not appear to work with the 64-bit hack version. If you use the 32-bit however it can load in all of the New Horizon planets and their settings. If you looked at some of the images and saw how complex it was, it is very complicated. Also the example guide on setting up a mission to Laythe is 29 pages long.

Edited by Tynrael
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29? How big of a font are they using?

12 maybe? It has 27 pictures and it is a 12 step process in the example to plan the mission 1-way. It actually seems really cool and I want to try using it though. You can optimize to reduce eccentricity and your inclination for your encounter.

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So everyone, with the release of Kopernicus 0.2.3 the dream of custom ground scatter is finally here! If anyone has any suggestions as to what they think would fit nicely on certain planets let me know as it'll save quite some brainstorming when the time comes to start work on it. Just write a reply here, or send a PM, either is fine....


Red weed for half of Serran? Blue mushrooms on the other half? :)

Dragon trees look alien and would be a great fit on any desert planet (Arin?). Speaking of which, I dunno if oasis biomes are possible, with some slender trees or cacti?

Hydrogen trees from Titan AE?

Termite mounds to give a hint of some underground life - maybe ice termite mounds for Titanus. Prairie dog holes, as another option - probably modelled as a ridge of earth with a black centre. Algal colonies, if you can do them on the surface of water - or even just on the ground, as long as the surface samples from that biome give a hint as to their nature. If you can do things that glow, bioluminescent plants would be ace. Dried bones. Boulders with fossils. Velociraptors. Simple green foliage. Nests with eggs. Eyeball plants. A tardis. Tall crystals/ice shards.

...I'll stop now.

Although... if there's one major big thing I'd love to see; rivers. Even on non-oxygen planets, these could exist anywhere with an atmosphere (Titan...). Laythe has oceans, nowhere really has rivers... maybe it's because the height maps are too coarse?

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The idea of having some derelict, crashed probes on planets is really, really awesome, but I am not sure whether groundscatter would be the best way to implement it. Depends on how thinly it can be applied... Once mapdecals are possible with kopernicus, the possibilities will be endless though. Also everything suggested by eddiew sounds great :D

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The idea of having some derelict, crashed probes on planets is really, really awesome, but I am not sure whether groundscatter would be the best way to implement it. Depends on how thinly it can be applied... Once mapdecals are possible with kopernicus, the possibilities will be endless though. Also everything suggested by eddiew sounds great :D

MapDecals are already possible. I think you mean PQSCity. However I think you could use Kerbinside or Kerbal Konstructs (not sure which one) to add static objects to planets until Kopernicus implements PQSCity directly.

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haha so there are pretty great ideas guys, saves me a lot of time coming up with ideas guys! MapDecals are on the to-do list along with scatter.


well....Titanus has a few rivers....although they are pretty small and frozen :P

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Sorry, another problem report... I had a probe in a polar orbit of Aptur, then as Kerbin went past it just yoinked it away, despite being within Aptur's SOI. This happens even when not focussed and on-rails.


You can see how close the probe still is to Aptur :huh:

And now that I look, I have a "Mun" comms relay that is orbitting the sun... not quite sure when he escaped!

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Sorry, another problem report... I had a probe in a polar orbit of Aptur, then as Kerbin went past it just yoinked it away, despite being within Aptur's SOI. This happens even when not focussed and on-rails.


You can see how close the probe still is to Aptur :huh:

And now that I look, I have a "Mun" comms relay that is orbitting the sun... not quite sure when he escaped!

The Mun orbit bug is known about, but there is no fix, and the issue with Aptur was fixed in the latest dev build.

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Sorry, another problem report... I had a probe in a polar orbit of Aptur, then as Kerbin went past it just yoinked it away, despite being within Aptur's SOI. This happens even when not focussed and on-rails.

You can see how close the probe still is to Aptur :huh:

And now that I look, I have a "Mun" comms relay that is orbitting the sun... not quite sure when he escaped!

As MinimumSky5 said the Aptur problem has been deal with in the latest dev build (you can grab it on Github) the problem was that i didn't reset Kerbin's SOI after lowering Sonnah's GeeASL which meant the Kerbin's SOI overlapped Apture quite considerably. I've now forced a fixed SOI on Kerbin so there definitely won't be an overlap as there was.

Unfortunately as for the Mun thing....that bug has been the bane of my existence since v1.1 when it showed it's ugly head. I still can't figure out what's causing it, and it happens at random too. Unfortunately you might just want to get hyperedit to correct the ship's orbit when it decides to go for a walk through the system.

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I might have missed this - was there ever a decision on modifying the central star?

I'm still working on it, I ended up making the decision to include all stars (if possible) to let people choose. I need to rework orbits, solar curves, and a lot of other things before it's functional. I don't want to rush it and screw it up, but at the moment it's pretty low on my priority list :wink:

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I'm still working on it, I ended up making the decision to include all stars (if possible) to let people choose. I need to rework orbits, solar curves, and a lot of other things before it's functional. I don't want to rush it and screw it up, but at the moment it's pretty low on my priority list :wink:

OK, no worries. I know what you mean - My current game is using New Horizons, sadly with a number of its. the planets cut out due to memory/speed issues. I then moved the remaining planets around, to mantain interesting configurations, and made Kerbol many times bigger and moved all the bodies orbiting it further out (by 1.5x). Getting even that functioning took an abominable length of time...

I noticed that Serran in particular seemed to eat a relatively large amount of memory... I ended up having to take it out. Is there any way that a [perhaps sadly less interesting/beautiful] low-memory-impact version might see some future release?

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My two cents if that if changing the star can be done with Kopernicus alone then go for it. If it would require bringing in other mods then it might not be such a good idea, that's more to worry about and potentially go wrong.

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OK, no worries. I know what you mean - My current game is using New Horizons, sadly with a number of its. the planets cut out due to memory/speed issues. I then moved the remaining planets around, to mantain interesting configurations, and made Kerbol many times bigger and moved all the bodies orbiting it further out (by 1.5x). Getting even that functioning took an abominable length of time...

I noticed that Serran in particular seemed to eat a relatively large amount of memory... I ended up having to take it out. Is there any way that a [perhaps sadly less interesting/beautiful] low-memory-impact version might see some future release?

I'll do a downscaling to low-res images when i have time for the people with low-end pc's. Can't promise how nice it'll look though :wink:

My two cents if that if changing the star can be done with Kopernicus alone then go for it. If it would require bringing in other mods then it might not be such a good idea, that's more to worry about and potentially go wrong.

It's done with kopernicus, no additional mods needed! it's pretty standard really, not too much effor, just a lot of hassle i don't have time for!

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This may just be wild speculation, but I recently had my probe around the Mun also shift out to orbit Sonnah. This coincided with me updating Kopernicus and to a new version of New Horizons. I noticed after this update that in the tracking center about half of my ships that were already in play were listed as "escape trajectory" from the sun with linear orbits going off to a new galaxy. I had to go through and actually fly each of these ships for the orbit to be recalculated as what it was intended to be. Is it possible updates to NH/Kopernicus may cause small changes to orbits or that they are recalculated slightly different from what they initially were when they get updated at some point?

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