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[0.90] ShipEffects Sound Mod: Dynamic Sound Effects - v0.2.6


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NOTE (11-07-15)

This mod is now being replaced with DynamicSFX in development here.

For the Meantime, you could Download CoriW's Maintenance version of Shipeffects for 1.0.4

NOTE (07-27-15)

Unfortunately, I've been very busy lately with a CG Project from a client. I couldn't get back on working on the development of this mod for a long time and may not be able to do so sooner. So this project is officially haulted for the time being. If someone out there who could work on this mod to update it or even make it better is more than welcome to do so.


We all wished we could hear our spaceship cry while entering Eve, or accelerating with a bunch of Mainsails. This mod fills in the remaining gap in the sound effects part. This adds rattles, vibrations, stress sounds to your ship depending on how much thrust, gravitational and atmospheric forces is your ship enduring.

This is my first mod ever written, thanks to the peeps at Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project for sharing as much information they can. This is my contribution to them!


source included | licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Download the Latest Version at Curse

Download the Latest Version at KerbalStuff


- Delete the old version completely

- Extract and copy the folder "ShipEffects" to your GameData directory

UPDATE 0.2.6

- Improved Thump Sounds response, now it wont play unless the ship experienced a sudden increase in GeeForce fast enough

- Added Heavy Thump sounds for Higher GeeForce Peaks

- Added Stress Sounds response starting from 6G and beyond

- General House Keeping within the code

- Two new Settings, Resistance Multiplier and ReEntry Multiplier

Next Update:

Brand new Alarm System

Creating your Own SoundPack:

Simply replace the sound files in the sound folder with your own, formats are OGG, I havent tested WAV but its supposed to work. doesn't support other formats

Loops are the best used for this. Make sure your peak db is around -6db, this ensures we dont clip the speakers.

Volume controls for this are of the same name.



OnlyInIVA = true

masterVolume = 1.0

rattleVolume = 1.0

vibrationVolume = 1.0

rumbleVolume = 1.0

thumpVolume = 0.7

stressVolume = 1.0

atmosphereVolume = 0.7

// Default is 1.0, exagerates or eases the value that controls the sound. a higher number means Sounds will play sooner, lower means later.

ResistMultiplier = 1.0

// Default is 8.0, how much g-force to simulate during re-entry

ReEntryMultiplier = 8.0


Recommended Mods to spice up the IVA and sound experience!

Chatterer, KerbQuake, CollisionFX, Atmospheric Sound Enhancement, ProbeControlRoom


0.2.6-0.90 | 04-18-15
- Improved Thump Sounds response, now it wont play unless the ship experienced a sudden increase in GeeForce fast enough
- Added Heavy Thump sounds for Higher GeeForce Peaks
- Added Stress Sounds response starting from 6G and beyond
- General House Keeping within the code
- Two new Settings, Resistance Multiplier and ReEntry Multiplier

0.2.4-0.90 | 04-16-15
- fixed dynamic response locking at high TWRs causing sounds to not ease
- replaced Thump Sounds to final, replaced code thump code handler
- Docking and Undocking Sounds implement

0.2.3-0.90 | 04-11-15
- Code Re-write, alot more stable, better calculations and ram/cpu friendly
- Better Dynamics response, now takes into account Rotation, Atmosphere Pressure and DeltaV differences (calculated and actual)
- Removed old stress sounds. going to be replaced with a better system
- Engine Response is now more realistic because of better Dynamic response. rattles caused by the engine will ease out when final velocity is reached.
- Audio widen with Unity 3D Audio

0.2.1-0.90 | 04-07-15
-Engine Response is back and better, reworked code
-Fixed Flickering audio at High TWR and super G-forces by redoing the Dynamic Volume control and limiting it
-Converted sounds to wav, easier to the game for a sacrifice of size.
-Redid Re-entry response, code borrowed from KerbQuake

0.2-0.90 | 04-05-2015
-improved and new sounds!
-Thump Sounds (open parachute, land) are powered by Acceleration = Gravity/Mass
-Aerodynamic and Atmospheric features are now in!
-Now sounds respond to Atmospheric Entries.
-cleaner code, new calculation method for dynamic responses
-EngineResponse Disabled for now, was working but is throwing nullexceptions when paired with other mods that uses moduleengines

0.1.4-0.90 | 04-04-2015
- added ProbeControlRoom Support, disables sounds when using ProbeControlRoom IVA.
- redid settings to respond a little bit better.

0.1.3-0.90 | 04-04-2015
- fixed null exceptions
- added thirdpersonview sounds
- added velocityEaser to easeGForces when at lower velocity or stationary, getting rid of rattles while landed

0.1.2-0.90 | 04-03-2015
- Added Configuration Options

[SIZE=1][SIZE=2]0.1-0.90 | 04-03-2015
- Release Version
- new sound loops
- Added layers of sound
- added engine thrust response

For all amusement, I'm having fun working on this mod, i did this to learn and during my spare time, im a freelancer so most of the time I'm actually jobless ahehe, any contribution will help :D


Edited by ensou04
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no, this was focused on making responsive sound effects when some stress is happening on the ship eg gravitational stresses and thrust. in the future there will be joint stress sounds when ships flex a little bit.

Edited by ensou04
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I am not sure what is the difference bettwen this and kerbquake. Nice one though!

Kerbquake adds the shacking of the cam, this mod adds the shacking sound effects an astronaut will hear during launch.

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Kerbquake adds the shacking of the cam, this mod adds the shacking sound effects an astronaut will hear during launch.

Yap~ the idea was actually from Kerbquake, but instead of shaking the camera. you'll hear the ship shake, creak, rumble and rattle instead, its dynamic as well in intensity. depending on the stresses your ship is enduring. Playing with This and Kerbquake completes the experience.

BTW, it is possible for you guys to create your own soundpacks for this. the original soundpack I created was focused on a more realistic side but I wonder what others could come up. I'll update the post whenever I'm done with the update that will include configuration files. but basically any sound that is a loop will work

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oh no, does this only do it in first person mode (just watched the video) - can we enable this when in third person (yes i can suspend reality with sound in space etc)

Oh sure, right now im fixing the stationary rattle sound (when the planet has more than 1 G, ship rattles even if stationary/landed)

I'll try to give an option to enable External Sounds :D It'll be done this day!

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Oh sure, right now im fixing the stationary rattle sound (when the planet has more than 1 G, ship rattles even if stationary/landed)

I'll try to give an option to enable External Sounds :D It'll be done this day!

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

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thank you sir! Im done adding the option, also added a new feature called "velocityEase" this prevents the ship to weirdly make rattle sounds when stationary/landed at planets with higher gravity.

Just testing it out now and I'll update the download links! v0.1.3 AT JUST A FEW HOURS!

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UPDATE 0.1.3-0.90!!!

Now you can enable sounds in thirdpersonview (disabled by default) as requested! check config files!

Also added a new feature that eases the gforce controller by using the verticalvelocity of your ship to stop making sounds when stationary and/or eases the sounds when your vertical velocity is 100m/s(default) or less.

Because of the request to add thirdperson sounds, I actually discovered alot of bugs and nullexceptions, thats why it took me quite a few hours before I got them fixed. totally rearranged the code itself, Thanks for requesting the thirdperson support skbernard!

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UPDATE 0.1.3-0.90!!!

Now you can enable sounds in thirdpersonview (disabled by default) as requested! check config files!

Also added a new feature that eases the gforce controller by using the verticalvelocity of your ship to stop making sounds when stationary and/or eases the sounds when your vertical velocity is 100m/s(default) or less.

Because of the request to add thirdperson sounds, I actually discovered alot of bugs and nullexceptions, thats why it took me quite a few hours before I got them fixed. totally rearranged the code itself, Thanks for requesting the thirdperson support skbernard!

hah, glad i could help... make you code more and redesign youre entire code... wait this doesnt sound like helping at all!

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hah, glad i could help... make you code more and redesign youre entire code... wait this doesnt sound like helping at all!

It really helps because im actually a newbie programmer and Im so happy that I made this mod, ahah

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