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I discovered something awesome you can do with the offset tool


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With the new aero infiniglide will be vanquished, but now they can just launch from space. lol (You'll still need to circularize though)

Btw, what happens to the launch clamps? Are they attached to the 'floor'?

I wonder whether the devs will fix it before or after releasing 1.0 (yes, I still have some faith in them).

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Argh. I was hoping this would allow me to unbind the camera from the center of the VAB and let me scroll out further. It did not. So I can't build out further than I am currently restricted to.

Hangar extender mod would work absolute wonders here... half the time that starts my camera considerably outside the SPH/VAB as it is.

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Um. The Kraken attacked. I was attempting to launch a probe core this way, with a large rocket. I disengaged the clamps, let the rocket fall a bit, fired up the engines....

There was a large explosion. The screen went black save the ui.

The navball speed indicator reads as follows.

202567323332449000000000000.00 m/s

Kerbin is gone. The Kerbol system is gone.

I deleted the save to prevent further catastrophe, but will post the video tonight.

Note: My latest attempt seems to have left Kerbin intact, but the rest of the system is gone. Possibly the rest of the universe as everything is shrouded in darkness.....

Edit 2: I closed the game, and it came back.

Edit 3: and I will post the video within the week.

Edited by Lupus Irae
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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to say that I made a video on this. I did give mythbusters844 full credit:

At the end of the video, something weird happens. The command pod breaks off the Launch Stability Enhancer, spinning madly and travelling so fast it has re-entry flames (navball said about 1,200m/s) but still remaining just a few meters away from the Launch Stability Enhancer and not apparently falling or anything.

Yep. I don't know what to think either.


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